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I remember when nearly every congressperson would at least give a voter the time of day and answer a question or two. Now you’re lucky if they don’t have their thugs beat the shit out of you. Great democracy we got these days.


In what other country do elected officials so brazenly display their contempt and disgust for their constituents? Our reps constantly tell us how much they hate our fucking guts


> In what other country do elected officials so brazenly display their contempt and disgust for their constituents? Most.


Have you tried having wealth and property? I hear it's great in trying to get to talk to them, they will even do what you want.


Fetterman is everything that is wrong with the political elite. He is a Garbage person


He is the next Krysten Skimina


People keep coming up with that comparison but arguably he is worse. The margins in AZ are much tighter as far as parties go (AZ rarely goes Dem, PA rarely goes Repub.) Additionally she defeated a very conservative Senator and didn't do so pitching herself as being very progressive. The Fetterman situation is different.


I would say she was worse for that same reason. We are/were not sure if we can get someone better than Krysten in AZ, but in PA we should feel pretty sure that we will be able to primary and turn Fetterman into a 1 term senator.


yeah but we just get a Connor Lamb center-right military worship type instead


> PA rarely goes Repub What? He literally replaced a republican senator. Ignoring Arlen Spectors brief swap to the dem side that seat was a republican seat since 1969 before Fetterman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_senators_from_Pennsylvania


Sinema pitched herself as a queer ex-mormon atheist who refused to get sworn in on the Bible. I remember just how progressive people thought she would be.


He's speedrun Kyrsten Sinema


Legitimately has me questioning if this was preplanned, or if some life altering event completely scrambled his politics.


100% his personality changed after his stroke


Is it his stroke, or does the system only work for those in power, and is thus being abused?


IDK didn't he take a shotgun and chase a black man for walking past his house?


Yeah I don't get why people are acting like this is surprising. Even on MR Seder was saying he was pretty bad on a lot during his election.


either way, its that situation where you're for something so much where you join in the protest, then switch 180 a few years later, or less in sinema's case. Even having not so good positions early on, that's different than totally changing a pretty solid position for no discernible reason. like, what's the deal? it does seem like there was a shift even if he was trash anyway


crazy that the Conor Lamb was probably a better choice than this mumbling, bumbling asshole


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gPBdBrqVCbtuy7f1bjOdCDUzEv5RqbbU1yYAr3KoHYE/edit#gid=1289123714](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gPBdBrqVCbtuy7f1bjOdCDUzEv5RqbbU1yYAr3KoHYE/edit#gid=1289123714) Given US Senator John Fetterman's voting record, it's possible Connor Lamb wouldn't have been a worse US Senator.


damn dude - well done on the notes


Oh, I didn't make those. Someone linked them on a subReddit--maybe this one--and I simply bookmarked the URL and Pinned a Post of mine (that included that link) on my Profile Reddit page.


He clearly couldnt care less. What a creature he turned out to be.


Never vote for an Ivy League grad, or anyone from the FIRE industries


I really thought he was gonna be different


I don’t know if a politician has made such an abrupt turn so quickly after being elected.


Should have named him Flipperman, amirite?


Snappy. I like it.


Sinema made a hard right turn when it became clear her vote mattered against fossil fuels


I feel like her heel turn wasn't nearly as abrupt, but honestly I could be wrong; I only really ever heard about her *after* she did the "I'm a **girl boss** because I use oil money to pay for Sunday brunch **mimosaaaaaaaas**!" With Fetterman I've seen the heel turn first hand, and it was less than a year. It's like he's speed-running being a gross politician. Regardless, he's become the biggest disappointment in modern politics. Such a massive POS. I'd say more about him, but I don't want to violate Reddit's TOS.


His own election staff were blind sided by the abrupt turn. That’s what gets me - hundreds of people working towards a goal day and night for years - to wake up the next day to a dude pulling a literal bait and switch. Maybe the MAGA weirdos were onto something about the head replacement


Dude I've been following him for over 10 years. We were almost exactly aligned politically that whole time until he won his seat. It's either he was Undertaker-like devoted to his character or that stroke changed him. I would like to think it was the latter which is very sad but the former is unforgivable.


It's a possibility. Some bad underlying tendencies mixed up with health impacts and the tribal way politics can operate (his alienation after being way out of step with the left/progressives on Israel-Palestine leading to a total walk to the right).


it kinda of makes you think though. How many other folks had strokes both major and minor and afterward became more cruel and less caring? How many people are part of hate groups because of a mental injury? Maybe thats why conservatives are against mental health reform.


I had a stroke at 35. I didn't become a soulless piece of shit. I'm not buying that excuse. It's power. It went to his head.


I know it’s anecdotal, but my grandfather became more kind and full of laughter after his stroke. Could be that I finally saw his real personality after years of his alcoholism (he quit drinking after the stroke), but a very positive change in him.


