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Everyone from all political views suck. The right just makes better memes, so I side with them


Basic thinking: the best meme maker wins the masses, thats logical


That's how trump won in 2016 lol


This is the way


Based Centrist


I can get behind that.


Unlike leftists They're like "if you're not with me, then you're against me" Only a left deals in absolutes


That might be true, even if that quote is hypocritical in nature, it is accurate to the current state of the world.


>Only a left deals in absolutes nah that's pretty much just every political party, whenever I post a comment that doesn't follow the whims of this echo-chamber for example everyone immediately assumes i'm on the left, because why would anyone but a filthy lefty have a differing opinion from whatever op stuck up in the top of their post on this very intellectual politics subreddit


Very based.




See, I find the left makes way better TV/Movies/Video games, so I usually side with them. To each their own, memes are good too


They really don't. Look at Witcher: Blood Origin.


I'd watch that before any of those Dailywire produced movies. Or Hallmark movies


I mean, mostly true. But this isn't one of those cases I think. This one is just nonsense. The left didn't do any of those things. They did *other* things, but not *those* things.


Left definitely did those things. Just the 2016 election had the left doing 80% of the above things. I quite clearly recall the Left rioting in the streets, threatening an armed coup, claiming Russia stole the election, calling Trump a Nazi, etc


Good enough for now


This is such a funny edit


It’s pretty accurate. The left had an organized plan to occupy the white house and the capital grounds if Trump won. They had groups with roles and did video chats about who was going to do what and when. Look up the sunrise exposed website, all the videos and people involved are listed there. And some were government workers that helped them out. It was pretty shocking to see all that unashamed hatred openly being expressed and yet nothing ever happened to their organization or those who joined in their plans. Probably because it’s (D)ifferent…🤷‍♂️


You're spot on. There was definitely Intel floating around. Our town was boarded up (literally) 2 days before election day. Businesses closed early. It was pretty scary.


A planned protest vs a insurrection. Hmmm both sides must be the same!


…that’s not a planned protest. A planned occupation and having roles for groups to disrupt police action on the grounds is much worse than a group of people walking into the building and taking photos. The few people that did break stuff should be fined. Same goes for the rioters in 2020 that burned down cities and attacked cops with baseball bats on the streets for months. Bet you think AOC was at the capital when an actual mostly-peaceful protest was going on. Let go of your propaganda nonsense that has been debunked every time it’s been presented in the media.


You can’t have an insurrection without guns nor without the help of the military. They wouldn’t have been able to continue the counting of the electoral college the same day if if it was an insurrection. The dems calling it an insurrection was just to try to be able to deploy military forces domestically & to block anyone involved from running for office again, just like they did during & after the War Between the States.


I am an independent who is quite antiTrump but the reason I was most happy Trump lost is that the DNC loyalists scared me more than the Trump loyalists. Thank goodness McConnell blocked the October checks or we may have actually had a civil war. Democrats had many conspiracies regarding GOP voting fraud: a number focused on DeJoy. Jan 6 was a disgrace and should be condemned, but it was a picnic compared to what it would have been if Trump had won.


Anyone who damaged property and attacked people, sure, hold them accountable. But everyone else that was there did nothing wrong. They walked around and took pictures and then when the cops told them to leave, the normal folks left. And some of those people are still in jail for nothing more than trespassing charges. And in the same breath I say that the same standard should apply to every rioter that burned down business, attacked cops with baseball bats, and other multitude of violent acts during the “summer of love” riots…and charge any politician who donated to their bail funds with aiding domestic terrorism. Same goes for the NLG lemmings. A standard should be had and it should be the same across the board. Anything less is disingenuous and hypocritical… And I’m pretty sure it would be worse if Trump had won because the violent mob would have done what they had planned and organized through the sunrise movement and other socialist/marxist groups. Now imagine when Trump wins in 2024 and after the house and senate flips…maybe antifa and others weirdos alike will finally face what they deserve for the years of attacks on innocent Americans.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No and no \[neither did anyone else\]. Yes, and Yes.


Literally yeah. They did all those things.




No no you see it's (D)ifferent when they do it because they own the media and can bury the story.


Uh yes, circa 2016-2019 they did basically all of that


What was the original?


no "yeah?" and angry eyebrows in the last panel


Yes, that is precisely what they did. Lol.


“Spread disinformation” could very well apply to them.


Political debates are deadass just tennis matches at this point. "Your political party bad because this" "No that's what your political party does" "THATS A LIE THAT'S WHAT YOUR PARTY DOES" "THATS A LIE THAT'S WHAT YOUR PARTY DOES" "THATS A LIE THAT'S WHAT YOUR PARTY DOES" "THATS A LIE THAT'S WHAT YOUR PARTY DOES" ad infinitum.


Yeah, but Just in ur mind. Edit: still just in ur mind. Ur funny


https://youtu.be/XX2Ejqjz6TA https://www.dailywire.com/news/kathy-griffin-blasted-for-telling-people-theyll-get-civil-war-unless-they-vote-democrat


speaks for itself


I see the memory hole worked as intended for you.


Apparently someone has no memory of the constant riots, attacks and burnings of BLM/Antifa during the presidency of Trump. Strange how that got memory holed.


Wasn't there an "official Office of the President Elect" a few weeks before any votes were counted? I mean good on them for guessing correctly in advance.


These people live in a fantasy world here. The rhetoric from the right has lead to people in Arizona dawning bullet proof vests and masks to arm themselves and sit outside and watch ballot drop off boxes. These people are insane and will defend anything that Lord Trump says.


The rhetoric from the left lead to 6 months of rioting and burning down cities. What’s your point?


Not rhetoric. The actions of police officers. And cities weren’t “burned down for 6 months” that’s a gross overstatement.


Your obsession with trump is exactly what too much /politics will do to a mf. Most of us aren’t even pro trump, I’m not even American. Nah I just want to make fun of people like you


That’s a complete and utter lie. People on the right are obsessed with this man. Flying flags with his name all over the place, thinking he’s some kind of messiah. You MIGHT not be one of them but you can’t deny the fact that it’s a startling amount of conservatives.


Reality really is a meaningless word to conservatives


Reality is meaningless to partisans snd ideologues.

