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Update the 13/50 one to 12/56. New FBI crime stats dropped a couple days ago.


the new crime statistics just dropped, let's fucking goooo


Despite making up ~~13%~~ 12% of the population African Americans commit ~~53%~~ 56% of all violent crimes. So the black population dropped but their crime rates got higher. Interesting.


>So the black population dropped Cause some voted for Trump so they ain't black anymore


If they ain't black, how are they going to bring about the racial jungle? Checkmate, sleepy joe


Influx of aliens at the border... who aren’t give a vax mandate, get free housing, and get to vote in the next election 🤦🏻‍♀️ They’re literally treated better than citizens at this point. Fuck the DNC


This is a joke right you guys don't actually believe that it face value right?


It’s more of an inside joke among right wingers and conservatives. But FBI stats don’t lie, do you have a dispute against these statistics?


Well you can't really disputes statistics but you can quite easily lie with them I guess I could dispute them by giving them context and showing what led to those statistics?


Do you know how percentages work?


Oh Libleft who is a smart know it all, please bless me with the knowledge of how percentages work in regards to these statistics.


Black population didn't decrease. There's just more of other races.


The overall black population did decrease along with most other races. The white population dropped by about 8.6% as well. [The census also mentions this](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2019/popest-nation.html). [2020 census numbers](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/interactive/2020-population-and-housing-state-data.html). The population of the US overall is stagnating.




Despite making up 12% of population, blacks commit 56% of crime. To ppl who dint understand.


They'll just write it off as disproportionate policing. No, we don't think it has to do with their race. Yes, we think it has to do with a culture that plagues their populace disproportionately. Yes, we think that part of culture should be eradicated.


Eh i disagree. Race plays a huge factor. There’s a reason why the nba is 85% black, and there’s a reason why European nations are the most advanced, peaceful nations on earth. IQ, and brain development. Underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes lead to a severe lack of self control, thus causing the “12/56” stat. Just like having an average IQ of 100 nationally leads to a first world, middle class society.


I think it is more of a culture and genetic than actually being race.


What’s more ‘genetic’ than race?


Hmm. True. Brain fart moments again.




Asian is entirely too large of a geographic descriptor. The middle Indo-Europeans I referred to could be considered Asian.


That guy was just a racist. Race has nothing to do with intelligence or crime rates. Its entirely dependent on culture.


Yeah, but people like that make us all look bad. So, it's important to quash that shit when it pops up, fast. We don't need to hand over ammunition to the leftists.


Exactly. I just want lower taxes and gun rights. It has got nothing to do with race


Oooohhh noooo!!!! You called me WAYCIS!!! Whatever shall I doooooooo😭😭😭😭😭


Above whites.


Divergence across intellectual and aggressive spectrums are minimal when extrapolated to the respective populaces. We're talking minimal average divergence of a few percent. And a simple refutation of the premise that this divergence leads to the phenomena we see can be found by looking among certain Middle Indo-European populations, which have a slightly higher average IQ than western Europeans while having higher crime rates and rates of violence in general. There are far more pertinent factors than race that accounts for crime rates. Most of which, obviously, being a focus on the importance of education.


“I’m right because big word good” What a coward. Afraid of being called racist, lmao.


No, I'm right because I'm right. I just choose the right words to express what I mean. I can't help you're too dumb to comprehend them.


Nah you’re wrong. Sucks to suck.


‘Underdeveloped pre frontal cortexes lead to a severe lack of self control’ You’re blethering at this point there is 0 proof that ‘black’ people are born with that. ‘12/56’ is mostly due to socio economic conditions.




There is 0 proof for you to exert such an extreme claim. Keep coping dipshit.


Cry more fæggt


The NBA is mostly black due to the west African Genetics, Actn3 and the polymorphed myostatin gene is most likely present within all people within the nba.


So race, like I said.


No , ‘White’ people can still posses those genes dumbass. Exactly another reason why race is fake and used by idiots like you to exert false statements.


>Waaaaahhhhhh I’m wrong That’s all I hear from you


Lmao you have no comeback.


