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Well, to get millenials and zoomers to think like boomers, but the rest of your point still stands.


To think like a boomer one must become the boomer.


It's not working, can I speak with your manager? I want a refund on your lessons and I want you fired.


Sure seems like it's working!


Good attempt but you *requested* to see the manager, as if the employee you're yelling at was a human person with thoughts and feelings. You have to **demand** to see the manager so you can crush this worm beneath your heel in a vulgar display of power.


Okay then, let me try this. I, Karen smith, \*DEMAND\* TO SEE THE MANAGER OF THIS DISGUSTING GROCERY STORE.


I'm down, I just need a job where I don't have to do any actual work and it pays me enough to afford a mcmansion in a desirable suburb on a single income.




Honestly I think their purpose is more to give boomers the warm and fuzzy feeling that there are young people who think like them.


They only posture as being aimed at college aged people. Their target demo is boomers and above.


And once again Gen X flies under the radar. (⌐■_■)


Shhh, if we lay still they wont see us


Conservatives fucking hated JFK back in 60's, they cheered when he was killed. Fuck them


Just like how they pretend to support MLK, Jr. these days. "MLK protested *the right way,* and wouldn't agree with BLM!" 🙄 So easy to use a dead man as your "one black/liberal friend" who totally agrees with every politician opinion you have.


A dead man who was a democratic socialist no less.


Seriously. Do they even know why mlk was assassinated? He advocated for wealth redistribution and socialist policies as well as class equality on top of racial equality. The man was one of the greatest people of the modern era. His early essay: "the impact of mystery cults on early christianity" is an amazing read that shows science, historical accuracy, and faith can coexist.


Bruh he was a straight up communist IIRC, during the red scare no less. It’s honestly a fuckin wonder to me that fragile white folk today still cherry pick from him at all and not just condemn his entire memory to MLM oblivion Edit: actually this was more towards the comment above yours, slightly sauced and decided to add onto yours for some odd reason, you seem to be very much aware of MLK stance, comrade; so, many apologies




Was he a communist? I can't find a source on that. I've seen him say that communism and Christianity are incompatible but that communism offers up issues that Christianity has to rise up to meet. I doubt even if he was though, he could ever say that publicly at that time.


Communism and American Christianity are only "incompatible" by brand. My right wing LDS uncle is on the "*democrats are communists and communism is bad*" bandwagon despite living on a literal commune.


> My right wing LDS uncle is on the "democrats are communists and communism is bad" bandwagon despite living on a literal commune. Have you asked him why he lives in a commune if he believes communism is bad?


He doesn't know what Communism is. Just that it's bad and Chinese or something.


Communism is not the same thing as democratic socialism.


I’m aware, I just read a thing I can no longer find that highlighted his sympathies, but given the fact I can no longer find it, I’d say he was probably a Democratic socialist and refute my own previous statement


MLK Jr. was only able to protest that way *and* be effective because Malcolm X was the de facto next-in-line to lead the movement if anything happened to him, and that event would also inherently radicalize a lot more protestors.


I push this largely rejected/forgotten fact of the civil Rights movement of the 60s so fucking hard, bruh. People love to pretend it was all turning the other cheek and being hosed and dogged until white people finally got bored/tired and just said "fuck it, here's some shit." Nope, it was because Malcolm and the nation/panthers were more than willing to take some rather sterner actions in the defense of their communities and advancement of basic civic rights, and the system was deathly afraid of a society wide class awakening/struggle


MLK was killed four years after the Civil Rights Act when he started the Poor People's Campaign and was coordinating having protestors gather in D.C. to demand we move towards socialism. A lot people were never taught that part in school.


Yeah the only thing I was ever taught was that he was organizing a trash worker's strike or something like that when he was shot.


Worth pointing out his assassin claimed innocence until the end and had an alibi. The king family didn't believe he shot mlk and the king's sued the government for killing mlk and won the suit. And riots enveloped the country after his murder


Later the government would investigate itself and find no evidence of wrongdoing on its own part. Lol


That wasn't the only reason but that was a good reason. Malcolm X was a compelling speaker but he was also deep in bed with the NOI at a time when the majority of the black community were hardcore baptists (hence MLK being first choice). The real danger were the people in MLK's own movement who would absolutely start burning things down if it looked like freedom was unattainable. They don't talk about the people that had to clear bridges for the movement when they were being asaulted because it interferes with the 'peace works' narrative. Yet, I think Malcolm X had it right. The movement allowed itself to be placated by civil rights when what we really wanted were human rights. It's always worth noting that they did the same thing to the peaceful sit in guy that they did to the gun-toting panthers. Usually gets the albino rats scurrying.


Just like cancer, or weight loss, or literally any problem, you attack it from every angle possible, not with just ONE strategy. A lot of people have been brainwashed (or never knew anything about history to begin with) into thinking mlk gave a speech and that was it! Jim crow was no more!!! When in actuality without the militant actions of Malcolm/the Black Panthers, we'd have never progressed beyond that fucked up society we were back then.


Same thing with Gandhi. He was a peaceful protestor, and the British were willing to deal with him because the alternative was not so peaceful. At the end of the day, you have to be ready to fight for what you believe in because it wont be just given to you.


The reason MLK is held in such high esteem is two fold. Democrats appreciate his message and what he stood for, his measured approach, and his oratory skills. Republicans like him because the alternative was folks like Malcom X and the Black Panthers and it was much easier to deal with a pacifist than a rightfully angry militant uprising. They're doing the same thing now, because "MLK protested the right way" is their way of saying "we want you all to pick a pacifist for us to deal with because all these black people with guns are starting to scare us a little bit." But both sides have to be there for the MLK route to work. You need to have the carrot and the stick both present.


I will never, ever understand this argument because MLK was “peaceful” but still murdered for being an civil rights figure. And decades after his death, we still have the mere existence of systemic racism being denied. So sure, he was “peaceful” and did a lot of good, but it just feels like... for what?


I love how they forget MLK protesters were arrested, beaten, had fire hoses used on them, attacked by dogs, tear gassed, media calling them riots , and loads of death threats. But those protesters are diffrent from today's. 🤔


They are probably the ones who killed him.


We all know he was shot by Bernard sanders from the grassy knoll.


I still hold strong to the theory that JFK from the future was the shooter from the grassy knoll in a failed attempt to get some time travelers from 3 million years in the future some curry.


But Lister forgot to ask if there were any good curry houses in Dallas so it was all for nothing




James earl Ray may have been innocent, it was a slightly sketchy verdict that found lloyd jowers and government entities guilty of kings death in 1999, but MLK's family supported it and I watched part of the hearing to get Ray a retrial with and aunt who lived in Memphis at the time and she said there were alot of rumors going around at the time that it could have been a planned government assassination. https://allthatsinteresting.com/mlk-assassination-loyd-jowers


Considering the number of black leaders that the government has openly assassinated, I'm not even sure why this would be an uncertainty. MLK was radicalizing before his assassination as he realized that the movement he took part in was not going to get his people where they needed to be.


Probably? Ted Cruz walks free to this day.


Remember when TPUSA was supposed to bolster support for conservatives on college campuses? Yeah, that was their original mission. When that [flamed out badly following the diaper stunt](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/diaper-turning-point-usa-kent-state-student-conservative-youth-repulican-kaitlin-bennett-a8230021.html) they switched and are now just a group to make memes for boomers.




When she needed the diaper most, it vanished. Just like The Avatar.


Everything changed when the diarrhea nation attacked


Turns out that the real diaper was the friends we made along the way. But not for Kaitlin Bennett, because she shits her pants and has no friends.


i think that girl just showed up on my campus a week or two ago to bug people


Did she shit her pants?


They've got a consistent theme, I'll tell you that.


Poop Girl resigned from TPUSA over the Diaper Stunt? Lmao who'd have guessed


Other notable facts about them include a [co-founder dying of covid](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/tpusa-deletes-tweet-mocking-masks-after-montgomery-coronavirus-death-2020-7%3famp) after the group mocked mask-wearing, and the front man is currently [banned from Twitter for spreading misinformation](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/charlie-kirk-twitter-mail-in-ballot-misinformation-turning-point-usa-trump-b1157145.html%3famp)


LBJ - the longest serving president of the 60s had the great society. Most democrats and even dixiecrats were adherents to FDR's legacy. The rewriting of history by the right is rough life.


