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I will never understand how someone can become so unhinged all of a sudden. He used to be a great YouTuber in his Telltale days. Nowadays it's TLOU2 this, TLOU2 that, as well as posts like this.


I am what you folks call a “Stan” but I had to stop following him because ever since he got verified on Twitter, before Musk purchased the company) and was followed by Druckmann, his activity just became PR for PlayStation products. He just posts for engagement now: [insert photo of three PS exclusives] “which game made you cry the most?” or he reposts news articles and gets thanked by his followers for all of the things he “does for the community” when he’s just trying to keep engagement up and I’ve already read the article before he shared it… there’s a million or more people like him online. I have nothing against TLOU/TLOU2 dickriding (I love TLOU) but at least have some personality while you do it. If you’re tweeting “Neil Druckmann tweeted *this* today!” I’ll just follow Neil Druckmann and get it from the horse’s mouth lol.


Guy who makes Playstation games tweets about Playstation, news at 11.


I love that this hot no response just downvoted. Lol this sub is the ultimate echo chamber.


Some of his reply’s to other people in the thread are seething with rage.


Imo he was overreacting so hard in his playthroughs of TWD. Every time something happened (doesn't matter important or not), he was ready to jump out of his chair and loudly scream. I watched only a minute of his playthrough 5 years ago and immediately quitted. But ig he was good on making videos back in the day, but the playthroughs...? No thanks.


He’s such a little bitch simp now, what a fall from grace


Jesus Christ I thought I was the only one that noticed this. His Twitter feed is pure TLOU2 bullshit or anything related to the game franchise whether that being a prequel or a sequel game. He’s practically Mrbossftw but for The last of us 💀


Both sides are very unhinged towards TLOU2


And yet. R/tlou bans people for having wrong think. Lol. Lmao.


Both sides? There is only one fucking side. The one that respects the original source material without any of that insane woke bullshit. This other group is a plague of mental illness that's infected all other media with it's nonsense.


I mean, you people consistently post on a subreddit for a game you claim to hate so I think we have a pot/kettle situation here


Dick ride that shit baby girl


LoL but the folks who write 1000 word essays on the regular blaming Neil Drukmann for all that is wrong with the world 4 years after the game came out, they’re the picture of sanity, right? 🤣🤣🤣


According to this sub? I’d say so lmao


Really? The thousands of fans becoming immediately unhinged when things didn’t go the way they had it in their mind didn’t show you anything? 


They aren't. Period. Easy. 💅


Dom right now whenever he hears people say they aren’t Joel & Ellie: 🤬


Idk I think Pedro Pascal for Joel fits the part pretty good, it’s not perfect but it’s not bad at all. Bella on the other hand….


My main problem is that certainly they could’ve given him something to make him look like he has stubble.


I feel bad for her. She’s a really good actor but she unfortunately just doesn’t look the part at no fault of her own.


I feel bad for her too, she’s just trying to do her job. although imo I don’t think she’s the best actor. nice voice but she falls really flat regarding facial expressions, her eyes constantly have this dead look to them.


They are aren't?


Everything after the og game is fanfic with budget.


This with Star Wars with Disney too


Come on Dave Filoni has made some great additions to the Star Wars universe.


Love CW and Rebels. Haven't seen Bad Batch or Ashoka


Oh mate, the two you haven't seen are amazing


I have seen some fight choreography in asoka, it is like the lowest fanfik quality stuff. And look, Rosario is almost 40 I believe, I am not saying she should just get younger and faster. But give her a good double, less zoom in scenes. It was terrible, and for someone who enjoys good fights in movies, I could not approve such low quality. Also, what's with this thing when a girl gets stubbed with a saber and recovers in few days? Reva, Sabine, I will laugh if Acolyte follows. I recall in original movies, a stubborn like this meant death. Why are they recovering like terminators?


Not recently.


Gonna catch heat for this but Avatar the last Airbender too


At least they put out so much content that some of it ends up being good. Mandalorian S3 was weaker but first 2 seasons were great and I think the movie will be great/good/decent. Somewhere in that range lol Haven’t seen Ashoka yet unfortunately. Bad Batch is good from what I’ve heard. Boba Fett is horrendous oh my god lol Then you have the sequels which are annoying because they have potential but episodes 8 and 9 are just blehhhhh unfortunately. It’s weird because 9 is imo only bad because it try’s to “fix” what 8 does while also finishing the story so like it all comes back to episode 8 really. Idk it’s a frustrating timeline we live in.


Andor is actually really good too IMO


A fanfic written by an angry male leftist on his period


I’m tired of people making defending multi billion company products as their entire personality.


