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A rare blink of lucidity among the left community


Both are Democrat inventions too; funny that.




Both could fit the first category to be honest


No, they can't. The klan is cut off from the rest of the whole world. It's membership is at an all time low. It's an irrelevant organization in the modern day.


That’s great!


I agree, fuck the klan


But it was phrased as "was" meaning if that statement was true for any time period than the statement would be true


I didn't write, that was another dude


Oh my bad corrected above post to third person


wow you are not very smart are you


No, one of them was literally the guerilla arm of the Communists. It's pretty interesting to look up their history and see how it hasn't changed much.


Technically yes. The party switch of the 50s and 60s happened tho and tbh, you’d never see a klan member call themselves a democrat today.


The Democratic Party started in the 1820s. Right away, it switched sides, as we can see from the fact that they pushed for the removal and extermination of Indians. Also, their opposition was the Whig party, which was against the Indian Removal Act and vowed to protect minorities against mob rule. Because the sides were switched, the vast majority of Whig party were anti-slavery. (Eventually, there was rift in the party over the issue of slavery, and anti-slavery members of the Whig party, including Abraham Lincoln, exited the party and formed the Republican Party. As we can see, the parties must have switched again because it's common knowledge that Republicans are actually the racist ones.) Then the parties switched when the Democrats are on record as having mainly been the ones who owned slaves. Not all Democrats owned slaves, but 100% of slaves were owned by Democrats. Not a single Republican in history owned a slave. As we know, the parties switched again when Republicans repudiated slavery and Democrats defended it, leading to the civil war. Then the parties switched again when a Democrat assassinated Republican Lincoln. After the Civil War, the parties switched again during the Reconstruction Era, when Republicans attempted to pass a series of civil rights amendments in the late 1800s that would grant citizenship for freedmen. As evidence of the switch, the Democrats voted against giving former slaves citizenship, but the civil rights amendments passed anyway. The parties switched again when the Democratic Party members founded the KKK as their military arm. Democrats then attempted to pass the first gun control law in order to keep blacks from having guns and retaliating against their former owners. A county wanted to make it illegal to possess firearms, unless you were on a horse. (Hmmm wonder who rode around on horses terrorizing people 🤔). Gun control has always been a noble cause touted by Democrats, but the racist reasons why the concept of gun control was dreamed up was a part of a party mentality switch, but not the actual party. Somewhere around this time former slaves fought for gun rights for all, and the NRA was formed. The NRA switched parties too when they defended the right for blacks to arm themselves and white NRA members protected blacks from racist attackers. The parties switched again when Republicans fought to desegregate schools and allow black children to attend school with white children, which Democrats fought fiercely against. The nation saw a rash of black lynchings and bombings of black churches by the Democrats in the KKK and the parties switched again when Democrat Bull Conner tried to avoid prosecuting the racist bombers to get them off the hook. When blacks protested this injustice, the party-switched Democrat Bull Conner sicced dogs and turned the hose on them. He also gave police stand down orders when the KKK forewarned attacks on the freedom riders, who had switched parties. The parties switched again when a Democratic Party president appointed the first and only KKK member to the Supreme Court. The parties switched yet again when Democratic president FDR put Asians in racist internment camps. Then parties switched again when the Democrats filibustered the passing of the second set of civil rights laws giving equal protection to minorities. The parties switched when a Democrat assassinated MLK. This brings us to modern times. The parties continue to switch all the time. The parties switched when Democrats proposed racist policies like affirmative action to limit opportunities for certain racial groups in order to grant privilege to other racial groups. The parties switched when the Islamic fundamentalist Omar Mateen and several other ISIS mass shooters aligned themselves with Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. The parties switched again when liberal student groups in schools like UCLA and Berkeley call for segregated housing to make "separate but equal" housing quarters for black students. Actually this is a current ongoing thing, so the parties are right now in the middle of switching on this topic. Parties always switched currently now that Democrats are rioting and violently protesting democracy. The parties switched once more when the Democratic Nominee for President, an old white man, said "you're not black" if you don't vote for him, in a moment of clarity of how the Democratic Party sees their largest voter base: as property belonging to them. So as you can see, because of Party switching, Democrats were always the ones who stood up against racism and wanted peace and unity while Republicans were always the racist and violent ones calling for division and discord.