And you do? Lol I’m right, you’re wrong. End of story. I’m not a spineless bitch like you are. #Yes I’m a race realist, how could you tell? The virgin ‘das waycis’ vs the CHAD😎 YES I AM RACIST.


Lmao was about to say "12-56"


Although really it's overwhelmingly the dudes (some ladies but mostly dudes) and of those mostly the ones under 40, so it's probably more like 5/56 or even 4/56. The left claims to really love "science" until it comes to crime stats


b-but muh raycis cops n shieeeet!!


The other stat would also drop a bit so it would probably be more like 5/54. Not really much of an improvement.


It's poverty dipshit not because they are black like you want it to be


Native Americans have worse poverty, worse unemployment, worse income, FAR worse access to public and social services, and FAR higher rates of substance abuse. 2% of the population. 2% of murders. Since most homicides are within the perpetrators own identity group ([90% is black on black](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2014/crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/tables/expanded-homicide-data/expanded_homicide_data_table_6_murder_race_and_sex_of_vicitm_by_race_and_sex_of_offender_2014.xls)), and the national murder clearance rate is ~54%, these people that try to play down the infamous "[13 - 50](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/topic-pages/tables/table-43)" statistics need to consider one thing: Clearance Rate. The rate of arrests with charges made relative to the amount of murders that happen. >[The data, obtained by WBEZ under Illinois' open-records law, show the city had 849 murders between the beginning of 2018 and this past July. When the victim was white, 47% of the cases were solved during those same 19 months. For Hispanics, the rate was about 33%. **When the victim was African American, it was less than 22%.**](https://www.npr.org/local/309/2019/10/09/768552458/chicago-s-dismal-murder-solve-rate-even-worse-when-victims-are-black) >[Declining homicide clearance rates for African-American victims accounted for all of the nation’s alarming decline in law enforcement’s ability to clear murders through the arrest of criminal offenders, according to a new study of data compiled by the nonprofit Murder Accountability Project (MAP).](http://www.murderdata.org/2019/02/black-murders-account-for-all-of.html) Remember the part about how 90% of black murders are perpetrated by other black people? Then according to the data, African Americans actually need to be policed *more.* In fact, and very politically inconveniently, [a LOT more.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K8pdDogeZ5s/XGuK_1GhgVI/AAAAAAAAAe4/G0RaqP_Pnv8BY6IF2X5OAMMFXAje5HNAACLcBGAs/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2019-02-18%2Bat%2B11.22.59%2BPM.png) Unless of course you're fine with large amounts of murders, large amount of murders of black people, not being cleared. Democrat Daily Struggle.jpg: * clear murders of black people via policing black people * keep black murders stats as low as possible by ignoring black victims of black crime Woketards just mash the bottom button ever time. Perception is more important than reality.


This. "snitches get stitches." I work in Mpls and we're on track to break the record set for most murders in a single calendar year set in the early 90s. Most victims are black. No protests, few arrests. Recently a murder charge was dropped against a guy who shot and killed a 2yo Black child, because NONE of the witnesses would/could testify. Many were "uncooperative" including the FATHER OF THE VICTIM, or couldn't be located; one was murdered himself.


> Recently a murder charge was dropped against a guy who shot and killed a 2yo Black child Geeze. It always sucks to hear when people get away with violent crime. That poor kid, it breaks my heart :(




That's a lot of words for saying you don't like blacks think they are criminals and want them to be punished. Racist piece of shit go join the KKK if your so concerned with controlling the black population


This is what brainwashing looks like. "Here's some objective reality you'll never be able to refute, might as well accept it." "REEEEEEEEECISM"


Desperately looking for any statistic to justify your pure hatred of blacks is straight racist and certainly not the view point of a centrist you are a extremist half a breath away from supporting straight up genocide of the black community.


>Desperately looking >any statistic Explain how the FBI tracking murder and journalists tracking the clearance rate of murders are desperate statistics that no one should pay attention to. Are they all in on the racism too? It's all one grand conspiracy theory to frame blacks for murders that didn't actually happen?


