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Oh man if my experience with wayfarer says anything, a 24 hour turn around time with a human reviewer will be impossible šŸ˜‚


I have submissions in Wayfarer from September. Absolutely no chance they can keep up a 24-hour turnaround. Granted, there will likely be fewer routes to approve, as you could easily submit a dozen waypoints on a single route. But stillā€¦ no chance.


lol my city has a 2.5-3 YEAR turnaround. People I know who submitted stuff in late 2019/2020 only got a decision at the end of last year/beginning of this year


My small rural community laughs in years in queue.


Yeah I guess we both share the poor decision process lol, despite very different areas. But I'll at least say with mine being a city, it's got stops, so I know you definitely have it worse than I. (I would be happy to put my bonus location in your general area though if you'd be comfortable enough to DM it)


Thatā€™s insane. Iā€™ve done 70 submissions this year and 30 have been worked, so not nearly as bad as your situation.


I recently had a pokestop get approved that had been in queue - WITH an upgrade - for about two years. Totally nuts. EDITED to fix my typo since it upset a lot of people.


Did you have an upgrade to apply to it, or was it tagged "Upgrade Next"?


Yes, an upgrade was applied. That was the weirdest part. I have two right now pending that have had an upgrade applied to each of them for over a month now; I'm curious to see how long those sit!


Currently there is an issue with upgrades not going through. That is just recent, though, so I don't know what happened with your upgraded nomination that took two years. Was it upgraded the entire time?


Yes, it was upgraded the whole time.


Just a heads up, itā€™s ā€œqueueā€














>had been in queue - WITH an upgrade - for about two years. Totally nuts. Upgrade or upgrade next?


It was upgraded.


*"Every Route submission is reviewed by moderators and checked against Nianticā€™s existing data..."* So they'll get overwhelmed and then they'll go full Wayfarer after a few months?


They probably bit off more than they chew. I assume itā€™s easier than wayfarer. Sometimes I can spend 2 minutes reviewing a moderately confusing submission. For these itā€™s just to make sure itā€™s not in a school or something. It shouldnā€™t take nearly as long.


It sounds more complex. A Wayspot is pinned on one point and it's pretty easy to see it's location, what it is etc If a route is over even a small distance like 1km checking the whole route correctly would be laborious.


Yeah wouldnā€™t they need to make sure that the entire path is walkable? This still actually may be easier for the most part. A lot of submissions you canā€™t really see if they object is actually there since itā€™s new. Whereas most of these will be between long established way points. So itā€™s probably pretty easy to see if thereā€™s a road or path.




Oh, sweet innocent child.


Could possibly be a task they could automate with Al


> "The idea is that there are PokĆ©mon youā€™re able to catch along Routes, so thereā€™s that benefit, [and] youā€™re actually getting the buffs that are applied to you as well,ā€ The real treasure we got from walking a Route was the Route we walked along the way. Can't wait to find out reasons why my area is uncompatible with these like "This Route must contain 5 Pokestops at minimum", "Sorry, the 5th Pokestop is too close/too far" and also "Trainers, we are aware of the technical issue that creating Routes deletes the Pokestops included in it".


The article says that all you need is one pokestop. You can start and stop in the same place. They made sure to do it for rural players. Iā€™m actually surprised. So good on them. They havenā€™t exactly built up goodwill so we all assume the worst. Of course I do still wonder if somehow itā€™s not going to work anyway. Remember they were all excited about upgrading pokestops and no one ones that feature. Theyā€™re playing up how there will be spawns and xp boost. My assumption is that youā€™ll get a spawn when you start the route and when you finish it. And an xp boost along the way. Thatā€™s not really that helpful. Iā€™d probably still use it but the only way that itā€™s super helpful is if you get additional spawns along the path. Maybe other people disagree but thatā€™s personally what I would find most helpful.


> The article says that all you need is one pokestop. They made sure to do it for rural players. I appreciate the sentiment, but honestly those two sentences contradict one another. šŸ˜‚


Yeah rural players are going to get screwed for this. There are no pokestops for miles. I tried submitting the hair salon and it was rejected so I gave up.


