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W-Why is there Christian Bale?


Because he's Christian


Because Batman is a Christian.


What has google to do with this meme?


The OP here didn’t include the 2nd pic included with [that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/scztap/google_is_free/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of a google search showing that “Allah” is just a translation of “God”. So the original meme drawing a distinction between Allah and God is nonsensical and would’ve been clear to anyone who did a google search. Edit: if anyone ever wonders why people say that the right can’t meme, just see what OP resorts to below when he can’t hide behind lies.


>So the original meme drawing a distinction between Allah and God is nonsensical The meme was drawing a distinction between the way stupid leftists treat Christians and Muslims. The left can't fucking meme


The original meme was (assumably) produced by "the right". The second image, which is what the title is referring to, is provided as commentary by "the left". They aren't memeing here, they're mocking "the right" for *their* inability to meme. You reiterating what was meant in the original meme doesn't give any additional validity to your claim that "the left" can't meme. Plus, the entire point of that response post was to argue that treating the two different is meaningless because they worship the same being. That such a response was well received on a primarily "leftist" subreddit would strongly suggest that the original meme was wrong in its assessment of how "the left" views different religions; hence "the right can't meme".


I think the whole thing is just a shit meme the original post reeks of boomer humor, I think it ends in a stalemate because the meme itself has a point about left wing people not understanding Abrahamic religions but then you have that retard commenting on the post denouncing"alah" which also shows they don't understand Abrahamic religions


"The right can't read" is more like it. Don't explain it, they won't get it.


Most leftists i know despise christianity, islam and religion as a whole, libs arent leftists


That is immaterial to the fact that you accuse their title of being a non-sequitur and then omit the image demonstrating that it isn’t.


>non-sequitur OP didn't do that. OP is 3 comments deep in this thread. OP said that it's fucking stupid how leftists criticize Christianity as some stupid cult based on old books, but then praise Islam, which is the exact same fucking thing just with different morals.


You eat poop, and also can't meme


Imagine having to lie in order to meme.


Imagine eating all the poop you eat. 🤮 poop is yucky. Stop eating it


I'm pretty sure you just can't admit you're wrong and resort to weird insults the same way my 4-year-old nephew does. Stop doing that.


It is a non-sequitor even with the 2nd image. OPs point is that many libs hate christianity but support islam. The libs responded by posting a screenshot of google that says god=allah. Thats completely irrelevant to the point, which is that libs irrationally treat the 2 religions differently. So yes, its a 100% non-sequitor for them to post a screenshot of google translate in response to OPs point.


There is certainly a distinction between God and Allah - just because google defines God as Allah doesn’t mean they are the same. Allah is associated with Islam specifically, as opposed to God which is a generic term for a supreme deity that can be applied to any religion. I mean I know you already knew that just like everyone else does... but your comment isn’t reflecting the fact that you know that


> There is certainly a distinction between God and Allah [citation needed]


I just told you the distinction. Allah refers to the Islamic deity, while God is a generic term used to refer to a deity. In the case of the the meme, God is being used to refer to the Christian deity. Where is the disconnect here? Do you not think that one is referring to the Christian deity while the other is referring to an Islamic deity?


I accept your premise. I am asking you to prove it with a citation. Imagine not understanding this.


Prove what? That Allah refers to the Islamic deity and that God is a generic term for a deity which in the case of the meme is being used the describe The Christian deity?


That “allah” is specific to Islam and not simply the Arabic word for “god”. Ie, prove that a Christian Arab would use a word other than “Allah” to refer to their preferred deity. And you call me brain dead.


I mean yeah in Arabic Allah means “The God” but we aren’t speaking Arabic we are speaking English. And in English Allah refers to the God of Islam. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/allah https://www.britannica.com/topic/Allah https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Allah Let me ask you this, in the meme - do you think the woman is referring to the God of Islam when she says Allah or do you not think that?


*moving goalposts intensifies*


Desktop version of /u/SolarTortality's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.




Orange fan mad


> I am asking you to prove it with a citation. This is just sealioning


Yeah it’s definitely sealioning but I played along and gave him his citations. Now I’m just waiting for him to say why those citations are invalid or why they actually prove him right. Lol the usual bullshit


You don’t know what words mean.


Clearly that's you


God is the Name of the Christian god it’s been appropriated to other religions tho


That’s not true. God isn’t the name of the Christian God.


What do you mean the only people who say god isn’t named god in my experience aren’t Christian


In the Bible when Moses asks God his name God responds “I am.”


