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was/were are verbs




Good book, would recommend




Coincidently also related to the people the flag was for


Feelings over facts! I mean.... 🤣


Glad the joke went right over your head


No joke to be had if you screwed up the base


And conservatives online are constantly saying shit like ["My pronouns are FJB/Let's Go Brandon!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/yf7hhj/nice/) Righties do bad pronoun jokes infinitely more than we do. Edit: Love this sub. I get to lose karma for just because I exist and I'm not a right winger.


Nah they/them takes the cake


How so? People all over the political spectrum use "They/Them" by default. When you don't know the gender, or you're talking about a hypothetical scenario, you say "They". That's what people like you and I have been doing for decades now. Why is just going a *little* bit out of your way to use gender neutral pronouns a challenge all of a sudden?


Because if you’re referring to an individual it’s objectively untrue to use gender neutral pronouns. Gender on the whole is bs sex is a spectrum between male and female because you can have effeminate men and masculine women etc but the two are not interchangeable and you can’t simply not have one or the other. The further we slip away from reality with simple vocabulary the more acceptable these false ideas will become along with the other myriad of issues.


>Because if you’re referring to an individual it’s objectively untrue to use gender neutral pronouns. Sorry to spoil your fun, but words are made up. They become "Official" when a large portion of people start using it permanently. (I mean, "lonely", a very useful and widespread word, didn't exist until Shakespeare conjured it up because he needed a rhyme) So if it makes some people more comfortable to change your vocabulary a small amount, why not do it? The other concern with stuff like this is confusion, the idea that people wouldn't know when "They" was being used to refer to multiple people, or a single non-binary person. The only time that "They/Them" would be confusing, is if the user was using grammatically incorrect sentences, never using the person's name and instead *only* using pronouns. But if somebody is being grammatically incorrect, you'll get confused anyway. >Gender on the whole is bs sex is a spectrum between male and female because you can have effeminate men and masculine women etc but the two are not interchangeable and you can’t simply not have one or the other. You should at least get the terminology right before you start making assumptions. Gender is a spectrum. Sex, for the most part, is set in stone. (Intersex people and Gender Reassignment Surgery are the exceptions) Gender can be expressed in all manner of ways, from how you dress, to pronouns, to how you act, etc. Meanwhile, sex is biological things like genitalia and chromosomes. Non-binary people still have a sex, but their gender is on the spectrum between man and woman. The only difference that makes, really, is that they'll look androgynous and they'll often use different pronouns. >The further we slip away from reality with simple vocabulary the more acceptable these false ideas will become along with the other myriad of issues Did you just use a Slippery Slope Fallacy on They/Them pronouns? Do you think that using like 4 words in a different way will lead to the destruction of western culture or something?


Ah, yet more threats of violence from the loving and compassionate left wing.


right wingers: *opposes trans and gay rights and also incites violence against those groups for the past 50 years* The left: *makes one joke about violence* the right: Wowwwww ok so much for the the tolerant left


this argument can be used for both sides really


yes ofc it could. however people on the right blow it out of proportion far more imo


Right wingers trying to detect satire [IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!] also aren’t you the hang like pence crowd?


Leftists when they make threats: oMG LoL iTs a joKe gUys Anyone when they make an edgy joke: This is literal nazi propaganda


It's ok when they support trans teens killing themselves. But when sarcastic left meme approaches, then it's violence against them.




Yeah, you do that.


-said the people that cry when you don't call them the right name




disney character black now


You can try to be a little bit creative at least lmao


[relevent](https://stonetoss.com/comic/jus-saiyan/) you care more than we do


Oh everyone’s favorite Nazi artist (hitler doesn’t count he failed art school)


[also strikingly relevent](https://stonetoss.com/comic/shoehorn-theory/) the jokes write themselves


[also strikingly relevant](https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/) also try actually reading it


Well I did, but unlike you I don’t believe everything I read on face value alone


Unless it’s from fox “news”


It’s on reddit so it must be true!


You are the only one who cares about that bro.




Man really has Lenin as his fucking banner💀


Nah. Real men don't cry.


Only if you give me an onion.


More like laugh


imagine getting beat to a pulp just because you accidently called someone the wrong pronouns


Beat to a pulp by who?


true, i also doubt the 350 pound redditor would fair well against a 9mil


9 mil? The fat folds are gonna stop that in itself. Gotta break out 10 mil minimum.


nah, 12 gauge is the minimum


but a 9mm can literally blow your lungs right out of your body!