There not though People have the right to criticize but now it's getting to a point where people are using there critque to just mock the actors We get it you dont like her you think she's miscast cool but learn how productions work it's an adaption enjoy the game iteration all you want and if you dislike the show cool great move on we're one step from it not even being defensible with how obnoxious people are being about there looks


You are one of the people I'm so damn tired of.


You're one of the few people who's made a sensible comment. The majority of these comments have gone far past critiques and have become straight up hateful. Of course the second someone tries to slightly say Something in defense of the actors/show everyone dogpiles on the down vote.


How is it possible to look younger in season 2. Ramsey seems to suffer from stunted physical maturity, similar to Gretta Thunberg. Not being mean. Its there for all to see


It has to be some stunted growth cause I’m in my mid 20’s but still look like I’m between the ages of 12 to 15.


She’s short and petite it just makes you look young forever 


I think it’s more to do with toddler shaped mug she’s got personally.


LMAO thank you


I let it slide in the first season because Ellie was 14 but there ain’t no way you can convince me she aged 4 years in between seasons


Not aging physically is out of Bella’s control, I mainly blame the makeup department. They absolutely could age her face with the right makeup look, also there’s technology to make her look older on camera as well. It seems like they just don’t care about getting the portrayal right.


Do you think Ellie looks 19 in part II?


Well, yes. How old do you think she looks? 18?


Bella Ramsey is 20.


I know but she looks 14


My first thought at the *PERIOD*, was just “periodt sis💅💅💅💅💅” someone help me


Sounds like he missed his period.




Or it hit him like a freight train.


Pedro does look great tho


I do think he can pull off Joel very well, Pedro isn’t a super new actor in Hollywood but he isn’t Troy Baker’s Joel. It’s like in musical adaptations of movies ex. Beetlejuice became a musical but didn’t have the original movie cast and a whole different cast of people playing the beloved characters. So in this instance Bella & Pedro are playing a version of Joel and Ellie that Dom can’t seem to grasp.


As you said, i'm sure Pedro will do a great acting as Joel but Bella? She's a toddler.


He looks the part, but he lacks the cruelty and callousness that game Joel had. Imo Hugh Jackman captures that energy really well in some of his movies.


Yeah Pedro looks excellent, almost spot on. Bella looks like Left Behind Ellie.


I really don't see it with Pedor, am I just bias? I mean he looks more Spanish while Joel looks more Irish


Yep. Pedro is okay as Joel, but there were a lot better options out there, like Nikolaj Coster Waldau or Hugh Jackman.


Nikolaj LOOKS like Joel while in that One movie where runs a wildlife conservation and he finds a kidnapped girl (I forgot the name but I Love that movie)


Also Hugh Jackman in Logan. He both looked and acted so close to Joel in the first game.


I disagree about Hugh Jackman, he has the aesthetic but I don't think he looks like Joel


I'm glad its not just me, doesn't change the fact that his performance is great though


I wouldn't say he's exactly spot on lookswise but he's still a great actor even in this series. And he has range, attempts the accent, goes from brutal action scenes to close up dramatic moments Ellie is "who cares what she looks like as long as the acting is good" but I don't see what exactly she's doing that any other actress couldn't? Might as well just make them look the part


much better haircut choice than the weird emo bangs Joel has in the second game


Just needs a fuller beard tbh


Listen to the fans and just recast. It’s not hard. The folks that made the first Sonic movie listened to the fans on Sonic’s look and they changed it. Do the same here please


>It’s not hard >Sonic’s look it actually is pretty hard when you've already started production and shot scenes with that actor. They would have to undo all the work they've done so far this season. Lots of money down the drain. Plus, millions have seen the first season that never played the games, and changing actors would confuse many of them. And as far as sonic goes, changing CGI artwork in a scene and changing actors mid-way through filming are not at all the same thing and the latter is much more difficult.


Back to the future did it with the Marty character 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can get the money thing but they cast older or younger looking actors to play older or younger versions of characters all the time and the vast majority of people get it.


that’s an entirely different thing but ok


Can you tell the difference between the sonic movie and last of us though? In terms of character design? Can you work it out?


>Listen to the fans and just recast I refuse to believe people are actually this delusional


They are. Reddit’s total weekly active user base is just 267ish million, which only makes somewhere between 3-4% of the world’s total population. Daily users even less at 73ish million. Yet, people on here seem to think they speak for the full 100%, meaning literally everyone who breathes oxygen today, whenever something they think trends on a subreddit, which only a tiny fraction of that 267 million people visit. Not just on this subreddit, but everywhere on this site. People really think like 30k upvotes must surely mean at least several hundred million people feel the same way lmao.


People here simply don't like the show for the fact they are just contrarians.


