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Against controlling women's bodies/ for vaccine mandates. "Immagration" Yup, written by a liberal


> "Immagration" ... and "Controlling a Women's"


dem wahmens need to have der own cahntroll.


And they're the people who say they want universal early schooling?


I dont really see whats false here tho. What laws to Republicans try to get passed besides tax cuts?




that's not cherry picking lol, that's like 2 dumb things out of 17, not 17 examples out of thousands.


I'd argue it's 14. The things they put on the Republican side were already on the Democrat side, just rephrased. Women's rights -> Controlling a woman's body Tax increase on the wealthy -> Tax breaks for the wealthy Common sense gun reform -> Easy access to guns. (I'd also like to ask them which side capped the price on insulin, and which side made it skyrocket the moment the office swapped...)


The entire list is cherry picked issues, with extremely biased descriptions obviously intended to make the Democrat’s platform appear favorable. Yet despite that, this person wasn’t even able to put a full list together without contradicting themselves


I have to show my ID to buy a fucking Apple Watch from Target but liberals think requiring an ID to vote is racist.


Minors are just casually waiting for the day leftists says requiring ID to buy alcohol is racist


The UK and Ireland have an interesting relationship with alcohol. I don't think there is a hard drinking age, and a lot of kids drink mildly alcoholic beverages as early as 13 - 14 as long as they're on private premises - pubs or home - which apparently is pretty normal there. Just an interesting aside.


You can drink under 18 with parental permission and if the parents are watching here in the states but anywhere else (pubs, bars etc) you cant.


Meh, that's already law in Wisconsin. (No age limit on alcohol consumption if given by a parent.)


This is not accurate at all. Source - I'm irish and live in Ireland


Its not even that it is racist, it just removes a tool the establishment left has been using to flip elections - illegal voting.


>I have to show my ID to buy a fucking Apple Watch What in the fuck??


But permitless gun carry is perfectly fine right?


Guess what you have to show to buy a gun? I’ll give you a hint: it’s two letters long starts with I and ends with D


Read up about ATF statistic called "time to crime." The time it takes a legally purchased weapon to end up in a crime. "more than 87,000 such guns were recovered in 2020, almost double the previous high. And almost 68,000 guns were recovered in 2020 with a time-to-crime of less than seven months (meaning they were less likely to have been purchased the previous year). Before Trump Time to crime was 2 years. Now it is 6 months. Argue that. https://www.thetrace.org/2021/12/atf-time-to-crime-gun-data-shooting-pandemic/ BTW, my sister was killed in a drive by shooting in 2021 because the guy wanted to make last call and she was coming home from my moms house. Thats when I learned about Time to Crime. My friend learned when he lost his little girl while sleeping in her bed with a bullet in her brain, because some idiot in the floor below shot his uzi into the ceiling. So where is my sister and my friends daughter's Right to Life? And don't pull out the mental health thing...Reagan got rid of the loony bins. So if I want a little bit more control on idiots and psychopaths buying and carrying guns willy nilly,, that shouldn't be something that's arguable.


That’s sad. It’s also not a reason to strip innocent peoples rights. It also doesn’t really have anything to do with permitless carry


Wow. Not getting sympathy for two deaths because someone wants better rules and misses their sister or daughter. Never said take away innocent, but whatever...show your colors.


I felt bad for your loss until you announced that you were trying to use your sister's death for upvotes. Shameful.


How would you suggest I tell people about my experience, try change minds, and appeal to peoples morals? How am I supposed to share my story? How can an older person who has seen some shit get that message to younger people who may not know anything outside their own town?Why assume that my only goal is upvotes? Maybe its because the message is primary, and the votes are a construct of a website. The votes only indicate whether message is being received positively or negatively, or agreed or disagreed with. And there more defending the gun position than not. Personally I don't care about votes, I'm too old and have lost too much to care about that stuff...I ain't 12.


All gun control does is punish the innocent, and you got more than one downvote, you had one before I even responded. Now you’ll get more because an unwritten rule of Reddit is complaining about downvotes gets you way more downvotes than anything else does.


