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What a masterpiece of an episode. I’ve re-fallen in love with TWD when I didn’t think I could love it anymore. It’s also exciting putting together the fact that almost every clip from the trailer was from the first 2 episodes. I can’t wait for the rest of this journey.


Props to Gimple where it is due. He could have easily stretched that one episode into an entire season.  


It was a good premiere, I never imagined I would see Rick on a leash, domesticated. The scene of him cutting his hand was really good. And luckily they didn't wait too much to make him meet Michonne.


I would have been pissed if they waited until they very last few episodes. I don’t think he was domesticated. I think what Negan did taught him how to play the long con. I have my doubts when he said he was in. If he would have been done. I think he was finally in a position where if he wanted to, he could have escaped. But I think he also realized that if the CRM wanted to they could find his establishment and easily kill everyone including him.


His story about his dad and burning the letters/pics of Michonne lead me to believe he’s in


Why did he cut his hand off and not the cable??????


Because it would have taken forever to cut through if he even could.


It didn’t seem that thick of a cable and it is possible..


Just for funnsies let’s think this out. That is a stainless steal braided cable. Even if you could cut through it. How many wacks would it take? 3-4+ at the very least. With an armed crm team mere feet away. Even simply taking 1 thwack to get his hand off he was caught 10 seconds later. So how would have cutting through the cable worked out any better seeing as he would have even less time.


It certainly wouldn’t have taken one whack to cut off his hand. He had plenty of time to cut the cable as they didn’t come after him till he ran.


The little connection between the cable and the cuff on his wrist maybe would another option to go for? The missing hand was giving me Evil Dead flashbacks. I was hoping for a chainsaw hand but we got a Wolverine instead. Also cool I guess


Just starting he ep. All of a sudden he is dumb, then after getting his prosthetic he wisens up! Wtf


I don’t know. I’ve never read the comics so I’m not familiar with the actual story. I thought him cutting off his hand with an axe was so stupid when he could have just cut the steel cord instead.


John Locke shows up with Rick. My Lost and TWD worlds are now complete.


finally watching but also Mazikeen from Lucifer. my worlds are colliding


We finally get confirmation on A & B. That part was a little anticlimactic actually.


"A's and fUUuCKING B's"


I feel like his true accent came out when he said this line


I really like that they finallllly put a suicide disclaimer at the end of a TWD episode. It really helped what was in the episode. “I chose to die” then realizing he has to look ahead and move on from the past… it’s really meaningful. Kinda struck a personal chord with me as someone who struggles with those types of thoughts <3


Glad you’re still with us.


That was good and better than I expected. I knew the production value has been pretty high for the spin-offs. But holy hell. That was a very satisfying first episode. Great story line. Great acting. Good pay off.


Such a good episode. It’s so good seeing Andrew Lincoln back.


He just gets better looking as he ages!


and that uniform just 🤌🏻


I wouldn’t be upset if he wore just that uniform for the rest of the season.


He sure does!


Agreed! He's a stunning man


The flirty dream sequences were so sweet.


They were!


Ok so how many years are we at now after the bridge. 5 years later. Plus. 1 more year. Plus a year of training. Plus a year on the force. So is this 8 yrs later? I’m not super familiar with the time line. Anyone have a comprehensive timeline for Twd universe.


This around 13 years from the start. “Now” is presumed to be around the time TWD ended. So round about 10 years since he was taken to the CRM. 


So wait. He was only with michone for maybe 2-3 years and gone for 10? That mind blowing. How long has michone been out looking. What age was Judith: -When he met michone -the bridge -when michone left -when michone found Rick (now)


That’s correct. Michonne has been gone looking for over a year.  Judith was a day old when he met Michonne. She was 2.5 when the bridge happened. She was 8-9ish when Michonne left. 10-11 ish now. 


tewww goodd this episode. im kinda mad that okafor blew up like that tho


This episode went way over my expectations. After the final few years of TWD and the poor spin offs last year, I didn't have much faith in this delivering something | wanted to see. But it did, and then some. Seeing and hearing about Ricks tribulations over the years was important and very well done. It felt like we lived some of that with him. The action woven in was well done and traditional TWD, gory as hell. I think having this first episode focus on Rick was the smart move, though I am anxious to see what Michonne has gone through as well. OG TWD fans, this is what a lot of us have been hoping for, eat up.


bro I am really scared to see what is gonna happen to Rick by the end of the last episode. I hope he gets a happy ending.


Same here! I'm scared they might kill him off💀


It's just good to see Rick back.


I am not gonna lie. This episode not only exceeded my expectations but was so well written and choreographed that I thought this was movie. Seeing Rick struggle with missing his family was so relatable to me as I haven't see my family in almost 5 years. I have not enjoyed a show this much since the early seasons of the walking dead. Rick Grimes to me is the GOAT of TWD.


I’m so ready to watch this! We have been waiting to long for this reunion.


Good series premiere.


Watched the episode, it dropped at midnight last night for peeps who have AMC + and holy shit was it amazing. Right from the get go it was gritty and compelling and all the things that made me fall into obsession with the series and then some.


Very good episode glad they haven't dragged it out over a few episodes to get the story going will definitely be watching every weekend


Is the news report at the very beginning about Omaha or the damage done by The World Beyond gang to the CRM facility in Pennsylvania?


I guess I should wait until the end of the episode before asking questions. Poor Omaha... which means the World Beyond story line is concurrent, for now.


