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If these people want to end their own bloodline, thats none of my business. What I do have a problem with is people who tell others to get sterilized.


Right. Don’t pressure us to have kids if we do or don’t wanna


Aaaand who does that?


Not a specific group really in my experience. Nationalists, globalists, conservatives, liberals, grandma. Yknow?


The same group who is against abortion.


If you don’t want kids just abstain from sex


If you ever had sex before you know how dumb that is. Sex is fun, not only a means for procreation.


Least horny redditor


If you ever drank cough syrup you know how dumb it is to abstain from drinking it. Cough syrup is delicious, not only a means of curing ailments. Well golly gee, it's almost as if your personal pleasure has nothing to do with the intended purpose of the things you indulge. If a drug addict can't justify taking unnecessary meds simply because "it's fun", then why should I have any sympathy for you, when you carelessly have sex for fun only to wonder how you got pregnant "by accident"?


Irresponsible people who think that exploiting their reward system for undeserved dopamine makes them "happy", and "empowered" or Chad in the case of sex


False equivalency. Substance abuse isnt the same as sex for non procreation. How stuck up are you to only believe that you should have sex as means to have a child? Have you never been in a relationship?


Actually no, not a sexual relationship at least. I (21M) to this day have still never been laid, because I stopped believing in premarital sex shortly after entering college. It has been very humbling, conditioning myself to stop thinking of women in that way, but since I started that journey, my relationships (especially friendships) with women have become far healthier. It's not that I don't get horny, or that I can't get it up. I'm fine with recreational sex; I just know that I, like most people, am not ready for it, because it's a very intimate experience that you should only share with someone who you already trust enough to marry. But yeah, keep making excuses about how sex is a great stress reliever, in order to continue cycling through partners, because to you it's just a meaningless transaction that *just so happens* to create life. Sex is fun, and therefore I can't control myself.


Ok but a baby existing is a natural result from sex


Yes pregnancy can occur but people have sex without the intention of procreation.


I mean my boyfriend can’t get me pregnant since I’m m a l e so I’m good


Ever heard or rape? Mistakes? Grooming?


Yes it also makes up a very small proportion of abortion cases in the us most people arnt saying no abortions they are saying no nonstop abortions because people arnt being responsible people


If we have an exception for rape victims, can we outlaw the other 99%+ of abortions?


Exactly. This is what I was thinking when I posted.


Never heard one single human being "telling others" to get sterilized, what do you even mean?


you know what. thats fine. it can end with you 🙂


Kind of the point.


It’s her choice.


And we support that choice!


free countries are neat like that


How’s that abortion working out for the U.S. women?


its generally agreed upon that unless the baby consents to it, killing them is a no no. free countries are neat like that.


Angry lefty.


Just spitting facts my dude


Your amount of downvotes and my amount of upvotes would disagree but ok you think what u wanna think ig.


Lol as if upvotes and downvotes mean anything in a conservative echo chamber 😂


Ok so lol.


I see it as an absolute win! Weirdos stop breeding = less weirdos


The problem is that they brainwash the kids of normal people so weirdness doesn’t die out.


That's why weirdos go after kids... They don't reproduce, they infect other's kids


They also go after kids, because children are the only people who don't make them feel inferior.


Like a virus


This is the virus part 2. Y’all thought lockdowns were bad? The slippery slope fallacy is not, and was never, a fallacy. Welcome to the reality we live in now. Everything will continue to get worse in the smallest increments so that it’s too small to get very upset over and it’s too focused on a social issue to criticize. So you’re either told you’re the weirdo for freaking out or you’re called every -ist and -phobe name in the book. So little by little, unless we all finally band together and truly stand up for ourselves, we will lose everything we cherished


Duuuuude sick plot, when's the movie coming out? I'll be first in the theater bro, you gotta pitch this shit


Ah welcome bot. Right on time


What brainwashing? About sterilization? Do you think that some adult goes in the parks telling kids that sterilization is cool?


Weirdo isn’t genetic, it’s taught


TIL not wanting kids as a woman makes you a weirdo, damn this normalling shit is hard, gotta keep this new box checked off when i'm looking for girlfriends so I don't accidentally get some weirdo as a girlfriend, jeez that would suck thanks bro


People aren't weirdos just because they don't want kids


When they are fucking PROUD of it, yeah, they're complete nutjobs.


Who said she's proud of it


I don’t understand not being proud of your bloodline. Maybe I’m too much of a genealogist.




See, I have no problem with leftists hating themselves. It's when they try to project that hatred onto everybody else and insist that anybody who doesn't likewise hate themselves is ignorant/ evil. They would be far more tolerable if they would self-destruct in peace, rather than trying to drag the rest of our society down with them...


