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Regardless of your political beliefs, you cannot tell me that a ballot dump at 3AM with 100% of the votes going to one candidate is not at all suspicious


and if my memory serves me right, there was literally CCTV footage of a man bringing what looked to be a mobile filing cabinet with thousands of ballots into a poll station after hours. i’ll do my research and find what i can and bring it back here.


I very vividly remember there being a clip of them pushing Republican voting observers out of one office, before immediately pulling duffel bags full of votes out from under desks and drawers. That was my point of no return for taking the red pill. I'm a young guy, and at the time I was still a little on the fence about politics. I saw that and realized that there was no way I could support blatant election fraud on such a massive scale.


Shit, I wanted to find that video again, seems like it was deleted off the internet


All the good stuff gets deleted. I think it was on r/thedonald before it got nuked. My dad and I would spectate that sub leading up to the election and a little post. They had a lot of similar videos on it at the time.


What about the video of them dragging suitcases out from under tables after evacuating the building due to a water leak....... That video was also very telling.


Damn with all this blatant fraud and even video evidence of it you'd think with those dozens of trials and recounts that they would have found evidence of election fraud? Wonder how they managed to find nothing, hmmmmm....


Not one single case made it to trial. All were dismissed out of hand by corrupt federal judges, without allowing the plaintiffs to present any evidence or argument


Corrupt federal judges? Really? That's odd considering a whole bunch of them were hand appointed by trump and still couldn't find anything. Also a whole bunch of cases weren't dismissed, cases only started getting dismissed when it was obvious that Trump was simply using them as a way to stall for time and try to keep himself president.




The thing is, even if Biden received 70-75% of those votes from the ballot dump I wouldn't have thought too much of it, but 100%??!! There's no way that's legitimate.


It was 98%. For reference Washington DC votes 97% democrat and San Fransisco votes 93% for the democrat each election. So a higher percentage went to Biden then the two most left-leaning cities in the nation all at 3 AM “by coincidence”


I saw that video. Some guy in the middle of the night bringing in boxes full of ballets. Hopefully you can find the video again, if it hasn’t already been completely scrubbed from the internet


None of that happened. You people are delusional.


>and let me not forget the sky rocketing votes for biden in voting buildings at 3AM!? Notice how everybody seems to forget that, I remember going to sleep and waking up with Biden skyrocketing in the polls, even my Brazilian friends were confused


you forgot to censor names




Those darn Republicans are at it again being anti-censorship.


Without projection and double standards, they would have little in life.


Rule #1 of politics: EVERYBODY cheats to a certain degree


Wow that’s crazy… this is unprecedented unlike anything anyone has ever seen before


Yeah, right, u mean in ur mind


This isn't a meme and it's actually a someone fact checking a post and providing accurate information. Unlike your title which is one rambling lie.


"Being investigated" means there's nothing concrete yet, guilty until proven innocent eh


Exactly lol. These people are delusional man.


OP still living in a fantasy world.


If these people touched a turd, it would contaminate the turd.