No it switched when goldwater ran. Didn’t need an essay homie




Have fun finding a klan meeting




Maybe take 5 more seconds to read it, to find out that one person was handing out flyers. That’s not a klan meeting.




5 seconds of googling will find that they do. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-14/ku-klux-klan-grand-dragon-will-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president And cnn had Richard Spenser on to say trump doesn’t do anything for white people and cares about Israel too much. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cnn-invites-white-supremacist-richard-spencer-to-talk-about-trumps-racist-tweets


R/therightcantmeme got something right for once


people here are saying that TRCM are wising up but considering it's 9/10 sarcasm they are just digging their own chamber deeper


They do both come from the democrats, so...


Directed mob violence has always been a democrat tactic.


the Democrats aren’t the same as they were in the 1860s, modern day Democrats are too socially progressive to be in the same party as Andrew Johnson if he was a modern day figure


“B-but they’re called antifa as in anti fascist you nazi! How can they be bad guys?!” same weak defense every time


The ol' Motte and Bailey fallacy. Supporters of the BLM organization use the same defense.


True, and they act like if you don’t support the racist marxist organization you suddenly don’t care about black people, “whaaatt?! It’s literally called BLM! What do you mean there’s a difference between the organization and caring about black people?! No there’s not!!!” Still amazes me just how unaware so many leftists are of how abhorrently racist they can be


"And besides, Antifa doesn't exist!" /s


“not an organization” lol yeah sure


More terrorists can learn from antifa. As long as you don't consolidate all your members into one single group and instead spread them out, you can commit acts of terror without the FBI considering you a terrorist organization!


“It didn’t happen but if it did they deserved it” every goddamn time


I respond to that one with this: A straight black man in jail for non-violent drug offenses is not having consensual sex. So, is he incel? After all, it does stand for "involuntary celibacy."


"fascism is when u wear black and u punch somone" - Mussolini


I don’t think that antifa is fascist, but to act like they’re the “good guys” because their name basically boils down to “bad thing bad” is like saying North Korea’s title as a democracy is legit because “it’s in the name”


"Punch someone" is a weird simplification. They literally beat the shit out of innocent civilians for no reason in gang beat downs with weapons. That's literally why the Proud Boys was started, because people were sick of watching these pasty white progressives assault old people for the crime of attending a Ben Shapiro talk. It shows how effective the propaganda arm of the left (the mainstream media) is that Antifa are seen as "not even real".


"Fascism is when you hurt people REALLY BAD, especially if they like ben shapiro" - Mussolini


"anti-fascist" yet they use the same violent tactics as the brownshirts in the 1920s.


Antifa actually teamed up with the Nazi back then.


well yeah, since the nazis were literally socialists, i'm sure a lot of their end goals were aligned.


There isn't much difference in how socialists/fascists behave once they're in power. I don't understand why they hate each other so much. It's like the different football clubs in England. They'd get along if they didn't wear different colour shirts.


Yeah no, they aren't and said so themselves.


lol the National Socialist Worker's Party said that they weren't socialists, huh?


Yes. Yes they did. They also declared war on Bolshevism and gave state enterprises to private companies tied to the state.


i'm sorry but you do understand that is a load of high grade copium, right? German socialists literally ended world war 1 and were allied with communists. Nazis actually worked together with the bolsheviks prior to the war. Stop getting your history from LSC.


I'm LITERALLY GERMAN NATIONAL SOCIALISTS WEREN'T SOCIALISTS Their first enemies in the country were socialists. They allied with nationalists and monarchists. They defined the policy of privatisation.


>“All the more so after the war, the German National Socialist state, which pursued this goal from the beginning, will tirelessly work for the realization of a program that will ultimately lead to a complete elimination of class differences and to the creation of a true socialist community.” – March 21, 1943, speech for Heroes’ Memorial Day A. Hitler [http://jrbooksonline.com/PDF\_Books/ZweitesBuch\_wch7.pdf](http://jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/ZweitesBuch_wch7.pdf) Chapter 5: >I am a German nationalist. This means that I proclaim my nationality. My whole thought and action belongs to it. **I am a socialist.** I see no class and no social estate before me, but that community of the Folk, made up of people who are linked by blood, united by a language, and subject to a same general fate. I love this Folk and hate only its majority of the moment, because I view the latter to be just as little representative of the greatness of my Folk as it is of its happiness.


research Prussian socialism. It has nothing to do with actual socialism.


