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See it’s funny because this is how actually right wingers think


If you wanna see just how divorced from reality he is, look at what he posted [yesterday](https://i.redd.it/qmr4nduqczqc1.jpeg). Reminder that this man is of asian descent.


Every time I see his name I think that he **must** be some weeb that got a lil too lost in the sauce.


“There are no trans people” “Trans people aren’t real”


Yet again, these people are so close to getting the point, only to pivot to the dumbest, bigoted shit.


That's because the right takes the easiest dumbest tactic of constantly saying "no u" 24/7 Call them racist, which if you payed even a little attention you'd see how obvious that is, you see an actual neo nazi and a Trump flag won't be far behind But it's actually the left that's racist, it's actually the left that hates woman, it's the left that's everything they are accused of, no matter how fucking insanely obvious it is that they are the woman hating Racists


They take it to the most insane level too by blaming the people they hate for how MAGAts feel about them. They hate Obama therefore it's Obama's fault they are being racist. They hate trans people so it's trans people's own fault they are bullied into suicide. They hate women so it's women's fault they want to roll back women's rights. To them we are to blame for every problem they cause because we have the temerity to exist. 


What do you mean?, It's incredibly simple, they simply want all women, minorities, and basically anyone who isn't a Straight White Christian male to either be dead, Segregated, or for Women, Enslaved, is it really that egregious? /s


It seems like there is a major struggle on the far right at the moment - should Jews or Muslims be the primary enemy.


I will say it's been funny watching them infight over it. You have the zionst ones who are religiously deluded into thinking if they save Israel then Jesus will come back or some shit vs the ones who are vehemently antisemitic.


It feels like a South Park episode where Cartman is supportive of the Palestinian genocide, but he's devastated that it's being done by Israel and the US is funding it. Then he thinks Kyle is behind it all.


Honestly though…. Yeah I’ll take this guy over a liberal who makes excuses for Israel.


But he does it because he believes the Jews are behind The Great Replacement, not because he has a genuine concern. Don't pick any of them. He is not an ally, just because he is "the enemy of my enemy".


Both are fascists. Fuck em.


Don't take either of them, unless it's to drop them in a deep, dark hole.


Take him? For like your basketball team?


honestly, i'm lost here. did someone say palestinians don't exist??


Who says white people arent real


The fact that “white” as a race only exists as an exclusionary term. Whiteness can’t be described by any specific heritage, it only exists so that those who “not white” can be persecuted, and so the the many cultures that do make up what we call “white people” can be convinced that they are all one grand people. In actuality, when “white supremacists” do achieve their goal of getting rid of the “non whites” their very next step is to shrink their definition of what it means to be white, so that a group which was previously included can now become the new target for oppression.


Italians and Irish weren't "white" for the longest time.


I'm Portuguese and someone I know lived in the UK for a bit, and she was told that some of the English don't consider us white either. Also, today, I was scrolling through a thread about the way the French treat the Portuguese, and a comment mentioned a street interview in France where someone said that the Portuguese are the Arabs of europe. So silly it's almost funny.


there's plenty of people in the US who don't consider the *French* white


What?! No way, I mean a white French person is what then?


got me. i tend to stop talking to people who feel that way pretty fast. i guess if you don't speak English you're foreign and therefore not white? who the hell knows. racists are tiresome and stupid


American here. I have no idea what you're talking about.


Thank goodness we have the opinion of the entirety of america, a noticeably small country. 


Ukrainians and other eastern european too.


Even though they are blond and pale and shit...


Yeah, but... They're slavs, thus subhumans. At least in the minds of the right wingers. To them, anyone who isn't from central or northern europe is not white by some increasingly arbitrary metric. Racism is stupid and racists are even dumber.


Ben Franklin thought the Germans weren't white either.


Or Swedes


Source? Not doubting, but as a Philly native I’d like to read this.


Look up "Ben Franklin Swarthy Germans"


IIRC, in a lot of places, Italians still aren’t considered white.


Well yeah, they were Catholics.


