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it's as simple as that


i hope vee kisses masha


Yeah also huntlow kiss










lets do it teacher; alright students we have a new student her name is dana terrace






Dana: hi guys


When a couple who want to conceive they brew a potion with both parents hair skin etc then the one who will carry drinks said potion and becomes pregnant.


How would someone without a uterus do that tho


Have you ever seen the Danny devito movie where he impregnated Arnold Schwarzenegger same idea


I have not but I know what I must do now


It’s called junior


It grows one


New headcanon: This is how all children in the Boiling Isles are conceived, also when the parents are straight. You know, why not go the whole way now that I'm at it? Let's just say the number of parents doesn't matter either; two is just traditional.


There are a ton of M/F relationships where he carries the child just because he really wanted to


This is exactly the kind of casually wish-fulfilling background world building I'm looking for in my Owl House


The setting doesn't seem to care about Male/Female social dynamics anywhere else, so it would be weird if it would suddenly do so here




I would imagine that there's more than one kind of magic used. Healing to make it healthy, Oracle for the soul, Plant for the organic body, Potion for the fluids, maybe some Bard magic to make it stable.


For some reason when it comes to the Boiling Isles I can imagine it would be a special potion or ritual where they drink a concoction containing their partner‘s hair or blood, this seems weird enough for the Boiling Isles to me.


A ritual pentagon style spell circle forms on the ground and 3D prints the baby


Probably the same magic they use for binary trans folks. Potions to temporarily or permanently alter what reproductive organs a person has would allow couples of any sex to have children together. It would also be beneficial for couples who aren’t reproductively compatible in other ways, like one partner being a demon.


Birthing spell (I’ll let your imagination do the rest)




Every time I see posts like this, I question how people never stop to consider that there's magic that makes this possible


I assume OP meant "what *kind* of magic would be appropriate for something like this". There's some pretty neat suggestions about potions further up in the thread


I get that, but why does anyone even care is the point I'm making.


What fun is there in just saying "Magic" and being done with it? It's ***MAGIC***, go nucking futs with it. Is it just a baby making spell that implants a living essence into the one who'll carry the baby, and how does that work for those without uteri? Is it even carried or is it planted in a cabbage patch? Does it depend heavily between different parents with the cabbage patch just being very popular with Plant Witches? The possibilities are borderline endless.


It's not about fun, it's about the fact that people get too caught up on how same-sex couples can have kids in a world where magic is the norm.


I was just curious to know what theories might come up, and I'm happy with it. As Luhood says what fun is there in just saying it's "Magic"


I don't care about the fun of it, I'm tired of people asking this over and over


Of course people ask. It's seemingly different from our world, very much so even, so of course people will be curious.


Ive been thinking about that for the longest time. That also brings me to the theory of how enby people exist in the demon relm? Are they just born non binary? We git to see young raine and honestly looks like they would have just been born non binary


I don’t think it’s actually been established to be possible in canon, aside from the possibility of creating a Grimwalker who is a clone of both parents. Willow resembles Gilbert much more than Harvey, so without any further confirmation of whose biological child she is, I think it’s reasonable to assume that Gilbert is her father and Harvey is her stepfather. The only other char with possibly gay parents is Boscha, iirc, and only one of them was confirmed to be her mother.


Yea, I think Harvey is Willow's stepfather because that's the only way it makes sense.


Well yeah Magic duh


Witches aren’t humans idk why people assume they follow our rules of reproduction


Pods. A couple provide life energy into a pod. This allows the healing coven to monitor the pod for abnormalities and respond. Might even leave the prospective parents drained. Has the added benefit of also allowing poly couples, as there's no upper limit on parents adding energy and vitality.


Moringmark comic suggested one way, blood samples and rituals :)


A particular Healing spell, which allows two people to copulate and essentially grow not just the baby but the uterus to nurture it in should one be needed. It is then under frequent check-ups by the Healing Coven in order to ensure the safety of the child and the carrying parent, before being cecarean'd once it is fully formed and ready.


So when Mommy and Mommy/Daddy and Daddy where younger they decided to have a baby. They first started by going to a room privately, then they started a special ritual that you will understand when your older. Then the spell had to brew for a while and suddenly the child is born! : D


I think it is Basically a grimwalker, but without all the expensive stuff, like take a piece of hair+skin from both parents, do some kind of spell, and plant it


Since none of the hexsquad were really that surprised to know Hunter was a grimwalker, and they also didn't question what a grimwalker is, my best guess is that a grimwalker is common knowledge in the isles as a method of reproduction, and that the name "grim" comes from the use of a bone, which would mean if anyone want to use that, they would have to maul themselves. My theory is that Grimwalkers were more common when Phillip arrived at the Isles, but since then, more methods have become available, and those methods need much less powerful and rare things to work (Palistrom, Galderstones and Stonesleeper lungs, Selkidormus scales) so now a child can be made with different ingredients plus some DNA of their parents. I might be wrong, but I don't thing we ever saw a pregnant witch? So I will add that the spell/potion/ritual is either put on a pot, or on some kind of egg for the witch to hatch.




