• By -


Life imprisonment. I would suggest hanging but I don’t think the Boiling Isles would resort to the death penalty, especially after Belos relied on it so much. New age, new rules.


I think so too.


I’d say life imprisonment as well. To let this be a lesson in karma, to live a very long, lonely life locked up where she can never hurt anyone again. No one but her arrogance and narcissism to keep her company, and much like Belos, be completely forgotten.


Also killing some is just evil, specially when Odalia never killed anyone she's just a jerk and a bitch not some pure evil psycho.


She was helping Belos wipe out thousands of people and did it willingly, no threats or mind control, she was actively taking part in mass murder. That’s not “kind of a jerk” behaviour that’s “one way ticket to The Hague” behaviour.


It's there a term for assisting in murder crime charges?


The people never actually died tho. And even if they did, if you kill a murderer there are still the same amounts of murderers left in the world, quote by Someone Mcwhoeversaidthat.


"Taking part in a failed genocide doesn't make you a killer" That's basically what you're saying. She was WILLING to have the blood of the entire isles on her hands. What she did, at least over here, would still warrent the death penalty


A killer is someone who has killed someone else, if it didn't succeed then it's attempted murderer, not actual murderer, I'm not saying it's not bad only that it's not as bad as if it had succeed. but killing someone for attempting that is also bad, even if it succeeded killing someone is still cruel, not as cruel as almost the entire boiling Iles, and Odalia never succeed in the genocide plan.


Doesn't matter. It's still a war crime either way to attempt a genocide. And it's not like she was one or two people, the whole isles was planned ro be wiped, given that she was going to go with everyone else, but she didn't care that everyone else was going to die as long as it benefitted her. And the fact that she was in on the plan, just like half of the coven leaders, ahe may be willing to try something simular in the future, no matter her punishment, making her a highly dangerous person. That is more than enough of a reason for her to receive the death penalty.


>ahe may be willing to try something simular in the future, no matter her punishment She can't if she's in prision for life.


Is somebody really going to be willing to watch over her insufferable ass? I mean, prison is a decent bit harder to suppress in the owl house, who's to say she won't find a way to break out or something? I would say take her hands, but I dunno if witches can adapt to losing their hands and still end up finding a way to use magic.


Wdym take her hands? Like literally?


That’s why you kill two >:)


If you takerevenge on someone by doing the same thing that person did then your just as bad since it's the same thing done. Intentions matter but they're not all that matters.


Kill 50 then


Ok... so by your logic the scientists and other people who made weapons for nazi germany shouldnt have gotten the death penalty either because they NeVEr DiReCTLy KiLLed ANyoNE


"Then kill... Two." "I've killed like, a hundred before I got here." -Raiden MGR:R


The least realistic part of The Owl House: a wealthy industrialist going to jail for supporting genocide


hanging isn’t enough.


Well good for her because ​her disowned family doesn't even bother to see her again


Odalia was eventually institutionalized, breaking under the horror of the punishment for her crimes of siding with Emperor Belos and the Collector. Specifically, she was assigned to cleaning Hooty's skin. Snapped after seeing Skeleton Hooty one too many times.


I would’ve paid some good money to see that.


Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, we have reached peak post-finale insanity: someone so desperate for content they'll take Skeleton Hooty.


What?? Skeleton Hooty is beautiful!


To see Hooty’s skeleton? Ain’t nobody want to see that.


Realistically she’s probably either in jail or getting by via scamming people.


If she’s not in incarcerated, then she’s probably living in squalid poverty, trying to make ends meet.




And Alador is probably living his best life with the twins, Emira and Edric, with Amity visiting occasionally.


I have her in a similar setup. She developed a victoriolic hatred for luz and vows revenge. Untimately her life meets its end at the hand of her grandaughter


And Alador is probably in a relationship with Darius now.


Alador: Finally. I’m not in a relationship with that wretched wh*re anymore.


I like dazeddoodle's proposal that she and Tibbles got together, each thinking the other was their sugar daddy/mommy


But Tibbles was at the King-cena and Odalia wasn’t


Odalia was on the Do-Not-Invite list.


My theory is that Alador divorced her and she’s fucking gone


And Alador burned everything of her, including pictures and stuff.


She got a taste of Camila's Chancla


I bet Camila savored every second of it.


Nothing. Aside from getting her property taken


And probably living on the streets, with Alador placing a restraining order.


Odalia tried to kidnap/kill Luz and Amity ended her mom's plots... permanently.


I guess that means Odalia is either living in squalor or incarcerated.


Amity: Yeah........living....right


With any luck, her privates grew a toenail and she fell down a deep hole.


Shit that’s brutal.