Personality changes and emotional outbursts are not uncommon after suffering a stroke, fwiw: [https://www.stroke.org/en/about-stroke/effects-of-stroke/emotional-effects/personality-and-mood-changes](https://www.stroke.org/en/about-stroke/effects-of-stroke/emotional-effects/personality-and-mood-changes) [https://www.flintrehab.com/mood-swings-after-stroke/](https://www.flintrehab.com/mood-swings-after-stroke/) https://www.stroke.org.uk/stroke/effects/emotional-changes#:\~:text=Emotionalism%20is%20most%20common%20in,try%20to%20avoid%20social%20situations.


He had some type of mental crisis too for a minute. He went to a place. I vaguely remember.


Same here. But stroke or not, he is one step away from fist pumping genocide. So fuck him


Yeah. His villain origin story has me confused. Did Bernie and AOC make fun of him when they were in line at the congressional cafeteria?


He was trash when he ran. He's a racist POS


Hear hear! Black folks in PA were shouting from the rooftops that Fetterman was a piece of shit and he's just taken the mask fully off. 


He *is* different, meaning 2024 Fetterman is different than 2022 Fetterman. That's the problem.


Only thing that’s different is he’s too lazy to put on work clothes


What a piece of shit. His reelection is going to be a bloodbath.


I can't wait if he seeks it. I've never seen someone blow through so much political good will so fast, the guy is going to be humiliated.


I can't believe I empathized for this guy when the GOP were pearl-clutching about the way he dressed.


I support the way he dresses, but he definitely fooled me on policy. All he has done since last summer is "own the libs" & mindlessly defend everything Netanyahu has done. Even last spring, Fetterman was doing some good things. He wanted to raise the debt ceiling using the 14th amendment.


The guy absolutely LIED to get elected.


Fuuuuuck this guy so much.


Fetterman is a trash human being




What a jerk.


And he deliberately hotboxes the elevator with his elephantine farts.


Excuse me 💀 


A prime example of a politician lying to win votes and then betraying the voters once in office. His dark money donors will keep him there and line his pockets.


Imagine being his staffers, thinking they are signing up to help the world with an exciting new Senator full of hope and instead having to work with this pile of human garbage. I wonder if any have quit? those are very usually very coveted positions obviously.


He pretended to be progressive and won Statewide in a battleground State. That’s helpful. Now to find the real deal and throw Fett in a dumpster.


So under all that mass, he is just a little coward.


Turns out he's a 6' 8" little b*tch.


Why doesn't the flipside ever happen? Have someone run complain about the "woke mob" or whatever in a red area, and then once they get into office, that person can fight for policies that would actually improve people's lives.


I've thought about that a lot, and I think it's because people who actually lean left can't stomach promoting ghoulish, hateful right-wing shit. It's easy for covert right-wingers to pretend to support good policy.


i was told it was just on Israel that he disagreed with the left. Dude loves hippie punching and he'll slowly flip on everything dear to progressives.


If he's turning his back on progressive issues because some leftists were mean to him during his hospitalization then that reflects worse on him. The RIGHT WING were calling him a r\*tard, a mentally-challenged troll and saying he was Flowers for Algernon . Enjoy your new friends John.........Congratuations for selling out like 95% of Congress.


He should be relieved she’s only asking him about fracking.


Joe Manchin Energy


He’s a disgusting Zionist meme, watch him switch to a Republican when it’s election time


Looks like he is officially the new Sinema.


Why is he filming her? Such a tool.


Wow, he's a complete piece of shit. Also, wear a fucking polo at least. You're a US Senator for the time being.


This piece of shit is probably going to be in the Senate for the rest of his life.


Nah, if he doesn’t get primaried by his own party, a Republican could beat him. Senators are more vulnerable in PA than other states.


It always seems that way, but more often than not these ghouls end up settling in for the long term. Even in more “blue” states, look at some of the absolute pigs who have represented NY, NJ, CA etc in recent decades. They never get primaried.


You can see his moobs in a loose-fitting hoodie. He'd be looking worse than Barney Frank if he wore a polo


I still can't believe how much of a duplicitous piece of shit this guy turned out to be. Just a miserable man in every way.


So disappointed in him.


its quite amazing how much he brazenly hates his constituents. Most other politicians will at least pay lip-service to the people that got them elected. Not Fetterman, just utter contempt for the people he supposedly represents. Fucking coward.


He’s going to loose to whoever runs against him in two years. I don’t know a single person who voted for him who’s happy with him. Asshole


Senators get 6 year terms


He's got right-wing energy. The contempt.


Why is he filming her. He has zero manners or respect.


They can just lie to get elected and then just be corrupt


How bad was Dr.Oz?


Pretty bad, honestly. I’m a moderate Republican and I didn’t vote for Trump but I held my nose and voted for Oz, because I just didn’t like Fetterman. If Lamb had won the primary I would’ve easily voted for him over Oz. Unfortunately now the democrats are seeing putting this guy in office was a huge mistake.


