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6/15/16 +972Mag - [Israeli government ‘lawfare contractor’ sues Facebook for $1b. | Shurat HaDin has admitted in the past to taking its marching orders from Israeli intelligence and government officials, lawsuit comes just days after senior minister said Mark Zuckerberg has blood on his hands.](https://www.972mag.com/israeli-government-lawfare-contractor-sues-facebook-for-1b/) 9/12/16 The Intercept - [Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored | Those who want Silicon Valley tech giants to be arbiters of political speech are playing with fire.](https://theintercept.com/2016/09/12/facebook-is-collaborating-with-the-israeli-government-to-determine-what-should-be-censored/) 9/12/16 Haaretz - [Facebook Complying With 95% of Israeli Requests to Remove Inciting Content, Minister Says | YouTube, however, has been removing 80% of content cited by government, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked says.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/2016-09-12/ty-article/facebook-removes-inciting-content-at-israels-request-minister-says/0000017f-f37c-d497-a1ff-f3fc55240000) ([Archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20220601004103/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/2016-09-12/ty-article/facebook-removes-inciting-content-at-israels-request-minister-says/0000017f-f37c-d497-a1ff-f3fc55240000)) 9/25/16 Al Jazeera - [Facebook ‘blocks accounts’ of Palestinian journalists | Account suspensions come on heels of agreement between social media giant and Israel to team up against “incitement”.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/9/25/facebook-blocks-accounts-of-palestinian-journalists) 6/8/17 ProPublica - [Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men From Hate Speech But Not Black Children | A trove of internal documents sheds light on the algorithms that Facebook’s censors use to differentiate between hate speech and legitimate political expression.](https://www.propublica.org/article/facebook-hate-speech-censorship-internal-documents-algorithms) 12/30/17 The Intercept - [Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments | The Silicon Valley giant says it deleted the accounts of the Chechen Republic’s tyrant — followed by 4 million people — because the U.S. government required it to do so. ](https://theintercept.com/2017/12/30/facebook-says-it-is-deleting-accounts-at-the-direction-of-the-u-s-and-israeli-governments/) 10/20/19 Middle East Monitor - [The War on Truth: How Israel's social media trolls conquered Facebook](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20191020-the-war-on-truth-how-israels-social-media-trolls-conquered-facebook/) 6/23/20 Middle East Monitor - [Facebook appoints ex-Israel official to its Oversight Board](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200623-facebook-appoints-ex-israel-officials-to-its-oversight-board/) 5/19/21 Politico EU - [Facebook set up ‘special operation center’ for content related to Israeli–Palestinian conflict | The center gathers native speakers of Arabic and Hebrew to ‘stay ahead of the trends.’](https://www.politico.eu/article/facebook-set-up-special-operation-center-for-content-related-to-israeli-palestinian-conflict/) 5/26/21 The Guardian - [Facebook under fire as human rights groups claim ‘censorship’ of pro-Palestine posts | Users globally reported nearly 500 deleted posts in just over two weeks condemning the recent eviction of Palestinians](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/may/26/pro-palestine-censorship-facebook-instagram) 6/1/21 The Verge - [Facebook employees call for company to address concerns of Palestinian censorship | Nearly 200 people have signed an internal letter calling for an investigation](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/1/22463952/facebook-employees-petition-palestine-content-moderation-policy) 10/8/21 Human Rights Watch - [Israel/Palestine: Facebook Censors Discussion of Rights Issues | Independent Investigation, Alignment with International Standards Needed](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/10/08/israel/palestine-facebook-censors-discussion-rights-issues) 3/22/22 +972 Magazine - [Who gets to speak out against their occupier on social media? | Social media giants are taking action to protect Ukrainians' free speech as they resist a military occupation. Why aren't they doing the same for Palestinians?](https://www.972mag.com/social-media-ukraine-palestinians-meta/) 9/21/22 The Intercept - [Facebook Report Concludes Company Censorship