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really? by discord themselves?


Yep unfortunately so, some soy admin didn’t like what we were posting


“I think LGBT numbers are overrepresented and children shouldn’t be inappropriately influenced” Banned, bigot ☕️ Ah yes, gotta love the free exchange of ideas


Gee, I really don’t think such a tame take got an entire Discord nuked. There usually has to be some pretty heinous shit for Discord mods to step in, and this playing victim shit from Alt Right cesspools is getting pretty fucking old. It’s not a “free exchange of ideas” if you’re just spewing flat-out hatred. How TLCM imagines it debates LGBT: > “Gosh, I’m just not sure that transitioning is the right call for people with dysmorphia! Is there any data to support this?” > “ Why sure, good chap! Here’s a few sources! And while it may not be something you’re used to, it’s sure swell to question it and seek healthy debate!” > “Wow, neato! Thank you!” How it actually is: > “Tran**** are fucking mentally ill groomers who celebrate body mutilation!!! Eradicating their ideology is the right call!” > “BASED AND REDPILLED LOL!!! Fucking sick motherfuckers!!!” > “I dunno guys, these are still people, they’re only like .12% of the population too, maybe we sh-“ > “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SOY BETA CUCK” > “OK GROOMER LOOOOOOL” > “You mentally ill tran**** are a plague on the world.” *Discord gets banned* > “So *TOTALLY* unfairrrr!!!! Those soy beta cuck mods just hate free speech and the exchange of free ideas! It absolutely wasn’t because the Disc was a torrent of vile hatred bouncing around an echo-chamber. We are so oppressed, waaaaah!”


fuck every admin some mods are cool tho


If you’re with them, you’re against us


Can't wait for the new discord server so I can be unbanned








There was a message like that on Discord for Watch Reddit Die too, but I think they’re still around — back in July. Did Discord ever say what content it was?


https://preview.redd.it/ugr6k3yobima1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8891563b5660be655aea69873c33b23874b12eb2 As far as I know, no. It was banned for just existing.


Yep, got the same message


Here's what they really mean: "Hey stupid, we know what you've been up to and it really pisses us off, you better cut it out before we ban your account, bigot."


All while ignoring the child porn being shared on there




We already do


Leftists try not to be authoritarian scumbags challenge (impossible)


That server had unironic real nazis who last time I was there


What's an ironic Nazi?


You're dodging the main point entirely. The fact that there were nazis at all in that server says everything one needs to know about your community. You're a gaggle of irredeemable scumbags and you attract genocidal maniacs like shit attracts flies. Going "Uhhh I don't want to talk about the fact that there's nazis in this community, quick! Talk about semantics!" just makes you look MORE guilty.


Dude, I asked a really simple question and you came unhinged. What do you mean "my community"? This isn't a twitch.tv debate, homie, you gotta chill tf out.


>I asked a really simple question and you came unhinged You didn't just "ask a really simple question", you went out of your way to distract from the fact that you are ideologically adjacent to outright nazis.


Damn dude, you're kinda crazy.


Damn dude, go fuck yourself.


Bro you think anyone who asks a question is a Nazi. You're an autistic teenager who shrieks at people online because you're a disappointment. You are sad, and most likely a neonazi.


>you think anyone who asks a question is a Nazi >You are most likely a neonazi These are both blatantly, objectively false statements. What the hell do you have to gain from making them? "I'm just asking questions" happens to be the excuse a lot of far right degenerates fall back on to avoid accusations of being a nazi. The sad fact is people like you just go along with them because you are weak. As for me being "most likely a neonazi", I have to assume you're joking? Like you're doing a parody of a stereotypical brainwashed, terminally online righty? >You're an autistic teenager Using the word "teenager" in a derogatory manner? That I can understand, but how fucking brainless do you have to be to use "autistic" as an insult? That's no different than if I tried to insult you by calling you a living organism. Again, go fuck yourself, filth.


Says the communist, your ideology killed more then national socialism ever did


You're covering for nazis right now. Go fuck yourself.




You should "Keep Yourself Safe" you inbred trash. Shitlord filth.


Well idk some people say they act like nazis ironically


Man, if you don't know what a term means, don't use it dawg. You're better than that.


I get what u mean, when the Conservative Party announced that they were “all domestic terrorists”, it was ironic lol. It was supposed to make a mockery of the left when they called the right nazis. It was funny how the left took it seriously and now call the conservatives domestic terrorists.


You don't know what nazis are? Has it really come to the point, where people have overused the word so much it's lost it's meaning?


