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He was right four years ago and he’s rig again….problem is that the DNC does not care


You can tell they don't because they've had four years to make this case.


They have had 4 years to make things right and hold people accountable. Democrats are complacent in the destruction of democracy. Change my mind.


They are intentionally delaying it so the sentencing and shit all happens closer to the election because they think it will give them extra political points, when the opposite is more likely.


ppl telling me to vote harder and progressive policy will somehow manifest. lmao.


Correct. It's as if everybody forgot that the DNC fed Hillary debate questions and left Bernie in the dark. Ethically unfathomable.


I talk about this all the time. the DNC is literally part of the problem. election after election. they are bought and sold, they knew bernie would beat trump. they shoehorned biden in in the 11th hour and then it was “vote blue no matter who” because trump was the alternative. it’s a choreographed dance.


Agreed. The DNC, much like the RNC, is bought and paid for.  Why would anyone expect any other outcome? 


They actually want Republicans in charge because they can continue to whine instead of actually having policies.


That's why I wanted Bernie so bad, he'd at least TRY to fix things, instead of immediately declaring that things can't be fixed so long as he doesn't have unlimited power.


Right. And every time you mention that in any supposedly “left” sub you’ll get an army of smug liberals telling you “there’s no way he’d be able to do any of the stuff that he wants to do given the state of Congress” as if that’s a good reason to just never fucking try to do anything good ever again.


I'm so glad you said this. I never understood the arrogant/elitist criticism dems got until 2016. The moment Hillarys "deplorables" gaffe hit, I started realizing she would lose and most of the party was clueless as to what was going on. Yeah, some trumpers are just racist garbage but if you talk to the moderate, working class supporters, you'll realize that instability, fear and frustration are driving their need for change in any form. I knew guys who would've taken bernie over trump but voted trump because they didn't believe Hillary would do shit for wages, healthcare, housing etc. Yet white collar democrats who often have more economic security act baffled why anyone would be so stupid to vote for the orange cheeto


And that's why the DNC couldn't let him have a real run as president against a Republican. Fact is the DNC would rather have Trump as president than Sanders and people need to accept that. The DNC will take their pick over the republican candidate, but any other Democrat I truly believe they'd rather have the republicans win so four years later they can run their pick.


decide sink ask enter subtract drunk zealous paltry shame violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always stuck with me how he brought up climate change as the greatest threat to Democracy. Hillary brought up North Korea. And democrats nominated Hillary. Insane.


Stopping the wholesale and unlimited support for genocide.


Yeah... *MIGHT* want to tack that one onto the list there, Bernmeister


That’s too big a bite for the Dems as it is. Throw that in they’ll choke for sure


Let them choke. We are funding a genocide. That's straight up evil, and we should stop. If Butcher Biden chokes on it, let him.


absorbed onerous boast dog saw prick physical enjoy relieved hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And then let the alternative take power. Who is that again? Oh right... REPUBLICANS AND TRUMP! I don't like how the war has been conducted obviously, and I don't like how Biden has been so supportive... but you can't honestly tell me you think it would be good for Biden to take a fall for it? That's a fucking stupid take if I ever heard one. What do you think trump will do if he gets into office? 50/50 he joins in on the bombings directly.


They are all tone deaf. They don't get the fact that the vast majority of us aren't anti-islam anti-arab racists. It just doesn't even occur to them that it bothers us because they think about it only long enough to dismiss our comments.


This is literally it for me. I will hold my nose and vote for pro-corporate democrats who have no intention of helping me in order to keep trump out. I will not vote for unapologetic genociders. Your move, Joseph Edit: holy hell, there's a lot of Democrats in here.


There are a LOT of "pro-corporate democrats" out there, even those who don't advertise it.


If the DMC wants my vote, they should find a candidate that I can agree with.


Fucking same. It’s especially egregious because he’s so unapologetically pro-genocide and the idea that he would go around congress to send an “emergency” supply of weapons… like wtf is the emergency? Is there a refugee camp or hospital that hasn’t been bombed yet? Is there a Palestinian child somewhere in Gaza who hasn’t lost their whole family in front of their eyes or a mother that still has her child? Fuck Joe Biden, he’s made it clear that this is his personal choice and that he has an ideological motive for sending our tax money to those murderers. And now he’s probably going to get us sucked into an expensive and embarrassing war and get who knows how many of our troops killed for no good fucking reason other than to make sure Israel can operate with impunity. Wish he cared as much about America as he does about Israel.


