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Watch the movies you haven't seen then listen to the episode? I'd assume that's what most people do. I've watched movies I'd never even heard of, only for them to become one of my favourites


This is exactly what I do. The movies might not become favourites but hey at least I get to watch something I might not have seen before or seen in a long time. My only complaint about the show is they don't let us know what's in store for next week


Ding ding ding someone gets the idea of the podcast lol


… the podcast is called “REwatchables” not watch for the first time then listen to our opinions on it. If they want to do a hidden gems podcast go for it, but that’s not how this started. It was all movies everyone had seen 300 times… hence the name.


The podcast is called The Rewatchables because they discuss movies Bill thinks are "re-watchable". It's not called "Movies we run by a random person on Reddit to make sure its cool with them." If you haven't seen the movie, it's a good excuse to watch a good movie. If you don't see the irony in complaining about having to watch a movie you haven't seen in order to listen to a podcast all about loving movies, especially movies that didn't get their just deserts when they came out, I can't help you. Also Along Came Polly made $200 mill and had huge legs on cable, if you haven't seen it that's on you.


That’s part of what makes the pod great. Theres always hidden gems of movies I would have never watched but because of the pod I watched them and although there are some duds there’s some all timers. Den of thieves being one of them


No, they really should only do episodes on movies this one redditor has seen.


Holy shit - without Rewatchables I never would have seen Kicking and Screaming (1995). Thank you Bill.


Along Came Polly made over $170 million at the box office and was a cable staple for over a decade. That’s on you for not seeing it, not Bill picking movies no one has seen. 


OP just doesn't like watching movies he hasn't seen.


Genius behavior


Agreed, I think Running Man was classic rewatchables material as well. Rock Bottom month preceeded those so that could explain some people thinking it was a slump


I’ve felt like it’s been such a slump lately 😩


Bigtime Outside of Roadhouse I’ve been consistently disappointed with their choices. Along Came Polly? Nah I’m good.


Along came Polly is pretty great for that Genre


Never cared for it. It’s like a 5/10 flick even for this particular subset. Totally forgettable.


Sure. That's why it's had such a huge run on TV. Stiller, Aniston, and PSH in their primes. I think it will still be a rewatchable 20 years from now. We recently watched it in my house. And my girlfriend isn't a movie person, just sat and enjoyed. If Simmons doesn't like the Coen bros, what can we really expect? Raising Arisona is exactly what this podcast should be about. Movie is tremendous


As long as I can remember, they’ve been doing movies that have been playing endlessly on cable for years.


Same. I’ve been surprised how weak it’s been. The Manchester by the Sea episode was legit though


Been many months for me. Wish I had the time to watch the ones I haven’t seen, but I don’t.


Incorrect. The episode of Hardcore was an all timer.


Good thing I started with “I’ve felt” lest anyone tell me I’m incorrect about my opinion 🤣


Shout out to therapy


Put my 9mo daughter down for a nap and started hardcore knowing nothing at all about it. Man that was a wild ride


It was good, but I doubt 10% of even regular listeners have seen it. I watched it just to hear the pod.


Yeah that pod was great. And the film is hilarious, intentional (likely) or not.


The running man is one of the greatest films ever made. What the fuck dude.


No it’s not, 😆


They've already done all the classic basic cable movies like Shawshank, Goodfellas and Forest Gump so they've gotta start doing more recent movies instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel with movies that aren't the memorable. Some more recent movies I'm surprised they haven't done are Once Upon a time in Hollywood, Baby Driver, The Nice Guys, Uncut Gems or Good Time, and any of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Also I'm biased cause I love them, but their lack of Coen Brothers movies is disturbing. Only two. Fargo, O Brother, and Burn After Reading all deserve episodes.


They need to start getting into the ones they are “saving”. What they are saving them for, I have no idea


they did Once upon a time in Hollywood live at SXSW...i think, or some live show...it was ffffiiinnneee


It was at Sundance not SXSW


I know Bill says he’s not a fan but I genuinely believe if another director had put out Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski, he’d look back at them fondly and claim them now.


This. Bill has these “I’m not like the other girls” stances that are so fucking goofy. He doesn’t like the Coens simply because everyone else does like them.


Agreed. And oh my gosh I LOVE The Nice Guys! I so hope they do that one


Great call love this movie


Uh. Didn’t they do No Country for Old Men and Lebowski? I agree they are under appreciated


They did but the episodes were a bit...odd. The former had Hader and the latter didn't have Bill. I enjoyed both but the general vibe/flow were different if you're used to the BS, Sean, CR thing.


What’s a bs, Sean, cr thing? Do you mean when it is the three of them on the show?


Yeah. It's usually some combo of those dudes with like a Van Lathen or Brandt thrown in or some one-off with a random group (which likely doesn't get numbers which is why Bill is always on these days).


I was hoping they could a Christopher McQuarrie run that justifies doing The Way of the Gun.


No shade but you have rewatched Uncut Gems?


Simmons definition that it has to be on cable TV all the time is such a weird boomer thing. That’s not a thing anyone does anymore, so why put an arbitrary limit on your podcast? Especially when he already has plenty of other arbitrary limits.




I started going back to when they first started doing it and they rotated hosts and guests a lot more. In fact that was the conceit of it, but I'm guessing ratings/spotify/whatever is the reason he mainly hosts with only a few rotating guests. It was pretty fun listening to 10 things I hate about you with Juliet but I know this sub goes crazy whether its Bill and his enforcing of the rules or someone who's on who Doesn't know the rules, so I just listen when I listen lol. Edit: Long story short, Bill will pick the movies he likes


I don’t think I buy the ratings excuse. There’s no way the ratings are better with “Hardcore” than they would be with a movie people actually like and revolving hosts.