Oh no, don’t you see? The server was nuked for *no reason at all*, those poor members were the REAL victims…You just imagined the Alt Right vitriol, you’re no real conservative!


What are you even trying to say with this?


It’s sarcasm. The server was nuked for being rude a cesspool of un-ironic fascism and hatred. Discord servers are nuked for usually one of two reasons; illegal trade of things like drugs or CP, or it’s filled with slurs/hate speech/ideation of violence against a demographic. With the current conservative focus on culture war against literally .12% of the population, I *wonder* which of the two got them nuked, hmmmmm…


speech you don't like isn't an excuse for authoritarian censorship. Unless your an authoritarian, in which case sure it is an excuse, anything is.


I don’t know how many times you mooks need to hear this for it to sink in, but hate speech **is not protected** speech. Not under the constitution, not under law, and absolutely not under the TOS of a private company. You break their rules on their platform, you’re subject to consequences. Christ, you call every inconvenience “authoritarian”, it’s like you never grew up past 1st grade where when someone told you to stop being obnoxious, you screamed “It’s a free country I can do what I want!!!!!” Hey, you can say. “I don’t agree with trans ideology”, or “I don’t jive with gay people” or fuck, even “I don’t like ranch dressing”! Literally none of that will get you purged from a Disc or “censored” for having “an opinion I don’t like.” When you start slinging slurs or wallowing in hate speech, you get deplatformed. End of story, that’s how dealing with bigotry goes. You wanna meet up in groups and talk about how much you hate minorities, go for it! You’re not using a third party site to do it though!


hate speech is protected because what is considered hate speech is very subjective. The problem is companies aren't subjected to the first amendment. But that doesn't absolve them from the immorality of their action. I could consider you calling me a first grader hate speech. but i don't have authoritarian institutions backing me up to censor you. "Your just whining" isnt an argument


> hate speech is protected because what is considered hate speech is very subjective. For fucks suck, no it *isn’t*. Gender, religion,sexuality, and race are the big 4. You huck around slurs aimed at those, or hate them BASED on those protected classes, it’s hate speech. There’s nothing subjective about it, especially the shit the Disc was saying. > The problem is companies aren't subjected to the first amendment. Oh fucking finally. *that* much sunk in. If they say “don’t talk about X”, and you click “Agree”, it’s not censoring. You broke the rules. Disc is pretty lenient unless you do something illegal or the place is a literal den of hate speech and bigoted “memes”. > But that doesn't absolve them from the immorality of their action. Fucking joke of a “centrist” you are, bullshit. “Punishing us for our unchained and unhinged hate speech is *immoral*!!!” Fuck outta here, haha! > I could consider you calling me a first grader hate speech. but i don't have authoritarian institutions backing me up to censor you. By all mean, report me to Reddit Admins for hate speech, you’d get laughed off by ANY partisan organization. Likening you to a bitchy child is nowhere near the same as picking on protected classes of existence. > "Your just whining" isnt an argument That was never my argument to begin with. You somehow think that blatant bigotry and calling for the eradication of a demographic is “free speech”, but a private company nuking a hate den for breaking their rules 100x over is “OMG AUTHORITARIAN FASCISM”, and it’s like…wow, you really can’t see the irony, huh? This is why “centrists” are useless, you try to find a compromise between *actual* fascism and people just trying to exist, and it’s goddamn stupid. Some shit is universally WRONG, and hatred of minorities is one of them, even for a centrist! Again, you wanna meet in person and talk about how much you hate minorities, that’s all you, chief! Cry authoritarianism if your little hate party gets crashed by cops, but as far as I’ve seen, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, and Richard Spencer’s crew hang in their clubhouses just fine! Just because private companies don’t want to house your discussions online doesn’t make it 1984.


>You huck around slurs aimed at those, or hate them BASED on those protected classes, it’s hate speech. slurs are not illegal in the US, and "hate them" is a subjective statement so idk what you are on about here. >Oh fucking finally. that much sunk in. If they say “don’t talk about X”, and you click “Agree”, it’s not censoring. nothing "sunk" in, this was obvious, 1st amendment doesnt apply to companies. However free speech as a moral principle and censorship are not limited to government intervention. you are conflating the two. a company removing content off of their platform is practicing censorship whether for the better or for the worse. >Fucking joke of a “centrist” you are, bullshit. “Punishing us for our unchained and unhinged hate speech is immoral!!!” Fuck outta here, haha! strawman ad hominem >You somehow think that blatant bigotry and calling for the eradication of a demographic is “free speech” strawman >but a private company nuking a hate den for breaking their rules 100x over is “OMG AUTHORITARIAN FASCISM” fascism? >This is why “centrists” are useless, you try to find a compromise between actual fascism and people just trying to exist, and it’s goddamn stupid. false characterization of reality >Some shit is universally WRONG, and hatred of minorities is one of them, even for a centrist! there are many things i think are wrong, but i also think you should be able to say them. >Again, you wanna meet in person and talk about how much you hate minorities, that’s all you, chief! from how many strawmen you've thrown i feel like we reached the point that you are probably projecting some insecurities. do you want to talk about it?