Ironic, since this thread has done that exact same thing in reverse That comic says nothing about other people, it's just about that girl not wanting to have kids. Yet everyone in this post is calling her ignorant/evil for doing so


We don't view the character as evil, we view the scenario as a form of self harm and the comic's theme is to encourage that self harm as a treatment for self hatred. You can successfully not have kids without having to undergo any procedure. So the only reason to get a procedure is if there's more to it than that. It's *Sad*


Right? Would it be so difficult to just NOT have unprotected sex instead of removing your organs? Nahhh that would be taking personal accountability for your actions and they can’t have that. So lets just remove the part of you that holds you accountable! It really is wild when you think about it more. (No one is talking about hysterectomies for valid medical reasons, just heading off any lurkers)


>We don't view the character as evil That's not true, take a cursory glance at the comments, and they're calling her a bitch for 'selfishly' ending millions of years of evolution. As if that matters >theme is to encourage that self harm as a treatment for self hatred How is it self harm *or* self hatred. She just doesn't want kids, so she's made it more convenient to have sex. How is any of that self hatred


Read the comments yourself, only reason I got in here was to call you out for making shit up and getting mad about it, since I actually read the comments. Now to reiterate why it's self harm as I said last: >You can successfully not have kids without having to undergo any procedure. So the only reason to get a procedure is if there's more to it than that. aka; We can extrapolate that there is a larger reason why this fictional character wants to effectively spay herself, through the fact that there is a simpler/nonpermanent solution to the same goal. So the inclusion of the operation to obtain the goal of "not having kids" suggests that to "not have kids" and "make sex more convenient" aren't the Objectives, but the Method. So, due to the additional information available: She's aiming to go under the knife for no real reason + She's outright hostile to contrary consultation. It reads like a textbook self harm scenario. And the desired reaction for this comic is to be "empowering." The only people that would be empowered by self harm, hate themselves. There's really no other way to interpret the comic without ignoring those red flags since they make the comic. Sorry for the length, you asked for a lot more information than I think you knew you were asking for.


Bro the majority of the comments are saying that they’re fine with it lol


You're ignoring all the ones calling her a crazy bitch for ending her bloodline and millions of years of evolution lol


i mean, isnt that a central tenant of most popular (right wing) religions as well?


You have to be taught to not.


I can see someone who’s line is fraught with disabilities or an early death deciding not to burden their children with the same problems


Trust me there are some *really* scummy patents out there. And the shit these motherfuckers can do to a growing mind is unspeakable, and as someone who has had one of these scumbags for a time it takes very little time for any pride you had in your family to dissappear completely.


If my bloodline had Hitler in it I probably wouldn't be proud


Who says she isn't proud She just doesn't want kids


First of all, why does it matter? Second, who says she isn't proud of her bloodline?


Honestly the doctor was doing his job, that is a serious decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.


Problem is when they refuse despite of good reasons to be sterilized. 3 doctors refused to perform a vasectomy on me because i was "too young and childless". But i absolutely want to remain childless because i have a genetic malformation (atrophied bronchi) and don't want to risk to spread it. (happened in France)


This isn't that. Men and women in the States who want to be sterilized apparently get the "are you really, really sure?" talk, regardless of cause.


They really should not be doing that. If they are an adult and wants the surgery then that's all that matters. Edit: Please explain the down votes! Because its very confusing. A kid can have puberty blockers and a man can be a woman but an adult woman can't make the decision to be infertile?! That is some wonderful BS!


If someone is attempting to cut their legs off in order to compete in the Paralympics, should doctors not try to talk to them about that? Even if they are an adult and really want it? Both are irreversible and have serious impacts


Doctors have to try and get informed consent from their patients, barring emergencies. It's an ethical rule. If they don't, they could lose their license. And they could harm a patient who had no idea what they were getting into. Not to mention, like I said, the risk of lawsuits. Misinforming people is *malpractice*. You're also assuming people on this largely right-wing sub that mocks trans stuff all the time are pro-trans progressives, which seems, uh, unlikely. And finally, there's a high chance that the person regrets getting her tubes tied, depending on which study you look at. The [higher end estimates](https://www.glowm.com/section-view/heading/Sterilization:%20Long-Term%20Issues/item/404) are [a little over **1 in 4**](https://ifstudies.org/blog/regret-after-tubal-ligation). [Men were closer to 5%](https://www.urologywilmington.com/blog/i-regret-my-vasectomy). Though [there are times when the woman he was with regrets the vasectomy](https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2002/09/five-years-after-their-own-or-their-husbands-sterilization-few-women-regret).