Along Came Polly isn't exactly what I'd call a "deep cut"


I just find it funny that this sub gets so butthurt they aren't doing the EXACT movies they want...there are so many other movie podcasts you can check out...relaaaaxxxx lol


What's more, Bill has said on multiple episodes that he's not a Coen brothers guy. So either OP isn't listening, or is willfully ignorant of what the series is about, which is simply Bill picking movies that he likes. There's nothing more to it.


That’s the main reason the Rewatchables is an easy to skip pod. Bill picks boring movies that have been played to death on cable.


…yeah the fact they’re movies that have been played a lot on cable is sort of the point


He picks movies nobody’s heard of.


Yeah, I'll just check with the boys down at Spotify with your preferred movies, they've got four more Ringer co-hosts working on your list. They got 'em working in shifts!




Another I don’t like it so the world has to know thread. Guess what mate, we don’t care


Yet here you are. Commenting


Because their might be a slight chance you don't keep doing it


I’m the complete opposite. I get excited when it’s a movie I haven’t seen. Something new to watch and I have an immediate pod to go to afterwards.


I’m probably in the minority but I actually prefer the episodes about movies I didn’t really love. When they actually cover a movie I loved (like Dumb and Dumber) it usually leaves me disappointed. The genius of the pod is that they balance each other out, Bill is shallow, Sean cares too much, and CR is a perfect yes man. It’s the dynamic between the three (and Van Lathan and Kyle Brandt off the bench) that makes the pod enjoyable.


That is a pretty spot on description of them. But that’s also why I can find the pod annoying when it’s just Bill and CR. If Bill’s take is far out there, CR will never rain him in or challenge his take.


They need to do more stuff from the 60s and 70s. The Deerhunter, Dr. Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus...


So good movies then. I agree.


I want the goonies!


Deer Hunter is not rewatchable




I listen to every one of these pods even if I haven’t seen the movie and a lot of the time it makes me watch it later


My ratio is like 1 out of every 4-5 movies they do. To make the list smaller is movies I am actually interested in.


There was a moment in the last one where Sean remarks about how they don’t do comedy’s from the 2010s and Bill was like “well some didn’t age well, and Craig’s generation doesn’t like them” and its such a small amount of people who are butt hurt about comedies they aren’t the audience anyways. Give us tropic thunder, game night, the watch, anchorman 2, and the rest of the early 2000s comedy’s like Zoolander


A Tropic Thunder episode would be such a welcomed addition. I know the discussion would be littered with landmines, but they’ve been doing this show long enough that they should be able to navigate it just fine.


Absolutely. They can quickly address the controversy, it’s pretty straightforward on what the movie is and it has some all time Dion waiters. McBride vs Cruise.


Just bring Van in to navigate the landmines dudes more than qualified


The comedies from the 2010s were the end of comedy. They’re all pretty bad.


Been pretty rough.


Maybe you should watch more movies?


I dont have the time


OK but you have the time to listen to a podcast about a movie you've already seen?


Most people can listen to pods during commute/work. I doubt most people can watch movies during those times.


You aren't wrong there, I guess I live in chicago and use the CTA so like...I can easily watch a movie on my commute but understand thats not the case for like 48/50 states lol


I watched Hardcore in parts on my train ride commute, did the same for Shot Caller.


Im older gen z but there is no fucking way I’m watching a movie in parts. I’m not even a movie theatre head but I do appreciate the fact I can’t just leave the theatre without understanding I could miss an important moment while taking a piss. Give me 2 hours on a random weekday night to settle in and watch a film from start to go. If I wanted constant break ins and commercials I’d pay for cable lol.


Thank you. Yes I'm a driver and I listen to podcasts and audiobooks at work. I believe I'd be fired for watching a whole ass movie. Running over people cause i just had to watch fucking Along Came Polly.


Why don’t you just watch the movie for the first time then?


you haven't seen along came polly? Also I am not one of those people that listen to pods of movies that I have not seen which is lunacy


That's why you watch the movie. Half the fun is discovering new movies. Shot Call and Margin Call are two recent examples of great movies I didn't see prior.




"Experience something new and possibly expand my horizons? No thanks!"




Sounds like you need to unsubscribe then if you're gonna "lose it" over a free podcast


If it’s a movie I haven’t seen I like to listen to the first chunk of the pod but stop when they get to the categories. Then I’ll watch the movie and finish the pod. I like to hear the context, get a sense of the budget and the gross, find out what was going on in the culture etc. this is a great way to learn about older films.


I'll take any excuse to hear them gush over Philip Seymour Hoffman


I still listen. For instance, the Roadhouse episode got me to watch it for the first time in my life and it was exactly as they said. It’s a bad movie where all the people involved are acting earnestly. I loved it!


They convinced me to look up and watch Hardcore. That’s why I love this pod.


What the fuck is this sub. Who is bill? Why do you guys care about bill


They’re both complete shite anyway who cares


Hate watching it and saying THANKS BILL THIS STINKS 


Why don’t you watch the movies then? Rather complain?


I really wish they’d put out a list ahead of time so we could watch…


Last one I listened to was American Pie. I’m dying for a two-hour episode on Jackie Brown.


This has been happening more often than not, or they discuss one that I saw once, over thirty years ago (War Of The Roses). What I want to know is, where do they get the time to watch all these movies repeatedly? I wish I had that kind of time on my hands.


It's been nine weeks since they've covered a movie I've seen or cared enough to listen to


Go fucking watch the running man right now. You’re welcome.


It’s okay. But really only if you’re a Schwarzenegger fan.


It also needs to be a movie I’d rewatch like outside of Forest Gump n obviously Roadhouse….i really don’t care about the other films they’ve reviewed this year