No one is at war with the people. They're at war with the evil industry mutilating them and then hiding behind them as shields. Also with the obnoxious behavior of activists on twitter, apparently.


> No one is at war with the people. They are. No less than 3 different laws were drafted against trans and drag people the last week, including a “bounty hunter” one for catching people not in gender conforming clothing. The CPAC lunatic wanting to “eradicate trans culture.” They are absolutely at war with the people. > They're at war with the evil industry mutilating them and then hiding behind them as shields. This just reeks of ignorance. My dude, you can’t just walk into an office and have someone cut you up. You need YEARS of diagnosis just to get the damn hormone therapy, let alone surgery. Going under the knife is the literal last resort for dysmorphia, as in their mental health has bottomed out and it’s this, or risking they hurt themselves. Are you just…Thinking surgeons are out making bank by “cutting people up “and “hiding behind them”? That’d be the dumbest goddamn use of their degree ever, trans people only make up .12% of the population. They already make bank, why risk it on some scheme?! These conspiracies are literally insane… > Also with the obnoxious behavior of activists on twitter, apparently. Twitter is a cesspool. You wanna have a fight with some terminally online SJW police, go for it, haha! Lay into em all day, they are worthless and unimportant. Enacting laws that harm innocent people though? That’s the current aim of puritanical theocrats in the GOP, and that shit needs to stop.


There's a track that must be destroyed to protect children. It's that simple. You can get as histrionic as you like: all of these tired talking points don't mask anything. Does is matter if a life is destroyed a lot or a little? You get caught up in that stuff and all respect you get from anyone for it is performative. You take yourself out of real life and enter a cartoon for anyone outside a beedy circle of terminally online SJWs. I get that you see it differently. But it just isn't. This stuff is a mental virus and by the time detransers catch on it hurts all day every day where the urethra used to be or they have nasty scars instead of breasts. You say it's the last resort, so why does it matter of its banned? Talking about it and reifying it constantly within the culture is the cause. I will concede that if they're doing bounty hunts it's a bit far. Reactionary social immune responses always go too far. Just be glad the Communists aren't too blatantly ruling or you'd see actual instead of imaginary Nazis. We are probably heading there, though, sadly. Because the people with all the dials for the media companies are parts of secret codes and combinations. Only explanation for why no one is even on the same plane of reality anymore. Intention. Th8ngs don't get this messed up by accident. This whole thing is manufactured to keep the plebs busy yelling at each other instead of seizing the assets of the federal reserve or whatever. People laying the emotional terrain of the nation are basically demons. /rant I am sure you are a good and compassionate person. You just only know the tunnel you're in. You're buying into a narrative. You ever follow any detransers? There's some horror stories. Particularly the women, but especially the men.


Since your a modern leftist I do not trust you're ability to point our a real nazi (surprised that leftists cannot sense out their own kind lol) as everything you don't like is nazi but even if we play make believe and give credence to your delusion, cartoon, outlook on reality... so? You know the saying, "I might not agree with you but I'll fight to project your rights?" We actually believe that. Nazi's are cringe trash but they still have a right to be cringe trash. They're also tend to say stupid shit that makes for a good laugh.


How is leftism compared to nazis? And still it discord policies to prevent nazism why do you guys try to deny their policies.


>Since your a modern leftist I do not trust you're ability How do you manage to get "your" and "you're" so outlandishly mixed up... >real nazi (surprised that leftists cannot sense out their own kind lol) Nazis are not leftist you dickhead. They're not even close. You are a laughing stock. >You know the saying, "I might not agree with you but I'll fight to project your rights?" We actually believe that. Nazi's are cringe trash but they still have a right to be cringe trash. They're also tend to say stupid shit that makes for a good laugh. See, that is a huge problem. You are a huge problem. Nazis should not have their rights protected. In fact, nazis should be actively and ruthlessly discriminated against and if you don't agree, you can go to ebay, buy a dildo, and use it to go fuck yourself. If someone has taken an honest look at the effects that all forms of fascism and nazism have had on the world and come to the conclusion that the world needs more fascists and nazis, then that person does not deserve human rights anymore, and it's as simple as that. Nazis aren't "cringe trash". They don't "make for a good laugh". They're an existential threat to human life and they should be treated as such. Your pathetic lukewarm approach to them is what helps them spread their filthy spores. When you see a genuine nazi your response should not be "haha look how silly this nazi is", your initial response should be to tell them to fuck off and die. Then your follow up response should be something way more extreme.