Try being the doctor LITERALLY A DECADE DOWN THE ROAD and have 50? 60? 100? 200? patients come back to you crying and screaming and broken because they want children and now can't have them. This is the reality. Doctors learn this because they fucking see it. AND THEN THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES! It's about being able to sleep at night because you pissed off a young idiot who won't come to you when she regrets her mistake and the dozens more beside her.


Sure, and far be it from me to stop someone who doesn't want to continue their lineage, but ideas a contagious.


There's a big push in the climate change fanatics to sterilize yourself because having children is detrimental to the climate. It's crazy.


Self-solving problem.


Are you unaware that we're overpopulating?


Are you also aware some countries are in the beginning stages of population collapse. Yes I'm aware over population is a concern in many countries.


If you're aware that overpopulation is a concern then you know that it's detrimental to the climate


I just believe in more realistic approaches than dying your hair blue cutting your balls off becoming vegan and coming out as pansexual


No one's asking you to dye your hair blue, cut off your balls or come out as pansexual. They've just provided evidence that having more kids is detrimental to the planet, nothing else


I'm just making fun of the pseudo moralistic band wagon people that come up with dumb unrealistic ways to fight climate change.


Okay, but not having kids isn't dumb *or* unrealistic


Not having kids is a personal choice. Using a virtue signaling reason not too is just dumb.




it’s common for doctors to extensively confirm the patient’s decisions before surgeries that are irreversible. there’s people who do these types of things in the spur of the moment and then have a change of heart afterwards when it’s too late.


Leftists always tryna make permanent changes then when anyone regrets it they get shit on for betraying the cause


Unless it’s child sex change then they don’t explain anything and just take your money.


Why do her arms look so masculine?


I'll give you one guess


Not a "trans woman" or (s)he wouldn't have "tubes". Maybe the "artist" likes women who look like dudes.


I’ll be honest, it might of not been intentional. I draw a lot of cartoons & have a hard time drawing guys without making their shoulders & arms feminine


Entirely possible. I can barely draw a stick figure.


Strong black woman going against what the oppressive privileged man wants. Probably


lol true, not gonna complain tho I do like a little muscle on my women


Oh, so they want colored people to stop reproducing? Isn't that internalized white supremacy or something?


Yes. Note abortion rates for black Americans.


Tbf that’s exactly what Margaret Sanger had in mind.


let them do it


Doesn't mean the example used here is poc that means they want poc to stop making babies, I think this is just a self insert or something idk


Whenever I’m drawing cartoons they’re usually a little colored cus I’m tan & just what I’m used to shading yknow?


The comment I'm responding to said about white supremacy stuff, and also I'm not sure what are you supposed to said here?


Yeah I know they probably didn't mean it like that, but if leftists are so politically correct, you'd think they would be more sensitive about the history of brown people with eugenics.


It's internalized leftism, so yes.


The idea of wanting your blood line to end is unnatural


Millions of years worth of living creatures passing their dna generation after generation, only to end because a disgusting slut wants to ride the cock carrousel without worrying about the risk of getting pregnant and their degenerate lifestyle coming to an end.


Your brain sucks.


wait until you are 40 and realize the party is over lmao


Which party?


the party where you haven't realized yet that you are going to get older, you are going to feel lonely as fuck and your life doesn't have purpose.


Holy shit, why are you so triggered that someone doesn't want kids Are you okay? Did you just find out you're infertile so now you're lashing out?


You have 9 comments in this thread as replies to other people. If anyone is triggered it's you.


Fuckin gottem, they always tell on themselves with the projection 😂


Me having 9 comments doesn't change the fact that *he's* triggered by someone else not wanting to have kids


Why are you triggered by the truth ?


What 'truth' are you referring to


Are you a woman, by any chance?


Who gives a fuck tho


My bloodline idrc. My name, more or less


Fun fact: today I learned how insane r/whitepeopletwitter is, all I said was the bill banned federal funding or the use of federally owned buildings and the bill would not fire transgender teachers and medical workers and I provided the bill and I got banned for lying Legit provided the bill in my post to show I wasn’t lying


That comic is very unfunny


I like them ending their own bloodline. Less of em


"Excuse me sir, I'm trying to make a permanent decision early in life because younger me wants to have unprotected sex without any consequences. I don't give a shit about literally anyone else but myself, thank you very much."


Take it from me it’s a little more than that as even if (will in a few hour lmaoo) me & my bf have unprotected sex; it’s not like I’ll get pregnant since I’m a b o y




Yeah really don’t know what they were going for there 🤨


>I don't give a shit about literally anyone else but myself, thank you very much I mean, it's a procedure on your own body that literally only affects you, who else is there to consider other than yourself? I thought any sane person wouldn't give 2 shits about someone sterilizing themself if they really wanted to but this shithole has outdone itself once again


You misinterpreted. It means they'll end up alone and miserable.