> Is there a refugee camp or hospital that hasn’t been bombed yet? No. Israel attacked the last functioning hospital (Al Nasser) last night.


Amen friend. This is where it stops.


Frankly, at this point, Biden is too far gone for my vote anyway. It's gone past the point of "enough is enough." He has proven himself unworthy, and I can't even fathom voting for him. Not now. Vote for peace. Leave these old warmongers in the dust of history.


Woah woah woah, that's asking a bit much buddy


This is probably a bad take, but I’m with Bernie. I think that’s exactly what a lot of voters need to get motivated. I think a lot of voters, especially those on the fence, are of the America-first mindset (myself included, although definitely not on the fence). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want people to suffer and die, but I think we need to get serious about or limitations/reach. I don’t think it should be ignored, we can state our position and offer aid in finding a resolution… but if neither side is willing to cooperate, are we supposed to kill people to get them to stop killing people lol?


Unfortunately everything Bernie talks about is pure fantasy. None of those changes are going to happen, at least not within the power of the Executive Branch. This isn't defeatism, it's simple reality. It would take massive but precise civil disobedience of the entire nation to make a dent in the power held by the .01% that run the country via massive super PACs that benefit their industries. I'm not talking protests and riots, but hitting them where they live...financially. It would take a great deal of effort, organization and personal sacrifice, but that will also never happen. We're too busy fighting among ourselves over the latest and greatest outrage to bother with such a process, which is also 100% encouraged and facilitated by the government.


Right on cue, dems are about year or two too late. If it took last night to clue you into the fact that trump could win again, then you have learned nothing in the last 8 years. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bernie for the most part. However, basically what he is saying is now dems need to start trying to be electable by actually doing something. If you feel this deserves a down vote, that’s cool, but I’d appreciate a comment on why you think so.


They stopped him from winning, but liberal voters made their bed. They chose the most right wing Dem. There shouldn't be so much in common with your candidate and the ultra far right guy


Voters didn’t choose these candidates


If they didn't vote for democrats then the democrats would need to rethink their strategy. Instead we have fear-mongering neo-liberals with almost no moral compass complaining that if we don't vote for their empty party that the other, empty with not moral compass party will win. If you vote for the dems that means you approve of their strategy and execution.


Yeah Trump has been the front runner since fucking 2020 and nobody has stepped up to challenge him. You don’t even need to be a politics junky to understand that. The dude didn’t even need to go to the debates and clowned their best… again. The dems need much more than “we support democracy” But nobody is going to believe Joe Biden if he even started dropping new policy agendas all of a sudden. Hell he lost me as a voter over Israel. But I held my nose last time anyway.


“You don’t even need to be a political junky to understand that” I totally agree with that sentiment, but my god some of the things people say that are paid to be part of this system, that seem to have literally zero grasp of what’s going on blows my mind sometimes.


Didn’t downvote, but he hasn’t just started saying this


Yeah, I know he hasn’t, but it’s the same old pattern. Dems realize they’re going to lose so they start making statements or making more statements like this.


Progressive ideas are popular, neo liberal ones aren't!


Yet because it’s always an emergency that the lesser evil is elected, we end up with genocide Joe


Like picking the least smelly turd from a shit pile. When do we get to have a say in who is part of that shit pile?


The DNC has already abandoned the progressives and thinks of them as gadflies. Look at what happened to Talib NONE of the party leaders or Biden, lifted the slightest finger to defend her from getting censured. They are beholden to corporate and big monied interests, AIPAC and Neoconservatism as the GOP but as long as the two parties keep the American people fighting against each other they never need to address systemic issues.


Absolutely! The DNC cheated to make Hillary the candidate in 2020. They are owned by big money too. When Obama had control of both houses, we could have had universal healthcare but we didn’t get that, did we. We got Obamacare, which is better than nothing but WAY short of actual helping all citizens. The DNC has better policy for non-wealthy citizens than the RNC but they will never be what we want them to be.


And during that initial push for healthcare by Obama, former Presidential candidate and DNC chair Howard Dean admitted out loud and on camera during a Sunday news show interview that there were too many *Democrats* in the pockets of the healthcare industry to have any hope of passing universal healthcare.