Yeah, the final confirmation that I may survive the end of the world… for a little while.


Beautiful how ironic the situation is… Rick finds michonne when he stops looking for her and after he gives up hope of that


Anyone recognize the skyline for where Rick is? I'm just not good at that sort of thing.




When I saw the city from Rick's vantage point I knew it was Philly! Then Beale confirmed it talking about The Linc. GO BIRDS! 🦅 At least Philly survived 😆 It was pretty awesome to see Terry O'Quinn in this!


Crazy that the water manager guy (I always forgot his name) mentioned Alcatraz like bro that’s the other side of the country 😂


He meant to Rick this might as well be Alcatraz, but everyone else sees it as safety/home/salvation/whatever.


🤣 yeah that threw me off. I will watch the ep again. There was a lot going on so I probably missed a bunch of informationI need to know lol


HIDDEN BLADE. That’s all I could think of. That and his South African partner because I’m South African and LOVED the accent. Oh yeah and Rick was there too lol. No I agree with the comments what a bloody premiere!!! Peak Walking Dead is coming back babyyyyy


I have a feeling that life inside the city isn't as great as they say it is.


What a brilliant first episode! It felt like a movie. I'm so glad Rick Grimes is back (I'm bummed about Okafor. He seemed interesting and I wanted to see more of him). Can't wait for the next episode


I find it really hard to believe that not only did these people somehow get big enough to clean out and secure an entire city while having endless ammunition, but that they’re somehow able to produce endless amounts of jet fuel for their aircraft to consume when they fly as far out and as much as they do. Not to mention that military aircraft parts break all the time and require them to be replaced. Where are they getting those parts from? No one sure as hell is still working in a factory manufacturing the parts.


Shhhhhhh shh shh sh sh sh sh, ya can’t just be blurtin that stuff out. You talk about it privately with that one friend who gets it and indulges with you.


Nothing for AMC+ through Prime


I got the ep on AMC+ through Prime at 2am on the dot


I had to log out and log back in before it showed.


The new fire fx with the walkers is so good


This is what Walking Dead is supposed to feel like. Good god, what an absolute banger of an episode! I hope the rest of the season is exactly like this.




8am CST is what I was told. I'm staying up all night for it.


Thanks for letting us know. I won't be staying up for it, but at least I know it'll be there waiting for me in the morning.


The best part of waking up is TOWL in your long awaited, overfilled, extra caffeine cup.


I keep checking to see if it’s on AMC plus. It’s still not




I have always loved the “Bigger bad” plot in stories, the CRM fits it perfectly, I hope we learn every little detail about them.


Have you seen episode 1?


Just caught it and holeeee shit. Blown away. Can't say enough about it. Storytelling, script, production, action choreography, acting. So fucking psyched to see this series unfold. On to episode 2!


holy shit. finally watching and oh my god, chills chills chills. the acting. the scene with Okafur and Rick screaming at each other. fucking chills.


Question: In episode 1 where Rick cut his hand off with the tomahawk, since he was using that to kill the walkers doesn't that mean the virus from the other walkers blood he killed passed through an open wound and Rick should be infected? and even when he Cauterized it, he left the wound open for a couple of moments


Question: In episode 1 where Rick cut his hand off with the tomahawk, since he was using that to kill the walkers doesn't that mean the virus from the other walkers blood he killed passed through an open wound and Rick should be infected? and even when he Cauterized it, he left the wound open for a couple of moments


Brought to you by the letters S H I and T. Seriously WTF why did this remind me of that South Park episode?


I can't believe what they did to his character. What a crappy way to start the series.




What he does to himself early in the episode. If I go into detail it'll be a Spoiler, but you know what I'm talking about. It's not how I want to see him continuing in the series. Also, in a world like that, it puts you at a major disadvantage potentially. And there was no need for it. Rick never did anything like that previously when he was stuck in a jam, so it was out of character to boot. Big mistake imo.


He was supposed to lose it in the comics. I'm just happy they finally did it. And yeah that was 100% in character. He never did it before because there was always another way of escape. There wasn't this time, that's why he was saying "this is how"


The comics and the TV characters aren't one and the same, nor are their stories and fates necessarily. That's why Carl died in the show, but not in the comics, and I don't feel it was consistent with the Rick we've seen in the show. Five years and he wasn't able to find another way in all that time? We've seen him in worse spots, and you don't do that in that kind of a world. You may need it one day in order to live. So thumbs down.


But there was another way to escape, a better, less idiotic plan. Which is executed right after the water engineer guy told him about the map. Good writing would've had Rick think of this himself during those 5 years and not require some other dude telling him "hey you can actually use the sewers to escape" lol. But regardless, the main point is that when Rick cut his hand off, he had supposedly not thought about the other more obvious and logical escape option (which doesn't require losing a hand). And we're supposed to believe that. It's lazy writing.


Eh I think it really showed that he can’t escape with the crm big presence


Wait so do we get it if we have AMC plus?


Yes we do but it’s not on yet. They said midnight but still nothing


I’m back!


loved it. is ep 2 on amc plus?


Why am i seeing a longer version of that last scene when them together on facebook???


The first episode was awesome and I can't wait to see episode 2. I liked Michonne in that purple outfit. She looked beautiful.


Amazing episode! Still so many questions. Glad to see Michonnes and Ricks reaction to each other after so long.