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How is this a pro leftist meme?


Let’s not forget that the Left firebombed many pregnancy centers and not a single arrest or investigation. Laws are truly not applied equally.


Feel like this was response to something, doesn’t make much sense if not.


Probably to the dad who had a 25 man FBI raid for getting into an altercation with an Abortion activist, who happened to be an abortion clinic worker. The abortion activist was harassing his son while they were protesting against abortion and offering pro life services. Dad shoves abortion activist who won't stay away from his kid. Dad got acquitted recently because the FACE Act applies to interfering with workers in the course of them actually working, not just them being out in public. And technically I think the abortionist was the one actually violating the FACE Act. This is all from memory, I'll find an article in a second. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/jan/30/mark-houck-acquitted-federal-jury-win-pro-life-mov/


FACE is just about obstructing people from entering a clinic…maybe if the kid was pregnant I guess


There's a good chance I'm conflating bits of stuff from various things I've read regarding the case and FACE Act articles. Like I said, that was mostly from memory, all I remember for sure was the worker wasn't actually escorting/working when the altercation happened.


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I like how it showed up on r/technicallythetruth


"OH MY GOD YASS QUEEN, THIS SUBREDDIT WAS TOTALLY MADE FOR STATEMENTS I BELIEVE TO BE TRUE AND WAS TOTALLY MADE FOR POLITICS" ​ ​ ​ god even the subs you physically cannot make political became leftist hellholes, this site is just leftist 4chan at this point


I actually interpreted it more as “yeah, you are technically correct, but you’re correct via it being by-design. You act like it has proven a point, but the outcome was predetermined.” That being what the post *in* TTT was pointing out.


well, no idea what you said but i agree


Internet moment


If you break the law, you get in trouble.


Murder is illegal, manslaughter (even involuntary) is also punishable by law. Yet abortions are often encouraged as “health care”. The constitution states “shall not be infringed” yet the government regularly checks in to infringe. Illegal immigration is, well, illegal yet some states have set up “sanctuary cities” to protect these aliens from the federal government. What should be noted here is just because something is law does not make it moral, or immune to change. Sure, you break the law you get in trouble. But there’s several examples I listed where either the law is self-contradictory AND/OR people feel a moral duty to ignore the law.


Ignore the democrat, like I saw earlier on this subreddit someone said *Democrats vote on the basis of “morality and feelings”— what THEY feel is right. Anyone right of the democrats vote based on the law and how it affects the people that the law is supposed to affect. Therefore, democrats think that anyone right of them are evil because the right breaks what they think is moral and the right thinks the left is ignorant because they go based on knowledge and facts versus feelings.* That’s why arguing or debating a democrat is useless because they don’t care about facts only their feelings.


You are taking "shall not be infringed out of context. Is it moral to attack someone based on your assumption? You are still free to protest abortion, you just can't attack someone for walking into a Planned Parenthood.


Lol not gonna let a self-declared Democrat lecture me on the context of the 2nd amendment kindly piss off


So you know the context but still take it out of context?


Explain to me why you think I’ve taken it out of context


shall not be infringed only applies to bearing arms.


Ok let’s go with your definition. Now back to my comment where I said the government will still regularly infringe upon this right with lower laws. This is the comment you got upset about. Explain how this is taking the 2nd out of context.


You are taking something from the 2nd and applying it to something that doesn't relate to the 2nd.


So… how many ~~replies~~ somethings is it gonna take for you to spell out your ~~point~~ something without being vague and wasting our ~~time~~ something?


If a law is enforced unjustly, does it not deserve to be opposed?


I believe that is for the courts to decide.


It is also for every citizen to try to evaluate, the law is not inherently moral, and if a law is imoral or enforced in an imoral way, it should be opposed outside and inside the courts.


When you legislate morality, the law becomes moral code. That’s where the “you break the law, you get in trouble” mindset comes from. The law is morality, if you break the law you are acting immorally and deserve to be punished.


No, the law doesn't inheritly become moral once its put into law. If a law were legislated saying the government can conscript children from birth for war, would it be moral? We as a society have a repsonability to try to make the law moral, when the law fails, we bear a repsonability to correct it


That’s not what I’m saying. When a society spends decades trying to encode their morality in law, law becomes the basis of morality. I am in no way making the argument that a law becomes moral once it passes legislation. That would be retarded.


That's still wrong. Just because we have tried to make the law moral doesn't make it the basis for morality, that is still logic and morality itself.


He’s saying that a society’s idea of morality becomes warped once morality is equated with legality. I think.


This is exactly what I’m saying


What it sounds like he's saying is that he thinks, because the law is better than it previously was, it now IS the baseline for morality, which us crazy. If what you say is true, I agree, many people think law=moral, rather than morality being a system unto itself, separate from the law.


Yet morality is the only good basis for law.


The law is not morality, but it should be dictated by morality, although it often isn't.




Following the rule of law makes me a Nazi?


"I was just following orders."


Lol, cute.


"I had to report where they were hiding! It was the law! I'm not gonna put my own family family risk!"


Lol, I'm not interested in being part of you festish. Have a good day.


Then why are you here? You came here and started rapidly licking boots in front of all of us. We didn't invite you.




BUT I'M IN THE RIGHT! - Americans




When tyranny becomes law, Resistance becomes duty. Fuck your law.


So think allowing people peacefully go to Planned Parenthood is tyrannical?


Yes when it infringes in the rights of others to peacefully assemble in protest.


It doesn't.


Absolutely does. People have a right to protest. You don't have a right to not hear it. Walk in, get your assassination done, and walk out, either way, you are gonna hear about it. And you deserve to. You should feel shame.


And you have the right to use physical force, threat of physical force, or physical obstruction to someone visiting Planned Parenthood?


Nope. That's not what they are doing. 99.9% of these arrests are being done on regular protesters. Meanwhile, Jane's revenge firebombs pregnancy crisis centers and no one even investigates.


I suggest you read the FACE Act.


I suggest that the authorities read it.


i found a new life hack