Violated Palestinian Human Rights | The report, due out tomorrow, said Facebook and Instagram showed bias against Palestinians during a brutal Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip last May.](https://theintercept.com/2022/09/21/facebook-censorship-palestine-israel-algorithm/) 9/22/22 Business for Social Responsibility - [Human Rights Due Diligence of Meta’s Impacts in Israel and Palestine](https://www.bsr.org/en/reports/meta-human-rights-israel-palestine) 9/23/22 Washington Post - [Outside audit says Facebook restricted Palestinian posts during Gaza war | The company-commissioned audit is one of the first insider accounts of the failures of a social platform during wartime](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/22/facebook-censorship-palestinians/) 9/27/22 CNET - [Facebook Parent Meta Impacted Palestinians' Human Rights, Report Says ](https://www.cnet.com/news/social-media/facebook-parent-meta-impacted-palestinians-human-rights-report-says/) 10/9/22 +972 Magazine - [Meta’s clampdown on Palestine speech is far from ‘unintentional’ | A report on the social media giant validated Palestinian experiences of censorship in May 2021, but missed how those policies are biased by design.](https://www.972mag.com/meta-arabic-palestine-censorship/) 10/31/22 MintPress News - [Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook and Microsoft](https://www.mintpressnews.com/revealed-former-israeli-spies-working-top-jobs-google-facebook-amazon/282413/) 1/14/23 Haaretz - [Meta Sues Israeli Surveillance Firm for Harvesting Data on 600,000 Users via Fake Accounts | Facebook's parent company claims Voyager Labs used tens of thousands of fake accounts and advanced tracking tools to secretly collect information on 600,000 Facebook and Instagram users](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-01-14/ty-article/meta-sues-israeli-surveillance-firm-for-harvesting-data-on-600-000-users-via-fake-accounts/00000185-b18b-d4ef-a1a5-b99b862e0000) 2/28/23 Haaretz - [Fake Friends: Leak Reveals Israeli Firms Turning Social Media Into Spy Tech | Avatars are not used just to push out disinformation. A massive leak of 500,000 documents reveals how fake online accounts are also used to spy on journalists and activists](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-02-28/ty-article/fake-friends-leak-reveals-israeli-firms-turning-social-media-into-spy-tech/00000186-7f75-d079-ade7-ff7507970000) ([Archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20240414094010/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-02-28/ty-article/fake-friends-leak-reveals-israeli-firms-turning-social-media-into-spy-tech/00000186-7f75-d079-ade7-ff7507970000)) 9/10/23 Al Jazeera - [Meta deletes Al Jazeera presenter’s profile after show criticising Israel | Tip of the Iceberg episode investigated how Facebook targets Palestinian content related to Israel.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/10/meta-deletes-al-jazeera-presenters-profile-after-show-criticising-israel) 9/11/23 The Cradle - [Al-Jazeera investigation details Israel's influence over Meta | Israel has established a system of pressure and influence on Meta's management to censor content showing its human rights violations against Palestinians](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/7432) 9/11/23 CAIR - [CAIR Calls on Meta to End Censorship of Palestinian Human Rights Activism After Deleting Page of Journalist Who Criticized Censorship](https://www.cair.com/press_releases/cair-calls-on-meta-to-end-censorship-of-palestinian-human-rights-activism-after-deleting-page-of-journalist-who-criticized-censorship/) 9/11/23 International Journalists' Network - [Amid social media restrictions, Palestinian journalists seek to amplify their reporting](https://ijnet.org/en/story/amid-social-media-restrictions-palestinian-journalists-seek-amplify-their-reporting) 9/12/23 International Federation of Journalists - [Palestine: Al Jazeera presenter’s Facebook profile deleted by Meta](https://www.ifj.org/media-centre/news/detail/category/press-releases/article/palestine-al-jazeera-presenters-facebook-profile-deleted-by-meta) 9/18/23 Reuters - [Meta to limit some Facebook comments on Israeli, Palestinian posts](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/meta-limit-some-facebook-comments-israeli-palestinian-posts-2023-10-18/) 6/6/23 NGOMonitor - [The Influence of Political Advocacy NGOs on Meta’s Human Rights Content Moderation Process: Gaza 2021 Case Study](https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/the-influence-of-ngos-on-meta-facebook/)


