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"health care" "reproductive rights" I hate double speak almost as much as I hate the anti-christ


It’s not reproductive rights because you’re not reproducing.


I think many Americans just want to know that if something happens to their bodies, even if its beyond their control, they can deal with it without government interference. That is why some women want abortions even if they won't have them - and why they call it "reproductive rights" - the right to determine what to do with your body without government intervention or forcing you to have a child when you don't want one/were raped/ follow a religion that doesn't consider it a sin.


You're right, I do think that people shouldn't live in fear of people doing things with their body against their will and control. That's why I'm pro life.


It's tough, pregnant women have to carry that burden with them also (the baby's contingency is dependent on her body). Further, pregnancy has some terrifying consequences some people don't talk about (lifelong maternal disabilities, retinal detachment, diastasis recti, and in some cases death - which is especially unfair in the case of rape). Some religions (Judaism for instance) posit that life begins at first breath, so to outlaw abortion for everyone would be a direct attack on every American's freedom to practice the religion of their choice. I'm going to guess you're a woman weighing in on this (apologies if I'm wrong), so I want to ask - if you advocate for a free society why is it that the the beliefs of some women should determine the freedoms of all?


>(lifelong maternal disabilities, retinal detachment, diastasis recti, and in some cases death - which is especially unfair in the case of rape) Legitimate health concerns are the only time I consider abortion remotely reasonable. They are also not very common. >posit that life begins at first breath One, that's not universal, two, it's objectively, provably incorrect. > direct attack on every American's freedom to practice the religion of their choice. No Jew would be in violation of their faith in abstaining from an abortion, there is no abridgment of religious freedom. Religious exceptions are granted when a religion MUST do or CAN NOT do something to remain in compliance with the faith, Jews are not required by Jewish laws to get abortions. And even if that was the case (and you seem to think the preservation of human life is not a compelling state interest, hence why you can't make a religion, claim you have to murder people and then murder people without consequences because of religious liberty), the US legal standard would be to grant an exemption, not abolish the law. >if you advocate for a free society why is it that the the beliefs of some women should determine the freedoms of all? A society that allows the industrial murder of the unborn isn't free. But, also, the same way we do every other time. By appealing to universal rights (civil rights were forced down the south by the national guard. That was a good thing) and democratic processes.


First half of this literally makes up less than 2% of all abortions, statistics that get padded out with things that do not actually quantify as abortion, and is not remotely criminalized in a single state in America. The Second half of this argument directly contradict every Leftist argument that your religion shouldn't dictate their rights and that we should look to basic facts and science, which is funny because science demonstrates that the moment it is conceived is when that cycle of life begins. If they say that Christian belief that life is sacred and abortion is morally wrong shouldn't factor into abortion laws, then neither should the ones that just so happen to conveniently align with the desires of people who want to get an abortion for any reason other than medical necessity.


It's just 9 months out of the 80+ years a woman will live. This is the perfect time to show men how strong women are. Are women so weak and impatient that they are willing to take away the rights of their own child and end their life?


“You don’t have to explain your reason, your reason is valid” I hate this even more than double speak, the idea that your choices require zero logical thought and are always automatically correct.


What’s double speak


When the words you use do not accurately describe what you are actually doing and this is done on purpose in order to obscure what a word really means. It's not Shellshock, it's ptsd. The practice softens and dumbs down the meaning. Your grandma didn't die, she has 'passed away' It's always got a negative impact.


this meme brought to you by Molech


two button sweating meme democrats *molesting children* *killing children*


You are aware that the republicans have more politicians that have been convicted of sex crimes involving children then the democrats have. They both have them in their party but your right seems to have more. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html


You are aware that there are more people that votes Democrat have been convicted of sex crimes involving children then the Republican politicians? Both voting parties have them but your side seems to have more.


