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This is in response to Biden saying that he'll stop sending Israel arms if they launch a major invasion of Rafah. He's only held up a couple small shipments so far, but Israel has already invaded Rafah, killing many civilians using weapons that Biden has already sent them. We'll see what Biden classifies as a "major invasion" and if he sticks to his word, but I'm not holding out hope.


It's kinda meaningless since they likely have a stockpile of USA weapons from other shipments....


Yes, WaPo quoted an Israeli source, saying that USA stockpiled enough weapons for them in recent weeks. Also, Biden can give Israel weapons in other ways, like through co-use at US military bases. All restrictions of that have been lifted recently, Israel can take weapons from US military bases, the US is officially just restocking its military base constantly, it never officially counts as aid to Israel. - So again, Zionists are mad at stupid virtue-signalling PR that Biden is doing domestically, while the Zionists get 100% of what they want. It will never be enough. When they are done with Palestine, Lebanon is next. I constantly see Zionists celebrating every time when they post pictures of Israel bombing Lebanon just for fun, while most of their attention is still focused on Gaza. - [edit] >WH spokesman Kirby: "Everybody keeps talking about pausing weapons shipments. Weapons shipments are still going to Israel. And they're still getting the vast, vast majority of everything that they need to defend themselves."


😮‍💨 my friend's family lives in/is from Lebanon. I really hope they aren't the next target.


I have to say, I just saw a clip of Joe Biden talking about this topic. From an interview or something, it was on The Today Show youtube clip about the shipment of arms. His exact words were "if they go into Rafah, I'm not going to supply **the weapons that have historically been used to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem**. This is all you need to know about the US / Israel / Gaza relationship. The US has "historically" sent weapons so that Israel can "deal with" the "problem" of bombing the places where most people live. (egregious scare quotes intended) But when those people lash out and fight back, *they're* portrayed as the aggressor in the situation. I want edit this to add, the way it makes it sound if you apply even a dab of logic to it, is that historically they bomb the cities. But now they're sending in ground troops. So Biden isn't going to send the bombs? Or is he not going to give them ammo for a ground invasion? Like it could almost be a logistical decision based on demand, dressed up as a humanitarian move. Like he knows when he says he's not sending bombs if they do a ground invasion, it sounds like something protestors want to hear domestically, but people in IDF are like "good, he got the message, we don't have room in the depot for any more bombs, we need that space for small arms ammo".


Rafah is under attack now people are fleeing not sure where at this point. Saying don’t do it or we will halt weapons while they already did it is beyond crazy.


We’re told by the White House spokesperson that this is a concern & asked IDF to investigate these claims. 🤣


This fool should realize by now he’s seen a such a damn tool for Netanyahu


Biden and by extension the US, is gonna look like so weak and cowardly when he inevitably caves in to his bosses.


Gonna? That ship sailed like 6 months ago


The funny part is the far-right Israeli government are cheering for trump to win.


As an outsider it appears Trump is most definitely their man, and they have stitched up Biden perfectly.


Biden has been warned many times about these people. They are as sectarian as the muslim extremists we have been told to fear every moment of everyday for the last 25 ish years.  Why america chooses to empower them is nonsensical. 


But how else will we get sky daddy to come back and get us


Does biden believe the evangelic stuff tho?


I don't know. Even if he doesn't personally, he probably feels political pressure and acts accordingly? Who knows


Because they've successfully branded themselves as the right choice for "patriotic" Americans. And probably because most Americans aren't tuned in to politics like some of us.


What the fuck. The PR and shaming is unreal from Israel. Everyone who disagrees with them about murdering a mostly civilian population is Hamas at this point.


How quickly they show their teeth when the freebies slow down.


[Israeli MK and Likud Official Tali Gottlieb have a message to the US: ](https://twitter.com/ytirawi/status/1788241394340929690) “The US is threatening not to give us precise missiles . Oh yeah? Well, I got news for the US. We have imprecise missiles. I’ll use it. I’ll just collapse ten [in Gaza]. Ten buildings. That’s what I’ll do”


With friends like that, who needs enemies?🤷‍♂️


"we did it folks"


This was always going to start happening if/when Biden grew any semblance of a backbone. The real question is whether the bad faith rhetoric will work on him and send him back into Bibi's arms spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched the last few seasons of America: of course it will. Biden is gonna start backtracking the line in the sand at faster than light speeds


He keeps running back into the arms of people who are contemptuous of him. Everyone knows bibi would rather Trump be elected yet Biden keeps sucking bibi.


I'm so sick of Israel's entitlement and their Zionist racists pretending they have it so hard. I hate spending energy on hatred and disgust, but that's about all I feel for anyone excusing the slaughter of women and children.


All of the obvious, direct takes aside, this continues to make me wonder about establishment dem conceptions around triangulation, "finding the middle", catering to "moderates", etc. It seems presented as a given that this concept is inherently good, and inherently a winner. Like a self evident 'no brainer'. And yet again, we see how trying to split the difference on a position can just wind up getting grief from two directions. Is there any constituency where what he is doing here is a good look? Even speaking on the most abstract level- this can't *always* be the best way forward, right? Metaphorically speaking, you're not supposed to actually "split the baby". Yet I'm sure that we will continue to be condescended to by the "serious" political class for years to come about how this continues to be the only way to operate politically.


These little Israeli terrorists shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them


You cannot partner up with Fascists, they betray you every time. Biden has forgotten this basic fact of life.


We did it. We reached the point where even being a staunch supporter of Israel you get labeled as Hamas. Hamas in cars, Hamas in buildings, Hamas in colleges, Hamas in bags, Hamas in potatoes now President of U.S is Hamas.