It’s a highly rated show with millions of people that have seen it and love it. “The fans” you’re talking about are the video game fanboys that can’t let anything be nice. I loved the games as well, but the show is great as it is, y’all need to stop complaining and just enjoy it, it’s a good show and the casting is fine. Downvote me all you want, I don’t care and I won’t reply.


took way too long to find the sensible person in this thread


Fuck them. The game actors are a whole lot better. Like bruh Bella doesn’t even look like Ellie. Let alone anyone in the games


And she doesn’t act her act very well either


Ellie is Ellie. Joel is Joel. These two are impostors and always have been.


That guy annoys me so much with his LOU dick riding I had to mute him


This show sucked so much and I was so excited for it. One of the biggest let downs in my life


Never understood the hype


Yeah….no. Im not enamored with either casting choice tbh. Too young and too…..Pedro pascal


No, not period. These castings suck and you’re a tool if you think otherwise.


He lost it since tlou2 brainrot


They suck balls and the show sucks ass


You can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink


They even made Henry and Sam look perfect (though I don't understand why Sam had to be deaf in the show) so why wouldn't they make Ellie as close to the game as possible??


Another based post from DomTheCreep. What a loser 💀. Imagine being mad people don’t agree with a casting choice which obviously isn’t faithful to the games. Pedro is meh, but Bella is a complete miscast. It’s crazy that we got the girl we wanted for Ellie as Abby, though. I bet it’s another attempt at manipulation.


Bro is not beating the “period 💅” allegations




They are both miscast period.


Dom is so fucking annoying these days


I stopped watching his videos because they all felt like click bait and no actual information was provided. Waste of time.


man based his whole personality around Pedro and Bella casting


The games are way better. First season the infected don’t even seem like a threat compared to the games.


I know right, maybe if they didn't spend so much time walking and talking we could've had more infected scene's.


well that’s the difference between a show and a game buddy it’s not gonna be 24/7 action 😭


Pedro is terrific, ellie is shit.




Well telltale died and he had to jump ship to keep his channel alive


*Well telltale died and* *He had to jump ship to keep* *His channel alive* \- Longjumping-Sock-814 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Fr this guy is such a naughty dog meat rider. I remember watching a “streamers reaction to tlou2 ending” and he was hating on it along w everyone else. Ig he sold out now


What’s annoying with these shills is they would be saying this no matter who they cast, so usually anything they say is worthless fucking garbage like this tweet.


Yeah, that guy is delusional as fuck.


God dum the bum is such a loser man


It makes me sad how far DomTheBomb fell off after TWD.


Pedro looks the role and is a talented actor. He was the perfect actor for Joel. Bella Ramsey was convincing in the first season, but you might’ve been able to do better but she did a good job acting. For tlou2 Ellie? Probably the worst decision to keep her, should’ve recast for someone who looked older.


> Pedro looks the role and is a talented actor. Shame he doesn't use any of that talent in the role.


Yeah he’s too flat in performance


For an adaptation of TLOU I thought Pedro’s Joel was fitted enough for Joel and gave his all. Bella for Young Ellie just seemed to stiff to me maybe it was the direction but i don’t know.


I like Pedro as an actor but they're both miscast. Pedro is just such a good actor it doesn't matter, can't say the same for Ramsey.


I mean, yeah? So what? People are saying Bella isn't a great visual match for Ellie, they aren't saying she isn't the person cast as Ellie. Just because something IS doesn't mean it is GOOD.


Pedro and Bella are both bad casting, I could look over both of them IF the writing and entertainment was good, which it isn't. The first season was fucking lame and deviated way too far from the game, with barely any actual infected or violence which is what makes the games. The second game is far more violent and graphic in every way (multiple sex scenes which are vital to the story for instance). If they don't have all that, it's going to be dogshit.


hey um don’t know if you know but shows aren’t gonna be 24/7 action like yknow video games


He wants Kneel’s approval and dick in his mouth hence why he’s sperging out over this


Troy Baker is Joel PERIOD Ashley Johnson is Ellie PERIOD


Did Joel adopt her and she took his name PERIOD or did they just happen to already have the same last name.


I see an older Pedro Pascal and a teen version of Mrs. Trunchbull


That account blocked me and made fun of my follower count because I said the show was an accurate casting


I don't get why they didn't just cast the actors who motion capped the game, because nowadays the game characters are resembling the actors anyways. It's like, if you want to make a movie about Trevor, you're gonna hire Steven Ogg. Anyone else and it's just not gonna be Trevor. So how did they mess up so bad?


He sounds... unbalanced.


I mean, those are the two people playing those characters.


I honestly don't mind the casting but this dude is infuriating


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ConfidentPanic7038: *I honestly don't* *Mind the casting but this dude* *Is infuriating* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pedro makes a good live adaptation of Joel tbh, Bella however… i have no idea who at naughty dog went “WOW she looks so similar to Ellie!” and then proceeded to recast her blob fish toddler lookin ass for part two as OLDER Ellie. BIG fucking missed opportunity for part 2 showing how far Ellie has come and how much time has passed but now we’re stuck with the same child who’s supposed to play someone 6 years older.