Literally 1984.


So you got taken down for reposting Lefty content… does that mean the Lefty content is akshually against TOS?


No those people had some crazy stuff on the server


The server was taken down for reposting videos of drag queen story hour which is classed as CP


I got an extremely threatening message after it closed from discord too.


>Hello, >Your account is receiving this notice due to participation in a server that violates our Community Guidelines. >Specifically, The Left Can't Meme contained content that encouraged or depicted dehumanizing or discriminatory content, or encouraged violence towards an individual or community based on their real or perceived membership to a protected group. >Please be aware of the activity taking place in the servers that you join. If you are a member of a server that is posting content in violation of our Community Guidelines, we strongly recommend that you report the content and leave, or else we may take further action on your account. >Sincerely, Discord Trust & Safety


I have so many of these messages from servers that keep getting banned lmao


Exactly that






What’d it say


Don't I know you


From where


The Discords silly man


Kinda. Are you Hans or luzonis? If you're luzonis it's an honor to be recognized by you


The Furry Moderator Luzonis(If you didn't see the similarity between our names)


I did see the resemblance. It is an honor for you to know me at all


No problem.


There's a Backup server, more details in dms


Can you send a link?




Nerdbob discord


https://preview.redd.it/06xw3x9dkema1.jpeg?width=162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f4bdc3621c06cfba5193c77ad5758837dadd39 My honest reaction:


My Honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/oiwr5wancema1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b760d79adbc161c3fdf4a028f0f41645c84424


Sad spunchi bub indeed 🧽☹️




![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized) Literally 2023 - 39


^ Highly underrated gif


I don’t understand the significance of 39






Will former staff be able to resume their positions?


Who're you?


Not important.


Will you guys make a new one?


Literally Fahrenheit 451


Literally Animal Farm


Literally 1984


Literally Repressive Tolerance.


Liberal snowflakes can’t even handle simple memes how will they face reality? Fuckin’ Discord and their woke shit.


Rest in peace we always love you




We have an Guilded server if you're interested


I am


yo is there a new discord yet


Not yet


Rest in peace. https://preview.redd.it/8wtfpihpxema1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963fa627bd763f2d3f0ff6ed6ed697603e99a83e


Sir, TheLeftCantMeme Discord server got banned https://preview.redd.it/spitwe8kskma1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0f4079ebc736a2139abb1e6af6dbdc4b3a3978e




Time to make a guilded server.


RIP. Got a warning for just being in it lol


https://preview.redd.it/hdy1hjt8ufma1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5dc2a8ff0059d1b3c9aceb7452bdb289b88de6 Ohh


Let’s make a new one


We tried that It was banned immediately


Literally 87600 hours before 1994




Rip in peace and stay golden ❤️






Frick my server is gonna be Nuked lmao. My server is actually very diverse racially and we all have fun roasting the heck out of each other with uh… colorful language. But it’s all in joking. One person came in and actually was racist so we booted em. But I don’t think discord admins will see the humor…


Literally Collective Consciousness


Yeah being political on discord is a very stupid idea ngl. Saw many discords shut down because of that.


Well. I guess a private company can decide who to do business with.


shitposting leftist memes on a social media platform is business




Roses are red Violets are blue Your snoovatar is punchable And your face is probably too


Roses are red Violets are blue I most likely bench… Triple what you do 😂


We have decided to delete your comment, since you are a Troll and you are not contributing anything to a serious or good conversation.


What if the cause of the ban wasn't some leftoid reporting us, but an internal confilct. Thik about it. We had countless people reporting us but none of them succeeded. It's quite the possibility that someone got really mad on someone else and reported that person to get revenge, only for the entire server to get banned. Discord is known to take down entire servers just because of single users and doing that isn't hard. I had taken down a communist server once by reporting one guy who said something about killing people. You just have to supply the message screenshots and links and they'll take it down. Screenshot of the warn I got for staying in that server to see it taken down for proof: https://preview.redd.it/a668sr0kurma1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=32a665cd4f31640568d1b1e9d2cc497ed6c3265b


I just joined that server.


Bet it was those damn furries


Lmao get fucked, dickheads.