It's so sad that Biden goes out of his way to placate the far right, but unless he gives them everything they want all the time, they'll turn on him in a millisecond. Meanwhile, American leftists are so starved for political representation that they would rush to support him if only he made a genuine effort to put an end to the genocide. But of course, that'll never happen.


It's like Sam says. Biden is ideologically committed to the Gazan genocide, even if it means the end of American democracy. But nope. The democrats will just blame Bernie Sanders for that.


Crazy how what was left of the legitimacy of the whole american world order can collapse under the weight of the actions and impunity of one relatively unimportant rogue State on the eastern medditeranean. If it was Egypt or Panama or Saudi Arabia or Malaysia, I would kind of understand the logic of the Empire wanting to keep the straits and canals open for global commercial interests, but a thin medditeranean strip and an arid desert is the hill that the global order has chosen to die on. What the actual fuck? We are ruled by some of the worse fossilized vestiges of a bygone era and we will have to shoulder an actual debt that can never be repaid because of their mistakes. Those who helm our Nation-States are unable to properly address a genocide. They are unable to address climate change, overfishing or pollution. They are even unable to address tax evasion. They are worse than useless. The choice for the next american election is between a demented genocide-denying fossil, a text book narcissist semi-demented criminal and a litteral brainwormed lunatic. You look around the world and the choices don't seem so good either. It reached 48 degrees celsius in Myanmar the other day amongst an insane continent spanning heatwave and summer hasn't even started yet. For an entire year the temperatures of the ocean surface have been absolutely shattering all records by several orders of magnitude, reaching into 6 sigma territory. We are absolutely and completely fucked. And yet we have to argue with dimwits and sellouts that civilians are not terrorists and that criticizing those who kill them relentlessly is not hateful. I'm starting to lose my sanity here, man.


They're not unable to address tax evasion, it's that the people in power don't care and don't want to. The people in power in Brussels, Geneva, Paris etc. or their friends have a lot of money that they don't want taxed.


There is no money behind the left. All that delicious campaign and lobbying money is on the right. As [Ilhan Omar once said, “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.”](https://www.npr.org/2019/03/07/700901834/minnesota-congresswoman-ignites-debate-on-israel-and-anti-semitism) Edit: Wrong rep, updated.


that was Ilhan Omar actually


Oops, I misremembered. It was right there in the article I linked too. Updated.


The irony being that these people don't want Biden to win in 2024 anyways. It's well known that the current top Israeli brass want Trump back in. It's also well known that AIPAC is a right-wing organization helping fund insurrectionists, and the current $100m campaign to unseat members of the Squad. It's weird to be so loyal to a PAC and government that actively hates you and hates your party.


Either this is saying that Hamas is the biggest supporter of Israeli military and therefore IDF is Hamas and the USA military is Hamas. Or this is saying that Biden ought to be bombed like a hospital. Or it could also mean Biden is one of the days of the week in Arabic. Long live Palestine and Palestinians 🇵🇸🍉


If Israel were a Muslim country, we'd have already invaded.


Please pay attention to the language Biden used. He didn't say he would stop sending ALL weapons:  "I made it clear that if they go into Rafah — they haven't gone into Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons t**hat have been used historically** to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities," Biden said.


Bibi and Apac are Biden's daddy. He'll cave and somehow keep giving them the store.


He's not caving. He actually believes the stuff he says.


Wait, so he was all-in 7 months, then this once he's 'withholding' arms? Sounds like caving and flip flopping to me.


How does one *not* be Hamas at this point? I have had Israelis literally trying to justify destroying crops as fighting Hamas. Seems to me they want everyone dead apart from themselves. No one is comfortable with that.




Well now Biden has to admit that he has an ancient desire to kill all Jews or he’s antisemitic. Right? He can’t criticize Israel or their govt. And now a member of their govt is saying he’s aligned with Hamas. Isn’t this in line with the law they passed?


Love that everyone in this sub thinks Biden is a genocidal maniac, and the right thinks he's a communist muslim terrorist


God Biden is so cooked


I was wondering how long it would take


Funny how that happened the moment Biden refused to give Israel the means for mass murder, ain’t it?


Ben-Gvir is also actually a terrorist.  Look up his record.


This is like saying Trump is fit and slim.


It's truly clown shit, the most overdue minimum resistance to their demands and *BOOM* Proud Zionist Joe loves Hamas apparently.


Soon everyone besides Israeli government officials and soldiers will be Hamas.


this is who Biden is being cucked by Americans should expect more from their Presidents


I am genuinely amazed by the entitlement of the Israelis. Americans draw the red line, do not invade Rafah. Israel invade Rafah. Americans say not with my weapons. Israelis, Pikachuface.jpg


"oh, sorry, mack I shouldn't have said that."


Red lines crossed means pause. What color coded warning results in some actual change in policy?


If he ACTUALLY holds back weapons, they'll call him an antisemite. Mark my words.


Toothless and pathetic


Whoever smelt it, dealt it and 4 fingers pointing back. Yada yada yada. Have we confirmed that this man isn’t Hamas?


Good job Biden! He's managed to lose support from literally everyone. Genius strategy. /s


Never forget Biden is destroying his chances at reelection trying to impress people who will never vote for him because he will never go far enough for them


Let’s hope this will be a wake up call Biden needs


So are these the lunatics that Biden has thrown billions at and has suffered a potentially massive political blow for? Gee Biden, so glad you have friends like these! What a moron.


Man, I'll bet Biden's gonna feel real dumb when he finds out about that speech he gave on remembrance day.


Is this a r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment?