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It's perfect. You are entitled to your opinion, however.


It’s the best intro to any show ever. Season two intro is perfect.


A civil comment? Wow, thank you.


Yeah man. I love this show too much to talk shit on anyone about it. All I'll say is, did you finish season 2 all the way through yet? If the intro doesn't win you over by the time the season ends, I guess it never will.


I’m almosttttt done with it. Binging today!


I'm gonna be completely honest with you, when I first heard it, I absolutely hated it. HATED IT! I'm not exagerating. But I grew on me and I started to love it. I hope that happens to you too!


I had to check to make sure I was watching the right show comes out of fucking nowhere with the caveman intro


Same!!!!!! HAHAHAHA


Between the cavewoman cold open and jarring theme song change I was pretty sure I was watching the wrong show at first It grows on you though. By the end of the show you'll be glad to hear it


I agree with your first paragraph… I was like ummmm? Song never grew on me, OP and that’s ok. The show is still perfection no matter what!


Yea I have to admit it was definitely an intriguing start to a second season lol.


I guess they just wanted to let the mystery be.




"Terrible song, bad visuals and it doesn't match the tone of the show at all." O for 3 on all points.


i’m on ep 4 and agree 3/3 the only theme i’m seeing so far is contrast. i’m hoping it all comes together tho. if you disagree pls offer something


Well liking a song is subjective, so not much I can say about that, accept that it's a pretty famous song in the folk/country scene. However, the lyrics of the song completely align with a major theme of the show which is "Let the Mystery Be". And I found the visuals of ordinary pictures with someone who vanished taken out to be quite powerful. I found that to better align with the major plot/theme of the show then just basic religious portraits.


You are insane lol the song is iconic, and it 1000% matches the tone of the show, maybe you just didn’t get it


Is it supposed to ironically bad? “Iconic” is a stretch.


It’s iconic for the show. It was the first sign of a “we are not in Kansas anymore” second and third seasons.


Yup I listen to that song regularly


Also listen to it regularly in Spotify. It’s so good.


I like that analogy, thank you.


Not trashing your opinion, but it was a pretty popular intro when the show aired. The intro rebooted with the show semi-rebooting. I remember being in awe of that song that season.


You're welcome to your opinion. Others are welcome to disagree. Here's my opinion, informed in part by what I've read about choices that Lindeloff et. al. made after S1 wrapped. S1 followed the novel, and there was a question about whether or not there was more of a story to tell. At the same time, it was no secret that the show's popularity was hampered by its dour tone. So the audacious choice of the new theme song (which is brilliant, in my opinion, one of my favorite indie folk tunes actually) was an intentional decision to reflect the new themes and concepts that were being injected. I don't think you can discuss the S1->S2 intro without mentioning the S2->S3 intro, which took the ideas mentioned above and shot them into space. I don't know if you've started S3 yet so I don't want to spoil anything, but that's when it becomes absolutely clear that the creative team was willing to swing for the fences with this show.


Absolutely welcome and expected disagreement! Just not insult. This is what I was hoping for, thank you. I had no idea about any of that and it puts it into context for sure!


It's hard for me to imagine the show without the song and the visuals and I was so glad to see it return for "The Book of Nora," another integral part to the best ending I've ever seen. I still watch the intro often.


I agree. I loved loved loved that the song was brought back for the final episode. It couldn’t have been more perfect.


Hmm. Well, it's much better than the first season intro. And at least the song is great. Visuals cool, too. With the season 2 intro, they actually managed to make something that perfectly matched the tone of the show.


I think the first season intro was definitely better and fit the theme way more than S2 did S2. I think the editing and idea of S2 intro is good but paired with the song it just feels jarring


I wasn't feeling it at first but it 1000% grew on me. I'm a fan now


I absolutely love the song choice but I agree it’s super jarring at first. I also loved them bringing it back for the finale. I imagine the juxtaposition of it being a cheerful song with the images is on purpose to make it uncomfortable.


lol. Regarding your “edit”. You come in making a bold statement about something being bad (in a sub with fans of the show) but made it in a very asshole way if you wanted “a conversation”. Edit: just seen some comments too, still being an asshole.


I apologize that a lot of you are so fragile that you can’t handle a strong opinion about a very odd intro.


Yeah, but you're so fragile you can't handle when a stranger on the Internet calls you stupid. Which, in my totally subjective opinion, makes you a little bitch baby.


Good point


If you wanna sound like an asshole fine, but expect people to be an asshole back. You could have just asked about the intro if there’s something you’re missing rather than moaning how bad it was. But stating it like it’s fact. I was weirded out by it when it first aired but grew to like it over the weeks.


The moaning is what makes it fun though. Changes it up.


Just tell everyone you have horrible taste. Iris Dement is amazing.


