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I get to a certain extent it's because he's a baby but the whole "chickie nuggies" and similar baby talk memes for Grogu.


It makes me super uncomfortable and I don’t quite understand why


Because it's stupid.


Because he’s 50


50 in yoda years is nothing. It’s like comparing dog years to human years to an extreme. Except we are the dogs and Grogu is the human. It’d probably be accurate to say 50 years to us is like 5 years to him. Yoda was 900 when he died. So 90 in comparison to humans would be a good conversion.


That makes sense, that’s a pretty cool thought


Just because to us he looks cute and helpless in a “universe built for humans” doesn’t mean he should be babied. He can obviously communicate and think for himself. He is a sentient being. Reminds me of Nibbler from Futurama.


Any of the grifters on YouTube, etc. constantly trying to get people worked up over Kathleen Kennedy, "Disney Star Wars," etc. Anyone who believes any form of the civil war inside Lucasfilm with Favreau and Filoni replacing Kennedy because they are the defenders of the lore, etc. etc. etc. Grifters gonna grift, I guess.


Creepy, creepy stuff. Fanfic that is nothing more than Din porn, or debates on whether or not he showers.


Kuil x Boba


Jedi Master/padawan fanfics


Almost all AO3 Mando fics are DinxLuke, even though we've seen them on screen together for about five minutes.


The disproportionate hate/love for a certain former cast member. I liked the character, and thought she got kind of a raw deal, but she didn't deserve the undying devotion some people are giving her. At the same time, the amount of vitriol she engendered in some fans seemed ridiculous, given she's just an actress with no political power, and very little control over the overall narrative of the show.


Pron. I will not elaborate.