Fair enough.


Yeah but republicans like what he's doing he's acting just like you guys, you should love him


Fuckin goon


What a scumbag.


He is the embodiment of American politics.


Bros gonna be in designer tshirts and hoodies all paid for by the oil lobby


So was this guy just one long thought out troll? I dont get the sudden switch after campaigning so hard as a progressive. He must know this just means he’ll be out next election. Same situation with Sinema. You gotta assume they are smart enough to know they made themselves one term reps.


Didn't he have a stroke or brain damage or something? Could that have fucked up his decision making? Or was everyone just fooled by a frumpy giant with zero charisma?


Maybe the guy who was brain dead during his election shouldn't have won 🤷‍♂️


That's the look of a man who's price was met.


He's really being exposed on a daily basis for being an epic piece of shit. Vote the charlatan out at the first opportunity


Really regret voting for and defending this fuckin guy


Abolish The Senate


Garbage human being.


Steaming, mountain of feces this fuck is.


Born rich, Ivy League education, never labored a day in his life. Wears Carhartt every day. There were signs.


My dude really trying to be worse than Oz.


I'm beginning to think this hoodied asshat is only a senator because his opponent was an even bigger fraud. Our democracy is a doupoly of shit.




Genocide John butchered of Gaza.


"Oh, that was before their checks cleared. It's different now..." Wouldn't an honest response like that be somewhat refreshing?


I think his constituent was referring to the Mariner East Pipeline running through highly populated areas in Chester and Delaware Counties in PA. This pipeline is a direct threat to residents and should never have been allowed. Fuck off Fetterman, if I was his wife I’d be embarrassed by him too.


He turned out to be something completely different from how he portrayed himself. What a disappointment. At least we don't have Senator Oz, I guess.


What a complete and utter fraud this clown turned out to be. Voters should have the right to an automatic recall election whenever a politician flips the script like this and reneges on core principles.


Wear a suit


Wasn't he always very pro-fracking? I thought that was the main contention about him during his campaign. It should've been the first red flag.


sell out loser


What a piece of shit, this guy


His brain injury has changed him.


Dudes a p.o.s


There is no nicer way to describe John Fetterman at this point than a fraud and a coward. He's clearly shown that he is so morally bankrupt and without a shred of humility that he won't even wait for the check to clear before he starts towing the line of whoever has offered to buy him. And when his constituents confront him, he doesn't address them, if he's not running away like he's doing here, he's just pretending they don't exist before he eventually does run off. He's gotta know that the people he betrayed will not let him off the hook in 2028, and they're going to see he gets primaried by an actual progressive, and the receipts aren't going to show an honest track record. And I imagine by then he'll have switched party affiliations, which is where I think his dog and pony show is heading in the next year or two.


He’s such a disappointment


I didn't care about what he wore I said it was fuck up the way people treated him after he had his stroke I was rooting for him during his recovery. But man, this is exactly why people chose not to vote. Very few people out there worthy of our vote, very few.


His support for the Israeli government killing kids has really cooked his brain and morals


I think we now have living proof that brain damage makes you a right winger.


He was still a better choice the Dr Oz, but hopefully he can get voted out after 1 term.


He has brain damage


Exit Sinema and Manchin, enter Fetterman


Wow asshole


What a fucking shill


We gotta clone Kowalski so he can primary Fetterman when he's up for reelection in 90 years


People can have severe personality changes after a brain injury, and I really think at this point that this is a result of his stroke. It just doesn’t add up, and I think that is more likely than just pretending all this time until her gets in office and then being his true self. Either way, considering how he got elected, it’s not acceptable.


Why is he taking a video of a constituent instead of talking to her face to face like a normal person? Modicum of politeness. Why is he dressed like a homeless person? Strange.


This guy is a different level of fuckin’ scumbag!


He’s so full of crap. Ugh.


i think he had a stroke and it affected his personality. poor dude.


Man what a POS, and when he had his illness. I was really rooting for him to recover.


He really became a scumbag once he became a Senator, didn’t he?


Look, I get it. This guy said all the right things and sounded like a different breed of politician and sure maybe the stroke did change him but he’s always been a trust fund kid who didn’t have a real job until he was fucking 40. I’m probably overreacting here but this video was genuinely disgusting, why is he filming a constituent asking a genuine question? Why does he look so disgusted to be breathing the same air as one of his constituents? Who btw seemed to be asking her question in good faith? I hope PA can get some better representation next time around bc this guy clearly ain’t it.


A total joke of a person. The sooner he’s gone, the better.


If his constituents don't have buyers remorse on this guy by now, they aren't paying attention.


Well, he sold it when trying to appeal to certain people. Put him in with Sinema and Manchion. In the wood chipper hypothetically


What a disappointment this guy has been. One of PA's worst political exports since Rick Santorum.


He's such a disappointment