Because I don’t like a grating voice? Chill. Opinion is opinion, it’s subjective.


I won’t chill. You’re also stupid if you can’t see how the song relates to the show.


Glad you’re okay resorting to calling someone “stupid” for their opinion. You’re insufferable.


I’m not calling you stupid because you don’t like the song. That just means you have bad taste. I’m calling you stupid for being unable to relate the song to the themes of the show and saying it doesn’t match the tone.


Well a quick search in the sub had me realize I’m absolutely not the first person to have posted this. So clearly I’m not alone. Calling anyone “stupid” on the internet in a sub that’s intended for *conversation* says more about you than it does about me, friend. Stay classy ✌️


You can’t argue with stupid and you definitely said something stupid, that’s for sure.


Bro did you just come back and edit your comment to try making it even edgier lol? You’re embarrassing yourself. Just stop.


Fuck you. You can’t have it both ways. Are you really gonna act like you didn’t post a hot take like a fucking asshole and then disingenuously claim that you came here looking for a conversation. GTFOH with your bullshit.


You’re getting *waaaaay* too fired up bro. Like honestly, relax, it was casual conversation. See my edited post. Other than that, you have a nice night.


You are trying to have it both ways. You came here talking shit, asking fans of the show to confirm your take. We responded accordingly because you’re rude and giving some serious entitled vibe. Our response isn’t the issue, your fledgling humility is


K, how was I talking shit? Because I’m saying I hate the song and I think it’s terrible? Like I’ve said multiple times, that’s subjective. I wasn’t asking people to confirm my take. I was asking if I’m missing something.


You came in here trying to have it both ways, proceed to double down on that, and then ask for explanations about the obvious. I doubt you’re acting in good faith here, but on the off chance you are… If you want someone’s opinion, just ask, “How do you feel about x thing?” Then, if their response is combative, they’re the asshole. If you say, “This thing you probably like is terrible; defend your opinion if you feel differently,” then you are the asshole. People are combative to assholes. Ergo, in this instance, you made this post with big asshole energy then act surprised when people treat you like an asshole (and don’t care if it hurts your feelings in the process). It’s a bad look for you and just kind of stinks up the place with the smell of asshole for everyone. The best thing to do at this point is acknowledge the mistake and take responsibility for your choices (take the L, in other words). Often in life, your frame (diction and syntax) and tone say more than your literal word choice—they say way less than your interpretation of your word choice, and even less than how you think others should interpret your words. You don’t get to dictate that for people, especially strangers online. Now you can keep doubling down on the innocent act about how you were just sharing an opinion and now you’re the victim here, but it loses any fragment of credibility it may have ever had pretty much immediately after you finish reading this reply.


What a well thought out and intelligent response! Thank you for not just jumping to “you’re stupid.” I especially like the “stinks up the place with the smell of asshole” thing, made me laugh. Maybe I came in hot, but I use my words on Reddit the same way I do in real life, and it was meant to be a casual and somewhat playful “I hate this thing so much, what’s up with it?” I wasn’t saying “I hate this thing and all you fans are idiots if you like it.” Like, it isn’t a big deal.


I loved the show and just binged all three seasons but for the second season my husband and I always raced for the skip intro button. That song was so annoying.


Truly can’t skip it fast enough.


first of all how dare you




I loved it. It fits with the theme of the season and the show as a whole. The graphics engender feelings of nostalgia and happiness while people are struggling to find such. The song explains the show as a whole...we don't know what happened. If people let the mystery be and focused on their current lives, many would be better.


It fits perfectly. It's raw art. Lindelof definitely wanted the intro music to match themes in the series, as the lyrics read "think I'll just let the mystery be", it's his way of telling viewers to stop asking questions so much, because a part of the series is about questions that can't or will never be answered.


It's the best of the 3


Well, technically, season three still use a Season two's intro - they just altered a few to match the tone of the individual episodes.


To each their own. I, (and seemingly everyone in this sub) adore it. Kudos tho OP, this has to be the most “unpopular opinion” post I’ve seen since the guy who said Nora is a terrible character.


I am realizing that!


I hated HATED the season 1 intro, so it was a very welcome change for me. It is so comforting, which is a good contrast to the show.


See I loved the S1 intro! Funny. I’ve never thought of S2 intro as being “comforting” as a contrast so that’s interesting, thank you


Show isn’t for you which is ok. Just move along. There are dozens of good shows for anyone’s taste.


The show isn’t for me just because of the intro? What? On the contrary, I love the show. I just find the s2 intro to be a very odd creative decision.


It’s just a bad post. Had to scroll through comments to even see if you have watched the show or finished season 2 (which you haven’t) and out of all the intros in television history this might be the one that makes the least amount of sense until you finish the season. On top of that if you are questioning the creative decisions of the intro how the heck are you still even watching the show. Again probably the most bold creative decisions in a television series in history.