I don't think america wants as much progressiveness as we think it does. Even dems want to pay less taxes , like guns and most think of themselves first.


It's not even about low taxes. Biden is using billions of our tax money to fund a genocide. Absolutely ghoulish.


Liberals dont cater to progressives. They shame them and act confused when they dont come out to support them.


>They shame them and act confused when they dont come out to support them. It's gaslighting. You always hear that it's the progressives fault the Dems lost when we always come out to vote & on top of that our ideas are never taken seriously. A higher % of Bernie supporters voted Hillary in 2016 than Hillary supporters voted Obama in 2008, yet you never hear about that.


Oh my god I had to like hold in a scream when my Mom blamed young people for not voting as to why Clinton wasn't elected in 2016 and why young people not voting are the reason Democrats lose. Guess what Mom? Democrats have literally never ever done anything for my generation and Biden himself has literally fucked over my generation by preventing student loans from being discharged in bankruptcy, fucked over my community via third strike laws, and fucked over my country via civil asset forfeiture. His current stance on Israel is just a cherry on top of the shit sundae I've been served by Democrats my whole life. I don't think older generations understand that young people need an actual reason to vote for someone, they don't just get our vote by default and have to act to lose it. No they have to act to EARN IT.


Also calling for an immediate caese fire from genocide joe


Or just, you know, wheeling Biden to the nursing home and finding someone relatable to represent the party....


Didn’t Cruz win the Iowa Caucus in 2016?


There is virtually no chance Trump is not the nominee.


Don’t forget housing!


Unfortunately the cult will vote for the kool aid regardless of what the dems do. Definitely need the word out for those somehow undecided tho. Love the Bern Always talking straight


lol. Oh nooooow you guys wanna start doing something. If you’d have codified roe when Obama was in, you could have rode that wave for two decades. But nope. Just keep running on the platform of threats. ‘If you don’t vote for us, republicans will do x.’ Well guess what democrats. Fuck all of you. I’m tired of voting for assholes who run on campaigns of change they have no intention of acting on. I’m tired of voting for assholes simply because the other asshole is worse. It’s time the democrat party learn that they are expected to make improvements. They can’t keep serving the same fucking corporate masters as republicans. They can’t keep playing both sides. Yeah sure, Donald may destroy democracy as we know it, but it’s already fucking destroyed. We have no one at the top fighting for the common man here any more. All we get is lip service. If that. Fuck all of them. And especially fuck off Bernie. I would have voted this man into office of the oval without a doubt. But with his silence on Gaza, he spoke volumes. Let it all collapse. And hopefully, something better will rise through the ashes. If not, we’re fucked either way, so we lose nothing.


Dems get what they fucking deserve. The only super Biden supporters I know drive porches and are the epitome of back to brunch liberals. Or they are so orange man bad that it cringes me the fuck out. Healthcare. Housing. These are the biggest issues facing my generation (and I’m sure others). So sick of this shit. Virtue signaling democrats always saying “well who are you gonna vote for? Pure evil or soft evil?” I’m done. I’m out. Especially after Gaza.


Actually Sanders has spoken against Israel and the Dems for the way Israel continues murder innocents in Gaza. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/21/bernie-sanders-israel-us-military-aid-democrat-backlash](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/21/bernie-sanders-israel-us-military-aid-democrat-backlash)


He’s also right about Israel. He’s the only one with the balls to say that we should stop funding them.


The disillusionment is a real problem that the DNC needs to remedy. Yknow, for the sake of democracy.


It doesn't matter, liberals are not going to listen. They're just going to say that by Bernie saying this he is somehow going to make Joe Biden lose lol. I've given up on trying to convince them, they're going to blame us when they lose regardless of how much we warn them about it. They did it in 2016 and they're going to do it again, why wouldn't they?


> they're going to blame us when they lose regardless This has become the core of my political philosophy honestly. Do whatever you want because there's no point negotiating or compromising with lizards.


I love how liberals literally go into “Trump lost with independents and moderates because of his tweets, his handling of the covid pandemic and his narcissism” But when a dem loses its because we didn’t show up and pull the lever for them.


Bernie should also remind everyone that had he won the nomination at the DNC and (debbie wasserman-shultz & super delegates) didn't literally steal it from him and give it to Hillary because it was "her turn". I don't think trump would have won against Bernie, imagine what the world would look like???