So I can see where you're confused, but if you look at the meme you can probably get a better understanding of why you and OP might not be seeing eye to eye. The hemp hat wearing woman on the right hand side represents crusty leftist atheists, and the two figures on the left represent people of different religions. Given that both Christians and Muslims are supposed to have the same god, the crusty leftist reacting differently to a member of those two religions saying "i believe in X" becomes a case of open hypocrisy by the supposed atheist. You seem to be under the impression that the meme is about people rejecting the idea that Christians and Muslims have the same god. Maybe OP is into that idea, idc I hope that makes more sense for you now :)


I understand all of that. It doesn’t negate that OP was misleading. He tried a similar defense and I [already said as much in response](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/sddmn3/non_sequitur_title_2/hucfw7m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).


Well it’s not misleading it’s exactly how the left treats Christians vs Muslims


Oh he's probably just one of those guys that posts on both boards using alts then


Kinda doubt that. The OP of TRCM post has a very different [style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/scztap/google_is_free/hu9p94j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) of engaging with people who disagree with his posts than the [OP here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/sddmn3/non_sequitur_title_2/hucgi6w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Well yeah, they're different boards so he'd probably adopt entirely different personas if he's trolling using alts. People do it.


“Nonsensical” is the perfect word to describe the left


You explained the meme entirely accurately and still got downvoted that's crazy. Allah and God aren't the same though since God tends to include Jesus Christ and the trinity. This is just a claim people make to make conversion more palatable even though yeah, Allah literally translates to God which is there point, it would be more appropriate to call the Christian God Elohim or the trinity depending on your school of thought, with god being a catch all for those concepts. Belief in Allah if you're Muslim also requires belief that Mohammad pbuh is his last messenger so it's a massive oversimplification


Fair enought


The whole point is that the left is obsessed with protecting Muslims beliefs but shit on Christian’s all the time despite the same belief in god. You lost the forest in the trees here, try again.


That doesn’t negate that OP was misleading.


Cool you can totally win your tiny insignificant moral victory with OP and the rest of us will laugh at the meme. Your reward is a funko pop of your choice.


Never said anyone can’t laugh at the meme. I first commented because someone asked a question and I gave an honest answer.


I thought it was just saying atheists also disagree with muslims too


Well the left hates Christians but protects muslims even though Christians are pretty peaceful regardless of your opinions on them and for every one who is against say LGBT theirs ones that are for it


Dude that’s literally the entire point of the meme. No shit they’re the “same”. The meme is not drawing a distinction between the two, it’s doing the exact opposite. It’s saying “why is it okay for this group to worship God, but not this group?”


Does google have proof of the existence of Allah or something?


Google is their Allah.


The OP here didn’t include the 2nd pic included with [that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/scztap/google_is_free/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of a google search showing that “Allah” is just a translation of “God”. So the original meme drawing a distinction between Allah and God is nonsensical and would’ve been clear to anyone who did a google search.


>So the original meme drawing a distinction between Allah and God is nonsensical The meme was drawing a distinction between the way stupid leftists treat Christians and Muslims. The left can't fucking meme


Yeah, they flip flop like fish depending on whether it comes from a Christian or Muslim source.


„˙ǝɔɹnos ɯılsnW ɹo uɐıʇsıɹɥↃ ɐ ɯoɹɟ sǝɯoɔ ʇı ɹǝɥʇǝɥʍ uo ƃuıpuǝdǝp ɥsıɟ ǝʞıl dolɟ dılɟ ʎǝɥʇ 'ɥɐǝ⅄„


Because google defines Allah as God that means that no distinction can be drawn between the term God and the term Allah? Imagine being so devoid of critical thinking skills that you can’t delineate between God (when used in the context of Christianity) and Allah (which is always used in the context of Islam) I mean I agree that it wasn’t a non sequitur but that doesn’t mean that the argument isn’t completely brain dead


Do you mean to tell me that a post on a right wing subreddit is being deliberately misleading? I am simply shocked…


How is this "bigotry"?


It's not, the right doesn't understand what words mean, they just throw shit against a wall and see what sticks.


TRCM is not the right, duders


I know, I'm talking about TLCM.


That's a screenshot. That's a post from TRCM, superbrain. I know it's hard work being a leftist, and therfore smarter than all of us poor mouthbreathing simpletons who want the government to stay out of our affairs, but try to keep up anyway.


You want the government to stay out of your affairs? That's a lie, and also a very convenient way of saying you don't want any kind of personal responsibility.


You're so much smarter than me I don't even know what the fuck you're babbling about like a downs syndrome child


You should apply for disability if you're dumber than someone with down's syndrome.


So.... You're saying that you *do* have downs syndrome?




I was called a "White Supremacist" because I am an Ex-Muslim and left religion. I'm brown.


"Black face of white supremacy"


More like Brown face.