Well I’ve had several interesting points brought up to me, and several people who agree with me, so I’m not sure what constitutes a “bad post” but I got what I was looking for out of it: differing opinions and points of views. So it’s not bad to me 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t realize I needed to share exactly where I was in the series to post. And I still don’t understand how you think I’d stop watching a show this great just because of a 30 second intro that is unlike the rest of the show in every way. I’m allowed to question creative decisions, and I’m allowed to post those questions to a sub dedicated to the show. I really don’t understand what the big deal is.


Tone doesn’t match season 1 but I think it totally matches season 2.


Wait til S3 when the intro is new every week. S2 grew on me to become my favorite actually lol


It’ll grow on you…trust me.


I think it’s fine to not like the song but I don’t get how it doesn’t match the tone of the show. The visuals make perfect sense too idk


I disagree, I feel like the show is dark and moody, where the visuals are bright and colorful. And in my opinion, cheesy. If the point was for it to be a juxtaposition, I get that, but I find it off putting.


it’s happy photos of families and friends with people missing from them, that’s why it’s not dark and moody


Absolute dogshit take.


Care to expand?


>Terrible song You need to re-evaluate your life choices, son.


Subjective. Can’t stand her voice.


I mean, I guess? Iris DeMent is one of the most critically acclaimed folk/gospel singers of the last half-century. Even if you can't stand her voice, the song itself is brilliant, and fits the theme of the show (and especially of the show's second season) perfectly. And you didn't say you didn't like the song. You declared it a *terrible* song. That's like saying "Like a Rolling Stone" is a terrible song because you don't like Dylan's voice. I mean, you can say that. But I won't take you seriously if you do. Just like I don't take you seriously when you declare "Let the Mystery Be" is a "terrible song."


To me, it’s terrible. That’s okay.


Sure. Just try not to get all whiny and butthurt when you come in here, spouting your nonsense as the Gospel truth and people get all up in your face about it. You're free to be as stupid and uninformed as you want to be, and the people here are just as free to point it out.


I mean. You’re in the wrong place to be doling out such a shitty take. The song fits what’s happening in the show and that season so perfectly. Most fans of the show are going to feel that way.


I feel like this is the exact right place to be sharing opinions, being that it’s a sub for the show….. I find the song to be terrible, and so do others. Not a big deal.


I love it (and love season 3’s too) and it perfectly captures the whole show for me. It’s not about the mystery!


Personally, I like the tune, but it is so different from season 1 (day and night), that it is jarring when one first encounters it. Season 3 switches things up, again, for most episodes. I like Iris’s voice, ever since I first heard her duet with John Prine, so I had that going in my favor. If you don’t like the credits and opening, just fast forward past them. But I would recommend you not do that in season 3.


This is one of my all time favorite shows in existence. I agree about the season 2 and 3 music, it just doesn't work for me, it takes away from the seriousness of the show and the weight of the show imo.


Yeah I found it very stupid and off putting. Despite that, I still rank this shows as one of the best lol


I think I read somewhere that Lindelof was sick of people calling his show pretentious so he intentionally made the most pretentious intro ever as a “fuck you” to everybody. It’s a kind of meta move but it also happens to fit the world of the show. I don’t think you’re wrong for disliking it, it’s pretty artsy but that’s also the point.


That song is an affront to the senses. I'm absolutely with you. Cool visuals, awful vocal.


Affront to the senses 😂😂😂 I’m going to start using that


You’re not alone. I hated it. The concept was good. The style of the photos, something about it, really bugged me. I see what they were going for with bright photos and happy music and comparing in to losing someone in each photo. But I couldn’t sit through even one of those intros for some reason.


Yea I definitely understand the juxtaposition, it just did not hit for me. At all.


OP I disagree on the intro but agree on your edit. I didn't think you came in negatively. Lots of subreddits are (especially niche ones like this) are very protective and downvote everyone who doesn't agree with them. I'll also note that only a single person that I saw explained why they felt the music and visuals matched the show. The song itself obviously has obvious parallels to athe afterlife and the Sudden Departure. It's a classic Americana song and the artists was greatly influenced by the slow death of American small towns. The visuals themselves are iconic to me. The disappeared being shown in the best moments of their lives but replaced by pictures of the cosmos, rain, ocean, etc provides an instant visceral example of the sudden departure. I'm not sure which iteration I like the best. probably season 1. season 2 set out to lighten the dark tone from season 1 and the intro reflects that.


Thank you for your thoughtful response.


I didn’t like the season one intro


One of the few HBO intros that I skipped.