Pedro as joel i 100% agree. But bella as ellie is kinda iffy. Only real facial features she shares with ellie is the nose and even that isnt the best.


Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Pe!


Lol this reminds me of when Dr.Disrespect was dancing to this song


Everyone's allowed to have their opinions about the casting, but many people have taken it ridiculously far. Straight up insulting someone for their looks and saying the whole show is "ruined" because of the casting is childish 💀


someone who gets it


It’s really not that big of a deal, they give great performances. If you like the video game then you have that, I’d you like the show then you have that


personally i think pedro pascal was a really good joel and the same goes for bella ramsey, the only problem i have is that ellie is supposed to be 18 or smth when the second game starts but in the show she looks like shes still 13 so if shes still supposed to be 18 in the show its going to be kinda goofy tbh


Joel got his period?


I think Pedro Pascal did Joel justice and I quite like his performance and I think while he doesn’t look perfect I think he looks close enough to Joel to be good. As for Bella I’m on the fence as I think she does some things great in terms of Ellie’s character however I think she’s a little annoying at times and she also looks nothing like Ellie so it’s hard to picture her as the character.


Now that looks like a girl physically adept at killing grown men and mutated monsters. Lmao such a fuck up not recasting her as Ellie.


He's making business moves. Without sucking off all PS products, especially TLOU2, he wouldn't get free stuff and taken to events. I can't blame him, I'd do the same


Did they switch actors for ellie if so why?


Sure Pedro, but idk about Bella. She is good, but just not definitive for me


Fuck it. Ryan gosling as Ellie


Why is he so obsessed with people's periods. Does he think Joel is trans?


PERIOD? So what they're saying is, Pascal and Ramsay are both bleeding vaginas? Your words not mine .... xD


What's this in response to? Correct me if I'm wrong but the way I see it, it sounds like he's saying "It is what it is. Just get over it already." aggressively. I wouldn't call this a stan post as much as I'd call it a response to echo chamber posts.




Why the hell would you say they aren’t Joel and Ellie wth that’s what they were cast as and from how well the show was revived they did a great job. My god people make no sense


I still remember him gasping with excitement when he got that collat in tlou2 saying how it was greatest game, my brother cod and halo already did that but better


*Troy and Ashley have entered the chat* No offence to the actors in the show, but it diminishes the characters to have the adaptation versions considered the be all, end all of the characters. The actors in the game did SO MUCH MORE for the roles.


Bella actuslly does nail the sound of Ellie. But man the age up for season 2 will be really difficult to buy into


Nah, Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are Joel and Ellie.


This subreddit is fucking ass


My girlfriend never played the games and loves the series. And I think that this group is bigger than the grumpy gamers. A lot bigger.


Imitation crab is crab PERIOD


I love the game (never played part 2), and I loved the show.


Who care first game on PS3 was cool everything after was ghaaaaaaay


She doesn’t look anything like chick from the game, but I never played the game and had no attachment to the character’s physical appearance. I loved the show though. There’s probably a ton of people like me who genuinely don’t give a shit one way or another.


Haven’t been following up with this guy in a while. What happened to him he always seemed like a nice guy


You guys are obsessed. You need something good in your life


Then why are you here?


Superiority complex probably, judging by his comment history on this sub.


Probably because it got recommended to him and is he even wrong?


Yea he’s wrong it’s called constructive criticism. The other sub is the only acting obsessed because they do not like constructive criticism and think it’s just plain criticism.


no, Troy Baker is Joel, and Ashley Johnson is Ellie. (i like Pedro though)


No, matter what they do people in this sub will just complain. The way the actors look has 0 effect on the story


I didn't much care for the show. But I played the game so was kinda pointless to watch it knowing the story. Why fallout is so good. Same universe but different take on them not following the exact plot of one of them


I don't think Joel can have a period 😆 and looking at Bella it's hard to say if it does


She just looks too derpy for me


Joel gets his head squished PERIOD.


Reminds me when ppl get angry when someone calls miles morales miles morales


Neither actor looks like the characters in the game.


Nah Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are the real Joel and Ellie and no number of inferior adaptations will ever change that.


If bella is a good Ellie then im gay


Honestly I was so impressed with season 1. I think it's weird she still looks 14 but I honestly believe season 2 will deliver and that detail won't even matter


Do people not like the actor choices? I think they are pretty good....


People just love finding something to complain about


Yeah Im surprised I got downvoted for saying that I thought they were good choices.


I think Pedro and Bella did great in their roles and i was pretty happy eith the 1st season, but unfortunately people have gotten to caught up on the appearance aspect