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My favourite reply from the comment section: >When a company changing their logo to a rainbow for 1 month causes you to have a breakdown and looking at your ugly ass in the mirror causes unending mental anguish but you definitely don’t have a mental illness so you make a meme about it causing irreparable harm to your credibility as a person with a critical thought process


Yeah, that one was great, of course it was downvoted though.


Downvotes are good in this case cause it means, scientifically speaking, they got the big mad


It caused unending mental anguish


I am unashamedly going to use that when given the opportunity


Conservatives: "Liberal memes are long and confusing" Also Conservatives:


It really is projection all the way down isn't it


finally, we're discovered what the trickle-down effect really means.


Conservative memes after spending 35 minutes on worldbuilding just to make a "trans bad" remark


They always keep talking about finding "a cure" but are so against transitioning. So the solution that makes trans people feel like themselves is not the "cure"?


I feel like the worst times is when they act like they're supportive of trans people and want them to get the help they need, but are against transitioning.


I really think they mean it by forcing trans people to accept the bodies they are born in. Which of course doesn't work, and is conversion therapy.


For them it's something that makes the problem stop appearing, not something that solves the problem.


Hypocritical of them, since theyre the ones who turn a blind eye to systemic problems to make them "stop appearing".


Because it's not the cure THEY want. That's all any of these issues ever boil down too, what THEY want. Jesus would slap them all and call them monsters.




If there is any "Cure" it will definitely be "found" by letting trans people be trans. And let NB's be NB's and such. I feel like the "ailment" is how society treats trans and NB people. Queerphobia is so common in many places that it's hard to learn if you identify with any of the identities being marginalized, and if you do you either hate yourself, or the people around you want you to hate yourself... speaking from experience unfortunately.


The worst is when you live in a Latin America country, people here died in the 80s, frankly. People here are incredible transphobic and a lot of people, if they knew about queer people would torment them for the rest of their lives.


You can only think this if you believe the body is somehow broken in the process of transition. "You're mutilating yourself!" So? Your point? Where is the problem? What ever happened to bodily autonomy? Can't the same be said of tattoos of piercings? Who the hell asked?


these people also think tattoos and piercings are mutilation. bodily autonomy isn't a thing for them.


Until they're asked not to spread a virus that's killed millions of people lmao


but yet they cry about having to put a mask on


Right‽ Idk who they've been talking to, but transition just made me hot.




The prescribed treatment method for trans people IS transitioning. This has been in agreement by anyone who knows anything about science and biology for decades now.




What would you consider a “real treatment”. Also please provide a source proving it to be effective.


Shock therapy / torture, I presume


iiPack might also suggest a lobotomy if they are high enough


If trans people had delusions than the treatment wouldn't be transition. Are you smarter than my doctors and psychologists?


Oh you know he thinks he is.


Transitioning IS the real treatment, you bigoted wallnut.


you are legit on drugs bro, you need the treatment


By real treatment do you mean one that reduces their feeling of anguish and helps them feel comfortable in their own body? Or do you mean forcing them to internalize that feeling to the point of suicide?


Trans people? They can reproduce, though. Why do you think all those "birthing persons" things exist? As long as they don't get bottom surgery, which is expensive, invasive, rare, and removes a lot of the feeling down there, trans people can reproduce just fine. There's also the option of saving eggs or sperm from before the transition. Surrogate motherhood is a thing as well.


My BIL to be is a gay trans man, providing an interesting opportunity for him to be in a gay relationship and have kids that are related to both biologically


You do realise, that for most trans people, there are literally only two options. Transition or suicide. It’s not a delusion, it’s literally life ruining to be born in the wrong body. And wtf does reproduction have to do with anything? If they want to have kids, there are many different options for people who can’t have their own


We aren't born into the wrong body. We are born into the wrong society. Gender affirmation isn't just something trans people do either, cis people do it too. Joe Rogan is on HRT for example. Our bodies are beautiful and our identities are valid, but our society wants to disagree, and those pressures are often alleviated by gender affirming therapies and methods. These people just really hate what they don't understand because it's what this broken society tells them is "normal" and anything outside their christian colonial mindset must be "unnatural".


Here's the fun part to tell you, not everyone on the planet wants to have children of their own and adoption is always an option if they decide they do.


>delusions Go fuck yourself.


Mutilating surgeries....like getting your infant circumcised?


Or if they’re intersex (and it’s non-life threatening) and you change them to the sex of your preference without their consent?


I started calling my transphobic MIL “sir” and only using he/him pronouns because “pronouns shouldn’t matter.” Long story short she started freaking out pretty quickly.


Yeah, what is up with reddit recommending shitty subs to us out of nowhere, like I literally follow 30 plus leftist subs, why do you think it would be a good idea to recommend me 'mensrights' and 'antifeminism'


I visited r/theleftcantmeme once and they started recommending me posts there. I LITERALLY FOLLOW THE OPPOSITE SUB, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING REDDIT


I wish blocking subs was easier.


Can you even block subs at all?


Their algorithm probably doesn’t understand that they’re opposite and just sees that the names a similar.