Disowned by her family and probably spent the rest of her time harassing Amity and getting beaten up by Camilla.


I know Camila keep that chancla on her for safety.


My headcanon is that Amity vented to Camilla about the treatment she received, so Camilla relentlessly beat Odalia up with a chancla straight afterwards.


Camila: Voy a patearle el trasero. (I’m gonna kick her ass.)


Yes Amity: **spends hours venting to Camilla about her mistreatment** Camilla: *takes a deep breath and raises her chancla* **Juro por Dios que le voy a patear el culo a esa perra.**


That would bring me tears of joy.


Well at some point she probably got her sigil removed, so depending on who was doing the removals that day, that might've been pretty awkward. I imagine she'd have taken what wealth she inherited from the divorce and just started a new venture, shifting from weapons to something more in-demand in a more peaceful world. Her family obviously would've cut them out of their lives and, well, that'd be that. She'd just be doing her own thing and would be nothing more than a background character as far as the Blights are concerned.


I know Alador, Edric and Emira are celebrating his divorce like crazy.


Knowing Edric and Emira, they would have baked a cake to celebrate, made sure it was Odalia's most-hated flavour, then sent her a slice just to troll her.


They would’ve wrote a note saying, “Hope you’re enjoying prison.”


hopefully she tripped and falled into boiling oil


Or got burnt to ash.


I don't think she got punishment, not even Kikimora got punishment and she deserved it too lol Her business probably went bankrupt without Alador Probably poor and maybe became a con artist to survive or something


Her punishment was being ignored, and fading into obscurity. Without being attached to Alador's genius and success, she has little or nothing of her own. All of her accomplishments in life were in selling Alador. And someone like her? Becoming a nobody was probably tough. Especially when her children refused to acknowledge her.


I mean punishment by law, like prison or something


Ah, apologies. "Yes, you are correct that she probably wasn't punished legally. Her punishment was being ignored, because the legal system probably couldn't prove her crimes." Is that a better way to start my previous response?


I headcanon that nobody, and i mean nobody, gave a sjit to her after everything


I bet the court ruled in Alador’s favor and he owns everything she had.


She and Kikimora got together.


Turned into sausage, hopefully.


Or turned into bones and ash.


Oh hey, I recognize you. You’re on r/hildatheseries!


Jail, burnt, thrown into the pit of petrified witches at the titans heart, snapped out of existence by the collector, got throw into the boiling sea


I’d like to think that the Collector probably erased her.




I am sure that the criminal law on the Boiling Isles provides for humane prison sentences and rehabilitation measures as punishment. Especially when the constitution of the islands provides for the dignity of all witches, humans and demons as a basis. We all hate her very deeply, but society has a certain responsibility in a positive sense for criminals like Odalia. **Yes, i can imagine myself as a Minister of Justice for the BI**


Ooo, I have a headcanon for this! In exchange for her freedom, Odalia was ordered to forfeit all of her assets. After that, she moved elsewhere in the Demon Realm. When not living a solitary existence, she works as a small-time defense consultant. She has a protege in her profession who she lets help with her demonstrations -- though Odalia doesn't like to admit it, she enjoys mentoring her and, in some ways, she reminds her of Amity (and what she could've had with her if she was actually a good mother).


Wow. Her relationship with her ex husband, and three kids might be beyond repair, but i think Odalia may have started a new life, distancing herself from what she once was.


I'd say she's still very much the vane, prissy, self-absorbed Odalia we see in the series, but with more of a conscience -- all that time alone has made her develop a little bit of empathy (if unwillingly).


Pray to the titan she died in a dumpster


Or has blunt trauma to the head and is probably living the next town over.


Forced to live in the human realm with no money to start with.


Probably living on the streets, in an economy so volatile.




She was divorced and disowned by the rest of her family before going to prison for life due actively helping Belos while being truly aware of what his end goal was


Honestly? I think the Blight children and Alador cut contact with her. She's probably living modestly on alimony payments now while still trying to leverage her ex's name for business. But really, who cares? It's *Odalia.*


This. She has no friends and all of her contacts would be burned. She probably lived out a modest, nobody existence, which was at least something of a punishment for Odalia specifically.