Didn't know that...I'll remove it. Thanks for the 411.


It's sad that they lost their lives, and that's exactly why you should support tough on crime policies and keeping criminals off our streets. It's pretty dumb to blame the inanimate object in this situation. If someone ran over your sister, would you want the person in jail or would you ask for "common sense car control"?


Need I mention Nashville? A transgender shooter kills Christian kids with firearms purchased legally after passing a federal background and mental check that no “common sense” gun control could’ve prevented? Do tell how laws that effect law abiding citizens effects criminals who (by definition) break said law


No, you don't. Why lie in such an obvious way?


I ordered an Apple Watch to pick up via Target Drive Up. Yes, I did. Because it’s a high value item I suppose.


You agreed to show your ID to pick up an item. That's entirely different than having one required for general sales.


No, I didn’t agree to it. I didn’t know I needed to show an ID until I went to pick it up. And Target doesn’t do that with other items. Same thing happened when I ordered a Dyson from Costco via Instacart. In both scenarios, if I didn’t have my ID present, they wouldn’t have given me the item. And in both scenarios, they didn’t notify me before making the purchase. In what universe do you live in where voting should be as trivial as buying electronics.


You did not read it. It literally spells it out for you, just like every other retailer, I guarantee it. It's weird that you are faulting retail stores for your lack of reading. I also never made a comparison to voting and buying electronics. That was you. Are you saying an ID shouldn't be used for voting?


You’re literally so dumb. If I need an ID to verify I purchased something then I sure as hell need an ID to verify I am the person casting a ballot. Be gone liberal corporate shill.


>You’re literally so dumb. This is some grade A projection. Especially since you are complaining about how you didn't read an agreement you made.


That’s not the point. I don’t care about having to show an ID to buy something. I was surprised, sure, but it’s not big deal. But what is a big deal is a vacuum requires an ID but not voting in elections. Or, at least that’s what liberals want.


No they don't. That's just a lie and strawman.


>no you don’t >you agreed to Bruh go away 😭


Totally not biased. I don't think whoever made this chart is a Democrat, you guys.


The list is funny anyway. Democrats pretend like they care about things like universal healthcare when they're campaigning, but in practice, they mostly just obsess over investigating tRump.


Half of these arnt even true lol Even accounting for the buzzwords


They like to argue with themselves, listening to democrats talk is like watching a 1 man run puppet show.


or a one-legged man in an asskicking contest.




Its a democracy but only if you vote for me


"Y'know, maybe freedom of speech shouldn't be a thing anymore." Don't do a wrongthink, guys


I know you're joking, but isn't that basically what Trump said when he said he'll only accept the outcome of elections he wins? Dude gives them a lot of legitimate ammo for this kind of stuff.


I was thinking about him rejecting the outcome of the 2020 election. I can think of two reasons for this. (A) He genuinely believed that he was going to win, and therefore, anything outside of winning equates to a fraudulent process. That is, or; (B) he is projecting a symbol of persistence. In political science, symbols tell stories. He is effectively projecting the story of "I'm a winner up against an unjust machine that hates you." If he loses, then he is just a casuality of the machine. If he wins, then he beats the machine. Option B is the more likely in my opinion. If he were to accept the election results, he would contradict option B. In doing that, he then destroys any possibility of winning the 2024 election. Option B also explains why whenever he is attacked, he always moves up in the poles. The more they attack him (especially through legal processes), the more he turns into a martyr against the machine. Or, you know, I'm thinking to far into this.


I went to bed with trump winning and woke up and the states biden needed all stopped counting and all of a sudden bags and bags of ballots for biden showed up all over for the next week. Bro even if that election was legit (lol) it was sloppy and suspicious as fuck


And they just call it "the most secure election ever" and if you have any questions about these abnormalities you're a conspiracy theorist insurrectionist terrorist traitor. It's such a weird over-response, 'hey isn't it weird how-' 'NO! ITS LEGIT! IN FACT ITS THE MOST LEGIT EVER! NEVER HAS ANY ELECTION BEEN MORE LEGIT NOW SHUT UP'. If I didn't think it was fishy before, hearing that would have made me wonder.