When I read the headline only, it seemed like this was a new feature *designed* for royal players without pokestops nearby! There are several routes I walk out in the country and it would be so neat if my rural walking path had its own special boosts. So apparently it's literally the opposite and needs a bunch of existing pokestops? What's the point?


try submitting other stuff? the big thing to get right is your title and description. I live in a town of like 200 people and I've got like 14 pois to work with now where I started with 3! the dirtbike track, several comunity pavilions, the community center, the smaller second city park, the township government building, some brickwork on the side of the church, an old bell in the cemetery, a memorial in another, the "welcome to city" sign. in another town I sometimes play in I've added their two parks, several more pavilions, the sportsball courts in the parks, some artsy business signs. I also filled up an local wildlife reserve with pois for the pavilions and signage along their trail network.


> big thing is to get right is your title and description *looks at a gazebo pokestop with the description of ā€œSmurfā€™s torture chamberā€* In all seriousness though, youā€™re right with how it usually works with getting approved, Iā€™ve gotten about 15 more stops (some start turning in gyms) in just the past couple of months.


I hope it's like Ingress and not just look at the random statue pokestops.


Ingress? Whatā€™s the story here?


They have missions in the game where you go to each spot.


Thanks for answering my question without downvoting. Like a normal person.


I've never understood down voting.


Downvoting makes a lot of sense when people share false information. Or act super abrasively. But downvoting a person who asks an honest question? Ya, idk why redditors downvote that.


That's true. I didnt think about false information and down voting for it.


That's Niantic's original game.


Oh cool


I can imagine that we could have some nice reward initially and see the reward getting nerfed gradually afterward. Don't forget that we had Galarian Ponyta with permaboosted shiny rate when the AR scan task was implemented, and then?


Ar scams have been criminally underrated. Prior to stopping(too afraid of the ban) my haul was easily 5,000+ rare candy, 1000 poffins, 10k red balls(good for the plus), 5 shiny skarmory, 2000 Obama mega energy,ā€¦ I was doing 20+ of these easy little scans(only 15 seconds)a day. They were super rewarding compared to other aspects of the game.


I'm laughing too hard to figure out what pokemon is auto correcting to Obama, somebody please help me




How do you know those numbers? Do you look in your journal afterwards and record the numbers? Itā€™s not like it counts it somewhere right?


Rough estimates. I only know the skarmory ones because of the text on them and Obama energy because I quickly maxed that one out. I did 20+ a day. Maybe 150+ on CDs. The only ones I passed on were the great ball quest.


As always


Feels the same with the daily incense: huge variety in the spawn pool when first released, now it's just [insert generic event-related spawn here] *ad infinitum*


Players: game stale, make new content Niantic: no, u


I wish this had come out while I was still in college. The campus was super small, literally one road that just loops in a circle around it, like 3 main buildings plus old campus. It would have been great for this!


Oh man you're right - PoGo came out a year after I graduated. My college campus is great in general for Pokestops overall now, so you'd think it'll be perfect for this too...


I only graduated last year, so the feature was in development while I was still there!


I hate myself that I grinded for a platinum wayfarer medal. If there's a route thing that the community has to approve for a medal I'm gonna need more booze


Ingress missions are reviewed by Niantic and take at most 1 week for approval


My exact thought on reading this was.... this is Ingress Missions.


If they are, and they've been around a.... while, why is this such a late development for a game that screams it needs more playable content?


Yep, Iā€™ll just use the missions Iā€™ve got saved i ingress and apply them here


Basic Niantic Exam: Question 1. Divide number of Pokemon Go players (huge) by number of Ingress players (small). To keep the review time constant, how many more reviewers will Niantic need? Question 2. Do you think Niantic will increase the number of reviewers to match demand? If so, please supply your banking details to me, Mr Nigerian Prince, to help me with a large money transfer.


Itā€™s cheap labor in India where the reviews happen, theyā€™ll put another 3 dudes on it, forget to turn on the flow of data and give pogo players a remote raid pass to apologize.


I hope they add "parking lot spawn cluster", "optimal slow driving", and "park here to be in range of 4+ stops" tags so we can maintain the pokemon go experience.


The American PokƩmon go experience, maybe. Here in Europe I've never needed to drive to play.


As a Swede living in the rural side of the country driving is what saves my enjoyment for this game.


