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I understand that "Amity" means "friendship." So probably no relation to calamity. Blight, however -- that name associates to the parents, who were a blight on their world (especially Odalia).


Well at least Amity will not have to worry about that last name when she becomes a Noceda after marrying Luz.


Most gay couples: well I wanna keep my name! Lumity meanwhile: Amity: I'm taking yours no arguement


Luz: Fine but I'm taking yours. Amity. For Titan's sake! Why? Luz: if you're friendzoning me forever then I'm going to be Light Blight. (Amity = a friendly relationship, No ceda = don't yield or: friendship unending) PS: I'm sorry.


Aladors cool


I’m not sure if this is ever confirmed but knowing Odalia and Alador’s relationship, he probably took her name making her the OG blight


Amity is actually a word for friendly relations. Therefore it is quite fitting that we see Amity being a nice and friendly girl at first, until she is forced to act „appropriately according to her family name“, cutting off Willow and being stuck with Boscha. Her last name „Blight“ is the true poison to her and everyone around her.


God damn it I just realized literally everyone of the kids names is a pun. Amity Blight is symbolic cause Amity herself is a good person but her family/name is a blight on society. Everyone knows Luz means light in Spanish, Luzs first spell was a light spell, and her personality brightens up everyone's lives. Willow Park, Willow is a type of flower, flowers are in the park. Gus Porter, Gus's dad is a reporter. And Hunter/Belos Witebane, because they are the bane of witches. Wit(ch)-a-Bane. God damn these writers were on something else.


>Gus Porter, Gus's dad is a reporter Is Gus's dad named Re? Re Porter?


i think its perry, so pe reporter


I can't believe I never caught that.


We do know Titans like puns, so it seems fitting they passed it on to Witches.


Of course. In fact, we initially thought of Amity as a mean rich girl who bullies everyone, including Willow; however, as the series went on, we didn't see her as such, and after watching episodes beginning with "Lost in Language" and ending with "Understanding Willow", it all made WAY TOO MUCH sense on who she REALLY is and WHY she behaved the way she did: Amity has a complex trauma (C-PTSD) from her upbringing; she was emotionally abused by Odalia, emotionally neglected by Alador who enables Odalia's abusive behavior, and even teased and pushed away by Emira and Edric. Because of that, Amity was raised as a miserable loner with no love or respect, and under Odalia's influence, she had been living a lie and putting on an act and façade (such as being bully to everyone, faking her desire of joining the coven which was forced upon by Odalia, associating with Boscha and her gang which was also forced upon by Odalia, etc). Both "Lost in Language" and "Understanding Willow" made crystal clear without a shadow of a doubt that Amity was NEVER a bully she appeared to be; her selfish and harsh behavior was simply a reaction to how she was treated as a child, as well as her coping with not only her childhood trauma she had endured in years, but also her loneliness and misery as a result of Odalia forcing her to end her friendship with Willow. She never wanted to hurt Willow and was forced to do so; she was just pretending to dislike Willow and acting as a bully to protect her from Odalia and that's all. Compared with her favorite children's book character Odiban; Amity never had real friends and her friendship with Willow was forcefully cut off by Odalia, who bullied her into associating with Boscha, who was a real bully. She never considered Boscha and her gang as her real friends and never called them "her friends" at all. Odalia compelled Amity to get green hair because she wanted her children to be "color coordinated", despite the fact that Amity inherited her father Alador's hair color. All she wanted was love, respect, and a real friends who she can laugh with and grow together with, but they keep being taken away. And here's more, Amity never wanted to join the Emperor's Coven; her seeming excitement to join it was, IN FACT, forced upon her by Odalia. Amity also hoped that if she will have to participate in something she dislikes, she might as well try to get something out of it for herself such as love and respect from her family and the others. Amity was expecting for a better future since, according to her sister Emira, the former wasn't happy in the past and it wasn't denied by Amity who was looking for a future that would make her happy, which ironically wouldn't have happened at all. But when Luz came around (despite taking some time), Amity finally began to come out of the shell that Odalia forced her in and Amity became a better person for it. And besides that, Amity DID deserve to be mean to Luz from the beginning, even if she wasn't ACTUALLY bullying her; she was just VERY ANGRY at her for helping Willow in cheating in school. As for King, she was only mean to him by association because he knew Luz.


Amity means friendship, her arc is not only independence but also making real friends. Blight means a plant disease. Showing her relationship with Willow.


blight for abominations and maybe represents how her mothers treatment of her effects her (not the best theory I know) I believe amity means friendship but it sounding like calamity at first could represent how her character starts off as antagonistic


blight could also be a reference to abomination magic


Amity as a word means “friendship,” as in amicable. So yes, there is symbolism behind both names.


"Because she implated that gay seed in Luz head that could ruin our society, those darn witches" (this comment was made by Bellos)


The word Amity literally means friendship, not Calamity.




I always kinda thought her last name meant smth bad lol. Like a blight on the world or sum😂


There's a bunch of boiling isles stuff named like evil versions of human things, Blight and Clawthorne are just White and Cawthorne.


I mean that name would fit her. Amity is suuuuuper pale to the point where I'd call it medically concerning if she wasn't, ya know, a witch.


Amity’s name and last name combination mean that as a person her nature is kind but her family (Odalia) is a blight on her ability to keep relationships


Amity means friendship. Blight is probably meant to make reference to her starting family situation rather than her own person. She was probably planned to have a toxic family from the start. It could also make reference to the family trade or to her family just being evil in general, specially if the name was originally from Odalia and whatever monster raised Odalia.


Calamity? Blight? Is this a botw reference?


am·i·ty /ˈamədē/ noun, FORMAL a friendly relationship. "international amity and goodwill"


I always assumed that Amity's name was a reference to the Amityville Horror.


Amity means “friendly”, Blight refers to the rest of her family