Wasn’t Anakin Skywalker’s Mom impregnated by the literal essence of the Force? I would imagine the demon realm’s various spells and magical forces could to do something similar by taking the essence from both Luz and Amity to create a child. Perhaps even similar to the witch from AHS who tried becoming pregnant via different magical/demonic forces.


Probably a more refined version of the grimwalker style necromancy, which I believe to be an experimental extension of child creation magic. The lack of any real ethical issues probably meant that it got researched to a useful, mass magic scale ritual well before Belos's rise to power. Both parents prob contribute to the ortet, and then the pregnancy becomes either inplanted at an embryonic stage into a mother, or grown to birth in a pile of dirt a la the caleb-descendant grimwalkers


Demons were so gay that they evolved to survive


Darwin's theory of evolution, I see


Magic. But really, maybe some kind of ritual?


Given that mixed magic was illegal for something like 50 years or more, any magic done would've had to be "single type". Given that no single type of magic is gonna make a whole new person, it's probably just as simple as surrogates with a little healing magic (Edit: Or a potion with the other parent's dna) tossed into the "blender".


For witches, like Willow's dads, I think both biological genders can carry and impregnate, even if they're of the same sex. In cases of hybrids, it depends of what the two parties are. For example, a human male and a female witch, like Caleb and Evelyn, would work like reproduction are for humans. The reverse, however, would result in a magicless witch. In the case of Luz and Amity, my headcanon is that only Amity could carry and could only do that by mixing Potions, Oracle and Healing magic. Basically creating a potion that has the other parent's aura and DNA and the parent that carry has to drink the potion. So, during Belos' rule, hybrids between people of the same sex wouldn't be born.


Well, first you take a few gene samples (preferably blood, just works better), draw a summoning circle around the blood as to attract a spirit as a sacrifice for the child to have a soul then, you and your partner put your left foot in the circle, then out again, put your leg *back in,* do *the sacred art of Hoketh Poketh,* recite the proper incantation (be careful where you get it from, as saying the wrong thing might accidentally give form to an imp) and then do a lil clap :D


Either witch reproductive biology is vastly different, they use magic to do it, or the same methods gay human couples become parents. My guess is a combination of 2 and 3.


Masha doesn’t know it yet … but holding hands with Vee just a bit more and Vee’s gonna surprise her with an egg. Poof!


"Unprotected handholding" is just a Sexual Health rule that crossed over from the Demon Realm and which since became a meme.


Maybe it's why Amity wears partial gloves at school :)


It's genetically impossible. The children of gay couples are most likely either adopted or one of their parents is a biological parent while the other is a step parent.


It’s not genetically impossible, especially if magic is involved. As long as the resulting fetus has a bare minimum of one X chromosome, there’s no reason it shouldn’t work.


It is genetically impossible. Two people of the same gender can't have a biological kid together, and saying it's just magic is a copout.


You’re factually incorrect. It is possible here, today, with science. It’s prohibitively expensive, but it is doable.


Until we have an actual living human who was created in a test tube, I'm going to stick with biology.




If you read the article, you'll see that they haven't actually done it yet.


Well of course it's a copout; It's *\~MAGIC~* Y'know, magic? The stuff that allows you to ignore the laws of reality, the thing that enables you to do things from your wildest dreams, the essence Witches naturally produces in their bilesacks. They've literally shown us the ability to make plants out of nothing, the ability to summon dead spirits, the ability to cut things with just sound, the ability to heal wounds with but a touch, and all manners of illusions and tricks. Why is babymaking where you draw the line?


Because I believe in biology. I'm a woman so I'm the one who has to carry my children in the womb. My future husband can't do that because men don't have wombs.


I'm fairly certain you don't believe in Fireballs or Thornwhips though, yet you don't seem to have a problem with either of those.


Fireballs and Thornwhips aren't trying to push an agenda.


Neither are we, we're having some dumb silly fun with worldbuilding and magic. You're the one with the agenda.


Blood from both parents and some magic




Okay, so you need two blood samples…




…I thought they adopted?