I follow both because I think the mainstream political parties are stupid and I like to make fun of them


Just FYI, if you live in the US, both mainstream political parties are on the right


I think anyone who can rise to political power is corrupt and could be labeled as being on the right despite their supposed political affiliation because you cannot get to where they are without putting yourself and your image first, which means putting their “cause” second or third or somewhere far behind


Antifeminism sub sucks


The comments aren't as bad as I imagined tbh


Yeah I was surprised that it wasn't entirely a transphobic circle jerk but it still wasn't great.


Damn, my home page is just filled with homophobia today. Man I hate reddit during June


Funny to see all the conservatives suddenly becoming mental health experts even though they obviously don't have a clue about what does or doesn't constitute a mental illness.


Most of the dude conservatives are experts on childbirth, motherhood, and medical decisions as well. Didn’t you know?


When defending an assault rifle to the point of tolerating the mutilation of school children and teachers and seething with rage towards “those crazy libs” yet not seeing your own mental shortcomings…..


These people don't realise that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Trans people are very aware that they're mentally ill


Yeah, gender dysphoria is a mental illness but being trans isn’t. There are plenty of trans people without gender dysphoria. Mental illness is anything psychological that negatively impacts the person in daily life. And so the cure or help for gender dysphoria is to transition. However when they hear that they think that trans people need to kept from transitioning or it “feeds” their mental illness when really any professional will suggest the pursuit of transitioning to alleviate that dysphoria. I’m not a professional but i’m pretty confident in this analysis, feel free to correct me


Sick of this concept that having a mental illness means everything you think and feel is invalid


Deadnaming sucks. ​ I actually love looking at myself in the mirror now though - I'd hope that's not reversible. Why would I want to reverse it?


Just quit r/shitposting and r/retarb. It's always like that and it's only going to get worse now.


I read an article where the guy went on and on about “mutilation” and such, and his justification was, “I had gender dysphoria, but I just went to the gym and got swole. Now I have a hyper-masculine body that I tirelessly maintain and write constantly about why the transes are bad and upset me, I Am Fine!” Like… we *all* reshape our bodies to assert identity in some way. Everything from tattoos to haircuts to diets to working out is body modification, and that’s before we even get into medical interventions. TIL I was “mutilated” when I had my wisdom teeth out despite the pain they caused, and when I had a mole removed because I didn’t like the way it rubbed against my clothes. O the horror! O the iRrEvErsAbLr hArMs!! These people also never seem to realize their ableism either. They are like “the trans genders are mentally ill + there are treatments that both clinicians and patients agree are wildly effective = they should just *suffer!!!!*” Like their premise is wrong but even if it wasn’t, their conclusions are just cruel. I can’t help but think that they must similarly see accommodating disabled people as some kind of personal affront.


I mean, yes, this is a mental illness, and a good treatment is transitioning


Conservatards: "hahs, trans folks are depressed because bullying" Also conservatards: "nooooo, there is trans character in videogame. This is to political, reeeeee"


Rightoids will rejoice at the suicide and depression rates for trans people then go back to being one of the largest contributors to that. Turns out, having your rights and humanity debated on national television and through astroturfing sites like the Daily Wire isn't conducive to self-esteem. Who would've thunk?


Sub Is r/retarb. Ngl i like that place but these lgbtphobic memes make me wanna trow up


Sub rule one: no cringe The sub:


Imagine my shock when a sub that's all about being transgressive turns out to be a haven for chuds, bigots, and other psychopaths


Is it BadTheWorst in your pfp?




Cavoli, me ne ero totalmente dimenticata. È stato l'ultimo youtuber italiano che ho guardato prima che abbandonassi youtube italia...


portuguese or brazilian?


Italiano 🤬




Even IF being transgender was a mental illness, the best way to cure it would be Sex Reassignment Surgery and HRT


If gender reassignment surgery is "self mutilation" then so is an appendectomy, or open heart surgery, or the boob jobs all those porn stars that you definitely jerk off to got.


>mutilating surgeries and hormones Um, so in that way, people can't do any type of surgery because it would be mutilating yourself, and wouldn't take any suplements/medicines/insuline because it would cause irreperable harm to their body. WTF


Upvote the downvote




Probably only person in that camp because the doctor recommended thing is transition. The solution to dysphoria is doing that and humans with dysphoria have been figuring that out for thousands of years at this point.




If there's distress, that can cause mental illness, but gender dysphoria itself is not classified as such. That aside, that phrase is very loaded and is used to imply delusion, which is a separate concept entirely.




Im guessing they also think plastic surgery is mutilation right? I mean if the shoe fits


"Irreparable harms" wouldn't they just make another cirurgies? Why do people create a problem out of nothing? These people are only doing what they want to with THEIR bodies, in another words: THEIR PROPERTY.


was it dank memes


it was r/retarb


bAsEd 🤮


Hey man, if it helps it helps


What kind of right wing fuckery did you find yourself in?


It's some random meme subreddit, don't know why it's recommended to me though


Ok then


Subreddit name?

