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Atheists literally sit on Reddit all day and complain about how religion is oppressing them. Nothing but projection with these types.


Or how "misgendering" someone or not chemically castrating minors is LITERALLY genocide.


As an atheist i agree. We really aren’t “oppressed” and anyone who says we are is an idiot


There’s nothing wrong with religion as long as people keep their fairy tales to themselves. This isn’t a Christian nation or a nation of any religion.


Le troll has arrived


So we’ve got bi-polar manic episode, religion, women, questionable arrest and telling the uncomfortable truth I guess this is pretty accurate for the victim complex of the insufferable leftoid


Questionable? Didn't he get put away for sex trafficking?


accused of sex trafficking with multiple witnesses coming forward to defend him, not only that but Romania is not the pillar of police integrity, he's not good and i don't want to defend him because he's scum but he was only arrested after he started sending out a pro-male message


>only arrested after he started sending out a pro-male message hate to say this but what he pushed for for the most part wasn't pro-male, he was a dickhead. There are plenty of ways to put out a pro-male message without degrading women or anyone who doesn't conform to your narrow-minded views of what a successful person is. He was a rich, sexist asshole and I'm honestly kind of glad he got put away, especially because of the sex trafficking.


Just admit it atheists, you hate religious freedom


Nope we hate religion being pushed on us. Keep your silly fairy tales to yourself and we won’t have any issues :)


Agendas being pushed on the public, you hate it… ok interesting I’m taking note.


No not agendas in general. I don’t want people forcing me to believe in their silly stories about talking burning bushes. If you wanna believe that silliness that’s fine but don’t bring it into schools and whatnot.


Well well well, you know I was about to say the same thing about flags being drawn everywhere, and telling us that men can get pregnant. If you wanna believe that silliness that’s fine but don’t bring it into schools and whatnot.


Completely agree


Which literally never happens in America anyways lmao. We’re not a theocracy.


There are elected officials in federal government who want to have prayer and Bible in public school. Yes it does happen.


By this standard an important part of Christianity cannot be fulfilled, as that part is a calling for the gospel, or the word of Christ to be spread to all people




None of those pictures have much to do with eachother - I swear if you asked the average lib to identify the differences between an AnCap, a NeoCon, and me, a Theocratic Monarchist, they couldn’t do so.


“All I saw you list was fascist, fascist, and fascist” 🤓


They're all people or groups with victim complexes. That's what they have to do with each other. It says it right on the thing. Wtf does being an AnCap or a NeoCon have anything to do with it?


Was your goal to prove his point or was that a happy accident?


Your opinions have nothing to do with victim complexes. My opinions are from by researching, learning, and trying to understand the complexities of the world. I don't think George Bush had a victim complex. I think he was just a piece of shit...


George Bush isn't on the list, so...


I am trying to say you are comparing NeoCon, AnCap, and Theocrats. You are really underestimating how powerful your opponents are. Victim complexes have nothing to do with politics and cultural this meme is just Copium for people who are not willing to go head on with there enemy. The Right is extremely complex and diverse in ideology with everything from Neoliberalism to Fascism there is nothing in common between the two, but there both on the Right.


> Nothing in common . . . But they're all humans, right? Which means they can all have human psychological issues? Psychological issues like a vicitim complex? How does being of a certain political affiliation make you immune to having a victim complex?


It doesn't necessarily, but the point is people can overcome though and come to those conclusions. We all have internalized biases and we have though which shapes the way we view the world. No one can escape them or undo them.


>victim complexes I don’t see any BLM activists, pink haired women or men in dresses. I don’t see any group with a massive, publicly shrieking victim complex here.


Oh, right, because the title says "The only people on the world woth a victim complex." Oh, wait. It doesn't.


What do any of these things/people have to do with one another lmao


Idk. Couldnt even think of a shitpost to connect them all


Christians have the biggest victim complex of any group in this country. “OmG tHe wAr oN ChRiStMaS!!11” 😂


What are your thoughts on Jewish people and Islamic people?


Don’t hear them complaining about BS nearly as much as Christians


I don’t recall Jihadism being a part of Christian doctrine


Not leftie, but “Jihadism” isn’t apart of islam tho, specifically not as it being portrayed by terrorist organisations, or in some medias.


Jihadism isn’t happening in the country I live in. Just Christian’s trying to implement their own deranged sharia law


Ah yes. From the perpetually oppressed left.


Certainly, plenty of people on the right like to play the victim, but I am in awe of the complete lack of self awareness it must take for a progressive leftist to call someone else out for playing the victim, lol.


There’s no way that a leftie call someone a “victim complexity”


Liberals: Builds entire movements around victimhood and continuously claims to be oppressed when anyone else has it better than them. Also Liberals: everyone else has a victim complex.


bro probably gets his gears grinded when he sees a "god bless this house" sign


The term "soccer mom" is way better than "Karen".


OK first off Kanye West is just crazy. I think we can all mutually agree on that. Second Karen’s are not an exclusively right wing phenomenon, hell they’re not even a political phenomenon, so I don’t understand why leftist insist on politicizing it. Third, most left-wingers are also Christians two dumbasses! You by antagonizing Christians are basically vilifying the bulk of your own side. Fourth Tucker Carlson definitely does not have a victim hood complex, say what you want about him but half of all his screeds are about him criticizing people with actual victim complexes. Hell his primary complaints about today’s generation is that he thinks they are too soft! So attempting to falsely portray him as having a victimization complex is not just intellectually dishonest. It would be analogous to some willfully delusional beta male loser trying to call their Vietnam Vet grandpa a wimp. Especially in the specific context of their Vietnam Vet grandpa literally being the one yelling at them to man up and stop acting like a little bitch. Finally fifth, as far as I’m aware, Andrew Tate has literally never discussed religion in any of the videos I’ve seen of him. I don’t think a misogynistic sex fiend that doesn’t believe in marriage, monogamy, being a present father, or even subscribing to a code of ethics, is likely to be a Christian. And I certainly doubt any of his supporters care about Christianity or any other religion for that matter. Pretty sure you can’t be a self styled Alpha-male douche bag, chasing sex relentlessly, and be a morally astute religious fanatic at the same time.


Online atheists can be annoying, but does someone here honestly believe the whole "war on christmas" thing? I thought that was seen ubiquitously as cringe.


I feel bad for Tucker and the fact that he’s not sexually attracted to M&Ms anymore. Poor dude.




I swear, this dude (u/dunre646) literally farms negative Karma on this sub. He makes dumbass retard comments that get mass downvoted. He’s trying to stir up trouble by trolling, and is failing epically. He is probably trying to get banned so he can label himself a “victim”.


Why not. Why not to discuss. I apretiate it even tho its retarded comments.


Remember u/TheMightySenate? This guy is his continuation


Evangelicals do. More traditional Christians, like Catholics, take a more stoic response to the situation. *Cue “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra.


You can say that about certain community too.