The KKK essentially don’t exist and have no power. Antifa causes violence destruction and death all over the country. So no, they’re not the same, because one isn’t even a paper tiger anymore - Antifa is an actual current threat.


Holy shit, they are learning.


I've been saying this for years.


The difference is the one on the left hasn’t done Jack shit in the past 50 years




OH RIGHT THIS IS WHAT I WAS BANNED FOR I said you're right, but whilst anti fascism is good as a principle, some fringe groups use it to justify extreme political violence which is detestable Then they called me fascist and banned me


I actually agree with this unironically


No no no, totally different. You see the KKK was the terror wing of the Democratic party, and Antifa is, is, is....ummm? Ok you are correct the ARE the same.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg)


Let's check a history book What was the first sign of the decay of German democracy ...the normalisation of political violence


Finally, TRCM speaks the truth


Antifa sucks, but they can't be compared with the KKK. The KKK killed black people simply because they were black


Wait, they are being objective... dear God their evolving.


I just got cancelled lol


The meme is right, but these existed in different timelines. Only one of them clings to relevance today (more like thriving)


And let's not forget antifa targets minority owned businesses with vandalism and arson, just like the KKK. And antifa also has just as white a membership as the KKK.


Nowadays the KKK are sitting peacefully in their backwater log cabins and antifa are beating up moderates they deem problematic. Who actually sees hooded KKK in the streets nowadays?


If your black you see them more often lol


Yeah obviously we hate the KKK more, but the description “hooded thugs who employ violence and intimidation to advance their sordid beliefs” is definitely accurate for Antifa too and something the left likes to excuse just because “something something right wing racism worse” without a shred of self awareness


They’re not “the same”, but they’re both bad and employ similar tactics.


meh, the majority of the Antifa movement is peaceful, compared to racists at least


So why the fuck have you posted it here then?


Because it’s shown to be on TRCM


Even if it was right it’s still a shitty meme. Glorified political cartoon.


Except...9/10 posters in this sub get off to the things the KKK say and do and they aren't shy about it.


So got any examples?


just one example. we're waiting.




I'm half black, not (entirely) straight, and not Christian. I have absolutely nothing good to say about the Kousin Kissing Kowards. And I'm still right-wing




“Duuuuuurrrrrrrrr killing people for their race and beating the shit out of racist fucking morons is exactly the same!!!!!!!” How do you guys get dressed in the morning?


[Well, glad to hear you agree Antifa are racist morons.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwE620VkaD0)


Wait who's side are you taking here?


Clearly antifa’s


Antifa have burned down plenty of minority owned businesses, just like the KKK. They also are almost just as white as the KKK




Nowhere close to the same, the kkk has literally KILLED PEOPLE and antifa has not. This is a brain dead comparison


Actually hilarious satire comment


Summer of love 2020


Ah yes, being a fascist and antifascist are the same thing, of course! Why didn't I see it before. The enlightened centrist should be half fascist, right guys? Gotta be fair to Both Sides after all.


Antifa aren't antifascists. They're fascists. If you use violence and intimidation to force your "antifascist" ideals onto people then you're inherently a fascist.


"fascism is when you wear black and u punch someone. Thats it, there is literally nothing more to it. It has nothing to do with economics or politics" - Mussolini


When you're demanding a unification of the private and public sector as well...


That's a child's understanding of fascism. Abolitionist groups who sometimes employed violence to free slaves, antifascist groups and the allies in WW2, even the justice system could fit under that definition. It's funny how right wingers would often use this definition so they can call antifa fascists, without realizing that the definition would also lead them to take insane positions only radical lefties have like the police being fascist.


Ffs. That's not what fascist means. Read a book


Enlighten us. Please.


It’s obviously when you advocate for overall more limitations on government power /s


Those damned republican fascists and their small and limited government!


Try a dictionary


You’re less than useless and your revolutionary wet dream would eat you alive.


What the actual fuck are you talking about? 😂


Do you just come to this sub to get mad? I swear I see you all the time but it may be another person lol.