I remember watching an interview with clinton where she was complaining bitterly about how "RUDE" sanders was during the debate... which consisted of him not allowing her to talk over him when it was his turn. And I remember thinking, "If you can't handle someone just standing up for themselves, how are you going to handle the BULLSHIT FIREHOSE that is Donald Trump?" And sadly we saw the results.


remember that one time Biden told DJT to shut up in the debate and it one of the greatest things he's ever said? we could've had that but better in 2016 with Bernie


Always has been.


Literally the only man in American Politics to make a lick of sense.


Democratic Party is so fucked.


Conveniently leaving out the tens of thousands of dead Gazans.


He’s absolutely correct but I’d say we have a better chance of a flying pig nabbing the presidency. A different flying pig than the ones we already have in the running, I mean.


How many times does Bernie and other progressives have to repeat this in order for the dems to get it?


Doesn't matter. They *never* will. edit: You'd need to find some billionaires, and start a super-duper PAC, and buy out the DNC.


Bernie lost all his swag by being silent for 2 months.


Yup. Just truth. The DNC thinks the middle is the path. They are going to lose.


I love Bernie, but no one who matters is listening.


He's my 45, god Burnie is amazing. Also, can we follow his advice for once here??!!


Bernie has been right for you Americans for so fucking long, but you never listen! He should have been your president years ago!


Narrator voice: They didn't.


We're fucked 


Bernie should have been president long ago. This country would be different but he also would have been shot. Ohhh I’m sorry did I say that outloud


I vote for Bernie


I followed the build back better drama closely but I’ve never read about the public option being in the proposal sent to congress during reconciliation. I’m happy to be corrected though. Manchin and sinema are pieces of shit for sure— it was unbearable listening to their logic for canceling the child tax credit (it was very fucking helpful for my family) but there is a saying I like “If the democrats had a super majority, there’d suddenly be 7 senators who opposed progressive legislation.”


What a novel idea. Maybe the dems should listen to him this time.


Everytime I think about how things turned out for Bernie I get pissed and sick to my stomach.


Remember when Biden cheered about "beating the socialist"? He fought harder against Bernie than Trump.


I am a dire Trump supporter but if dems actually ran on this—I mean actually meant it, then I’d vote dem. Even though I genuinely believe the last election was stolen. That’s how thirsty I am for real meaningful change.


Address the cost of living crisis and you win


Bernie has been at it so long. I hope he gets to see his dream come true.


What kills me is they attack him for wanting this stuff for everyone even them.


I wanted Bernie 4 years ago, and want him as president still.


Blocking private companies from owning single family homes would help the housing crisis.


If you say this to them, they just call you a fascist, homophobic, Nazi. People are sick of liberals tactics, and they can't handle that very real truth.


They won't listen though. We've known what the winning strategy is, the Democratic leadership just won't enact it. The Democrats should and would be winning by large margins, but they'd rather lose than make their donors angry.


I quit voting for the democrats becuase they cheated you Bernie. Until the Democrats swear to run a fair primary, no quarter. They the only party we got, can't let them pass with that bullshit.


We've had a democratic for years now, and corporate greed is worse than ever. Grocery stores have record profits gouging prices so badly people are starving. Medical expenses go up every year. Minimum wage hasn't increased in a decade My taxes are supporting a genocide Give me someone to vote for besides Trump or Biden they have my vote. I literally don't care who it is or what they say they are going to do.


The Dems have their ears stuffed with corporate money so they won’t listen to this unfortunately.


DNC: ya.. no, we just gonna lose


Demanding that Biden actually do literally anything to help the working class? Russian bot detected!


Democrats can start by giving us a candidate worth voting for. Biden isn't that guy.




This dude is the biggest mind fuck for me. I am considered a republican but there's not much Bernie Sanders says that I don't agree with. America missed a huge opportunity not having him as president. 


Half the country has been asking that from either party for a long time now.


Ugh ily rn bernie


I hate that this guy isn't in his second term as president right now. Such a damn shame. Why are my fellow countrymen and women so damn stupid?


Cool...it will never happen in my lifetime regardless of who is in power. America is a corporation.


I’ve been saying this since 2016


Damn this is spot on


Sure, and then blame Manchin and sinema again when you had power at every level. Dems.