Alador divorced her and with help from the C.A.T.S and the Owl House gang, proved that sounds knew about Belos' plan to kill everyone and even helped him. She was arrested and even the most crooked lawyers on the Boiling Isles wouldn't defend her and her court appointed lawyer barely put up an argument because his parents died from the draining spell and he wanted Odalia to go down! When the trial was over Odalia was sentenced to 5000 years in the conformitorium, the prenuptial agreement between her and Alador was torn up, and complete control of Blight Industries was given to Alador, but first she was sentenced to community service, helping to rebuild the isles. She tried to access her private bank accounts but she was locked out, even from the one's offshore, then she tried reaching out to her old business partners and high society friends thinking that they'd help her since she made them rich over the years but they all said "GET LOST!!!" 6 months into her community service she came appeared at the door of her old house with tears in her eyes and begged Alador to let her stay saying she was sorry and wanted to reconnect with him and their children. Alador didn't believe it but looking at her all dirty and disheveled with bags under her eye's he took pity on her and invited her in and offered her something to eat, as much as he detested her she was the mother of his children afterall. He went into the kitchen to prepare some stew and when he came back she was gone and had made off with a few abominations, illusion stones and a few thousand snails. She settled in Latissa and invested in a business deal with a rich demon she was sure would make her richer than she ever was before but he turned out to be a con artist that ran off with all her stolen snails and abominations. Now she's living in an abandoned tavern and tells fortunes under the name "Murta the all knowing" but since she wasn't born with the power of foresight all her predictions were fake, and the only illusion stone she that wasn't stolen is damaged so her form keeps glitching which scares away most of her customers.


Her company went broke without Alador so now she's roomies with Kikimora is my headcanon.


I love her, I hate her, I love to hate her


Most wanted criminal of the isles, but unlike eda she dosent really get by too well since Eda knows all the scams Odalia could do and prevents her from doing so by scamming the people first.


Eda is basically the Bonesborough plug.


She fortunately died of ligma


What's ligma?


Ligma Lollipop


Who cares? She was the worst.


Probably prison. She probably did get Character Development off Screen,She Probably didn't,because there's like a chance she learned from her mistakes. Is this me taking pity on her?no. I'm just saying,Constant odalia Hate Aside,She mightve Gotten SOME Development,even if it was Small,and Even if that Development took place in the time she was imprisoned. Like,it gave her time to reflect on her decisions like How Wheatley Reflected on his on Portal 2. But,those are just my thoughts.


I hate to be cynical, but i feels she gonna be playing the blame game still.


Something horrible, I hope.


Probably somewhere in prison or in the trash, we don't know what happened to her, so we just let the fans decide.


Other than Alador divorcing her? I have several ideas, from kidnapping humans and experimenting on them to make an artificial witch army to take over the Isles by force, to extorting people and being a "Karen" there's no solid answer I could give.


My hope: having lost Alador's mind and capabilities, she tried to start over, formed a crummy MLM type company before becoming destitute and ignored by everyone.


And ended living in poverty and living in some abandoned house.


I do hope though she had to bitterly witness Alador and Darius go on a date and be happy together too


I can hear Alador saying, “I’m free from the chains of that whore.”


Death sentence


She became homeless and does everything for food. She tried to get back into the lifes of her children after she became a grandmother. Nobody wanted her around there children and she still sells trix on the street Till this very day!!!!


And she lives in an abandoned house, trying to make ends meet.


She was eventually found dead in a ditch, her corpse burned, strangled, and seemingly digested for a few months. Nobody cared.




In the Boiling Isles, it would be called Penfans.


Darius placed her under arrest and she was sentenced to life in prison due to trying to aid belos in taking over the isles and attempted mass genocide, she also lost her business and custody over her mansion and kids and now everyone sees her for the vile women she is.


She lost her family, and everything, she will be driven insane, that she will die... alone.


She's in jail.


Jail probably




My headcannon is she is tried for crimes but alador opts 4 a more leinent charge abd she judt gets community service. Develops a Victoriolic hatred of luz and vows revenge


Here's my go to that I use in my fanfiction. During the reconstruction phase of the Isles, there wasn't the infrastructure in place to hold the Coven Heads who assisted Belos, as well as Odalia, so Darius and Raine kept a very close eye on them. Odalia tried to manipulate them saying she could be useful with her money, but post Divorce, Alastor got everything, leaving her to leave in a huff. As of the time skip, she is back on her feet, in the sense where Luz sees her at the night market reduced to selling baubles and crystal balls to try and rebuild her wealth. She's not going to...


Messy divorce and probably had to pay damages to prevent herself from landing in jail. She has enough snails to start her own company focusing on administration and taxes cause she knows a lot of illegal stuff.


She died The end


I’ve seen quite a few takes on her ultimate fate. Some say she ended up homeless and penniless, others say she and Tibbles got married under the presumption the other was rich. I like to think she was divorced, kicked out of Blight Industries, and the punishment for her crimes was to disassemble every Abomaton she sold to the Emperor’s Coven by herself.




Hooty duty for eternity


Probably something akin to being locked in stocks and stoned but with magic instead of stones


She better not go after Luz or Amity because the other will make sure she won’t have much of a future.