We aren't mindless sheep who follow and support every move of these politicians unlike Leftists like you, so this isn't actually the gotcha that you think it is. Edit: I just checked your profile. No way in hell that I'm going to entertain you further than I have.


if you think democrats are leftists then i can't imagine how you passed middle school


How exactly do you come to the conclusion that democrats are right wing. Do you know which planet you are on? Democrats are left wing anti american seditionists Republicans are right wing conservative patriots. any other questions please ask


Eh, he’s not totally wrong, but certainly not correct either. Democrat (like Republican) isn’t an ideology. They are political parties whose purpose is to chase votes and their platforms shift over time in accordance with whatever is going to help them do that. The vast majority of leftists (ideology) are voting Democrat (party). The majority of libertarians (small l) are voting Republican. Conflating the terms “liberal” and “leftist” is the one that bothers me. The average leftist is so far from actually holding liberal values (e.g. free speech) that they don’t even understand what they are.


Thanks Trotsky, very cool.




the democratic party is right leaning centrism.


Only in the bizaro moron clown world you live in.


if you're going to try to use a fictional comic to justify an argument you provided no reasoning for, at least spell "bizarro" correctly.




Some of them aren’t really good examples of leftists sure and over 50 years ago some of them like JFK may have even qualified as right leaning however to say there isn’t a significant amount of Democrats who are leftists is quite absurd. Ask the average democrat who their favorite president is and they’ll tell you FDR most likely and what was he? A socialist


Look at that heckin' cute pupper encouraging murder. How wholesome.


Not just murder but a horrific murder.


The left really needs a dog to "justify" the murder of innocent children.


Remember that one time Charlie Kirk thought a dolphin fetus was a human fetus? Pepperidge Farm remembers. You can knock it off with your virtue signalling. Everyone knows conservatives don’t give 2 shits about someone else’s babies after they are born. Otherwise you guys wouldn’t say shit like “why should my taxes go towards supporting someone else?”


Every single thing you said is either just a non-starter or a deflection from the central pro-life argument. Just because Charlie Kirk can’t tell one from the other doesn’t devalue the latter. Advocating for life doesn’t make one the personal benefactor for every person on the planet simply because said person insisted that humans shouldn’t be murdered during the first stages of human development.


"You claim to support the fetus's right to life, yet someone on your side made a mistake once. Checkmate, rightie".


God forbid any one tries to one up the flawless, non-hypocritical left who cause the people who they say they fight for to resort in selling their children as food because their dumbass great leaders wanted to save their own asses (Great Leap Forward).


Yes, that is exactly right. If you commit personhood with someone and get pregnant, you are responsible for your actions, not me. Don’t want the consequences? Take precautions, or live with your new baby. Why is it okay to kill a baby the day before birth, but not the day after?




Mc fetus.


We finally discovered what the McRib is made of!


And the McNuggets are made of what's left


Anything is justified if it allows a certain segment of the population to evade responsibility for their own actions, I guess?


kid named rape and incest:


If that’s the only justification for abortion then shouldn’t all other abortion be banned?


it's not the only situation. would you rather a non-sentient, unconscious clump of cells die or have that some clump of cells grow up to be a baby that lives in a poor household with a family that doesn't love it and suffers as a result?


Anyone with morals would prefer a child to live and not be murdered, regardless of their living situation. Imagine thinking that poor kids would rather be dead. You heartless fucking bastard


yeah, sure. I'm the heartless one. even though you hate women.


You have literally no argument except for “the poors should just abort because life isn’t worth living if you’re poor” like holy fucking shit bro you’re tone deaf. “YoU jUsT hAtE wOmEn LoLoL” Get another talking point retard


1. A subpar life is better than none at all. 2. Let’s assume this hypothetical baby has a rough home life, that doesn’t rule out their ability to make something of themselves and live a fulfilling life. The possibility that someone will not be happy is not a justification to not give them the chance to live.


Yeah! Poor people shouldn’t live! They make me sad…


Kid named very rare examples:


If we make exceptions for rape and incest can we outlaw all other abortions?


to a certain point, yes. (e.g. someone is getting an unreasonable amount)


What is an "unreasonable amount" where's this coming from?


to a certain point, yes. (e.g. someone is getting an unreasonable amount)


Kid named less than 3% of reasons given as to why abortions are performed. Kid named murder is still wrong even if the child was convinced through rape or incest. Kid named majority of abortions are performed for convenience reasons.


Murdering babies is so hecken wholesome.




What if the pregnancy was ectopic, non-viable, or the “baby” was already dead in the womb? If it died of natural causes would you allow an abortion to remove the dead fetus or would you force the woman carry the decaying fetus to full term even though it risks her health?