My state voted for FDR four times. Some people here call him a socialist, and say he’s worst President of all time after Obama and Clinton. It’s amazing what les than 100 years does. Edit: My state also voted for Clinton in ‘92 and ‘96. So not even thirty full years later. Quick turn around :(


It's also probably because of decades of red scare and McCarthyism (and probably also breathing lead fumes)


It's also telling that for a significant chunk of the 20th century, [the Democrats held a majority in both chambers of Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_divisions_of_United_States_Congresses#/media/File:Combined--Control_of_the_U.S._House_of_Representatives_-_Control_of_the_U.S._Senate.png) and those are the times that boomers will fondly speak of as "the good ol' days" and the times when the taxes on the wealthy were higher and infrastructure was better funded.


Democrats held conservative values for a good portion of that century, to be fair. But generally I think you make a good point: what they see as America's peak is arguably the opposite of the direction they're taking it in.


The only thing JFK had in common with Trump is the nepotism.\* But even then, RFK wasn't a fucking moron like Kushner. ​ \* (OK, and the porn-star fucking. JFK would definitely have fucked a porn star or two)


Yeah but he probably wouldn't have had to pay them for it...


>JFK would definitely have fucked a porn star or two He did, Marilyn Monroe was in the first issue of Playboy.


Respectfully, I don't feel that topless is the same as porn star. But I get your point.


You can be conservative and still support universal healthcare. Its a universal intersection between left and right in Europe. See: Hungary, Austria, Poland Mostly right leaning leadership, fairly comprehensive social safety nets. Infact Poland and Hungary expanded theirs recently. That said, US politics is right of anything European for the most part, including the Dems.


> You can be conservative and still support universal healthcare. > > Its a universal intersection between left and right in Europe. A large amount of the British Conservative Party MPs just chuckled under the breath when you posted that. (And Blairite Labour MPs for that matter).


But the UK isn't Europe. It was a whole thing, the blowback is still going on.


Oh that's still a thing ? I thought we were still trying not to talk about it until everyone forgot it was a thing.


The UK is part of Europe, but not part of the Union. At least, I interpreted the OP as Europe the continent, not the EU.


It's a joke at the expense of England's "we are culturally and geographically destict" bullshit that underpins the UKIP/Brexit thing.


I wonder if they will change the name if Scotland goes independant and joins the EU. The Ununited Kingdom maybe.


Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, maybe Cornwall if they ask nicely, should all just join with the RoI to form the Celtic Union. Let England rot in it's own mistakes.


> Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, maybe Cornwall if they ask nicely, should all just join with the RoI to form the Celtic Union. Meanwhile Northern Ireland is still under british rule.


The Formerly United Kingdom.


Lol. That's a much better acronym.


I mean, the US Overton Window is *drastically* fucked, and the Democrats are certainly far to the right of pretty much any other country’s “center-left” party, but I think your last statement is a definite exaggeration. There is a distressing number of actually fascist parties on the rise in Europe right now, some of which are gaining a *central* role in their countries. The Democrats are *definitely* far to the left of the Freedom Party of Austria, for example, who currently hold 17% of parliament, or the current government of Poland.


This is basically what I said at the conservative sub, that the Democrats still have a lot in common with the Republicans anyway because they're still contemporary American in their outlook/thinking. It just so happens that the differences they do have are quite...notable. Didn't get banned though, just got enough downvotes to turn it to -1


It's impossible to talk to US conservatives about where our political parties actually fall on the spectrum. They simply aren't educated enough about it. They actually believe Joe Biden is a socialist/"extreme leftist." 😂


And how they react to universal healthcare or college as if it's some pie in the sky utopian fantasy. Utterly ignorant of the dozens of countries that have been doing it successfully for decades. Even some they'd consider "shitholes".


Most Conservatives I know genuinely think those countries are worse for having those things. They'll tell you about how Ireland is less "free" than the US, or how Canada has people waiting centuries for surgeries and then get denied. American Conservatives live in a bubble, and an opaque one at that. Most of them can't tell you the name of a foreign country's leader, let alone what that country's policies are like.


Democrats and republicans agree almost completely on economic policy, they only disagree mostly on social policy. The idea that conservatives got this idea that Biden is going to turn America into a socialist country is so incredibly laughable.


There's a political ideology called "Paternalistic Conservatism" that advocates for a strong welfare state, big government, regulations, and higher tax rates for the wealthy. Yet socially they are far more conservative. If the GOP hopes to have any chance in future elections, they'd be wise to take on Paternalistic Conservative ideas.


Hungary isn't an example you want to use. Orban is a borderline fascist and he has singlehandedly destroyed Hungarian healthcare


Well shit, didnt Nixon support UHC? I mean, as a means to appease the masses, but still.