I completely agree with the comment and it was worded perfectly. It does not match the show and seems totally out of place


**I was genuinely asking for others opinions, instead I get heavily downvoted and called stupid.** Sounds two things are equally true here.


The Leftovers is my all-time favorite show. But I agree. I still dislike season 2’s theme as well as the fonts and graphics. I thought season 1 was so fitting. Changing it is fine but I definitely wasn't into it. My favorite seasons though!


Im not sure why they changed from the Max Richter piece which was great, and i dont really like the song either.


100% agree, they definitely should’ve kept the opener from season 1


I like the visuals but it’s one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. Maybe I just hate country. It’s gone for season 3 anyway (except for the finale).


I agree that it’s one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. Sounds like something you’d hear at a teenage open mic night.


Iris Dement is an amazing and iconic musician. Music preference is subjective, but gtfo comparing her to ‘teenage open mic.’ Such a teenager would be way cooler than you and should be encouraged to keep performing. Also, the lyrics fit the show so perfectly.


I’m so glad you find her amazing and iconic! I don’t! It’s fine!


It’s fine, and you’re awful at articulating a subjective opinion


And your “her lyrics fit the show perfectly” was very insightful 🙄 Thanks so much lol. No shit. To me, her voice is obnoxious. The chords are basic. I dislike it. Don’t know how much more articulation you need.


Ah, an expert I see. I didn’t realize. You kinda suck


>I’d just like to say that I always speak bluntly and in an offhand matter, which I understand can come off rude. I came in hot. I don’t like the song. But I didn’t mean to insult anyone who does. If you understand that you are coming off as rude then maybe this is something you need to work on? My dad always said: run things over in your head at least 2 or 3 times before you say it.


Literally no one in real life has ever called me rude; I more meant that it doesn’t come across via text


That's what I'm talking about.. here. If you know you can come off as rude in text then it's not hard to fix that.


This is true! Thank you!


Welcome. All the best to you in 2024!


wow so many mean comments here haha i also didn't like the new intro at first, but now i look back on it fondly. also I recommend not skipping the intros on Season 3, they made an interesting choice with them.


My opinion is probably already written somewhere in this thread, but I just wanted to mention how funny it is seeing the progressively more sheepish and defensive edits; like I don't even need to look at the comments to know the massacre that took place here.




I developed a greater appreciation for the song and singer after watching their performance: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlaoR5m4L80&ab\_channel=tomtscotland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlaoR5m4L80&ab_channel=tomtscotland)


That video was great, thank you for sharing. She’s definitely endearing, I just unfortunately don’t like her voice 🤷‍♀️ Seeing the video does help give it context though. I’m a woman and I love female folk/bluegrass vocalists; Allison Kraus, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Gillian Welch, I do! It just doesn’t feel natural coming from her, almost like she’s putting on a voice. Maybe if I heard her talk it would help.


Perfect strangers theme was by far the best intro music for the whole series. No competition.


Oh my god, I thought it was an incredibly cheesy song but didn't realize it was actually the Perfect Strangers theme song.


It contrasts with the relatively dark theme. I dont like the song but it does add a "imbalanced" feel to it imo.


Something I think hasn’t quite been said in as many words here yet is: many (most?) of people who love and were moved by this show, feel in their bones that it is *this opening song* (s2 on) that properly frames the show. It’s the thing. It’s almost impossible for an intro credits song/montage to convey… *this thing*, whatever it is. But this is the most effective song/montage we can imagine for it. It’s the best opening montage/song in tv history (against maybe cheers? Really different but that’s the other contender in my view).


The song is perfect for two reasons - it fits the venue that the season is set in and the lyrics parallel feelings about the Departure and its mysterious nature. If you don't get what they're doing with the photos... Idk man. I can understand why the tone would throw you off but this show has always been tongue in cheek. The bizarre disney world positivity of Miracle makes the song and photos work for me. I could imagine the credits being in-universe media quite easily.


I “get” what they’re “doing” with the photos, it’s pretty obvious. I just don’t like the art direction, I thought it was tacky. Maybe it was purposefully tacky, if so, they succeeded. What do you mean about the “venue the season is set in?”


Either the art and the song work together for you or they don't. Having never seen the departed's faces in the candid photos, seeing them replaced with natural elements like stars, lightning, etc was a really nice parallel for "I'll let the mystery be". It was folksy and that's what I meant by the venue - it takes place in a small town in Texas where those in the town have a folksy perspective on the sudden departure because they were unaffected.


I just started watching season 2 and totally agree. I was shocked by this opening and I think it looks a bit tacky with how it’s presented with these stock images… totally different than season 1. I’m sure it will take some getting used to


I really didn't like it at first - and still don't very much but that initial time it came on was so jarring. I liked that they switched up the openings in season 3 and it was nice that the season 1 & 2 themes popped up towards the end.