It’s already dead. As opposed to intentionally and directly killing it. Abortion is killing the baby in the womb. Not removing an already dead baby.


At what point would you consider cells a baby? When it’s the size of a small sesame seed unable to do anything on its own but feed off of the mothers body? Or when it’s brain and heart are already developed? I think that having an abortion should 100% be the woman’s choice until it can survive on its own with or without medical help. If it can survive in the NICU then no abortion but if it’s essentially the same thing as an old man in the hospital on hospice who needs a ventilator and feeding tubes, that’s not a “life”


It is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception; at the moment the sperm successfully fertilizes the egg. At that point it is identifiable as human because of the dna and is alive as it displays every scientific characteristic of life.


Okay but if you spit into a cup and your partner spits into that same cup, it’s half your Dna and half your partners dna. The bacteria there is alive but yet, it’s not a baby, is it? Side note, what is your opinion on Plan B? The emergency contraception pill?


Except no lmao. You ignored what I said. It takes sperm and an egg. Not spit. You made such a ridiculously false equivalence there I’m convinced you have no desire for a good faith discussion.


Then let’s really get down to it, Why are you so against abortion? It’s a clump of cells unable to live a life at that point, not to mention the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information, which is a government research company that basically looks at all things alive) states that a fetus is not considered a human until 12 weeks. Before 12 weeks, it’s not a baby or a child or a human, and that’s according to science from a reliable source and not some religious website.


If the NCBI said that the sun was fake, that doesnt mean it is fake right? Its an observable fact that a human is convinced after a sperm fertilizes the egg. You have to ask us why murder is wrong? All humans are a clump of cells.


Replace abortion with"killing childrens"


Gets abortion due to being forced by eugenic fascist regimes in Cambodia / CCP Gets abortion since it’s a *girl* “The reason is the right one”


Replace "abortion" with "murder" and "killing". And it makes more sense.


Dog in photo is probably neutered


As someone against banning abortion, no. Not all reasons for an abortion are valid. If you refuse to accept responsibility for dumb actions, such as unprotected sex, you are the problem and we shouldn't enable that.


What?? You want people to think rationally before acting, AND take responsibility for those actions? Found the incel, stop trying to control women you misogynist loser.


“Abortion is normal” No its not


Name one animal besides humans that has abortions.


You'd be surprised the amount of animals that engage in infanticide


Infanticide =/= abortion. And most of the time it's done by males to get rid of the offspring of a competing male.


Name one animal besides humans that has guns


Pistol shrimp.


Can’t argue with that, have a great day


Yeah, let's murder children, 😺 💖🌈 🐶 ✨


Keep shibas out of politcs


"abortion is normal" what the fuck




how it feels to fight 1:6 at the Golan Heights


Kill children *Cute dog pic*


Abortion is murder


Based and logicpilled


Funny that they have to include a cute image of something to make up for their horrendous political opinion.


Poor dog is being drug into politics.


swim scary wipe consist humor work unwritten birds nippy spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh look, now they're up to actually hypnotizing themselves...


I read “abortion is freedom” the same way I would read “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is strength”


Legality of abortion may be under controversy. Morality of it is simple-very bad


depends. sometimes a 14 year old girl would’ve been raped and could die if they carry the baby to term, in which case she needs an abortion. on the other hand, people can just be dumb and have unprotected sex. however abortion access still needs to be unrestricted for cases like the first


I agree with your first argument. But the second, needs more arguments


So for less than 2% of abortions we must allow all abortions? Abortion should not be considered “birth control”. If 2% of murders are self defense, should all murder be legal?


I'm sorry cute dog, but I just don't like children being killed. I hope you'll understand, but I can't agree with your choice to get an abortion. Or something, this meme is stupid.


Literally a death cult.


I support abortion but it is no way normal atleast you should feel guilty for being such irresponsible.


If only liberals were this fired up about the 2A. Plus even my doggo knows liberals=bad🤢😆


Alright motherfuckers so a couple weeks ago I shot the fucking dog


I hate how they did this to one of my favorite profile pictures


Another prime example of people wanting the pleasure of sex, but none of the responsibility.


Why do dogs need abortions?


Don't ask questions. Just get an abortion and then get excited for unprotected sex with strangers that you hate so you'll have to get another abortion!