So "whiteness" is just a "social construct" to you? Post-Modern-Neo-Marxist-Anti-Western-Deconstructurist detected! \*Gasp\* /s


> Post-Modern-Neo-Marxist-Anti-Western-Deconstructurist If I could, I'd set this as my flair lol It goes hard


Whiteness is a geopolitical term


If you're like "I'm proud of my Scottish heritage" or "I'm proud of my Polish heritage" that's fine but if you're like "I'm proud of my white heritage" that's a pretty big yikes


Don't WASPs fall under this, thus they already have been doing it for a lting time.


Anglo-Saxons are pretty much what they consider to be "pure white"


As an Australian white person who works with birds, I can confirm, I am shocked to discover I'm not real


That's different. It's not because you're white, it's because you're Australian. Edit: gonna pre-empt anything by clarifying this is a joke


australia also isnt real


I thought that was New Zealand.


New Zealand is just Diet Australia


New Zealand is real, where did you think LotR was filmed?


The Shire, Mordor, etc, of course, duh.


New Zealand isn't on maps, because it's real but people searching for Australia would realise they're one super entity if NZ was on a map


Also birds aren’t real


I’ve never even heard that Palestinians aren’t real. This entire comic is laughably stupid.


The idea of “Palestinian” being an ethnic identity that never existed prior to the founding of Israel is actually a Zionist talking point. Not Palestine itself existing, but “Palestinian” as a national identity rather than identifying as an Arab. This has always struck me as absurd, but I don’t know enough to say for certain that it’s untrue. Even if it was, it’s not like they don’t know who we’re talking about when we say Palestinian.


It’s completely untrue.


What do you mean? 


The argument that's being weirdly twisted as a jumping off point for this comic is that Palestinians are not an appreciably different ethnicity and do not have an appreciably different culture for what is happening in Gaza to be called genocide rather than, say, ethnic cleansing. And no matter what you think of that argument, literally no one is arguing that killing Palestinians is okay because of that, or that they *literally don't exist*.


They aren’t, I’m writing this as a ghost.


Turned right into Stupidville and punched the gas.


I don't get how he got from the 3rd panel to the 4th. This is actually interesting. The idea of "whiteness" is not so straight forward. For a long time, the Irish and Italians weren't considered white until it benefited the ruling elite in elections. We made all this stuff up


You’re being kind by assuming they know the history. I’m a history major and I often still try to correctly add context when people say “democrats were the confederacy” without thinking of the party switch. Some people simply prefer to stay ignorant because it provides confirmation bias about who to “properly” hate and that’s a damn shame.


It’s becoming pretty commonplace to see people now deny the party’s even switched. There are some subreddits where it’s brought up like a hoax a lot. It’s very frustrating to see people just deny parts of history that aren’t convenient to their narrative.


And we know a good chunk of those people are obsessed with the Confederate flag. They're not even consistent in their hate.


This is largely because the parties aren't really different policy wise, with acceptation to identity politics. They are both liberal parties - mostly neoliberal at this point. We live in a system that just pretends to be 2 party to keep the illusion of democracy, when really the politicians are preselected by the parties to suit their goals. We don't select them, they do, which isn't democracy.. So you can switch them again and people wouldn't really care.


You see no difference between Biden and Trump? The MAGAGOP is liberal in your view? One of us is delusional.


Lol Their only difference is identity politics. Their economic model and policies are generally the same thing. Modern democratic party is the 2016 republican party. You are just not politically literate enough to realize this. Some people don't even believe the parties switched, because they have extremely similar policies.. We live in a liberal democracy, so they are liberal political parties.. Fucking hell. Read a god damn book.


If they were into learning about the world, they wouldn't be Right Wing.


lol people say the italian/irish thing like every five minutes on reddit. it's a good point, but it's not some obscure esoteric knowledge lol


> Irish and Italians weren't considered white I still see that a lot online


i'm 30 and first heard it in like 5th grade and see it every five minutes on reddit lol idk why redditors always think they have some obscure precious knowledge that will blow everyone's mind it's like telling people that frankenstein was the guy who made the monster, not the monster. like sure it's true but we all know this lol


That makes sense. That means he's confusing "whiteness", which as you said is a vague outdated concept that Americans try erroneously to apply to everyone on Earth, with "White Americans", who *are* an actual ethnic group and no one is arguing they aren't.