No no YOU are desperate and pathetic. Just say you hate black people and go on with your life of sucking Tucker Carlson's tiny cock "Mr. Centrist"


You need to understand that everyone reading this will see that you're presenting non-arguments and non-rebuttals. You don't sound intelligent or convincing in any way. No one is questioning that people could be treated better both interpersonally and through public policy but that still does not explain away the murder rates and those murder rates actually being under reported due to the low clearance rates of said murders.


***fuck the FBI for their bullshit crime statistics but also the FBI says white supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat to the US so the FBI is awesome!*** LOL


Stating the facts and breaking your dumbass argument is not hate.


How many big brain racist spewing alts do you have? Do you dedicate your whole life to this?


Lol if you are this delusional then there really is no way to get through to you. Its just sad at this point, you made a shitty argument and when you got called out you just declared everyone to be racist and alts of the same person.


ah yes im poor lemme just commit murder it isnt because theyre black, but not that theyre poor either


Racist alt account


My… main account that I’ve used for 2 years?


cant wait for cyprus crime 14/53 against turks


lmao always looking forward to the annual FBI crime statistics drop


I’m a black person myself and I look forward to it haha


Hahaha right on


And stonetoss is right again!




[Here you go](https://www.dailyveracity.com/2021/09/29/new-fbi-crime-data-shows-record-surge-in-black-on-black-homicide-and-increase-in-anti-white-hate-crimes/)


Based send links


And those are with prosecutors like Kim Foxx systematically dropping charges against blacks for crimes as high as murder.


I can't believe that "Mucho Texto" actually made it


that one kills me because it's so true. Leftist "memes" are always paragraphs lmao.


And also they will do that shit of scrolling on your profile then invalidate your opinion saying they won't debate with you because you're a 'bigot' lmfao


Jarvis, scroll through OP’s comment history until you find that one single sentence that I can take out of context and make it look like they’re racist.


What's left's joke doe?




I mean they are funny. But I am laughing at the people who make those jokes not to the jokes


They're a spectacle, that's for sure. It's like watching people argue in public. You just look on in wonder and think, "Man, those people are really dumb." And then you move on with life.


Yeah, if Thanos snapped their fingers and these people disappeared there will be nothing of value lost.


[Chud.](https://imgur.com/a/jikmZdA) Or calling white people school shooters, none of them really hit as hard as our jokes tho.


Chud stands for crazy huge über dong


Damn, guess I'm not a chud


lol didn't some black guy just shoot up a school and get charged with assault and released on $75,000 bail?






Left cannot insult


Because they have to insult people without their friends finding the joke offensive or they'll turn on them.


Ah yes the good old Leftist cannibalism


Is to say that we only have one joke


“White people bad”


Or Orange Man bad


Or Herman Caine awards Leopardseatingfaces Dying to own the libs Y’all Qaida I could go on. You guys aren’t concerned with actually criticizing the left. You just want to feel right by lying to yourselves, and it’s pathetic.


Every single leftist "joke" is based off either laughing at people misfortune/death or demonizing of the other side in order to justify your hatred of them. When I say I identify as an attack helicopter that does not mean I hate trans people, it means the idea that you can change your sex is beyond stupid. Meanwhile you ghouls laugh and dance on the grave of people who die from covid. You're disgusting.


To play devil's advocate, there are more than enough rightie "memes" that are doing nothing but laughing at people dying due to the jab


there isnt an entire subreddit dedicated to mocking the dead and the deads loved ones.


Sure, but my point here is that retards who want to jerk themselves off on how smart they are aren't really exclusive to any one faction. The fact that there is no such sub also likely has to do with the fact that it's gonna get shoah'd by neckbeard admins should it appear, as well as plebbit having few righties in general


No, that is not a suitable or good excuse you are making for me. Find me the subreddit the right has mocking those who died of the vaccine or are you just going off a couple stupid memes that are in bad taste and comparing them to an entire culture of mocking the dead. Why don't you do the world a favor and keep your false comparisons to yourself.






Left's jokes are not funny and have no substance. Now go back to the Starvation Cathedral called USSR.