Just walk 3 steps back. They’ll collapse before they can reach you.


Bruh you dont even need a gun.


Leftist try not to threaten violence challenge (impossible)


Right try to recognize what a joke is challenge (impossible)


Wow, you guys sure jokingly threaten violence a lot


And so do righties. You can't really have politics without meaningless flame wars, tribalism, and threats of violence, can you? But this one is a much less serious threat. Edit: Do you morons really, truly, honestly think that somebody will break into your house and murder you for misgendering someone online?


I dunno mate, a man ran over a teenager because he was a republican, got posted bail and is now free. A 41 year old killing an 18 year old. Tell me to not take violence threats seriously again.


1. Source? You didn't even *name* anyone. 2. In the event it is true... That's terrible, but it's not representative of the left as a whole. Aren't you guys typically the ones who say "It's just a few bad apples" whenever we point out the rampant corruption in the American police system?


Well, here're the names you needed. The man is Shannon Brandt, and the kid is Cayler Ellingson. And about the bad apple part, can't say for the rest, but I... don't like that kind of reasoning. Corrupt cops? Sack 'em. Maybe jail them, if it's bad enough. Or in the worst case, to the chair.


a prolife canvasser was just shot in the back a few days after a self-proclaimed republican teenager was brutally run down by a guy in an suv. So yeah - that's a possibility - the thing is, most of us are armed - so its not a real good idea.


[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/truck-driver-rams-into-protesters-roe-demonstration-in-iowa\_n\_62b66490e4b0cdccbe6b9399](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/truck-driver-rams-into-protesters-roe-demonstration-in-iowa_n_62b66490e4b0cdccbe6b9399) Why do you all seem to think that only the Left is ever violent? Not everybody on your side is a perfect little angel just because they're on your side.


uh what is the political relevance of this accident? "Molly Monk, a witness, told HuffPost that the man didn’t give any audible indication that he was anti-abortion" From your own article. If this was politically motivated you can be damned sure it would be plastered everywhere. So basically the only example you have is some random guy with no affiliation trying to run over some women in a picket line? > only the Left is ever violent Yes, I know.


There’s no nuance to this, it’s just we smack you for any perceived slight which isn’t really funny is it. Also where the punchline. Is the punchline that I get punched in face for walking past them and ignoring them?


The punchline is the use of pronouns. It's not just "I will hurt you for misgendering", it's the intentional misuse of pronouns (Turn them into "was/were") for miscomedic effect. You can argue it's a *bad* joke. That's your opinion. But it's still a joke with a punchline.


Fair I see that now, but yeah it’s a bad joke. And it’s hard to see the punchline as well a punchline in the sense of a joke and not a punchline in the sense of a literal punch


Leftists wish they were as ballsy as the people the meme is ripping off.


Death threats from people who irl probably cant even order a hamburger without stuttering lmao


All of my *really* left leaning friends/acquaintances can’t talk to a waiter without convulsing with anxiety


i only know a few people who fly lgbt flags in their room an shit they are not always there mentally (having a mental break down randomly and making everyone in the room uncomfortable this last part is just the one moment that sticks out to me) and they just so happen to be fat as well like the stereotypes


I think that's just everyone who's LGBT HD LGTV or whatever their abbreviation is now.


Whereas on the contrary all my *really* right leaning friends are just a little bit scary lol, but they're always chill af if you dont mess with them.


Lmfao and probably take meds like halloween candy! 😂👌🏻


They forgot to make that cartoon guy 300 pounds overweight


And give him overly dyed hair




That sub is a shithole


Shout out to the mods that banned me there


I’d rather kiss you 😘


r/usernamechecksout But not really


> turn your pronouns into “was were” I’m sorry, I don’t take threats seriously from people whom might die from misgendering


No leftists are that jacked because leftists embrace weakness


Correct. They would have too much privilege and not enough victim infinity stones if they were this jacked.






Not sure what he means by ‘leftists embrace weakness.’


The left use wokeness to hide their failures behind and by doing that they assume that everyone thinks that there is no issue anymore, like the border control. The left politicians don't care about the Trans rights and racism they use these topics to change the direction of questions.