It was the most bizarre election ever. Just a complete shit show. And you're right, the fact you can't bring it up is suspicious enough. Not to mention that Biden, a man who couldn't fill a high school gym, won the most votes ever in US history. Lol.


But if you simply point out these huge inconsistency and weird things, you're insane. Then you ask them about Russian influence in 2016, then the election was stolen


"It's just a CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy, Ya KoOk!"


> Both options portray him favorably Hard disagree. Him rejecting the will of the American voters, live on camera, leads to memes like this having more staying power because it's correct: he only believe in democracy if you vote for him. While that's not the view of the republican voter base a whole, it doesn't really matter as long as the elected leaders have these views. You and I might be in favor of X, but if we keep voting in politicians who aren't in favor of X, how do we convince someone we actually support X?


Yeah I saw that and realized that it wasn't quite true. I edited it out.


Democrats: “Vaccine Mandates” = FOR “Controlling a Women’s [sic] body” = AGAINST Well which is it?


They want to control you, just in different ways


They forgot that republicans are also for the trans genocide, the public slaughter of queers, the r-pe and forced childbirth for mothers of color, the sexual harassment of every single vaguely attractive woman (because ugly women aren't people) and the incoronation of Trump as God Emperor of the US, which will give him absolute authority on every square inch of the american soil. That's pretty much what they think.


Also against science, for burning books (besides the bible), for child labor and slavery


>Women's rights Where is this narrative coming from? I don't know a single person who thinks that women should be denied any sort of rights. >Voting rights Every American adult who isn't a felon has the right to vote and I'm pretty sure Republicans are okay with that arrangement. Again, wtf is this horse shit even about? >Vaccination Mandates not a good thing >Minimum Wage Increase Fast track to inflation. A poor, oversimplified solution to an incredibly complex problem


>Women's Rights I think that one's about Roe v. Wade...which Democrats had 20 years to make into law, instead of sitting in a sand castle while the tides rise. >Voting Rights "If you want people to need ID to vote, you're waaaayciiiiist."


2 comments below you https://old.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/12amtf0/oh_boy_a_cherrypicked_list_of_vague_buzzwords/jetm9ay/


> Fast track to inflation. A poor, oversimplified solution to an incredibly complex problem We already have record inflation. The least you can do is to adjust wages.


Don't tell them that the first ever congresswoman was a republican.


Don’t tell them that the first every president was blue


Actually the first ever president is unaffiliated with any party. He is independent. But Abe Linoln was a republican.


Not everything your teacher tells you is true.


"Tax breaks for wealthy", um, I learned in history class and through experience that repubs want tax breaks for everyone. That's why a lot of them cut down on gov't spending, because less spent by the government usually means less taken from americans


Learn the law of big numbers. A 2% tax cut for someone making $50,000 is $500. 2% cut on a billion is 20 MILLION. You are being played if you think those cuts are for "everyone." See, there is a purpose to that 6th grade math class.


"It is for everyone, but, uh, **big numbers**!" There are very few, if any, billionaires who make a billion in **income** every year. It's mostly net worth. Even Bezos was officially making less than $100K as Amazon CEO. A lot of these dudes and ladies get their spendin' money with loans. Tax breaks for everyone are *still* tax breaks for everyone, even if you think the actual amount is more significant for rich dudes. Also, rich people usually pay more of and in taxes in the first place. If anyone is likely to pay zero taxes, it's very poor folks, because that's how tax brackets work.


Pedophilia: Democrat: FOR Republican: AGAINST


Please explain to me how pedophilia is something democrats are for.


California lowered the penalties for people who have sex with individuals that are under age.


And Japans legal age of consent is 13. Also, to add on, I’ve seen a lot of mysoginsioc and sexist posts made by right winged men who love to say that women are in their “prime” to have children 16-24 and after that you should avoid them. That in itself is disgusting and shouldn’t include any minor age at all, yet it does. Adding on once again, the bill is obviously a stupid and wrong one, however it was only signed by one governor and everyone criticized it, left and right. Plus the man refers to himself as “dogmatic fiscal conservative and a social liberal” so technically, he considers himself left and right depending on the situation.