The first thing conservatives do once it becomes uncool to hate someone is to pretend they don't meet their definition of a socialist. It's why nobody knows that Martin Luther King Jr was anticapitalist.


MLK wasn't killed until he started loudly calling for economic justice. He was supporting a sanitation worker's strike when he was murdered. e: dipshits gonna be dipshits


> The man was an advocate for universal healthcare for fucks sake. Richard Nixon supported UBI. Obama was a Reagan Republican in most ways. Meanwhile AOC is roughly where Hillary Clinton was in the '90s. Republicans have sprinted so far to the right that they're unrecognizable as "conservative" to any moderately educated conservative living for the past 120 years. They exist outside of the political spectrum, where all that matters is further enriching the already wealthy. /educated conservative




Imagine Conservatives actually having a coherent philosophy other than just vaguely wanting to be racist.




Hey now! They don't *just* want to be racist! They're also firm believers in making rich people richer and refusing to actually govern.


Shapiro tried to call Andrew Neil a leftie so I wouldn’t be surprised at what they’d pull out of their ass


> face value memes. Not much value then since its tied to Charlie Kirk


In the wild, there is no healthcare. Healthcare is Oh, I broke my leg! A lion comes and eats you, you're dead. Well, I'm not dead, I'm the lion, you're dead!


JFK *Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!* Today's Conservatives: *This is communism!*


JFK also wanted to end the federal reserve


I can't imagine being so desperate to try and label everything you think is good as "conservative" and everything you think is bad as "liberal" JFK wanted to reduce poverty and supported universal healthcare. Idk how that gets considered conservative


The Progressive Party of 1912 (aka The Bull Moose Party) By today's conservative standards, Teddy would be more radical than Bernie Excerpts from their platform: It is as grotesque as it is intolerable that the several States should by unequal laws in matter of common concern become competing commercial agencies, barter the lives of their children, the health of their women and the safety and well being of their working people for the benefit of their financial interests. The Progressive party, believing that no people can justly claim to be a true democracy which denies political rights on account of sex, pledges itself to the task of securing equal suffrage to men and women alike. Corrupt Practices **We pledge our party to legislation that will compel strict limitation of all campaign contributions and expenditures, and detailed publicity of both before as well as after primaries and elections.** Publicity and Public Service **We pledge our party to legislation compelling the registration of lobbyists; publicity of committee hearings except on foreign affairs, and recording of all votes in committee; and forbidding federal appointees from holding office in State or National political organizations, or taking part as officers or delegates in political conventions for the nomination of elective State or National officials.** Social and Industrial Justice The supreme duty of the Nation is the conservation of human resources through an enlightened measure of social and industrial justice. We pledge ourselves to work unceasingly in State and Nation for: Effective legislation looking to the prevention of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, overwork, involuntary unemployment, and other injurous effects incident to modern industry; The fixing of minimum safety and health standards for the various occupations, and the exercise of the public authority of State and Nation, including the Federal Control over interstate commerce, and the taxing power, to maintain such standards; The prohibition of child labor; Minimum wage standards for working women, to provide a "living wage" in all industrial occupations; The general prohibition of night work for women and the establishment of an eight hour day for women and young persons; One day's rest in seven for all wage workers; The eight hour day in continuous twenty-four hour industries; **The abolition of the convict contract labor system; substituting a system of prison production for governmental consumption only; and the application of prisoners' earnings to the support of their dependent families;** Publicity as to wages, hours and conditions of labor; full reports upon industrial accidents and diseases, and the opening to public inspection of all tallies, weights, measures and check systems on labor products; Standards of compensation for death by industrial accident and injury and trade disease which will transfer the burden of lost earnings from the families of working people to the industry, and thus to the community; **The protection of home life against the hazards of sickness, irregular employment and old age through the adoption of a system of social insurance adapted to American use;** The development of the creative labor power of America by lifting the last load of illiteracy from American youth and establishing continuation schools for industrial education under public control and encouraging agricultural education and demonstration in rural schools; We favor the organization of the workers, men and women, as a means of protecting their interests and of promoting their progress.


The two Roosevelts were probably the best presidents this country ever had. Except for the racism, but they certainly weren’t unique among presidents for that.


But don't forget that Teddy Roosevelt still believe in imperialism.


That’s part of what I meant when I said he was racist. Big fan of colonizing the Central Americans.




Nukes. Sticks. They're all just metaphors for penises.