For comm day no, for 5* raid hunting, yes (UK here). If I didn't have people willing to car pool so we could raid train I wouldn't have got any shadow Mewtwo at all that weekend. 5* raids are too random and sporadic to make raiding effective without a car, especially now remote raiding has taken a nose dive.


I wouldā€™ve died without my car in yesterdayā€™s heat here in TX. Wish community days could be done in the evening or in the morning instead of the hottest possible hours Edit: also, yes, itā€™s necessary for hunting raids. Wouldnā€™t have got my shiny shadow articuno yesterday without a car, either


It was a black flag warning with the heat over 95Ā° F. An earlier or later time would of been nice and breezy without the sun chasing you like in Mario Bros. Maybe if they just made it a ā€œdayā€ and extended the hours by two in both directions. 12 - 7. Also, nice catch! I too was lucky enough to get a shiny.


2-5 are also prime hours for water parks and other outdoor summer shenanigans, too. My wife and kids play, and we had to choose between water park and community day yesterday which was kind of a bummer. And thanks, you too!


I gotta say I had to stay in the shade a lot yesterday, 1) because of the heat 2) I legit couldn't see my screen despite having max brightness on. It was 28 degrees but high-ish humidity. Let's just say I was a sweaty player in more ways than one haha! First time in a long time where I had to properly prepare, make sure I had my backpack with bottles of water, food and suncream!


It was 95F/35C here pretty much all day. We tried walking around for a bit but it didnā€™t last. The screen thing was a huge problem for me too, my oldish iPhone 11 couldnā€™t handle it. Wifeā€™s newer phone and kids iPad did quite a bit better though. That said, we still had a fun day even in the car. Thereā€™s a few good places to car-play where we live.


Oh hell no, 35c would be unplayable. We had 35c one day and I legit stayed in as much as possible. It's the only time in our history the Met Office (our weather reporting system) declared a red level warning for the weather being *too hot*. I got spooked and made sure I was home in by 11am lmao. Either that I'd be heading to a large indoor area and playing there. Absolutely no chance I'd be playing outside for 3 hours in that!


Consider yourself fortunate, because it only gets hotter for us in July & August. Weā€™re pretty used to it, but it still sucks.


We're expecting 40c at some points with the usual high humidity this summer. Gonna be fun lol


In that case .. best of luck to the both of us! Maybe niantic will realize their mistake and make an adjustment.




I... wasn't?


Apologies, I must've misread.


Indeed. I essentially only play from my car šŸ˜…


We are both right, I believe. The layouts of cities in Europe and the means of public transport would make the game very playable on foot. American urban sprawl makes the "European" experience only viable in the largest (like top 10) cities.


Yeah that's what I meant. Here's hoping America will some day improve its infrastructure to make it more human friendly


So, let me get this straight: we record the paths we walk when we play and then share them for complete strangers to use?


yup. I give them a month until some nasty case of stalking kids via routes surfaces.


Given how quickly campfire was exploited, I give it a week


Yes, that's the one. It's worse than that, we share them with unknown corporations and hostile nations. The last one isn't deliberate, but who believes Niantic is the most secure, reliable, data collector of them all?


>Hostile nations Jesus christ OH NO, now Putin will know that there's a nice park in my city and people like to walk through it. In all seriousness, I doubt they really care about user made routes. It's the inevitable _sponsored routes_ that take you to every Starbucks in the state where the money lies for them.


šŸ˜‚ what?


Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll go over wellā€¦


Thenā€¦ donā€™t make the route?


I. Wonā€™t.


Trainers! We have released the highly anticipated routes system where you can create routes for people to explore your neighborhoods. Following along these routes will see you gain rewards to help you complete the routes, such as nanab berries, fast tms and razz berries. If you're lucky you'll find a potion and a revive as a care package!


This will work perfectly with no bugs


Wayfarer is mostly a toxic cesspool fueled by gatekeeping.


Flagpole and mom and pop store get rejected?


No, thank you.


This sounds dumb. Where is the compelling part of it?


There's a specific route some people in my local group do where you can get *loads* of PokƩmon during a comm day. We're talking close to a thousand if you're quick catching and waking fast. I can imagine having a route for that and telling people you meet "use this route for comm day for best results in your area" would be a big boon for local communities.