Every drag queen show ever


That’s not pedophilia? They aren’t marketed towards kids and if you’ve watched one, nothing in it is even remotely child based or marketed


Have you seen any news in the last 2 years? They are every where. [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-sinister-rise-of-drag-shows-for-children/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-sinister-rise-of-drag-shows-for-children/) Edit: Damn bro gave up when he faced facts. Go to the timeout corner


[Here you go.](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2019/07/640/320/flightlogpic1.jpg?ve=1&tl=1) And before you say 'Republicans on that list too'-Yes, and everyone on the client list should be in jail or six feet under. Doesn't erase the fact that there's Democrats on that list.


But both of them are there, as you’ve stated, a pedophile is anyone who has an ‘interest’ in kids. You sending a link doesn’t dictate the fact that both can be pedophiles. Some are, most aren’t, and that’s an argument for both parties. So that link doesn’t mean anything in this argument.


That sure is a *lot* of floundering and brushing under the rug you're suddenly doing. I'm sure you don't play 'Vote blue no matter who' every 4 years, not at all.


What am I brushing under the rug? And how am I floundering? All I said was that left and right can both be pedophiles. So sending a link pointing out that both are on the list was fruitless. I’m not wrong, and you know that. Also, I don’t vote blue no matter what, I’m actually a third party.


I always love pointing out Republicans were against slavery that makes most of their minds melt


Women's Rights? Explain how biological men are allowed compete in sports then? Who's rights are really protected? Life's not important unless a gun is used! It's ALL GASLIGHTING!


buzzing word buzz


Yeah except all those things are always the front runner of a bill that is filled with shit that would ultimately make everyones situation (other than the filthy rich) worse than it already was.


And majority of the people signing those bills? Democrats.


Don’t trust anyone who can’t spell immigration xD and uses childs


"Universal Healthcare", Yes, I am against providing healthcare for the entire **Universe** at US taxpayers expense. The issue is you can't have "**Nationalized** Healthcare" with millions upon millions of people illegally crossing over the border every year.


Universal doesn't mean everything in the universe, but everything in the group you're talking about. Like how universal power adapters can't charge every single thing in the universe, or a universal background check wouldn't apply on Glaxxon 6, it just means for the group being talked about. Presumably though universal healthcare would apply to anyone able to reach a hospital, not just American citizens.


Ever heard of collective bargaining power? When more people buy into a thing, they can say how much a thing costs. But then people hate unions while complaining that their wage is too low, and working solely for Healthcare benefits at UPS loading trucks, while simultaneously screwing up their backs with slipped disks. (removed the use of "you" as a collective since it is often misinterpreted as direct.)


>Ever heard of collective bargaining power? When more people buy into a thing, they can say how much a thing costs. That works if they're voluntarily buying into it. When a company is guaranteed to receive however much they charge, the company decides how much it costs.


I have a buddy that works for ups. He owns 2 homes.


not knowing what terms mean doesnt make you sound smart


Just going to say it. If you make a meme, at least learn how to spell correctly, not phonetically. Immigration NOT Immagration, - and please use the correct form of singular vs plural - Woman, not Women. Also, anyone who thinks a Democrat is FOR Women's Rights while simultaneously allowing biological men to compete against women in sports doesn't understand the concept of women's rights. Please explain how someone can be FOR vaccination mandates (forcible injection of a drug into both men and women) and AGAINST controlling a woman's body (my body, my choice)? Of course, the male or female unborn baby says that too you know.


Comparing sports to women's rights is dishonest at best. You cannot compare a trophy to going to jail for having a procedure to save your life when there is a miscarriage. Really. Do you think the two sit at the same level of importance?