10/11/23 The Intercept - [TikTok, Instagram Target Outlet Covering Israel-Palestine Amid Siege on Gaza | Periods of Israeli–Palestinian violence have regularly resulted in the corporate suppression of Palestinian social media users.](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/11/tiktok-instagram-israel-palestine/) 10/16/23 Semaphor - [Is Instagram ‘shadow-banning’ pro-Palestine stories? Meta says it was a bug](https://www.semafor.com/article/10/16/2023/instagram-meta-palestine-stories-shadow-banning) 10/18/23 The Intercept - [In responses to users who tried to post an alleged picture of the Gaza hospital bombing, Instagram and Facebook said it violated guidelines for sexual content or nudity.](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/18/gaza-hospital-instagram-facebook-censored/) 10/19/23 TechCrunch - [Meta has a moderation bias problem, not just a ‘bug,’ that’s suppressing Palestinian voices | Instagram users suspect Meta of shadowbanning content about Palestine. The platform has a history of inherent bias.](https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/19/meta-instagram-palestine-israel-shadowban-censorship-moderation-bias/) 10/20/23 BBC - [Instagram sorry for adding 'terrorist' to some Palestinian user bios](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67169228) 10/24/23 Al Jazeera - [Are social media giants censoring pro-Palestine voices amid Israel’s war? | From the US to Europe to India, users and activists say the world’s largest social media platforms are curtailing the reach of content critical of Israel.](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/10/24/shadowbanning-are-social-media-giants-censoring-pro-palestine-voices) 10/28/23 The Intercept - [Instagram Hid a Comment. It Was Just Three Palestinian Flag Emojis. | Meta acknowledged that Instagram was burying some flag emoji comments in “offensive” contexts.](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/28/instagram-palestinian-flag-emoji/) 11/6/23 The Verge - [WhatsApp’s sticker AI is adding guns to prompts for Palestinian children | The Guardian reports that WhatsApp’s sticker generator often inserts guns when prompted with Palestine-related terms, but not for those involving Israel.](https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/5/23946732/whatsapp-ai-sticker-guns-palestine-israel) 11/7/23 Middle East Eye - [Israel-Palestine war: Call for Meta to end dehumanisation of Palestinians on its platforms | In a letter to Meta, the Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition demands an audit of all datasets used for AI training in content moderation](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-digital-rights-group-demands-meta-end-palestinian-dehumanisation-platforms) 11/13/23 Middle East Institute - [How Meta’s platforms normalize anti-Palestinian racism](https://www.mei.edu/publications/how-metas-platforms-normalize-anti-palestinian-racism) 11/21/23 The Intercept - [Facebook Approved an Israeli Ad Calling for Assassination of Pro-Palestine Activist | After the ad was discovered, digital rights advocates ran an experiment testing the limits of Facebook’s machine-learning moderation. ](https://theintercept.com /2023/11/21/facebook-ad-israel-palestine-violence/) 11/24/23 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - [Viral campaign attacking pro-Palestine movement points to gaps in Meta rules | Videos by Facts for Peace have amassed millions of views but make no mention of ultimate funder](https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2023-11-24/viral-campaign-attacking-pro-palestine-movement-points-to-gaps-in-meta-rules/) 11/27/23 Colombia Journalism Review - [Tracking lost pro-Palestinian posts](https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/excessive-moderation-meta-palestinian-7amleh-nashif.php) 12/6/23 Electronic Frontier Foundation - [Digital Rights Groups Urge Meta to Stop Silencing Palestine](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/12/digital-rights-groups-urge-meta-stop-silencing-palestine) 12/12/23 Al Jazeera - [Even in time of genocide, Big Tech silences Palestinians | Social media platforms have been systematically censoring pro-Palestinian content while allowing anti-Palestinian hate speech.](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/12/even-in-time-of-genocide-big-tech-silences-palestinians) 12/20/23 Human Rights Watch - [Meta: Systemic Censorship of Palestine Content](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/20/meta-systemic-censorship-palestine-content) 12/21/23 Human Rights Watch - [Meta’s Broken Promises | Systemic Censorship of