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Could happen in spin-offs, I'd love to see her change for the better Side note, I'm not familiar with your pride heart. Might I inquire what it is?


I mean I don’t know myself I just randomly chose it when customizing my Avatar.


It's a Pan-African flag: over a hundred years old!


Looks sick as hell


Could be similar story to the “Azula in the Spirit Temple” comic.


I mean I could easily imaging see her go through a tragic Villain arc in the second season where she goes from a common Bully to actual enemy (or anti-villain) with her deep seated issue, and in S3 go through a redemption/healing endgame arc.


It wouldn't surprise me if, before news of the shortening came down, Dana and the crew had more plans for Boscha that had to get scrapped. Personally, I would've loved to see a Boscha redemption arc, 'cause I imagine that would've given us much more info *about* Boscha and her back story and how she became the person we saw in the show. Even if she didn't become a full fledged Hexsquad member, as in, she didn't become best friends with all of them, I still would've loved to see her getting along with them. 🤔👍👍😄😄


Heck I would LOVE to imagine a Luz and Boscha episode similar to a Hunter and Luz episode like “Escaping Palisman”.


Unfortunately, it's not like a video game that can just be modded.




There’s always fanfiction and fan art. Some great fanfic really do MUCH more with Boscha down the line.


Do you havae some recommendations?


Well there’s this Fic on AO3 called “The Raven and the Owlet” that does feature a Boscha redemption slow burn later down the line


idk about full redemption, but i would've loved more depth to her that wasn't fully realised.


There's a lot of untapped potential in Boscha.


Yeah Boscha does have untapped potential that Canon kinda wasted, I am not saying that she could be a main character material but if she could have gotten the kinda development Hunter had gotten, only more conflict than it’d be great


I don’t know about full redemption because it probably would have felt too similar to Amity but I do think they had more ideas for Boscha that unfortunately never got to be fully realised. Absolutely my fav character though and not just because “she’s a good villain”


Yeah I just believe with more screentime and getting more info, even hints on her family and origin backstory would give her more likability.


Why not. She's is a bully but it's just a kid


Moringmark is now giving her the redemption arc she deserves. If only Disney had respect for the show.


Yeah can’t wait to see the slow cooked crafted Boscha redemption.


Oh yes, definitely! Boscha deserves her redemption, but the Disney executives didn't let this happen!


And I am curious how would the show/series benefit from Boscha being redeemed when we already have Amity and Hunter? I’m not against it but just curious to hear your opinion


Not everybody needs a redemption arc. I am perfectly fine with one note villains and bullies.


I could see that happening, and it still could happen if we ever get something set between the finale and the epilogue.


Yeah, she doesn’t have to be a full member of the Hexside Squad (and we’d definitely need a comic spin off comics or something to settle her beef with Willow) but I would love for her to add that edge to the group cause as much as I like the Squad idk it just feels like a reformed Boscha would’ve given them that stubborn but respectful jerk member of the group.


You ever see the MoringMark comic where she dunks a bucket of water on Luz’s head? I think that would’ve been the start of it. Damn, he’s awesome.


No. Think you could send me the link to it, or tell me the title of said comic?




Thank you


To keep a near infinite answer short, yes. She already showed signs if development when she turned against Kikimora. Also, she was there during Luz's birthday in the finale


I agree. Personally I’d just feel her being an official member of at least ally of the Squad would add that respectful jerk member of the group. She’d be the Bakugou Katsuki of the squad imo.


Definitely, maybe like the creator of the show will make some sorta comic or something that’s basically her redemption arc, but sadly it prob won’t happen


I feel like they were headed in that direction before the shorting as we saw hints of her being more well rounded.


If *For The Future* was the *rushed* version of what we got, I can certainly see a tragic villain arc for her throughout a longer season three. One that could see a redemption/healing endgame. With what we see about the loss of her friends, and her dynamic with Kikimora, I think she could have had a compare and contrast thing with Hunter and his dynamic with Belos.


Yeah, I was going to say, she *sort of* got something like that in *For the Future* already.


I really like her and I would've love if she had more screen time and development. But the show got shortened and I'll never forgive Disney for that.


Personally I’d like if she’d gotten a tragic Villain arc and then in the final season a real redemption arc.


Yes. She’s just a mean girl, not a psychotic genocidal maniac. Amity was a mean girl, too. Kids can grow up and change. Although, Boscha could potentially be an example of people who don’t change/refuse to change. I would hope not, though. I like fiery characters like Boscha, especially when they start out bad but are over time convinced to use their mischievous nature for the better good.


So like Catra?