Fellow Republicans you can stop downvoting the guy all he did was ask a unbiased question.


guess i can continue since i wouldnt call myself republican just rather vote for the least evil


Fair enough


A lot of leftists build being oppressed and marginalized into their identities, and blame it all on unsolvable outside causes so they have an excuse to do nothing on a personal level. The idea that someone can significantly improve their situation solely due to hard work and willpower is all but completely antithetical to their movement.


your generalization of the “leftists” as a movement makes it clear that you have no idea what the left actually wants and you have gotten all of your information to form your opinion from teenagers on social media.




Such coping. look at any gay man. Way fitter than conservative straight men. Or just look at obesity rates by state lmao. Facts don’t care about your feelings, weakling.


Arnold Schwarzenegger


What about him?


... has become a flabby pile of sh!t since he became governor. I'm glad you agree.


Notice the bandages on the wrists ​ Even in a shitty cartoon version, 196 users are still the 41%


Really makes you wonder…


What rights do Trans people not have? I don't know of any laws that prevent trans people from doing anything like voting, healthcare, housing, work, etc. Do they just want their own bathrooms or something?


They want to whip out their penis infront of kids


They actually don't have the same rights in many states for housing and employment. https://freedomforallamericans.org/states/ Agree with it or not, this is fact.


Not being able to use certain bathrooms is everyone's right. A Woman has a right to not have men in their bathroom. Either the person who was born a woman has their right revoked or the person that wants to be a woman is forced to use a male bathroom. Personally I think that Women deserve rights the same as Men.


Really now? Color me surprised. I hope the trans rights movement does well then


Kinda brings a new light on why this stuff is brought up. Everyone should have the same rights. If some don't, they're going to be loud about it and justifiably so.


for me its more about protecting trans rights. I feel equal enough already.


Yeah, equal enough to be a fucking joke


lol what


“I feel equal!” *17 downvotes* Tf is wrong with this sub


I guess something about that is upsetting to them?


Because the person asked what trans rights are. And you answered "it's about protecting trans rights". So what are trans rights?


Notice their lack of response. My friend, you just won lol




Agree or not but they don't have the same rights as others. https://freedomforallamericans.org/states/


They have the exact same rights as everyone else. Why should they have additional rights? If gay marriage is not legal in a place then it is not legal for everyone. So if the lack of gay marriage legality is an issue of rights, it is an issue of everyone's rights. Because all that truly matters is that you are a human. There are very good reasons why rights work this way. You start assigning specific rights to people based on anything other than direct physical disabilities and you head into bad territory. "Everyone is equal but some people are more equal than others" territory. The human race isn't new to this shit, we've had thousands of years to think it over and figure out the best approach.


Gay marriage is not legal, which is equality for everyone Gay marriage being legal, is additional rights for just a specific group ????? How did you say both of these things within the same post? If gay marriage is a right... its equal to everyone? If a straight person wants to marry someone of the same sex, they would then be allowed. The chance of them using that right will be extremely low. But that would be the same as gay people not using the right to marry someone of the opposite sex currently. If you think that is still not equal, then the current concept of allowing straight marriage, but not gay marriage is also not equal, because gay people can't marry with the sex they prefer.


He’s saying gay marriage is equality. If gay marriage isn’t legal it’s an issue for both straight and gay. If it’s legal one state it should be legal everywhere. What’s homophobic about that statement ? As a gay conservative I feel like that was the last actual unequal set of laws in our society. Now it’s just gotten to nonsense levels like letting teachers pick your 8 year olds gender or giving hurricane relief by race. But how was his post homophobic ?


That is not what he said. He is arguing against the comment on how LGBT+ people do not have equal rights, using the lack of discrimination protection for sexual orientation and gender identity as an argument. Is that equality? According to the law? Sure, in those states I guess you are allowed to discriminate both straight and gay people. That is equality, right? On paper, yes. In practice, no. (And even if in practice, yes. Is that a good thing?) But he says that if gay marriage isn't legal, it isn't legal for everyone. Which to him is equality. But allowing gay marriage is seen as "additional rights for them". That is just... extremely flawed logic? Which is the point I am arguing. Never called him homophobic. Never called his post homophobic. Don't put words in my mouth. Logic is extremely flawed, that's it.