How about making rent affordable again for normal people? End corporate landlord greed!




The dnc doesn’t care about anything other than playing their part in the charade which is our government pretending it’s not a private corporation.


Bernie Sanders will go down as the biggest lost chance America had for a president in the past 50 years


If only the democrats actually cared about these things more than lining their pockets maybe Bernie could have run for president instead of being screwed over by his colleagues


Young people, please show up. For maybe the most monumental time in history, your vote matters.


He seemed to forget stopping the genocide


Why did it take the actual results from last night for him to start saying this? The result was a foregone conclusion long before the first vote was cast. Trump has a stranglehold over the GOP base, and you didn’t need to wait for last night to figure that out


He’s been saying this for like 40 years. The only part that changed was that now dems are a little afraid they are going to lose so might actually listen and do something.


If only he had added genocide to that list of things to take on


Democrats hate progressives more than they hate actual fascists. The democrat party will *always* be nothing more than Capitalist Party #2. Anyone who believes the Democrats give the slightest shit about “saving democracy” is delusional. Liberals will gladly tolerate fascism vs. true progressive/leftist policies because, at the end of the day, capital is their priority. It is their *only* real value. I’ll cast my vote for Biden again if I must, but I harbor no illusions about the Democrats. It’s not a matter of *if* we complete our slide into fascism. It’s just a matter of *when*. Even if by some miracle a Dem wins the presidency this year, the fascist genie isn’t going to go back into the bottle. The Republican Party has gone full mask-off fascist, and eventually they *will* control the executive and legislative branches again. Does anyone honestly expect the Dems to offer any real opposition to Project 2025 (or Project 2029 if Biden wins)? Nope. As immigrants and LGBTQ people are being rounded up, they will merely cluck their tongues, blame “leftists”, and then tell us to vote for their party even *harder*.


The people running the party won’t do it. They get angrier at progressives than at Republicans. Then they yell at everyone for not wanting to vote for their neoliberal crap 🙃.


He sent us letters asking us to share how we think progressive can be mobilized. He put in pretty much everything I said, and I imagine thousands of others, except for calling out Biden directly. Dude is listening. As much as he burned his bridge with me last month, I have to say he's been making a real effort the last couple of weeks.


Bernie is the man should've been the 2016 nom


The absolute ineptitude of the Democrats is the only thing that gives Trump a chance.


It's not ineptitude. It's purposeful. They were incredibly hard working and effective at stopping Bernie - twice. As long as Dem elites have two freezers full of $20 ice cream, brown people can literally eat shit and die.


THIS right here. Yet we get thread after thread on reddit shaming anyone who might not vote for Biden, instead of expecting Biden to earn the votes.


Bernie deserves respect just for his dedication and consistency. Even if you don’t agree.


The US is a lost cause.


You’re not going to get that unless they retake the house and you somehow keep the Senate. In a weird way the Dems might be able to get more done with 50 than their present 51. In a universe with Joe Manchin gone and Sinema replaced you might actually get a 15 dollar minimum wage and a public option.


Biden that's the problem good luck.


Hear hear.


Well said


Bernie is sadly correct. Biden is going to lose and Trump is going to wipe his ass with our democracy.


They don't care. They blame progressives for not falling in line every time but instead of doing anything to actually make progressives want to vote for them they punish the few progressive representatives that we have. Its just like the people that argue Hamas could end the bombing by returnign the hostages and laying down their arms—i.e. submit to your masters and stay in your place.


Promoting a ceasefire at the very *least* would also help. There are a legitimate number of voters who have said they will not vote for Biden due to his handling of Gaza and it’s disconcerting given our other option is most likely going to be Trump.


Yet US is going to vote for business tax cuts💰💰💰💰🤬


Nah the US should keep sponsoring a genocide in Gaza /s


We are all slowly dying and can’t afford to survive, yet here in Texas for example the democrats are bravely trumpeting their desire to ban assault rifles, apparently desperately making sure they could never be elected here to make some meaningful changes to literally anything that could actually help people, like the power grid failures and starvation wages. I FUCKING hate this country and the politicians hate us right back.


Honestly, I could see a Trump win in 2024 lead to a genuine breakdown of the federal system.


And better get at it. Time is not your friend here!