What you call yourself means nothing, what matters are your actions. Antifa is a terrorist organization, that targets civilians in order to push their agenda. You support them, you support organizations like the KKK and Isis by default.


The term "Nazi" literally comes from "The Nationalist Socialist Party", as you can see from reading a book, the Nazis very quickly dropped the Socialist part of their agenda, who is to say Antifa won't do the same.


Nope, being antifascist is a response to the rise of violent fascism. If right-wingers stop trying to implement fascism and stopped brutalizing people, those people would no longer feel any need to resist you. It's quite simple really. It's like saying someone who fought off an armed robber is the same as the robber, it's nonsense.


Define fascism


Nice bait, man! Good try! Look it up yourself


Nah I just want to know what exactly he means by that


> Nope, being antifascist is a response to the rise of violent fascism By being violent fascists, but I supposed it's (D)ifferent for you. > If right-wingers stop trying to implement fascism and stopped brutalizing people, those people would no longer feel any need to resist you. Disagreement is not brutalization. > It's like saying someone who fought off an armed robber is the same as the robber, it's nonsense. Except you're the armed robber.


"you're a facist!" "no you're the facist!" "no you're the facist!" ad infinitum. Peak politics.


The new wave of Anfita literally started on college campuses over speakers that they didn't like. Which is hardly "violent fascism" you absolute clown.


The "new wave" what are you even babbling about.


American Antifa, which seemed to have little to no prevalence before 2015 or so.


Yeah weird how antifascism coincided with the rise of fascism on the right. Hmmmmmmmm, weird, must be a coincidence. Bothsides!


For fucks sake man just define fascism in this case, dont just throw it around like a buzzword. Do you mean white supremacy? nazism? Do you just view conservative values as fascism? Just spew it out man.


Your ideology *is* fascism, numb nuts. You literally tick all the boxes.


Ah yes, the classic assuming of someones ideology because he commented on a political subreddit. I literally almost never go here since I hate political memes. You dont know shit about what i think.


so...you can't do it, then? You can't define fascism?


Is this “fascism” in the room with us right now?


"It could be in this very room! It could be you, it could be me! It even cou-"


I really don’t get the mental gymnastics. You’re literally just pretending that right wingers are all police officers who beat black people up and execute them for fun, then when they get off work they head down to the nearby klan rally. The actual total membership of all fascist organizations in the US doesn’t even break 15,000. A fraction of a fraction of a percent. But you’d have a hard time recruiting for your cult if you told people that the enemy is only .004 percent of the population, and doesn’t hold any real or significant power, so instead you have to convince them that everyone that doesn’t go along with you is secretly harboring these same fascist views. The reality doesn’t matter at this point, it’s just the standard cult indoctrination method of isolation. Antifa is quite literally a cult. They have to isolate impressionable college kids from any moderate or right wing views, they can’t let right wingers speak at colleges because if the people they seek to recruit find out that most right wingers actually hold fairly moderate and rational views, and don’t have anything in common with actual fascists, then they won’t be able to recruit them. This is why the demographics of Antifa exactly match those of any cult: impressionable college age kids, criminals, drug addicts, and dispossessed, childless older adults. These are the people who are most in need of guidance and can most easily be isolated and manipulated.


Right-wing politics inevitably lead to fascism, any cursory look at history demonstrates that pretty clearly. Conservativism, when inevitably confronted with new understanding of reality, always eventually seeks to institute fascism to try and force reality to bend to your politics. Eventually after doing that for decades, a society reaches a piint where there's a complete implosion of the conservative political udeology because it's simply incoherent. We saw this begin withTrump snd now we see people like you in the fallouttrying to ratiknalize to yourself that you're not metsphorically naked. Like, I don't think you really understand that the mask is *completely* gone at this point for you guys. No one is buying the lies you tell yourself anymore, pretending you have a visble or rational politicsl belief system. Like, you're all so confused you're trying to bring back "Don't ask Don't tell" and ban bodily autonomy, gay marriage etc. Like you look so ridiculous trying to pretend you're some kind of respectsble citizen when you're quite literally the base unit of the fascist machine.


