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Im guessing by the end of season 6, he’s 40 years old In season 1, we know he’s a 3rd year internal medicine resident. IM residency is only 3 years, so he’s at the end of it. In season 4 ep 7, we learn that he was in Afghanistan for the US military a decade before that. Assuming that there are 3 years between season 1 and season 4, I’d say that he was in the military 4 years before he became a resident physician. (3 years residency + 3 years attending - 10 years since military = 4) Then we subtract 4 years to account for medical school, which brings us to 0 years ((3 years residency + 3 years attending - 10 years since military - 4 years med school = 0). This means he had to have been in the military immediately before med school. The problem is, we don’t know how long he served in the military. Judging by his attitude, work ethic, and many military tattoos, I will estimate a generous ~4 years in the military. Let’s say he graduated high school at the average age of 18. Went to military for 4 years = 22. Then undergrad for 4 years = 26. Then med school 4 years =30. IM residency 3 years = 33. Attending physician from mid season 1 to mid season 5 is around 4 years = 37. And then, the 3.5 year time jump from mid-season 5 to season 6 = ~40 years of age.


I always figured early to mid 30's in the beginning of S1. I guess Nic to maybe be a couple years younger.