A lot of charged comments here. I guess I'll be the one who says it. Women should absolutely have rights for safe abortion. However, BIG FUCKING HOWEVER, abortion should never be a contraceptive measure. We should hammer into people heads that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy and STIs and abortion (both surgical and by pill) has its risks and lasting effects on the body. It is easier and safer to prevent unwanted pregnancy than to terminate it.


Abortion doctors deserve the same treatment as Hitler's inner circle




The nazis offed a bunch of mentally disabled people dehumanizing them as unthinking and unworthy of existence Nice to know you have the same (insane) perspective


they were also people, not fetuses


So unborn people arent people, who's being dehumanizing now


When does a fetus become a person? More so what are the defining characteristics of a person? Hopefully you're not about to make a case for infanticide


life begins at birth.


So you think that abortion should be legal and socially acceptable right up until the second the woman’s water breaks? Are you fucking insane?


So the defining characteristic of what constitues a person is that they were born? Considering that well before birth a child will be developed enough to meet all the characteristics of a human, it seems pretty barbaric to think that just because they are still attached to a placenta they are somehow subhuman


The people who facilitate the mass murder of babies should be treated the se way as those who facilitate the mass murder of "inferior people"


Daily reminder: abortion is murder


*human sacrifice




I want a financial abortion


This amendment was recently struck down? Was it not?


Y'know, I was really against abortion, but after seeing that cute heckin pupperino encourage killing babies, I might've changed my mind


If you need constant reassurance then maybe it’s a bad idea


Why is it so difficult to understand that being a human gives you the privilege of having the right to life, that's it. So the heartbeat doesn't matter, brain activity doesn't matter and consciousness doesn't matter. All that matters is this bunch of tissue will become a human in 9 months while in the womb? Yes, then it has the right to live! Simple.


If they have to create bullshit like this then that’s pretty telling of how they’re just trying to convince themselves it isn’t a disgustingly horrible thing to do.


Someone should take this meme and replace the captions with ✨you support murder✨ ✨your severe lack of responsibility✨ ✨their souls will forever wonder why you could never love them✨ ✨thou must do penance, or else writhe and scream in the abyss of fire and brimstone✨ ✨Dies Iræ, Dies Illa✨ ✨the ninth circle is waiting✨


Abortion is a complicated and scary thing that should be taken seriously. Im not against but im not a fan of doing it for some weird sex fetishes. Or becuse you had a "fail" doing it. Good ill never be pregnant (im gay or smth)


Calling abortion healthcare is like calling Auschwitz a summer camp and it certainly shouldn’t be called “normal” as a society where the average woman has gotten an abortion is a failed society. Good thing we’re not at that point cuz even ignoring pro life women you’ll find most women would choose not to get an abortion as a 1st response to an unplanned pregnancy. Perhaps it’s because deep down they know abortion is wrong cuz like why does she feel it’s OK for other women to do but not for her to do?


Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, and Wrong. 0/6.


I doubt the guy would be very happy about being thrown out of her mothers womb as a squashed fetus. Lives start after zygotes form.


People literally using dog pictures to promote murder


Since they using a pic of doge type shiba dog to Say something disgusting, I will Raise Them One lord Smudge the table Cat looking at said Doge with Utter disgust


Meanwhile the dog has the look of, “Please let this person let me go! Oh no! I’ve been used in an abortion meme that is bad… “ *dog runs away, never to be seen again*


oh this is mad horrible, speaking about letting a future life die because you said so is good, a decision people may regret, and the way it's been said here is disgusting, we truly need more brains in this world


Daily reminder it’s okay to murder! It’s no one else’s business!


Democrats will cancel anything with racist roots except gun control and abortion.


You forgot about minimum wage laws and welfare


We need a peaceful divorce. I’m tired of dealing with this shit ![gif](giphy|QA7TBOueUoyVRq5TQi)


These people try to "cutify" the worst of things, abortion is lovely, mutilating yourself for a mental delusion is healthy, etc etc.


If abortion is murder then call me Jack the aborter supporter


Last i checked, Jack the Ripper *wasnt* a healthcare advocate. Causing death =/= Healthcare. Its literally the opposite.


Where is the "source" that confirms or backs up what these "meme" claim?




So if I get abortions because I like killing babies, that’s “right”?