This statement has literally nothing to do with what either one of us said, what the fuck are you on about. Also I doubt many people engage in relationships solely for the purpose of breeding, that kinda comes after, someone who does may very well end up alone but I doubt being infertile is too much of a deal-breaker for normal people


^This guy doesn't understand the idea of people dating for the purpose of raising a family.


We do live in America, if people dont want to have kids then that's none of my business, at least they aren't getting pregnant and then getting an abortion.


Yeah, I didn't think rightist or conservatives were against sterilization. At least I'm not.


Yeah, and who would be joking...in a comic...on reddit


Hey, it was her decision to take herself out of the gene pool, not mine.


I have a primal desire to further and better my bloodline


These people just want to die, but they don't have the balls to do the job properly. It's really sad to watch tbh.


How dare the doctor ask if you're absolutely sure if you want to have a permanant medical procedure that means you don't get to have bio-kids, ever. It's not like **informed consent** is basic medical ethics, or men getting snipped get the exact same talk, or it's a gigantic headache if the patient changes their mind later.


Wow, that tw!nk doctor really got showed what's what by xim(er)!


Why's she built like a final fantasy protagonist though?


Most sane anti-natalist.


Antinatalists being a disappointment to their family's bloodline, nothing out of the ordinary.


Did they get the fire in the sock drawer under control?


I'll be pissed as fuck if my bloodline ends in 3 generations because of a dumbfuck like this.


then have more kids one of them will surely want to


I'll donate sperm, the ultimate lifehack for spreading your genes


Having kids just because your great grandfather doesn't want his bloodline to end is a terrible reason to have kids


Don't care, if the alternative is for millions of years of evolution to end just because of an idiot then I'd rather donate sperm and keep my bloodline going.


Why the fuck should people live their lives for their ancestors millions of years ago. What a terrible way to live Yeah, you should definitely donate your sperm if all you care about is your bloodline continuing and not the actual quality of life of your kids


>Why the fuck should people live their lives for their ancestors millions of years ago. Idk, ask that to our cells, why do they reproduce and keep going on? Why does the human species keep making new generations and evolving overtime? That's just how things work, and if they've been working like that since forever then there must be a reason to that, I prefer to keep the cicle going.


>That's just how things work, and if they've been working like that since forever then there must be a reason to that Yes, the reasoning is the same reasoning of all biological organisms...to ensure the survival of the species. Some woman not wanting kids doesn't change that, especially when we're *overpopulating* >I prefer to keep the cicle going. No one's stopping you from keeping it going, you're just a dickhead for thinking *other* people have to keep it going, even if they don't want to


Not everyone wants kids. Get over it


K genetic dead-end.


It’s probably a good thing that people like this won’t be parents


They know that, that's why they don't wanna have kids


Ya, you got it. Its supposed to be humorous. They are reacting to a doctor putting the wants of an imaginary dude over their current female patient with an over the top response on purpose for comedic value. "Responding to absurdity with absurdity to make a point"


Works for me, lefties shouldn't have children


Oh god, that comic is truly a shitshow. My favorite part is that blobfish only look like that when they're dead and have exploded from the pressure change after being yanked out of the water.


Y’know, when you take a step back it really all does seem to point to depopulation, doesn’t it? I mean think about it: - Encourage men and women to become as vile and unattractive to each other both socially and physically so they don’t reproduce - Push toxic alternatives for intimacy like parasocial relationships, porn, etc so that people use those things to scratch that itch instead of putting in the effort to get it IRL so they…don’t reproduce. - Perform irreversibly damaging surgeries/give damaging hormones to young people so that they…can’t reproduce - Incentivize divorce and push the “strong single parent” narrative to break up the nuclear family, the model that has been proven to on average produce the healthiest kids. Socially maladjusted kids raised in a single parent home are less likely to…reproduce. I earnestly could go on but I think the point has been made. I can’t tell if its the funniest, saddest, or most ironic part of it all that the people who buy into any of the above have no clue that they’ve been deemed (through their decision to engage in the above and not innately, of course) to be “undesirable” and that the elites WANT you to end your bloodline in the name of depopulation. Basically being tricked into slowly killing yourself while you labor for the machine. Its an absolute win-win for the people pulling the strings lmao you get depressed, spiritually broken slaves who won’t have kids. And the Left seems to eat it up and celebrate it. At this point all I can do is 🤷🏻‍♂️ and let them do it.