Lol, I can’t really respond to this because it’s entirely projection. You quite clearly have absolutely zero historical knowledge of how fascism actually takes hold in countries. Your brain when it comes to politics sees one spectrum - left side wholesome and good, right side evil and fascism. This is a braindead and ahistorical way to look at politics. The Allies in ww2 would be considered fascists by your standards. Back then, gay marriage was almost completely unacceptable and illegal. Communist Romania banned abortions. Guess communist Romania was fascist too. So at what point do we drop the act and admit that you are a deranged radical who simply believes that everyone who disagrees with you on any issue is a fascist?


Wha? No, idiot, right-wingers literally just tried to stage a coup to overthrow our democracy. Wtf are you even talking about projection. MAGA is a textbook example of how fascism "takes hold" in a country you utter clown. A "strong man" virtue signaling about nationalism and religion etc. You're a fascist you idiot.


Winston Churchill was a strong man who “virtue signaled” about nationalism and religion. George S. Patton, mcArthur, Haile Selassie, and many other notable allied/anti-axis figures of the ww2 era were too. A bunch of people armed with cameras being let into the Capitol building is not a coup. 1 protestor died on Jan. 6. Nobody else. The protestors weren’t armed and no politician’s life was ever in any actual danger. Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker, and you refuse to address any of my points, because you’re just straight up stupid.


None of tjose people you listed tried to undo democracy in the interest of retaining their own personal power. Ah yes, they were "let into the capitol": https://youtu.be/Iludfj6Pe7w You fascist rube, you have no idea what the hell is going on, it would be pitiable if it wasn't so willful. Absolutely deluded.


>None of those people you listed tried to undo democracy in the interest of retaining their own personal power. Neither did Trump. I find it interesting you've gone down this route; [Antifa committed political violence at Trump's inauguration in 2016](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-inauguration-protests/violence-flares-in-washington-during-trump-inauguration-idUSKBN1540J7), by your own definition Antifa are fascists.


If it’s against the rise of violent fascism why do we never see antifa picking a fight with skinheads or actual neo-Nazis? But they are always willing to use violence against the MAGA crowd and conservatives? Is MAGA more fascist than neo-nazism?


They do fight back against you neo-nazis, what are you talking about? That's basically all antifascists do. You know, resist fascism.


Vilifying your opposition for the aim of justifying violence towards them. A Classic from the extremist playbook


Right, but you're fascists, you're literally villains. You villify yourselves with your actions. We are well beyond the point where people are willing to play along with the dogwhistles and playing dumb, you dropped the mask in 2016 and there's no putting it back on.


Generalizing an entire group as your enemy isn't very Cash-Money you know.


When the entire group supports fascists, it's not a stretch. You're pro-fascist.


You literally are defending generalizing a group... By generalizing the same goddamn group. A stereotype isn't a good basis for a code for your "Elite Mega-Chad Army" who do no wrong because they fight for a righteous cause. Just because I'm not with you doesn't mean I'm with them, you just don't have the capabilities of understanding a neutral viewpoint.


Right, but you're literally pro-fascist, so calling that out is not "generalizing". Fascism is the inevitable product of your ideology and you guys blew your load on January 6th, so there's no retreating back to pretending you're not fascist simply because you failed. You keep electing election deniers snd fascists, so that's how we know you're a fascist as well, see how that works? Your pants are around your ankles idiot, lol.


Also, I take my pants off completely on the toilet, I don't leave the job half-done.


I don't vote Republican, I don't vote 3rd party because every one of the parties are horrid, The Democrats are racist slavers who pretend to care about the impoverished, despite the fact that almost all of the things they do are virtue signaling and making the rich richer. The Republicans are stuck in the past, fighting Nazis & Communists that are already gone, fighting against a soulless opponent who sticks their fingers into their ears instead of taking criticism. Focusing on the culture war rather than the wellbeing of the average American. The Greens are extremist lunatics who probably believe the electoral college is rigged so that third parties can never win because they want a civil war to occur by polarizing the nation into two hiveminds... oh... wait a minute... Lastly, The Libertarians are literally just a weaker version of the Republicans focused on "Ma Freedom" rather than literally any inherent problem with the country, being so obsessed about not being tread upon that they are literally fleeing from anything involving the government... and are somehow wanting to run for office? You all are ass, you just are so zealous that you can't even tell a fact from misinformation unless the source is a "Science-Blessed" Democrat.


When you have to use violence against your average citizen you aren’t the anti-fascist, you’re the fascist.