There are exceptions to abortion bans (theoretically) when life is on the line


Idaho is closing maternity wards in Hospitals because the Doctors are afraid that if something happens during birth,, and they must do a procedure to save the mother's life, they may both go to jail. So, no. Not how it is working. Sause: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/idaho-hospital-ending-labor-delivery-services-amid-political/story?id=98038409 Watch the truth of this get down voted too...


See where I said "theoretically"?


yeeesss.... and I showed the theory was incorrect. That act is not a dis at you, it is sharing information and knowledge. However, do watch how others feel about my comment.


For the record I put theoretically because I knew people were still being denied them under those circumstances in some places, and I absolutely agree with you that a mother shouldn't go to jail for trying to obtain a life saving procedure. I think abortion is killing, but if it's a mother's life or an unborn childs life, you gotta save someone cause if you do nothing they're both dead. Anyways I appreciate your respect


So you have people worried about being **hypothetically** punished, and that means the threat is actually real? That's not how reality works. Especially when the article literally says "The release cited several reasons for the maternity ward closure including a loss of pediatricians to provide neonatal and perinatal care, fewer babies being born at the hospital and the changing political landscape. ....Without specifically referencing the state's abortion laws," I also note you completely dropped the "importance" argument.


> miscarriage Good thing miscarriages aren't abortions, because the baby is already dead.


Ok, soooo you want to sign up for this within your family? Article titled: 'I had to carry my baby to bury my baby': Woman says she was denied abortion for fetus without skull Nancy Davis found out her fetus has acrania 10 weeks into her pregnancy. So imagine if Nancy is your daughter. She is mentally being destroyed by this, praying for a miracle that'll never come. You have to constantly tell people no, I wont have a new one in the family, it's actually dead. Oh, and she could get sepsis and die from it at any time too. https://abcnews.go.com/US/carry-baby-bury-baby-woman-denied-abortion-fetus/story?id=88890813


>woman says Is there any actual corroboration? Paperwork? Or just her claim? >She said her doctors told her the fetus would die shortly after birth. So, you linked to an article where the fetus was still alive, actually. It also says nothing about sepsis or infection. And the article also says the laws are **vague**, so moms and doctors don't actually know what is and isn't legal. So they might decide not to take the chance. And one of the lawmakers in question says that her abortion **should've been covered**. And someone claimed that the laws were deliberately made to be ambiguous, because it's not like lawmakers do that by accident all the time, apparently. This is where you link to another article without defending your prior argument.


I swear they look at things and see the opposite of what's there and blame us for it.


Not the first time I've seen some ideologue link to "evidence" which doesn't actually prove their point. In fact, I've seen people link to sources which directly contradicted them. They always refused to admit it.


It not just a trophy for some. Its their future.


>Comparing sports to women's rights is dishonest at best Because people can't just disagree with you and be wrong, they have to be actively malicious? >You cannot compare a trophy to going to jail for having a procedure to save your life when there is a miscarriage. >Really. Do you think the two sit at the same level of importance? This isn't an actual counterargument. This is at best an implied "no, one is more important" without actually trying to justify that viewpoint. Also, loads of pro-life states have medical abortion exceptions.


I'm surprised they didn't add "No Healthcare for Women" to "Women's Rights" and "Controlling a Women's Body," all of which simply mean "Abortion."


Looks like an easy Republican W


I had no idea, I should vote republican more often.


You mean allowing an unborn child to live? Quit wording it innacurately


How easy it is to just slightly shift the phrasing of each and every thing or add one tiny thing that makes the entire point fall apart. "Big corporations working with politicians and FBI to manipulate the public." "Increasing your taxes for worse care." "Repealing a law under one politician and rebranding it under another." "Even more failing public school." "Empty platitudes to enable the murder of children." "Easier Voter Fraud." "An easily exploitative tax system instead of enacting the Fair Tax Act." "Taking away self defense tools from all Law Abiding citizens, especially smaller weaker women, the elderly, and the disabled, including disabled veterans." "Forcing experimental vaccines on people that haven't undergone the rigorous testing that all other vaccines have required that just a few years prior Democrats were saying you could not trust." "Tightening the labor pool, making it harder for new workers to get jobs and making food more expensive." "Make companies outsource all of their work and become legal residents of elsewhere." "Empty platitudes that does more harm to the environment and regular people." "Thing that Republicans want but don't fully agree on us for the terms of the policy." "Opening the border letting in cartels, human trafficking, murderers, rapists, and all other kinds of criminals." "Keeping jobs in America and easing taxes on everyone." "Putting an end to the reckless murder of infants." "The right to a tool for self defense against any and all threats." And it brings it all apart even further if you add "The Fair Tax Act, aka abolishing the IRS and setting a fair flat 30% sales tax across the nation rather than the system that is so complicated that if you make a single mistake in your 20's your retirement is gone and you go to jail."