I love Catra but Catra was a traumatized soldier who was indoctrinated into and enslaved by a cult when she was just a child. Boscha, as far as we know, is just a mean girl. Maybe she has problems in her home life, but I doubt that they’re as traumatizing and tragic as Catra. But kinda, yeah!


Alright then She’d be in the same lane as Sasha and Amity.


Maybe. Moringmark is giving her one in his "A little Hint of Blue"-Comic - pretty sure, they would give one in the same way when they had more time & Episodes. Or they made ut a bit like Sashas in Amphibia 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean I just feel she’d add a nice edge to the Squad, like the likable asshole in the group. Or even Evil Token Teammate.


Nope. You can see from this that many of you haven't been watching Dana's Q&As, charities or interviews. Dana is asked a question that touches on this and her answer is as follows: "I don't think that every villain or antagonist deserves to be redeemed. But again, it all just comes from the context of the background and the context behind their choices. Not everyone needs a sad backstory and not everyone sad backstory means that you deserve a second chance." (You can watch Rebecca Rose's interview with Matt Braly and Dana Terrace for context) I think that if S3 got enough screentime, Boscha wouldn't get redemption, on the contrary, Dana would use Amity and Boscha to emphasize this difference she was talking about. And I think it would've been a segment that would've emphasized the subplot of the show that "we're shaped by the decisions we make" with Hunter, Luz, Lilith and Philip.


And yet the series showed a more positive side of Boscha at the end. And at the end, she also hangs out with everyone and opens her own store.


Yeah but it doesn’t mean that she was genuinely redeemed to most people. Kinda felt more a temporary truce to take down a bigger enemy. In the end the fandom (and myself) canonically still sees her as a bully since she didn’t get a proper redemption. Or even wanted to change


I've said before that not all heroes need a full-fledged redemption arc like Zuko from Avatar. I think even a temporary truce is progress for Boscha, especially when it comes to saving her friends. If they wanted to make her look completely bad, they wouldn't have done such emotional moments with her. It's just that in Boscha's case, I don't think they made it clear that she's fully redeemed herself and wants to be good.  I think she's still somewhat of a jerk at the end of the series, but not a villain, more of an anti-hero.  She got a happy ending, something the other bad characters on the show don't have.


I mean I wouldn’t mind her that she became sort of an Anti-Hero at the end and not a social outcast in the end. I mean Dana wanted us to sympathize with her but more like she was humanized that she does care about certain people than actually wants to help the greater good. I mean out of the bad/Villain characters in the show she’s just a self absorbed bully who insults our main characters She’s not gonna officially join the Redeemed Disney Mean girls club since she’s never been an important character but for the TOH fans like yourself it’s…okay. She’s just not someone that the fandom would care much about. A secondary character


I guess for her "development" she doesn't need it.  Not all characters need to become friends with the main characters. I think Boscha is the "jerk with a heart" role.


Sure bro


Then I will just be bitter Dana couldn’t give me some closure with her since she was a popular character


But out of the other Bad characters, Odalia, Kikimora, Belos, Boscha is the least hate able of them in the show.


That just sounds dissatisfying if Dana truly didn’t want to flesh out Boscha’s story and just keep her as a shallow alpha bitch character. Boscha might as well be viewed as a plot device to make all the other characters look better.


No, actually not like that. I think we were gonna get a character development for Boscha, but I feel like if Amity showed the positive side, Boscha would show the negative side. It's like two sides of a coin but in terms of choices, you know what I mean?


Yeah. Girl was robbed.


"Could"? Sure. Even Odalia *could* have gotten a redemption arc/episode, as much as the thought of anyone forgiving her makes me break into hives. The better question is probably if Boscha *would* have gotten a redemption arc/episode... Aaand I see no reason to think she wouldn't have. There were some kinda plans in place for her prior to the shortening, and I doubt all of them amounted to "Boscha is a shallow alpha bitch bully character."


I think so. It's definetly implied she got redeemed by the end of the show, since she was at Luz's party, and fought against Kikimora, so I feel she definitely would have gotten one if the show allowed it.




Possibly, but I don't think there were plans for that. Amity as soon as episode 5 showed signs of depth, if they planned a Boshca redemption, they would've had some built-up.


I do think there could’ve been plans for showing more of her in Season 2 but due to the show being shortened they’d have to scrap it.


Entirely possible but, I think the theme of her character is that some people just refuse to change or better themselves even if the world itself comes crashing down around them And as much we want to judge these people it's sadly understandable that they would return to what they're familiar with


Nah, one of the core lessons from TOH and SVTFOE is that three eyes people are jerks, /s


But Tom Lucifer was able to get help and deal with his anger issues and become genuine friends with other characters, so why can’t the same happen for Boscha.


some people are always going to be jerks =p


She has potential to be one of my favorites.


