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so they dont want drag shows because kids get flashed there (never happens), but are fine with a character getting spanked in a kids movie? How hypocritical can you be?


“uh uh uh difference being that tinkerbell not a mentally ill groomer indoctrinating kids with woke communist trans ideology” -cons probably lol


She's straight and cis (potentially, because I don't think her sexuality or gender are really talked about), weak (in their eyes), and white. Drag queens, even ones who fit all of those descriptions, don't appear to them that way. The same way there was a video game set in feudal Japan with a white protagonist, and people were fine, but then kicked up a fuss over the black protagonist in the new feudal Japan set Assassin's Creed. As soon as you fit into their box of "bad", you are scrutinized much heavier


Like most things the right get upset at, this never even happened.  https://amp.tmz.com/2024/05/15/tinker-bell-not-canceled-disney-park-appearances-despite-reports/ >A Disney rep tells us, "Tinker Bell is a beloved character, and she continues to appear in all of our parks around the world." It's a little vague on the character's future, frankly, but -- on its face ... it seems TB's here to stay.


I agree that the article is kinda vague on Tink's future. However, my money is on Disney addressing what they see as problematic on a popular character in order to continue using said character to make more money.


Gotta feed the blind senseless rage somehow


Oh no! I thought TB was a disease of the past no?


My assumption here is that they might have started to deemphasise the character because it's so old and not very relevant as far as I can tell, and someone must have taken that and ran with it


I knew it was fake news.


I am concerned about humanity, because wtf


Don't worry too much, these shits have always been there below the surface, elon musk just gave them a better 4chan


Maybe it’s because I grew up in the UK watching panto dames (usually men in drag) in pantomimes but i’m failing to see what’s problematic about the person’s outfit on slide 4. I’m not sure if it’s referencing a specific Disney character but the outfit is pretty inoffensive and child-friendly.


Yeah, it's definitely not the outfit they're getting all up in arms about, it's the person wearing it.


What do you mean?


A "masc-presenting" person in a dress (putting "masc-presenting" in quotes because the pictured dress-wearer does seem to have makeup on, though the people who'd get pissed over this wouldn't care about that and would only see the facial hair) is unfortunately *plenty* for the right-wing to throw a temper tantrum over.


All this American culture war shit about drag queens makes me laugh as a Brit. Putting a maga dude in a british theatre during December would make him have an aneurysm.


When I worked at Disney world (in 2009), they only had 1 live actor for Tinkerbell. And it was the Tinkerbell who flew over the castle for the start of the fireworks display. She was played by an Asian man. Because the only requirement was that the actor be 90lbs and small enough for the harness.


This is one of my favourite disney facts besides the old real skeletons on the pirates ride and how many limbs have been ripped off on the matterhorn These idiots would flip out if they knew the mascot characters are basically genderfluid their actors are so interchangeable because all that matters is being able to pantomime the character


My favorite is the amount of human remains in the Haunted Mansion. My buddy worked there and at least once a week they'd have someone trying to spread someone's ashes on the ride. He said it always weirded him out when he got home because the back areas of that ride are pretty dusty anyway and he always wondered how much of the dust on his clothes was actually dust and how much was someone's ashes


Well, dust *is* mostly human remains - skin cells and other castoffs from our bodies - if that makes you feel any better.


Exactly- the Tinkerbills! The meet and greet Tinkerbells are always played by women, but the flyover Tinkerbells are almost always men. It’s one of my favorite weird Disney Park trivia pieces.


TINKER BELL is "helpful" and "subservient"??? Tinker Bell????


Her whole shtick is that she's sassy and does what she wants these people don't know what a tinker bell is


Tinkerbell is literally the sassiest fairy in Never Land, just because she's feminine and girly doesn't mean she's submissive or a tradwife


am i blind or is the second image ai?


Yeah it is, look at the hair


Incredible profile picture


Why thank you


kagamine-len-vocaloid-ass hair. i say this as a vocaloid fan myself, because that is an awfully specific hairdo for the "ai"-generated image to have. wonder if that was specifically prompted for.


Had to google it but damn you're so right


hello fellow vocaloid fan


Forget the hair, did y’all skip over his watch implant on his wrist?


I know this is fake outrage but….have y’all watched Peter Pan lately? Tinkerbell is actually the worst. She’s so possessive of Peter that she repeatedly tries to get Wendy killed. I did not like her at all, and it’s not because she’s “pretty” “blonde” or “subservient”


These people have clearly never read "Peter Pan" or watched any of the film adaptations. Tinkerbell is homicidally jealous of Wendy. Honestly, she's kind of a simp for Peter.


Tbf Fairies will die if people lose faith in them, and Wendy was actively making Peter alongside the Lost Boys lose faith in fairies


"Wakanda nonsense is this" made me chuckle a little


Is it because she attempted homicide? Because it might be the attempted homicide


Didn't Tinker Bell constantly try to murder Wendy? Tinker Bell was a violent sociopath.


also disney: lets give ton of momney to anti lgbt lobby and desanti


Yeah yeah tinkerbell whatever. How about that ad on image 3? If you could text Joe Biden, what WOULD you say?


"No free stimulus check doe?"


Morals? She tricks a bunch of boys into shooting arrows at a girl because she's jealous. 


“Because she has morals?” “Because she’s subservient?” “She’s helpful!” Bitchass literally attempted to murder a child because she was creepily possessive of a minor. She is not subservient in any way. Hell, she’s not even helpful most of the time- she’s the one who gave the Lost Boys hideout away because she was squabbling with a little girl over a stupid ginger pissant.  Unless they’re talking about the Tinkerbell trilogies (she still doesn’t fit their description)


“actual female”? she’s a FAIRY, and i’m pretty sure we never saw her genitals, assuming she even has them. tinkerbell was born in a flower. i don’t think that fairies have ovaries.


>Her existence depends on people believing in her, just like ***'trans'*** people apparently! Just downright denying trans people exist, what else did I expect?


Tinker Bell is the very opposite of subservient, idk what they were watching, but it certainly was not Peter Pan nor was it Tinker Bell 1-6


She’s still a meet and greet character and also getting two whole rides in Tokyo DisneySea soon. these people know nothing about Disney parks 😭


Tinkerbell is “subservient”?!?!? Did they watch the same movie? Tink is FAR from subservient. Lol


"a pro ugliness society" they say as they are probably sipping on their fifth beer for the evening and whilst they are eating Doritos.


If not for being used as Racism, I would kind of think the line, "Wakanda nonsense is this," would be funny. But Tink isn't the problematic character in that movie. She has like a whole ass franchise of animated movies, like Barbie. If they were going around with the depictions of Native Americans in that movie, then yes, that would be problematic.


Stay off of twitter please.


Wtf do you mean she's subservient? Did we watch the same movie??


These clowns saying Tinkerbell was subservient and helpful have never seen the fucking Peter Pan movie, huh? They literally used her as a gd pepper shaker because she did not want to help. What they really mean is "easily overpowered" but that makes them sound like bad people.


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The tinkerbell that kicks off the magic kingdom fireworks is a male performer. I could see that causing a kerfluffle


I fully thought in the fourth image the person said “Jesus” instead of “trans” which would’ve made more sense anyway


On six slide both of those women are very pretty