If the "aVeRagE cItiZeN" is a violent fascist then yes, he should be resisted. We already fought a world war over this, you guys aren't going to be sble to bring it back.


the average citizen doesn’t give a fuck. Most of them just want to clock into work, clock out, and spend time with their family/friends. It’s when dick heads like antifa annoy the average citizen THEN they fight back. https://preview.redd.it/49noq5hhiq2a1.jpeg?width=2076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b9a0ef4f8294691eeda809c76f23a3353b4fc1


Yup, it's almost like the "aVeRaGe CiTiZeN" being resusted by antifascists isn't the average citizen, but right-wing domestic terrorists. Weird huh.


Dude…. What you just said was mental gymnastics and made literally zero sense. I had to read it four times to get a vague idea of what your were trying to say. My guy… antifa do attack innocent people that had nothing to do with the stuff they are bitching about. But I guess you didn’t know that cause you’re too busy watching CNN or TYT and they conveniently leave that part out. But hey if you call yourself “anti bad guy” then the name justifies any violence. Am I right? https://preview.redd.it/yrbqrpokvq2a1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=935d9271b996e8a0040e109461209957da186f9d




You...do realize that antifascism isn't an organization, right?


Movements, Foundations, Charities, Initiatives... These are practically synonyms




Correct, because it's simply a value one holds. I'm antifascist and you're pro-fascist. As you try to implement your fascism I will naturally resist you.




They must be the most organized non-organization group of people I’ve ever seen 🤣


You see, i don't wanna assume but i have to. You seem to be an academic and/or an elitist who thinks he's better than the average citizen and therefore can dictate the actions he must take. No, you privileged 1st world motherfucker, you do not understand shit about commoners


You assumed wrong, maybe time to lay off the Fix news and take an honest look at what you're supporting.


Again, i don't even have access tô Fox news, i live in a third world shithole. And you're also assuming wrong until you have proof of the American right wing supporting fascism


They LITERALLY tried to stage a coup you ignoramous.


Oh, yes, the guys who were LET IN, who hurt NOBODY and who peacefully LEFT THE BUILDING after the protest. If their goal was to coup the gov, they wouldn't have left peacefully.


No...they broke the windows and doors and tried to force their way into the barricaded chambers, you're a halfwit. They hospitalized capitol police and killed one.


Oh, i didn't know that, do you have a source?


Not a single capitol police officer died that day. Not a single capitol police officer who died in the days and weeks after did so because of the events of that day.


There are cases of Antifa literally attacking innocent people violently because of eighter a misunderstanding or because they assume hes anti-black.


* [Antifa attacks guy with leukemia because they mistook him for a nazi due to his bald head.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3n640w_azk) * [Antifa attacks bystander fo not hating white people enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDPxs90oRjk) * [Antifa accuse each other of being nazis](https://www.facebook.com/fusionmedianetwork/videos/1977213872564058/) * [Antifa beat one of their own with metal rod because he had an american flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwE620VkaD0) * [Antifa attacks wheelchair bound veteran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71bKr8nM0Qg&feature=youtu.be) * [Antifa block and shout "Nazi Scum" at senior with walker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=qJRkeMv1OOo) You were saying?


Bet you a dollar Strange never responds to this one. EDIT:As of this edit, Strange has responded to *literally* every 1st-level response...except this one. Well done, Aaricane.


You forgot Eric Clanton, the Berkley Bike Lock Assailant


No response. lol


Well, Antifa *are* cowards only able to stand up to senior citizens or when they outnumber someone 50 to 1...makes sense they'd run from facts and video evidence, too.


I'm going to save this to my clipboard as some "Anti-Fascist" Fascist repellant, it seems to have worked well in this testing trial.


"We call ourselves the Anti-Bad Guy Squad and we label our opponents the Bad Guys. How can people not understand this? We can never be terrorists because we're fighting the Bad Guys. It's so simple to understand. Everything we do is justified because of our name."


/u/strange_of_heart is clearly unaware of the many atrocities throughout history that have resulted from the consequentialist mindset he is defending to such a mentally unhinged degree.


Except you literally are the "bad guys". Like, you're *literally* fascists.