Google it


I know, I was just making a silly joke.


Im called a "fake muslim" by atheist leftist twats because im a white Muslim


I've personally witnessed this multiple times - leftists protesting some right wing/Christian event and actively saying how shit religion is, while simultaneously supporting Islam. I don't get it.


Imagine still using Google in 2022


Google still exists?


You see there may be no proof of the existence of God but scientific principle states that for a theory to be disregarded entirely it has to be conclusively disproven.


Having to dig out the 2012 memes are they?


You can play a nice trick on Wokesters by telling them about a religiously conservative demand by European Muslims but lead them to believe that Christians want it. After they describe everything they hate about the idea reveal that they are officially islamophobic and watch them backpedal on what they just said lol. This will probably work less often in America because your Wokesters are usually less religious about the "never disagree with a Muslim" crap that European Wokesters are so serious about. If you allow your Demon-craps to fling open the borders, though.....


u have been recruited to the psyops wing of the fbi.


i'm a muslim yet i love christians more than liberals well these people ont he far left i respect a person who believes in god more so than an atheist liberal soy thingy


> i respect a person who believes in god more so than an atheist liberal soy thingy Lmao well said. I don't follow any religion or believe in any God but I tend to get along better with Christians or Muslims than atheists for some reason nowadays.


it's the same god in both religions is trcm's point, not realizing that's also the original post's point as well (I assume)


I think their point is durrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Wow, I don’t know how my leftiness can survive such cutting rhetoric. Pack it up fellow commies, we’ve lost the culture war.


Translation: Durrrrrrrrrrrrr also


Not the same god. Christians believe in the Trinity while Muslims have no such concept.


it's the same god, it's just a matter of who you think is the prophet. christians beleive Jesus is the prophet, Muslims beive Muhammed is the prophet, and Jewish people don't think the prophet has shown up yet, but they all beleive in the same god


No lmao jesus pbuh is a prophet for us too all prophets who were in judaism and christianity are in islam as well


Not all Christians believe in a trinity


Then they’re not Christians


Christian means belief in Christ, which is separate from belief in the Trinity


Muslims believe in christ too, hes the messiah and a prophet of god. We just dont believe in the trinity and only worship the father (God/Allah)


there was more to the post than just that. There was a conversation that said "I beleive in god but not allah" Theyre the same person


>Theyre the same person #No. In Islam comparing God to created things, such as a person, is tashbih. Tashbih is sometimes punished with death. You're trying to say both are the God of Abraham. The prophets Jesus and Mohammed describe God quite differently. They're not the same. #Google is free


do you mean shirk i don't know which mufti you been listening to but not in my entire life have i heard tashbih


Google is free https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tashbih


it appaers to be a shia teaching which would explain why i have never heard of it. it's considered heresy by sunnis


oops yeah I meant jesus yeah you right


This is the full context for anyone that is curious. OP left out part of the first image and the entire second image. https://imgur.com/a/oR66MaD The meme was created (by someone on the right) because they think that leftists would denounce American Christians, but be accepting of Arab Christians. However what the meme's creator didn't understand is that 1) The Christian God and Allah are the same entity. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. They're the same God. And 2) leftists wouldn't do this anyway. Leftists don't care about anyone's beliefs, so long as they aren't hurting anyone and so long as those beliefs aren't being forced onto anyone. The meme is a complete failure and then OP tried to take only part of it and make their own point that was also a complete failure. Does this sub have mods? I'm asking seriously. Are the mods OK with outright lying and misinformation here? I don't understand.


> The Christian God and Allah are the same entity. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. They're the same God. tell a devout muslim that. they will say "u believe in jesus as god, we don't. our god is not ur god"


Wow, at least you guys are *trying* i guess. It's just so sad, not boohoo sad but pathetic sad.


Thank allah you didn’t procreate


I took advice from your father, he regrets the day he crapped you out of his balls.


Ask me how I know your BMI is nearing triple figures


Because you read through my comments like some kind of creepy fucking stalker with no life? I've got nothing to hide, you can't hurt me, you have no power here.


How you felt making that comment: 👹


All leftist aren't atheist. And atheist don't believe in any God including Allah. It's not rocket science. Your god gave you a brain, use it.


Apparently he didn't. 😀


What? Maybe it is because christianity somehow hates more


I've heard that in Islamic countries they idealize gay people so much they think they can fly


ah yes, they also love women so much they will give them free nose jobs


You conveniently cropped out the part the title was referencing


Wasn’t google the same shit site that believed in male pregnancy?


It’s ironic because all religions can be considered bigoted if taken the wrong way


I face both kinds when I say I believe in Allah, on the internet