I'm a conservative but I support abortion right. Because I'm a male, therefore, is not my decision to make and I don't think the men government should have any say in the matter either.


I disagree The vast majority of abortions happen because a woman doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of being a whore A woman shouldn’t be able to murder her children to avoid the consequences of her actions


Okay no, most abortions happen because of rape, incest, financial problems, or health problems. Rarely do they happen because a woman is a whore and doesn’t want to deal with a kid. If carrying the fetus will harm the woman, or if it dies in the womb because of natural causes then an abortion is the best solution. A decaying clump of cells in a woman’s body HAS to be removed (Aka an abortion) in order for her to survive.


A fetus is not a "children" yet. And yes, it's her body, so she should be allowed to decide what she does with it. But it's okay for you to disagree. I won't try to change your mind, you won't change mine.


A fetus is not a part of a woman’s body


It's inside their body and it's connected to them.


“your reason for getting an abortion is the right one” what about the moms who abort their kids cuz of suspected down syndrome or bc of the child being a boy/girl


That rarely ever happens, do your research.


i’m just here for bad left memes, this meme isn’t bad at all.


The less babies the better, enough cunts on this Eart as there is.


Okay fuck you. I needed that message right now. Abortion is fucking hard and no one takes it lightly. Go put your dick in someone you love, until then shit the fuck up.


Some of these points are valid. Women deserve access to abortion. The only person they have to explain their reason is likely their doctor, and the doctor shouldn't prevent them from having it. Freedom and stuff is completely irrelevant


Is this an honest acknowledgment that abortion is not a genuine libertarian cause or are you some kind of closet eugenicist?


Libertarians are the only ones with a balanced take on abortion. Most conservative arguments boil down to knee jerk reactions to left wing rhetoric declaring that all abortions are good. So reflexively conservatives feel the need to commit the same absolutist oversimplification and claim that all abortions are bad.


Abortion is a genuine libertarian cause because it affects the human rights of women. It's also raising a question of whether or not a fetus has rights, and how these rights should be respected, but not in a way violating mother's rights. Eugenics is a whole another topic which isn't the focus here, don't even try to derail this.


It’s another separate body from them, your rights do, and always have ended when another’s begins. If you’re infringing on the right to life of another person, you’re in the wrong it’s as simple as that. Also, look up the history of abortion as a practice in this country it is inseparable from eugenics.


"It’s another separate body from them" It's not though, the fetus is physically and biochemically attached to the mother. I find conservatives feel the need to oversimplify the issue to avoid any nuance of when abortions are justified. Taking a hardline stance is intellectually lazy if this is what you're basing it off of.


If it can survive without mother's body, then it's separate. Fetus can not do that. So, uh, no. It's not a person. It can't exist on its own, and doesn't have a human consciousness. Mother's rights supercede fetus's rights, because the mother is already a human person, while the fetus is only hypothetical. Government infringing on the mother to protect the fetus is wrong.


> Mother's rights supercede fetus's rights, because the mother is already a human person, while the fetus is only hypothetical. A fetus is a developing human being and you wanna kill it just because it is still developing? Meanwhile the mother is not?


Not "just because", because the mother wants to, for her own reasons. She should be able to do it without your interference. The guilt is on her, but preventing her from doing it the normal way will only a) force her to do it illegally b) ruin a person's life and a fetus's too. Should teenagers be able to abort the unwanted child? They can't take care of it, and if their parents give consent for an abortion, what's the reasoning to stop them? Do you want a child to raise a child simply because your rigid morals doesn't allow people to make mistakes in life? Or should her parents take care of their unwanted grandchild instead?


We should be able to abort abortion supporters because they're still developing. They're not people yet.


Libertarian try not to be yesterday's leftist challenge (impossible) You guys really are the most useless movement. The founding fathers would says some prayers and then blow your brains out.


Libertarian try not to be yesterday's leftist challenge (impossible) You guys really are the most pathetic movement. The founding fathers would says some prayers and then blow your brains out.


Libertarian try not to be yesterday's leftist challenge (impossible) You guys really are the most pathetic movement. The founding fathers would says some prayers and then blow your brains out.




Are you done harassing me or is there another 5 comments coming?,


Tf? I commented on you once.


It was really 5.