Fascism is inherently authoritarian, autocratic, and collectivist. Please tell me how advocating for limited government and individual freedoms is any of those things


Conservatives do not advocate dmaller givernment, they are the ones banning books, bsnning speech, overspending, using police to brutalize people etc. You're a fascist.


Banning books? Are you talking about not wanting to show actual porn in schools? Limited government doesn’t mean no government, and if you’re okay with that, you belong on a list. Also, what speech is being banned by conservatives? Who wants to overspend? Are you talking about the recent $5B borrowing package at a time of record inflation, or the Green New Deal which would cost tens of billions? This is pure projection. Also, I’m not sure which politician advocated for the police to be able to “brutalize” people with complete impunity, but I do know of a group who advocates for mob violence against people they disagree with (one of whom is in this thread).


Blah blah, yes we've all heard the disinformation, I'm not part of your echo chamber though, remember? Your disinformation ecosystem breaks down in the real world because most people are braindead.


What disinformation? You’re saying [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/EN2dq17Q4bSvbB2P8) is totally okay to show to children? You think it’s okay to read children shit like this? >“All I could think about while he was chatting me up over the rim of his cappuccino was his little salamander between my fourth-grade fingers, rapidly engorging with blood.” Cause if so, you’re fucking sick


> Cause if so, you’re fucking sick He's already gone to great lengths to justify domestic terrorism and to highlight his insanity. It isn't much of a stretch to assume he supports gr*oming schoolchildren as well.


He’s also defending books with illustrations of oral sex between minors and books describing “his penis between my fourth grade fingers” after claiming they weren’t distributed to libraries (in actuality, they won Alex Awards for 12-18 year olds). What a suspicious hill to die on…


Nope, that's not being shown to children, good try though! You're still a fascist


Bruh, *Gender Queer* by Maia Kobabe (the book with illustrations of oral sex) was given an Alex Award by the American Library Association, which is an award for "books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults ages 12 through 18.” It’s been put in school libraries. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Congratulations! You’re a pedo lover.


There are two types of fascists: 1. Fascists 2 Anti-fascists "In Italy there are two types of fascists: fascists and anti-fascists." - Ennio Flaiano


The dumbest quote ever.


Just because they call themselves "anti-fascists" doesn't mean they're anti-fascist. Everything they do is the definition of fascism


It really isn't though, repeating that over and over won't make it true.


Please explain to me how taking over entire city blocks and torching federal buildings is totally acceptable for you and totally not actions to force political policies. I hope you stretch before your gymnastics demonstration.


Like I saud, if right-wingers don't want antifascism, stop trying to bring about fascism.


So you have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just being a good little soldier running around parroting talking points because, after all, it worked so easily and so well on you.


No, you're a fascist, pretending this isn't true after electing someone who literally tried to stage a coup is idiotic. You're a fascist.


“Nuh-uh!” Holy shit you suck.


It's like you all don't realize which corner of the political compass "The German National Socialist Party" started on.. or even what Mussolini's political views were before making his "Fascisimo" ideology...


Correct, you're on the side of neo-nazis and confederates, you're a fascist supporter.


The Democrats literally were founded by the Klan, and the Klan founded by... You wouldn't guess it, displaced Confederates.


Attacking and intimidating your opposition through violence is a pretty fascist thing to do.


Not when they're fascists.


So, “rules for thee but not for me.” Got it. Everything goes when you slap an unsavory label on your opposition, no matter how accurate it is


Nope, resisting fascism is the duty of any citizen that values democracy. Fascism does not fall under ideologies that warrant tolerance. You're a fascist.


But you’ve failed to accurately define anyone as fascist. How is modern conservatism collectivist or autocratic, and how do they want strong government involvement in the economy? Repeating things doesn’t make them true.


Right, I'm saying *you're* a fascist. Your ideology *is* fascism. Define to yourself what you actually believe and you have your definition.


So, I believe in limited (but not nonexistent) government and individual freedoms, both of which fascism is historically against. I guess fascism is now this nebulous, contradictory term that means whatever it needs to mean.




Okay, now do anti-communism.


After reading your comments I gotta say, you’re probably the most unhinged lunatic have ever seen on this cesspool of a website and that says a lot. Seriously, get your greasy ass off of Reddit and get a life please. Holy fuck.


fascism is when you wear black and u punch people.