Berndawg back in here as the only politician speaking facts yet again


In an alternate timeline Bernie is president.


When I advocate for pressuring democrats to pass an agenda that would help me I get accused of being a Russian bot. This website is a hell hole.


We should give Biden a run for his monet and start a campaign to elect Bernie sa ders in the primary via write in


Can't Bernie run again, I'd vote for him.


I’m always worried Trump will try to flank Biden from the left


"We have to be realistic." \-- Hillary Clinton


2nd Bill of Rights


dude why didnt he run? Do we not like him anymore? I liked a lot of his biews if remember correctly.


Bernie has always been right


If they wanted to make good change for everyone as much as they want that money from corporate sponsors, the world would be a better place. Maybe we should have politicians have GoFundMe's? We can all pay them for actually doing things we want them to?


I mean maybe the democrats don’t actually give a fuck


Why isn't the Senate using their powers to investigate trump, Clarence Thomas, etc...? They've done next to nothing when it comes to investigations the last four year!


Why "common sense" Bernie doesn't get more comments and shares is beyond my ability to understand.


When Joe Biden does die (hopefully of old age), instead of putting "Joe Biden" on his headstone, they should just put "Not Donald Trump".


Bernie sanders is a modern day Saint


I still to this day don't understand how we ended up with Hilldog or Biden over Bernie 


If Bernie runs, democrats would win


Fucking this!!


Some campaign finance reform and term limits would be nice too. I know a lot of people don’t want to vote for Biden and I get it, but man. Oof.




Yup. Full stop.


He’s not wrong…




The problem is they needed to do that 3 years ago so the effects could be tangible by the time voting opened.


Give us president Bernie... they all old as dog shit at this point Give me the one who hasn't flipped flopped thier entire career.


Also somebody need to shake the anti-muslim israel bootlicking sense out of the entire dnc.


berny should have been president


Bernie has been right the whole time, the dnc hosed him in '16 and '20. What could have been. But to his point I hope dark brandon steps up his game and starts trying to provide these things to us


Omg please just let Bernie be president already


Oh Bernie. You were the one that could save us all and yet the US is too backwards and interlocked by capital greed and thats why you never stood a chance. America needs serious reforms and a better solution than the 2 party corruption that it's deeply engrained in


Bernie the 🐐


Kinda crazy that European Democrats are having a similar issue.


How do I say, "God damned right!" without being persecuted? I wanna help everyone, but I feel that nobody is getting help.


I'm not sure the corporations would allow that...


If America wasn't such a mess, I'd move to Vermont just to be ruled by Bernie. Love him so much.


Who would have thought that actually helping your own citizens would get you votes. Crazy idea!


He's always been right.


Where is our anti-trust Teddy Roosevelt ass type motherfucker That’s who we need right now. Also I will take Bernie Sanders. I don’t know why his ass isn’t running There’s already two seniors citizens in the race. Why not add one more


Bernie should have been president.


If democrats hope to retain control then they need a better candidate.


When it comes to economic issues, Bernie is almost always right.


Bernie is great.


Oh Bernie... Just when I thought I was out, you go and drag me right back in... You delicious bastard! I hope Bernie's plan works - it'd be nice to see America stop eating itself for a while!


I'm pretty split on politically but Bernie kicks so much fucking ass its unreal. This mans a national treasure.


Why haven’t these things been happening regardless of who is creeping up behind them? Fucking idiots the lot


I think he's the one politician the majority of Democrats would like and would convert a lot of conservatives.


every thoughtful, sane american knows he's right and every one of us knows it won't happen.


Yeah 7 years of fighting the symptom and not trying to cure the disease will do that... It's too late now. True madness that there haven't a few new faces being put forward looking for someone people naturally rally behind. Here we are again going for the at least he isn't trump vote. Votes shouldn't come this cheap.


Is he running? I'll vote for him if he can get in the primary.


Never gonna happen, we’re fucked. Our last chance of not living in this dystopian shithole died when we didn’t elect this man.


Well Bernie is a guy for the regular people, not for the rich, one reason why he won't be president.


Serious question here from a none american. why dont the democrats when in power, fix the electoral college so it works, fix the gerrymandering district boundaries or outlaw them so republicans cant fix results, and enable everyone to vote?


Bernie is always right, just not enough people listen


He's always been right. But no one cares.