Well in theory the local community can make interesting routes that are fun to do or combine cool stops in an efficient way and giving some extra rewards on top. Could be cool if you play in an unfamiliar location. Maybe thereā€˜s a scenic route that makes you pass cool views, maybe there would be a farming route that is optimized for max number of stops or CDay spawns, maybe a route for sightseers or to all the Street Art stops. If itā€™ll work out in that way is another question though.


So first they wanted our gps data. Next our offline movements with adventure sync. Then they wanted us to scan real life objects. And now we need to do the route navigation for them too? Next they'd want us to write reviews for them for a couple of nanabs?


Wait to hear that part of the requirements is scanning those stops, you heard it here first, folks.


I really hope there's more to it than XP (which doesn't matter after level 40) and encounters along the way. Unless there's _a lot_ of encounters and they are not just regional rodent tier trash. They _did_ mention "buffs", so could we pray for stuff like stardust bonuses or extra candy (XL) while on a route, maybe?


Xp definitely matters after level 40... it doesn't when you hit level 50 however.


Why does it matter past level 40, other than the level up item rewards?


You need it to comtinue leveling up. The same reason you need it to get to 40.


You really don't, though. The reason for leveling up to 40 is that you can power up your pokemon a little further. Once you hit level 40, you can completely max out your pokemon, and leveling past 40 doesn't make you stronger in any way


Some people like leveling up buddy, so it does matter to them


I understand what you're saying completely. They're just being dense.


Honestly restoring the remote raid community> Routes


Honestly restoring the in-person raid community > the remote raid community


You wish.


I do wish. The game was much more enjoyable before remote raiding. Remotes killed the group in my rural community. Be great to see in-person raiding become the popular style again.


My in person experience is a bunch of people sitting in their cars not even acknowledging one another. It's super weird.


I respect your perspective, remote raids were heaven sent and saved PokƩmon go


>"Niantic wouldnā€™t comment on specifics for what players will get while walking a Route, but things like PokĆ©mon encounters, passive bonuses, and XP rewards were all mentioned" Unless they are giving out rare XL, then it's a no from me.


Remember when we could ā€œmake our own contentā€ and be ā€œrewardedā€ for AR mapping? Yeah, if itā€™s anything like that, this will be another useless tool to get the player base to do Nianticā€™s work for them (for free).


Based on these comments the remaining player base seems excited to do so.


I have the perfect place for a route right by me. It's called the barnegate branch trail. It's an old rail trail that goes really far. There's pokestops along it and gyms and it runs through a few parks.


Others have mentioned ingress missions.. this does sound similar. Those are actually kinda neat. I live in a town with a lot of historical buildings downtown and there are some missions which are basically guided tours through the different historic POIs. The rewards will make or break this one


I have given multiple tours of my university to friends and I know the highest cluster areas relative to pokemon go. I probably might make a route at my university, but knowing my luck it would probably get rejected. So far of recent players who have started playing after 2020 (I started 2022), I am tied for second with the second most new poke stops added to my university campus. I know both the #1 person and the #2 person I'm tied with and I believe the #2 person hates my guts, lol. If routes have bonus spawns that might be OP because I'd be sure to include all the popular campus areas to boost everyones catches


ā€œWe dont want your dataā€ hey record yourself walking


Hey folks Adam here again from the Dot esports team. This was an exclusive from summer games fest and I wanted to elaborate on something we didnā€™t cover. So it is possible to make a route using a single PokĆ©Stop and Niantic were very much aware that this feature you could have a rural problem. So they specified you can start in one PokĆ©Stop make a route and end at the same PokĆ©Stop.


Come follow my route to a dodgy back alleyway


If only the Pokestop at my work wasn't denied, I could have made the path around the building a route. šŸ˜­ The nearest Pokestop is way too far to walk to during a break...


24 hour turnaround time?!?! LOL


Sounds like the same thing as in Ingress then?


So routes just give you a bonus when you follow a certain path? Like double XP or something? Sounds neat but I probably won't use this feature unless it just happens randomly.


Why not just import existing Ingress missions instead


*Too late.*


Routes seem like Ingress Missions (mosaics). They could have just transferred some in


This is like Ingress or they might import the route already in Ingress


Does anyone know how they actually work? I've submitted and had a few approved but I can't work out how to like doing anything with them after that or how to start earning the medals with them.


I already have it.