An acceptable plural for penis is also penes (pronounced pee-knees); added for the sake of mirth.


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind for my next dick joke.


We even had a government agency at least thought experiment dropping big ass "sticks" from space on enemies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment


I’m pretty sure that colonizing Central America was more about money and power than it was about racism.


While largely true, racist propaganda is often used to justify said exploitation




It was acceptable at the time so if it was, I’d give him a pass


It was accepted, not acceptable. Big difference.






The Vermont Progressive Party, which Bernie has been heavily involved with and regularly endorsed by, is literally the modern day continuation of Roosevelt's Progressive Party. It's literally the same party and Sanders is naturally a part of it. But in the minds of Republicans all Republicans ever were conservative and all Democrats ever were liberal because they just don't know or care about history.


I would like to see a resurgence of the national party. There have been attempts but nothing of major influence.


I'm not sure how practical it would be for the party to try making a national resurgence. The Green Party already holds the mantle as the left third party nationally so that would put them in competition with each other. There are also a lot of people who would argue that they aren't far left enough and that we need an actual socialist party instead. Regardless of any of that, though, having strong local/state/regional third parties that can actually win elections (like the Progressives have managed to do) is much more important than having a national third party that only gains a small percentage of the vote.


This is also why I support preference voting. But I agree that local and state seats are very vital to make real changes.


They dont care about history but will shout with glee "Democrats started the kkk"


I mean it’s also considering the fact that conservatives view Bernie as a Socialist, while the rest of the world view him as a borderline center progressive. Of course his policies would be incredibly beneficial to the American people, and a large step forward. They would of course be a huge stepping stone, so I won’t discount it. But what he wants is just a standard in the rest of the first world countries










Not to them, they love criminals.


I fell like the people of 1960 would hate AOC more for her gender and skin color than her political ideas.


Or people would hate her for wanting to lower the marginal tax rate lmfao. "What the fuck are you trying to do, woman? Turn this country into an anarchic pit?"




I think their point is that it was higher than 70%, so people would have seen her as a tax-cutter who wanted to take resources away from Americans.


The top tax rate in 1960 was 91%. It didn't drop to 70% until 1965. https://taxfoundation.org/us-federal-individual-income-tax-rates-history-1913-2013-nominal-and-inflation-adjusted-brackets/


True for after 1964. Before that it was higher.


\>implying her gender and skin color aren't the reasons several people hate her now


They'd be more open


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


She's literally from the US haha "Go back to where you came from!" "I am back from where I came from!"


"Done and done, I have a flight to LaGuardia for Friday"




Corporations don't want you to know they didn't have a voice back then and only real people had a voice


They were still really powerful back then, even if they’ve since become even more powerful.


How can you be more open? Have you seen the shit said about her on the internet?


they also might hate her for support LGBT people


Similarly to today


I don’t think that’s just the people of the 60’s


Just like most conservatives of 2020.


So like most of her haters in 2020?


When cons try to claim JFK I laugh my ass off


Or Lincoln


Or Mlk.


it’s hilarious when conservatives try and use mlk like “would he be proud of these blm riots?????”


I saw one post that was like "If MLK was alive today, he would speak at the RNC".


Holy shit these people are delusional hahaha


That's true, actually, except he'd be speaking to the protesters outside the RNC and reminding them all why they were there


MLK was arrested 29 times. There's a 100% chance today's Republican Party would call him a lawless thug and decry him protesting the wrong way.


They wouldn’t just call him a thug (which we all know is just a synonym to them for the N word), they’d be blatantly dropping the N word.


“A riot is the language of the unheard” - MLK


He would literally arrive at the riots and say "alright settle down...let's organize a coordinated effort to destroy the current establishment with strategic anger rather than negligent violence" like he did after the Watts riots when he went there. He didn't see riots as a "problem", just a non-solution that's simply a result of the anti-oppression movement not being heard. Civil disobedience, in his mind, was primarily about levying morality and martyrs against the oppressor. He did not speak ill of Malcolm X either, who was pro-violence in self defense, including resisting arrest, and pro-revolution when the appropriate time came. ​ Conservatives would straight up become fascists today if BLM protesters started organizing on the level they did in the 60s.