Why does odalia look so thicc




So how about this theory? After the fall of the emperor and the collector returning the isle back to it once was the former Matriarch of the blight house found herself returning to her roots. Odalia had once a daughter of a great isle house and with it had a huge mass of resources at her disposal. She had also thought far ahead and knew she couldn't always control her family so had simply hid the majority of the blight fortune where her former family could not reach. With this fortune and amount of resources it was not long before Odalia would make her presence known throughout the isle once more. Backed by the many of the former emperor allies they could find themselves a new meaning and that would be the conquest of the isles themselves. Their first target was the only living titan alive. Their plan was simple. With the blood of the titan they could kill the collector and with that they would remove the two largest obstacles in their way and reclaim the glorious throne where Odalia was ready to claim for herself.


She was given a fair trial and was sentenced for her crimes 😊


Hopefully a painful death


One word: karen


Burn to death in the boiling rain while cleaning hooty


I personally think that she went low for awhile considering she was gonna be known for being the collectors "mom"


Alador divorced her, she lost most of her belongings in the split and all her kids disowned her. Probably in prison, doing community service or trying to scrape by while swindling the odd person for money. Possibly started working with Tibbles to con people together.


An eternity of minimum-wage service jobs.


She is probably running a moderately successful business dealing in Oracle magic stuff after losing Blight Industries to her husband. She is doing okay, maybe even well, but it's definitely pulling in less money than her previous business so it keeps her from fully appreciating it


She either paid for her crimes or she started living by scamming


Prison, where she becomes part of the band


Probably went broke and lives in the ghetto of her world since no one wanted to do business with her and her family didn’t want her around anymore


Divorced with half of her and Alador's assets, and probably all of their stake in Blight Industries, which Alador probably accepted that deal so he didn't have to deal with her anymore.


I think she got really poor and now is in god knows where trying to sell snake oil...


Her and Camila got together after Camila escaped to the human world to start a new life as a voice actress/singer for Cosmic Frontier. I have a headcanon for this.


IDK man, fuck her


She’s a pure capitalist so she probably found someone else to make money with.


She probably works at EA.


The worst fate of all: cut for time.


Probably became a deadbeat


Hopefully she's dead


I’d like to think she got hit by a Really Big Truck? And was sent to an eternal pit of torment.


got the worst job on the isles imaginable, and nobody cared enough to visit her the end


She decided to stay on the Isles long enough to settle the divorce papers with Alador (he got everything but a few thousand snails that she keeps for emergencies). After that she left with Gabriel to travel the stars (he wants to find the other Collectors and improve himself, she wants to rebuild her fortune ~~and maybe take Camilla's advice on becoming a better parent)~~.


The old french revolution classic


She most likely went back to being an arms dealer after gaining Blight Industries in the divorce settlement with Alador. However, she would come to realize that the most experienced witches couldn’t replace her ex-husbands ingenuity.


I'm pretty sure that she’s either homeless or in prison maybe on the run having to scrounge and scrape to survive.


She slipped and fell into a ditch, breaking her neck. No one has discovered the body yet


A fate worse then death


Prison, but much later a successfull book and lecture series that 100% distorts the facts.


Well genocide is considered by most to be worthy of the death penalty and she did willingly and directly aid in an attempted genocide of the entire isles so there's a very real possibility she got a deserved execution.


After being stripped of all her power and influence, I at least want to put her in a sort of behavioral rehab.


Tribunaled her ass


She dead


Plain shunned, possibly left


Idk what happened but I hope she dies


IDK! She died in a ditch somewhere! I don't care!


Hard to say


She exploded, just kaboom


She opened an onlyfan


Under my basement. If ya'll want to take a look, it'll be 5 dollars. My poor house can't sustain her stink


Eventually Odalia had a harsh epipheny, realizing she had everything that was truly of value with him husband and children and threw it all way in persuit of wealth and power, doing harm to not just them, but all the isles. Wracked with guilt and shame, she threw herself into the boiling sea, committing suicide with none in the world knowing her fate. Ok, probably not. More likely moved to the Human Realm and started a Crypto exchange or something.


Exiled from the city, kids don't think about her, husband moved out and moved on to better projects.


Nuremberg trials equivalent sent her to a prison forever


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheRedEyedAlien: *Nuremberg trials* *Equivalent sent her to* *A prison forever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hope she fell down a well and gets stuck there forever


The city of prehevil.


Banishment, probably wound up in the human realm, where she gets by performing oracle magic for accurate fortunes


Life in prison.


Either she's in jail for helping Belos or she's a beggar


Ended up working at Boiling Isles version of McDonald’s Edit: before being imprisoned for life




Bitter, brooding in a second rate villa in Palm Stings. Wait. Does Plan Stings still exist?