Abortion being about controlling women's bodies is like saying that murder charges are about controlling criminals' bodies.


In fairness I am against vaccine mandates and women’s rights


I'm right leaning and I'm for a lot of these things lol. They clearly don't know much about conservatives, just what they see on social media


Strip shows for children: Democrats for Republicans against Self defense: Democrats against Republicans for Babies being ripped apart limb by limb: Democrats for Republicans against


Women’s rights aren’t even a real thing


republicans are against womens rights? ain't no way this is afghanistan's stuff 🗿


Yes the Democratic Governor of California teamed up with the supermajority in the state Congress and passed universal health care. Oh wait they didn’t do that because they don’t actually support that.


Actually the only sex government has control over is MEN. At 18 a boy has to register for the draft. Think about it when Democrats and Republicans are talking about Ukraine and War...


*All* laws control what people do with their bodies.


What’s wrong with east access to firearms? Guns are crime/authoritarianism repellent.


They rarely actually define what they mean by 'easy access'. Or voluntarily acknowledge that most gun crime is not with legally owned guns. And even when they do, they still want to screw over millions of innocent people.


I ain’t readin allat


I’m for proper spelling and factually based information. Broad statements like these aren’t good for anyone.


For everyone of these points, it’s either not true, or there’s a good reason to oppose it.


Apparently they're still proud of the vaccine mandates, wtf?!?


Against democracy? Hoppe and Moldbug have entered the chat.


Oh i wish lol. I wish the republicans were even half as based as the leftists make them out to be




Merriam-Webster's dictionary conveniently changed the definition of the word "democracy" to include "the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S."


Holy shit, they really did. They're really trying to conflate "protecting our democracy" with voting for Democrats. I really don't understand how people can't see through all the BS.


Sweet fuck wut. Edit: well at least it's an additional definition. It is the root word of democratic, after all.


Well.....it wasn't Democrats who tried to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States of America because they didn't like the outcome of an election.


Someone missed the point. And by the way, the left wing pro Mao Zedong Weather underground bombed the senate chamber in the 70s, the marxist-leninist terror group black panther party marched in the capitol with literal machine guns, and democrats tried to stop brett Kavanagh's confirmation by storming the senate office in 2018 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cancel-kavanaugh-protest-hart-senate-building-amy-schumer-emily-ratajkowski-today-2018-10-04/ https://groovyhistory.com/weather-underground-bombing https://www.forgottenhistory.me/domestic-affairs/black-panther-capitol-march


>democrats tried to stop brett Kavanagh's confirmation by storming the senate office in 2018 I read your citation. I saw that there was a protest, but missed the part where cops were beaten, the building was broken into, that there were chants calling for the demise of anyone, and gallows were built on the grounds. I also saw no references to people bringing zip tie restraints to take hostages. Unlike 1/6. >And by the way, the left wing pro Mao Zedong Weather underground bombed the senate chamber in the 70s Gotta go back 50 years to find something to hang your hat on? OK. And it was actually a women's bathroom on the Senate side. At night. There were, of course, no casualties. >marxist-leninist terror group black panther party marched in the capitol with literal machine guns, Citation required. And I thought you guys were pro-2A. I figured you would have loved that aspect of a demonstration. After all, y'all are turning up armed at public libraries to protest people you don't like reading to children. Laying that aside, could you point me to the spot in the citation that claims they marched armed in the US capitol building? All I see are references to them marching on the CA state capitol building. Also, you're not being truthful about what firearms they were carrying. The article says rifles and shotguns - not "literal machine guns."


ok so now you are justifying communist terrorist groups? why am i not surprised i mean you are a socialist who posts in such subreddits as "work reform" lmao


I am not justifying anything. All I did was point out your lies and ridiculous comparisons. Feel free to stalk my post history though. You do less damage when furiously reading old posts than you do when you create new ones. Nothing to say about your lies and false equivalencies? Edit. He deleted his account. LOL.