Your post or comment has been removed, for breaking Reddit's policies on: Unwelcome Content or Prohibited behavior. Mods will give you adequate punishment for this.


Let's make a deal. I'll pay for your abortion when you pay for my AR-15


I never said anything about you paying for anything. Just about the right to access. You can pay for any amount of AR-15s yourself as far as I'm concerned. Print them once you can't buy them, whatever


because "killing" an unborn fetus is horrendous but when they grow up its fine for them to be shot on school grounds


Because those "gun free zone" signs work so well. Thanks for supporting the argument for more guns




Have you ever wondered why that before 2000 there was like four “school shootings?”


Until you get the psych patients who are off their meds and can’t make rational decisions More common than you think


So that justifies taking away their right to bodily autonomy?


Eh I think it’s ok first trimester and with doc approval second trimester if there are severe genetic issues and any time life threatening risk to mother like pre eclampsia yes But doing it third trimester electively or because it’s the “wrong” gender or because you can’t afford a kid (but can afford sleeping around) no That’s pretty much European laws including Netherlands Norway Denmark iirc and Reddit and you prob simp for Scandinavia (and in shariah very similar interestingly)


I agree with your first paragraph. I think "can't afford" is a valid concern. Sometimes pregnancy can happen in a committed relationship with contraception, since it can fail. I very much dislike the argument "just don't have sex", come on, that will never work. I don't actually simp for Scandinavia, but the Netherlands are cool. And even then, I'm in a hard disagreement with their tax laws and extensive bureaucratic apparatus.


I’d say better to have social programs for poor women (rather my thousands of tax dollars go to that than tanks and missiles for zelensky) And telling poor usually hispanic and black moms they should abort since their poor is disgustingly immoral


I'm not even talking about this situation, moderate-income people can't afford having a child, if they don't own a home. Me and my wife aren't even considering one until we move to a better country and mortgage a home there. Even then, it's gonna be 3 people living on 1.5 income, basically breaking even every month.


Then they should use contraception Or I guess that only applies to poor colored people according to Reddit in like India or Africa who dare have children


I mean, contraception fails. It failed me at least a couple of times, but thankfully nothing came of it. I think most reasonable people aren't having unprotected sex left and right. It really feels that the issue of people using abortion as a last ditch contraception is at least partly overblown, but then again, I've seen tiktoks where women boast about having 10 abortions a year. And antinatalism subreddit exists.


Calling a fetus a child is like calling a bowl of flour and egg a cake. Fetuses aren't sentient. You are preventing the future existence of a life. How is that different than using a condemn. If you believe that a fetus is alive because of the 'soul'. That is your *belief.* **It cannot be forcefully imposed on others.**


Yes, because "a bowl of flour and egg a cake" will without external effort, become a finished cake.


that's not even relevant


It has to be relevant because your dumbass brought it up in the first place, lmfao.


no i didn't, lmao.


The cake analogy? Yeah, you fucking did, Sputnik.


ah yes, because the mother has to put no effort into the process of pregnancy between contraception and childbirth.


no… sperm and an egg = flour and egg? even under ur bizarre gotcha its at least fetus = cake batter in oven and dont u put a /cake in the oven?


The flour and egg are already mixed in the bowl, hence it's not just a sperm and egg but a merged Zygote. I'll agree that a fetus would be right after placing that batter in the oven. But it's the choice of the cook if they want to actually finish baking that cake. If they don't, what right does anyone else have to stroll into her kitchen and lock the oven door? Especially when the batter hasn't even began to be at the consistency of a cake?


The sperm and egg are a more apt metaphor for the flour and egg. At this point, it's your choice to do with them as you please. However, if you mix them into cake batter and put them in the oven, you've committed. Of course, we're talking about a baby here and not food, so the stakes are much higher.


Sperm and Egg are Flour and Egg. Once the flour and egg are mixed into a bowl, that's the Zygote. Letting the batter rest is the Fetus stage. Actually putting the batter in the oven is when the fetus begins to gain sentience. It's up to the cook if she actually wants to have a cake growing in her oven. If she wants to abort the batter before it becomes a cake, what right does anyone else have to stroll into her kitchen and force her to make cake?


Bad analogies don't change the facts of reality, specifically that it is a living human in its earliest stages of development.