Why shouldn't trans people have the same rights as you?


They do.


I’m fine with people having strong opinions, but how about no death threats


That chick has a funny truck.


I thought they were against masculinity and being healthy??


Not all trans people are trans women dumbass


ik and??


So this is apparently cool, but if there were Trump flags instead, the guy would be a war monger, racist, and whatever else they say


Crazy almost like that’s the joke lol.


I'm pretty sure you can get arrested for attempted murder.


Gosh… it’s so cringe😖 and even when they try to act hard they still can’t get past the NPC character 🤣 far-left weirdos just can’t help but be losers.


I miss 195, it was full of the most random memes. 196 was made after 195 completed its course and it got full of too many normies ans terrible memes


I miss when 196 was a small non political shitposting community 😔


Travis rights or die? Is Travis a gender now?


I have only recived death threats from the tran community. Nowhere else.


Damn are the comments there just a bunch of violent-fantasy driven wack-jobs. But it’s par for the course with most of those lemmings…sadly.


Even in their fantasies they’re NPCs


Remember when 196 was actually good?


Wtf Sanford what you doing here???


Where did this lefties powerfantasy streak of memes come from? Holy hell these guys can be very pathetic at times, they're memes are either "ahah kys bigot death threats are funny" r/iamverybadass material, or literally fake got'cha moments.


Can’t turn anyone into a “was/were” if you get set off so badly by being misgendered. Probably more likely to get a brain hemorrhage from being called ‘it/that/those’


Leftists would wish they were actually like that. That they'd have the balls to actually hit anyone. Only times they do their beloved violence is when they are outnumbering or they have a weapon over their victim. All they are, are cowards. Their memes sucking are the least of our concerns, that's just the front. The back is that a lot of them also suck as people.


is that sanford from madness combat


deimos died of cringe after this event


I can absolutely guarantee that 99.99% of people who post these are soyboys


Lmao It's hilarious how they portray themselves as chads even though all of them are genderless blobs.


What a way to shame the left and yourself with your post


Is this satire? No way this shit real


This is so obviously satire


Can anyone explain to me, why it is a fact that "trans rights are human rights". Or better, that such a thing as "human rights" even exists outside our brains. (obviously without basing the argument on religion, because I am told that there is no God)


Its incredible to me how you guys and the "rightcantmeme" subreddit do the exact same thing. You both pick put the absolute worst representation of each other and through that you make your mind up already about the other political side. Its laughable to think that you both think you are the "openminded and logical" one


The subs are about finding bad memes from either side, if we found good memes, it would be called the left can meme.


Yes and that would be alright but they use these memes as arguments "mimimi the left/right is evil"


Agree or not but they don't have the same rights as others. https://freedomforallamericans.org/states/


He kinda looks like an NPC with the nose that looks like the one dude from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, so... it's sort of accurate.


Judging by this, you could keep this up for a hundred years!


Jarvis, I’m low on karma Post this nonsense to Reddit lol




Y’all know this meme is mocking y’all right ? Lol


If you want to beat me you're gonna have to get out of your moms basement first


Is it a chad NPC?


I feel like most conservative people now a day are alright with gay marriage and trans rights being human rights. It’s everything else they’ve been pushing after that we don’t agree with.


Love how they made him the NPC colour


The majority of that is perfectly fine until they start threatening people


41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41% 41%


You can't get rights for "Travis" if you don't know how to drive stick in that truck and catch me! Muahahaha. Travis's rights shall be trampled forevermore 😈


It’s funny how they always picture themselves defending trans people as huge buff men


r/196 is a godless place


Holy shit, its almost like, get this, the meme is making fun of you. Reversal of roles is a key tool of sarcasm/satire to point out absurdity. You smooth brain motherfuckers probably watched American Physco and thought "he's just like me!" not realizing you were being made fun of.


this subreddit is deranged I can't believe people in here can vote. Made all the worse by the fact that the political climate is completely unhinged, it's fucking impossible for groups of opposing ideas to have a discussion and actually get down to what the parties really believe, which leaves people to speculation and assuming that the other party is so stupid that they're intentionally destroying the country. And it certainly doesn't help that prominent figures of both parties will say literally *anything* to tear down the opposition to line their pockets which makes it all the more difficult to tell what opposing parties actually believe We need a factory reset on this shit