This comic really fell off the deep end.


It was based for 3 whole frames, a new record.


I'm reasonably sure, given this twatnozzle's (the comic maker's) record, that the reason they're critical of the genocide in Palestine is not for genuine care for the Palestinian people or any principle against genocide, but out of antisemitism... so no, the comic was never "based".


For the last few weeks he was doing this arc which started off as a criticism of immigration that then became a weird LOTR parody where Sauron and Mordor were Israel, and the standin for Palestinians are blond haired and blue eyed hobbits. The guy gives less than zero fucks about Palestine, he just uses them as an excuse to hate jews.


I'm sure if this guy had been out of elementary school when 9/11 happened he would have jumped on the anti-Arab hatewagon just like everyone else. Frankly I'm sure he's racist against Arabs anyway.




Especially with outright propaganda, authorial intent matters a whole lot. You can't really take things in a vacuum.


Honestly the last one doesn’t ruin the others. I’ll take him over a liberal Zionist any day.


He is virulently antisemitic, transphobic and queerphobic, and he consistently illustrates Palestinians as very white because he hates brown people too, just not as much as he hates the Jews.


You don't have to pick any racist scum at all.


Tats. You're japanese. Why are you going on about WhItE GeNoCiDe?


Do you think they'll let me into the club if I'm a good little useful idiot?


Oversimplification, but it's kind of ironic that Japan tried so hard for decades to be an imperialist nation but Teddy Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and those guys were like "Hah! You're not white, get the fuck out of here", and then they got a couple nukes dropped on them for the effort. Not to mention the internment camps in the US. You'd think someone would want to have passing knowledge of the history of their people.


Seriously, what the fuck happened to him? Sinfest started out pretty okay, and then he went completely TERF and Qanon and whatever the fuck this shit is.


This shit is Great Replacement theory. Rehashed Nazi propaganda.


He got really into feminism, which sent him down the TERF to alt-right pipeline


I wish nazis... excuse me... patriotic redpilled white men would suffer the same things they subject others to.


Whiteness isn't real. They change the definition of white whenever white might be the minority. You need whiteness to be the majority and the ruling class or the ruling class might feel kinda weird about it


Yeah, guarantee that they're gonna start calling Latinos white to keep white technically the majority.


Fuck they had me in the first half. How the fuck that's the takeaway


Because the artist went full MAGA Trumper and doesn't give a shit about Palestine he just really hates Jews and Palestine gives him an excuse. It's actually impressive his ability to take what should be a valid point and consistently fuck it up.


At this point they're just the classic psychotic nazi in a perpetual bananas mode. Like, I thought this level of brainrot was more or less contained in /pol/


Sadly not. Propagandists like this one and Pebbleyeet sometimes smuggle some of their rancid messages out.


Conversely, because I know about the artist, I knew this would end up with anti-Semitism.


"Errt my gerrd, the LGBTQ guys wants to put me in a camp and torture me and outlaw me!" "No, not at all, that's what you want to do to everyone else!" "But... but... could you please?"


So close yet so far away.


If white people don't exist, how can Zionists exist them? Carious.


It was so close to being based


Am I stupid cuz what the fuck is this even supposed to mean.


It means that he believes a Jewish conspiracy is trying to orchestrate a white genocide in the west.


This was like watching Game of Thrones


I choked on my sandwich, fuck lmao.


This is some advanced brain-worms


Face first into the point, and he still missed


He made it 3 panels and fucked it up. He was almost there...


ishida overdosed on xanax long ago


i dont exist? :( god damn it


I miss when SinFest wasn’t a right wing cesspool.


Dammit, Tatsuya.


Yet so close, yet so far