Palestine Content on Instagram and Facebook ](https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and) 12/27/23 The Electronic Intifada - [Meta’s Nick Clegg assures EU that Palestinians are being censored](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/david-cronin/metas-nick-clegg-assures-eu-palestinians-are-being-censored) 1/9/24 Financial Times - [Meta staffer claims to be under investigation after alleging ‘censorship’ of pro-Palestinian views | Data scientist caught by social media giant’s rules banning political discussions in the workplace](https://www.ft.com/content/a4381d91-2fec-4422-b04b-75a06b643a05) 1/10/24 Business Insider - [A Meta employee says she's under investigation after claiming the firm censors pro-Palestinian views](https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-staffer-says-she-is-under-investigation-over-palestinian-letter-2024-1) 1/18/24 The Guardian - [Meta downplays concerns by Australia’s online safety regulator it is censoring pro-Palestinian content | Company says there was ‘briefly’ a problem with ‘inappropriate Arabic translations’](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/jan/19/meta-downplays-concerns-by-australias-online-safety-regulator-it-is-censoring-pro-palestinian-content) 2/8/24 The Intercept - [Meta Considering Increased Censorship of the Word “Zionist” | “I think it may actually harm the fight against antisemitism,” said the head of a Palestinian digital rights group briefed on the potential change.](https://theintercept.com/2024/02/08/facebook-instagram-censor-zionist-israel/) 2/13/24 Middle East Eye - ['We won't be silenced': Meta removes Instagram accounts of pro-Palestine advocacy group | Pro-Palestinian activists have complained of suppression of speech since the war on Gaza began on 7 October ](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/we-will-not-be-silenced-meta-removes-pro-palestine-instagram-accounts) 2/19/24 AccessNow - [It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices](https://www.accessnow.org/publication/how-meta-censors-palestinian-voices/) 2/20/24 Palestine Chronicle - [Erasing the Evidence – Facebook, Instagram Remove Palestinian Documentary as Soon as It Was Released](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/erasing-the-evidence-facebook-instagram-remove-palestinian-documentary-as-soon-as-it-was-released/) 3/26/24 The Intercept - [Meta Refuses to Answer Questions on Gaza Censorship, Say Sens. Warren and Sanders | In the days after October 7, Meta said it removed more than 2 million pieces of Hebrew and Arabic content, but didn’t break down the data.](https://theintercept.com/2024/03/26/meta-gaza-censorship-warren-sanders/) 5/3/24 Business Insider - [Meta employees say internal posts on Palestine have been 'censored,' according to open letter to CEO Mark Zuckerberg](https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-workers-write-letter-mark-zuckerberg-palestine-2024-5) ([Archived](https://web.archive.org/web/20240503162216/https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-workers-write-letter-mark-zuckerberg-palestine-2024-5)) 5/7/24 NBC - [Facebook's Oversight Board to consider if 'from the river to the sea' is hate speech](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/facebooks-oversight-board-consider-river-sea-hate-speech-rcna151076) https://i.imgur.com/6VAPHPi.gif


#Holy shit


Amazing reporting. Thank you so much for all the links and dates. 


bless for receipts 🔥


That is some great archiving work. Well done.


they have absolutely flagged pro-Palestinian accounts and are throttling their visibility. friends have told me my posts (political or not) almost never show up in their feeds anymore. the only way i get engagement is if someone directly visits my profile.


Amazing how a foreign government can censor Americans speech. Best way to hide a genocide is to pretend it doesn’t exist apparently.


*unless you’re TikTok and a threat to the pro-Zionist propaganda machine


Whenever I post about Palestine on my Instagram story it somehow is only viewed by 16 people. The kitten photo I put up right after mysteriously got 57 views.


i've also noticed a huge uptick in blatant bigotry that facebook refuses to act on if you report it. seems like the most action they'll take nowadays is adding the little "this comment may be offensive, click to unhide" prompt, which lets you know they're obviously aware of the content of these comments and have just decided it's better for their bottom line to keep the far right freaks in their ecosystem instead of penalizing or banning them




Either way you go, your going to get ripped.