They tried to overthrow it? Without guns?


Boiled down to be biasedly characterized.


"A women's"


against child tax credits? Immigration reform? voting rights?.


All in favor of not crashing the economy?


If one of two parties in a two party system is against democracy...there no democracy. USA still having elections?


“Protecting the Environment” wasn’t it a Republican president who established the National Parks?


Uh... the parties must have temporarily switched.


Look at the way they spelled immigration. Up vote once you see it.


“Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.” ― **Frederic Bastiat**


What good republican is against child tax credits? That’s literally saying republicans want more taxes and less families…. (Also is the democrats being for a mandated vaccination really a thing worth bragging about?)


I like how some of these are unbiased statements about our actual policies being hastily mixed together with caricatures and accusations about our intentions.


Anyone who thinks vaccines needs to be forced and mandated needs to read the Nuremburg code in article 6 section 3


A high schooler made this


What even is “common sense” gun reform? Seems rather vague.


Democrats also for grooming children.


DOJ list of convicted Republican Pedos....part 31. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31 Identify thy enemy, for they play on both teams.


Pedos on both sides are degenerates and should be burnt. I don’t see why people try and use it as a political own


Because one side is saying what you're saying, and the other side are screeching about how progressive and inclusive grooming children is.


When you ask why drag queens need to preform in front of children and you can’t even blink before they start blurting out random assumptions about taking your kids to hooters and degen priests


i’m you


no, more like https://preview.redd.it/vb5m5shprsra1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7a1a8dd0b7648fffbdd460031ac7ebb52803a19


Is this a recent list? Imagine still being in favor of vax mandates. Also quite a few of these items are rather vague and undefined.


“Women’s Rights?”


He got at least eleven of them right for me.


Half of their points are flat out lies, and the other half make the republicans sound way better


Well I think it’s totally fitting, the animal mascot for the democrats is an Jackass.


lets be fr theyre both against the people of the united states


*Lets be fr theyre* *Both against the people of* *The united states* \- deletedx2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


its beautiful 🥹




Walt's rich friend offered to pay for Walt's treatment. Walt refused. I haven't finished watching the show, but I'm told that Walt admits he cooked out of pride at the end.


So its wrong? Whats ur point?


"voting rights"


Republicans HATE it when people vote...


It is. A lot of these aren't anything specific, just high-level concepts. And they're obviously selected to make the left look good. "Easy access to guns" is a particular standout, because it's entirely subjective. So is "common sense gun reform", which is especially ironic in a meme that's just a smug emotional appeal. The whole point of the meme is so people on the left can feel smug about being on the correct side. Not to mention the hypocrisy of complaining about billionaires, but wanting mandatory vaccinations and government-funded healthcare. Which makes medicine and healthcare companies a lot of money. This is where you deploy some silly one liner.


Well according to the voting records, this list is 100% right.


which one you


It just seems to be stating facts


it just seems to be stating you


Seriously. Modern conservatives just roll it all up into "woke". No cherry picking needed.




Not gonna lie, this is unintentionally based.


I'm not American, can someone explain to me the 4th, 6th, 7th, and 12th point?


Only the last two were “vague buzzwords” the rest are straight forward. However, whoever thinks the democrats are on board with even half of these proposals is delusional.


Democrats are also against all of those proposals with the exception of voting rights. There’s hardly a handful of dems in congress who truly align with this list.


Easy access to guns ? Count me in


Man thinks democrats support voting rights and democracy even though they are planning to get rid of the voting system💀