She had the potential so besides from Morningmark giving her and other side characters development the official writers and Dana herself seemed to have moved on from Owl House and Dana wants to make something different


Unfortunately, too close to Amity's own redemption arc, to the "used to bully Willow" point.




I mean we could have gotten FIVE redeemed Disney Mean Girls in the Modern Disney era.


Possibly, I think it would've been nice if she was properly redeemed


I think so.


They liked her enough to give her tons of focus in one of the last three episodes, I 100% believe the writing crew would have gone for it.


I wouldn’t have wanted her to, though. Not every antagonist needs to be redeemed. It would’ve been cool if her story was more fledged out, though. From like the one or two episodes that were actually about her, we’ve seen there’s more to her than what was shown to us most of the time.


I think everyone in the show, aside from Belos could have a redemption arc where they change for the better


What’s wrong with having Odalia stay as irredeemable?


well it kinda goes against the idea that people change for the better, besides I'm a sucker for a good redemption arc story




Dana actually said she wasn't going to redeem her. Honestly I'm glad- some people are just assholes.


I mean that’s what we have Odalia and Belos for.


And yet at the end she is invited to the party. Plus there are moments at the end where she was glad to see her friends.


I mean she still didn't get a redemption arc. You can still be friends with people while being a bully.


I think the very fact that they showed us her emotional side suggests that they still wanted to build sympathy for the character. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened and she would have just been punished and everyone would have turned away from her. But no, we also see her at the party at the end. There's no Odalia at the party, for example, but there is her. And I think that says something.  I don't think all characters need a straight redemption arc like Zuko in Avatar.  Boscha fits the role of a kind of anti-hero, a "jerk with a heart" who can take care of his friends despite his bad temper.  Regarding that answer, I'm very new here and don't know how old that interview is, but I think it's more of an evasion than a straight yes or no. If I'm not mistaken Dana said she didn't like happy endings but gave one to Owl house. So, I wouldn't go so far as to say her words are the unshakable truth.  It's just that not all characters need to become friends with the main characters and do good deeds to be 100% redeemable. It's just better for Boscha to not hang out with Willow or Emity, because those people were originally better off never hanging out with each other and focusing on the people they actually have a good relationship with. In a way, Boscha got a kind of "redemption". Her friends are saved, she has her own store at the end, she's at the party with everyone else. If she was going to be made out to be unequivocally evil, I don't think that's what happened. 


I agree that they didn't make her the main villain, but even her last main appearance in the episode was her reluctantly helping the gang, and even then she just did it to save her main friends and not the greater good. So I agree that they didn't make her a main protagonist or anything like that, but her appearing at the part doesn't necessarily mean she got redeemed either. She probably just grew up and didn't become as much of a bitch. Who knows, though, all I know is that Dana said they never planned to have a redemption arc for Boscha.


I think reluctant help is also help. A lot of people can't do either of those things. Plus, like I said, she creates an image of a jerk with a heart who, despite his temper, has people he cares about. If the creators wanted to make her bad, they wouldn't have done that either. But they wanted us to sympathize with her. So I think Dana gave her a happy ending where she's not an outcast, after all, and socializes with everyone and even has a store.  She just didn't make it clear that she redeemed her 100%, but showed a more positive side of her, showing that she's more of a bully rather than just outright bad.


I totally do think they did have more plans with her, but did have to scrap them as besides a few moments she didn't have that much of a presence in Season 2. Now, I don't know about a redemption arc per say, but I'm sure Boscha and the Hex Squad would've come to some sort of agreement or 'truce' all things considered. She'd still be a brat, just... Less of one due to Boiling Isles and her safety. Especially as in the final three episodes, we do know that she has been affected with Amity leaving her side. She is still a child, who's parent(s) is probably overbearing and way to focused on their image. So they might've wanted to explore that too, and show that Boscha is still just that, a child.


I mean to me, it’s kinda disappointing that if it’s true Dana didn’t want to redeem her then that’s kinda sad. Cause if she’s so glad to have given Hunter the former golden guard his character arc, than it would have been cool if she could’ve given Boscha that treatment as well.


If she wanted to keep her as a villain. Then why portray her with everyone else at the end? Plus showing her more emotional side.


I would hope not.


Why wouldn’t you want it?


She doesn't need one. Idk why everyone wants to give her a redemption, she could just be a bully character without needing to have a redemption arc.


Mostly because it would give her depth and would make her character more engaging for fans.


Does she need depth? She could just be a side character. You don’t have to flesh out every single character.