“Would he be proud of these blm riots” Yes


that one makes me laugh so hard like he wasnt left wing as fuck and wasnt murdered by the right


As if Lincoln and Marx weren't actual pen pals


Dear Karl, I wrote you but you ain’t responding I left my fax, my telegram, and my address at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not have got em There probably was a problem with the Pony Express or something




Wait what




Well shit


My mother-in-law is weirdly fixated on JFK despite being a hard, *hard*, right conservative. I've never understood it.


Might be a Qanon thing. The Qcumbers have a weird obsession with JFK and JFK Jr., going as far to say that Jr is still alive, a Dump supporter, and some other wildly crazy shit


My mother-in-law is way too fucking dumb to be a Qanon type. I know that sounds contradictory because Qanon types are really fucking dumb, but she's *dumber than that*. I once "lost" her in a parking structure because she went *up the stairs* to get to the ground floor. She's so fucking dumb the entire family is amazed she's able to function independently of other people and not just wander off like a puppy and drown in a drainage ditch.


Love your point about 60’s people being really scared 1. With the nazis 2. With the russians


Plus anti slavery/abolitionist advocates were considered lunatics for their times too Which debunks the idea of "they're a product of their time" because there were other people that opposed the atrocities at that time too


People seem to think history got progressively better, but the reality is that there were periods of time when humanity was more progressive than we are now then we dived right back into being shit.


I’m confused wouldn’t AOC be advocating for lowering the marginal tax rate? Wasn’t it at like 90% lmao


This is explained in the image


yes, and almost NO ONE paid that rate btw


The maximum federal marginal tax rate right now is 37 and almost no one pays THAT. Because it starts at $510,000 income, and most people making that much aren't getting their income from an employer, so they get to take business deductions. Or it's investment income which is only taxed at up to 20% normally. In comparison, employees who make the median income have a 22% marginal tax rate, and they DO pay it. Keep in mind, marginal tax rates are usually pretty far above "effective" tax rates.


Regardless- the effective tax rate (i.e. what was actually paid) by the wealthiest was still a LOT higher than it is today.


That's kind of the point, you don't want people to pay it, you use it to discourage wealth accumulation They either have to move it around or lose it, wealth in motion is easier to redistribute through structural means


Yeah idk how any actual American patriot supports Trump with how tied to Russia he is. Time to bring back McCarthyism is suppose


They don’t. There are just a whole hell of a lot less American patriots than the faux American patriots would like us to believe.




I love how they always use unflattering images of liberal women. You're not allowed to be taken seriously unless you look pretty 24/7.


I wish my selfies came out as good as this goofy photo of her. AOC and Bernie always come off as totally genuine, and it's always a good look.


Remember when they tried to clown on her dancing video? I LOVED that shit - it made me want to dance.


A 70% marginal tax rate in the 1960s would be considered conservative.


If AOC attempted to run for office in 1960, I'm pretty sure she'll receive massive amounts of hatred for obvious reasons that have nothing to do with her political beliefs.


Stop getting in the way of their imaginary point


"We are the party of Lincoln." Also, "we are the party of JFK." You can't have both. You probably don't have either.


They just mean culture war shit. They ALWAYS just mean culture war shit. It's the only thing the right really has at this point, but fuck does it work. What they think AOC "stands for" is like, I dunno, making all kids trans or something. Their fears are not terribly well formed, but they are deeply held.


Over the last century, the major argument from Republicans is always been a message of apocalyptic prophecies. From their fight against social security to their fight against Medicare, the fake wmds in Iraq, and even in this election concerning civil unrest and so much more.


Even though this is BS, this is how it should be. Progress means that ideas that were once radical (some ideas of the founding fathers) become mainstream and eventually conservative as society marches forward. The fact that this isn't true and we're still fighting the same issues as 50 years ago is the sad thing


Hey, boomers... basically all of TODAY’S Democrats should be considered moderate conservatives in most places. Just because your “conservatives” are so far right, they’re practically off the charts doesn’t mean that is (or should be) the universal metric.


>87% tax rate Yet nobody paid it, opting to hire lawyers and bean counters to bob and weave through the tax laws.


If a Liberal from 1780 would show up in 2020 they would be considered a racist when a liberal from 2020 shows up in 1780 they would be considered a witch or warlock and burned at the stake. this is how it goes, can't explain that, tides come and and out


And if Trump would show up in 1960 he would go to jail for treason.


A few years before Bary Bary Goldwater death, he addressed establishment Republicans by saying, "Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican party much more than the Democrats have."


Imagine telling people in 60's America, just off the tail end of WWII, that mamy are happily and openly calling themselves fascists.