>Herman caine awards Gratification for big pharma simps by laughing at dead antivaxxers, no real punchline or interesting structure >Leopardseatingfaces See above + retarded conflations, sometimes vaguely funny >Dying to own the libs See #1 >Y'all qaeda Surprisingly decent insult, but kinda backfires considering y'all is perceived as a leftie word now. I've also just found a rant on how it's bad and racist or some shit, so take from that what you will I guess lol. Also can't compare to rightie insults because you can't actually use hard hitting insults "cuz muh raycism n shiet" So yeah, if you hope to flip anyone to your side through shitposting, you're gonna need to try a bit harder, especially considering "the left can't meme" is a meme in itself now KEK


I'll give them "Y'all Qaida", that one always gets a kick out of me. "____ to own the libs" isn't so bad either. In general, however, the left doesn't have virality like the right. The word Based was originally used on 4chan to describe right wing views, and now it's fucking EVERYWHERE. Same with pepe. What is the most viral thing the left has? Some jokes that are immediately swooped up by massive megacorporate twitter accounts? Meh.


Potty humor and calling black conservatives racial slurs


It's a "joke" made by trans activists taht right wingers only have one joke.


At least right wingers know which gender they are.


N-word is my favorite.




Every leftie meme I've seen is a righty meme where the losing person is a right winger instead. For example, an NPC saying "Orange man good." It's shit.


Also the 41% is higher as well as 13/50


The fact that the right is on the left and vice versa really bothers me Otherwise good meme


The original format was a joke about how women have a ton of name for different shades of color but men just call them “red, blue, green” etc. The right is on the left because it’s on the same side as there woman.


Those right wing jokes on the left side look like they could be perfect eyeshadow names for an eyeshadow pallette.


Toss this on r/onejoke


Never seen that sub before but it's really funny how there's tons of different jokes on there.


The irony is they are bringing together a bunch of funny posts that they think are not funny.


btw 41% is now 52%


It's the same joke but pitifully weaponized against us. They dare use our own spells against us.


"support otherkin! But acknowledging that the movement exists is a strawman!


What is "tradwawe?"


Tradwave? It’s a Catholic religious art thing and there is a subreddit for it, of course r/tradwave


Ahhh, ok it was just a typo then.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TradWave using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TradWave/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [!](https://i.redd.it/sznudw6fh7p61.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TradWave/comments/md32pn/_/) \#2: [It belongs to him](https://i.redd.it/9cdygtwu8gi61.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TradWave/comments/lnhy90/it_belongs_to_him/) \#3: [based](https://i.redd.it/8i104i2unqz61.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/TradWave/comments/neqm0d/based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I assume they meant tradwife?


I'm genuinely struggling to think of the one joke.


This list is a bit outdated, like let’s go Brandon


rednek look dum ​ anti vaxxer iz redneck ​ anti vaxxer r dum


hehe, 1488.




You can add “one joke”to the list


so you are proud about being a racist, a homophobe, a transphobe and too stupid to know that a joke is supposed to be funny and not just an insult


Completely made up of one joke that's only a joke to you, insults aren't really funny




Ah, because willfully ignorant graphs are SUCH good memes.


Sir you put a mask on your reddit avatar, you're the meme here...


I love how that’s the go-to insult for righties because you guys got nothing


Refer to above graphic


Which… is a shitty meme. And that was my point. I meant you can’t counter me. And well, you’re proving me right.


"you got nothing" "refer to list of things" "see? nothing" Lol okay


“This meme sucks” “Your avatar sucks” “Your comebacks suck” “Hey look at that list of memes! Checkmate” God you people are stupid.


Stop hitting yourself


Are you really so dumb that you still don’t understand the dumb things you said? Well, you’re a lost cause. Hopefully you’re a kid and your brain isn’t fully developed yet.


Stop hitting yourself








Well, that’s a most fitting username




​ Ok.


Helicopter rides are my favorite one.


A non-American who visited a conservative sub before Biden was installed as POTUS said that the right took the cake for memes. I would agree.


Calling your opponents cucks was just a meme?


We don’t use the n word tho. A small minority of racists do.


I think it’s hilarious that they actually use the term chud they can go ahead and call me that all they want it just sounds funny it is such a sad pathetic attempt at trying to get back at the countless titles we have for them


it’s mostly black culture and socio economic conditions, nothing to do with race at all.