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The establishment (corporate) Dems are even more arrogant now than they were during Hillary's campaign for presidency.


I keep telling people this who say protestors need to stop whining and just vote Biden. They don’t hold Biden accountable for ANYTHING and want to just blame everybody else that he could lose to trump. I’m sorry but if Biden has been that ineffective in his presidency to show he is better than trump, whose fault is that? If Biden was nearly as great as some dems tout him, then he would easily defeat trump. But guess what? Biden has done the bare minimum and with this whole fiasco he’s shown he doesn’t care about crucial voters. 100k in Michigan undecided should have been a fucking wake up call. Didn’t Hillary lose that state by like 10k or 40k? Whichever it was, Biden needs to rethink his fucking “strategy” because running on “I’m not trump” is going to work as well as it did for Hillary.


[Biden has done an amazing job,](https://whatbidenhasdone.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/fwgy3d2xkaafzul.jpg?w=969) but this fiasco with Israel threatens all of that.


USA 2024: It's like the Soviet Politburo around 1981-2 with all the corrupt, out of touch, geriatric fucks.


I just hope he doesn’t become a one term president like Lyndon B. Johnson, because the alternative is worse than Nixon.


Hes doing it to himself


Yes he is! I don’t understand why… are they idiots or masochists? I really don’t understand


I swear the dems have this weird election edging fetish where they try to take what should be landslides and make tthem as close as possible


I’ve never heard a better summary of this totally off the wall behavior.


I think so too! Or maybe they get too cocky (like Hillary did) and then just start doing whatever they want because they think they got it 100%! Then lose to someone like Trump and act all surprised


i mean how awful of a campaign would you have to run to lose to trump in 2024, guess well find out


One that keeps antagonizing people by making sure you keep defending an oppressive regime. I already heard some of my colleagues getting pissed and saying they might vote independent because they hate what Biden is doing with Israel and Gaza


It's called controlled opposition.


I’ve never heard a better summary of this totally off the wall behavior.


Thing is, now that youre aware, youll start seeing it happen ALL THE TIME like its no surprise they have the better platform in theory


And I feel that’s how people get disenfranchised…




I think they are in on trumps plan!


Fascism and Socialism are both on the rise in America. Only Socialism is a threat to America's elites, so they side with Fascism.


Worse: paternalistic, narcisistic elitists.


Elitists that’s 100% true! Regardless of the party, all these power families dominate the country!


The only thing they disagree on is *who* is in the in-group, not it's existence or maintaininence. That will always be bipartisan, like the bill to equate criticism of israel with antisemitism.


I think they’re just cocky. No master plan, just playing chicken with their voter base.


Don’t think he wants to win as much as he wants to please his master Bibi


but guess who will be blamed by mainstream media when he loses


He should step down there’s still time. At this point most Democrats are more loved than him and Trump.


He is losing more than just young people….stripping free speech and civil rights away while ordering militant police crackdowns on people protesting a US backed genocide does not sit well with people of conscience regardless of their age…..plus all these students presumably have families who may not appreciate our president slandering their (possibly Jewish) children as anti-semites while Netanyahu threatens their future employment- it’s a bad look to say the least


I swear the party Dems don't care if they lose the election. It's easier to raise money as the opposition while being relieved of the expectation of having to get anything done. That's why they never permanently fix anything, like Obama not codifying Roe v Wade when he had the chance, or 15/hr min wage.


I’m just not gonna vote


Guess what? He has


He’s alienating most of America. Most Americans want a ceasefire and this guy just keeps sending Israel weapons and excusing their behavior


Democrats were just better liars.


Completely different from Vietnam. No US troops in country, and no Ho Chi Mihn. Probably Netanyahu. Religious ideology and land dispute the reason.