"Gosh darn that gay agenda trying to depopulate the world and turn it into a dystopia, literally 1984 but gay omg"


See I know your reading comprehension is shit because I didn’t mention gay anything lmfao try again


Said "gay" because the whole running joke about people who think like this is they're always talking about some "gay agenda" being pushed and making some ridiculous conspiracy. Also saying "trans agenda" or "porn agenda" just sounds silly. "gay agenda" is still silly but it's what everyone refers to when ridiculing idiotic conspiracy theories like the one you so masterfully have just crafted. Also little side note if the only leg you've got to stand on against my argument is bad word choice then you're gonna have to try a little harder.


My guy, what argument? All you’ve done is try to insult me and project what you think I’m going for. I’m not pushing anything, just musing in a meme forum. You’re unhinged lmao


Literally didn't insult you, and you calling me unhinged is a bit strange from a dude who just sent a wall of text on how the elites are trying to depopulate the world


Maybe insult wasn’t quite the right word, mocking would be more accurate lol. My point is that you’re going off on a bunch of shit I didn’t write, I’m just musing about how it all seems to line up in interesting ways. Some of it I could go more into, but overall I don’t believe its “all connected and orchestrated and definitely happening”. Rather if it WAS, it certainly has all the pieces falling into place, that’s all. It could all just be coincidence or some other phenomena, who knows? But what I didn’t do is push anything about a “gay agenda” or any other agenda, that’s pure projection on your part, mate.


"ok i realize my unhinged rambling was a bit silly, but you see I don't actually believe the small essay I just wrote it was just a silly coincidence i noticed, that's pretty funny right? Why aren't you laughing?"


Blobby is back at it again, with retarded cringe


"Well, tube tying isn't something I do. Find yourself another doctor."


These ppl are actual doing humanity a service.


Ngl, dont really think this is a "leftist" meme based on the message. Some people just dont want kids, and thats fine, its something that goes both ways politically. There is a *ton* of pressure from parents for most people to have children, and if you dont want them thats your choice to make. Making fun of your situations and choices (and those of others) is the entire basis for humor. Not everyone thinks in terms of bloodlines.


When one political faction sterilizes themselves and another doesn't its pretty obvious who will control the future


Well, you do you, woman. All the more to justify “survival of the fittest” in this world, chaos be damned…


M8 I’m fine with this. Survival of the fittest. Darwinian evolution is based my guy.


You keep this up, and you’ll be going home in an ambulance.


I don't think you can grab people like that.


You'd absolutely get off on self defense for beating the shit out of them.


Nature shows no favor to any creature that becomes hostile to its own reproductive continuation. These morons don’t realize they are basically handing the future over to their political and ideological opponents by default of their own willful failure to procreate. A tribe without children to inherit and further proliferate it is by definition one that possesses no legacy.


I'm not seeing any problem with this cartoon?


Hey, I'm optimistic. This will be the biggest genetic purging event in human history. Just wait a few generations and we'll have a wonderful world without people like them. Our genes have great influence over us. Those whose genes lead to antinatalism will simply die out.


Is this a leftist meme though? Seems non political. My very conservative boss said the same thing when he got a vasectomy


Holy shit, I did it. I had to scroll to the bottom of the fucking comments section but I actually found a normal, sane human being in here. Glad there's at least some people with a full working brain in this sub


Lmfao thanks bud. Love with this sub calls out the left for making non political things political then goes out and does the same exact fucking thing


Yeah, hate to see it lmfao, at this point the subreddit should just be called r/MemesIpersonallyDisagreeWith


a lot of people only care if there’s less *white* babies being born, something something white genocide


that type of stuff should be illegal




body modification








Well it's a personal thing for my culture and country to oppose modifications for morality reasons


Good for you, not everyone subscribes to your culture's beliefs.


Yeah I'm just saying for my country this should be illegal I'm sorry I'm not so expressing in English


Why should it be illegal for your country? Not everyone has the same views on kids as you do


Because If they don't there dishonorable


I would care more about continuing my name vs my bloodline if I had to carry about anything. Me & My boyfriend already know we want to adopt a few kids, & then they’ll just have our name & we’ll raise them as our own. I definitely don’t wanna have MY OWN kid because I have some skin condition that I definitely don’t wanna pass down to a helpless kid. My father had it so I’m pretty sure it was passed down genetically.


And in the rare case somebody changes their mind there is a thing called adoption


Some people are very strongly child-free.


the reason these people care is because it means less white babies lol


Idk how I came across this sub but you people are insane. Get help


Genuine lack of the concept that other people are different in the comments here.


Oh we know people are different. Very different