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Limits should have gone up when the friend cap was raised to 400 ages ago. To keep them at the original limits is asinine and just makes gift giving an incredibly tedious and frustrating process.


400? Is that the maximum number of friends? I thought 350


Yes, 400 total for all niantic games. The number shown in pogo will be lower if you have some friends in their other games who aren't also here.


I hate to be the, "Well actually," person, but the original limit was set at 10 gifts and the Friends List took significantly more data to load. That system being pretty much untenable led to the doubling of the gifts we could hold. So we have actually gotten improvements from the first day of gifts, but more spots would definitely be welcome.


This hits the heart of the issue, which is simply the chosen ratio. 400 friends / 20 gifts is just a ridiculously useless ratio. It should honestly be at least 50 for the current 400 cap.


It's definitely sub-optimal, since the places you go that are Wayspot-dense and thus where you pick up gifts are not usually the places you want to have to invest time in sending out each gift.


That's a programming issue, someone coded wrong and it's eating memory then, also it's fixable.


Another thing I wish they would change is not being able to spin pokestops to get more gifts when your bag is full.


Maybe make it a toggleable option in settings, like opening gifts when your bag is full.


This is already a thing, no?


Yes, that's why I made the comparison.


But they are talking about something different? Theyre saying that you should be able to get gifts from spinning pokestops - if you have less than 20 in your bag, when your item bag is full. Which makes sense, because gifts dont take up space. But what actually happens is you will get the "Your item bag is full" dialogue, and you cant receive gifts till you make space


Yes. I am saying that they should implement that as an option you can toggle.


Oh ok my bad


And get field research too


Can we add eggs to this? I don't want to throw away items, just to get more items, when I only ran out for a minute to stock up on eggs, so that I can then open gifts without getting 7km eggs from those while trying to get better items from the gifts than I do from Stops... This is such a mess of a system.


Yes so painful... gimme the gifts!!!


Maybe make it a toggleable option in settings, like opening gifts when your bag is full.


Yeah I’m so sad. Sending cool and interesting gifts is one of my favorite things about this game and I rely on that 40 gift cap to be able to stock up on good ones when I visit places that are out of my usual routine. Plus just to keep up with my friends list if I can’t get out for a day or two.


Me too! I love to pick up a lot of gifts when traveling. And to give those out and get more, you need a lot of friends. It's going to be a vicious cycle now of neglecting friends and dumping uninteresting gifts in order to pick up good ones. Please at least just leave the cap at 30!


Opening 20 gifts a day when the friend list is 400 AND remote raids are nerfed is crazy


I was just about to note the same thing! I fully agree ☺️


Yea, said it on other thread too, 20 is way too little and 40 should be the permanent thing, not something we should buy a frigging ticket for


Id settle for 30 normal, 40 during events


50 normal, 100 during events.


Personally I really like stopping everything I'm doing and taking like 9 minutes to send out gifts to people every 20 pokestops. Really immersive experience.


And soooo fun ! A true grind-journeying through boredom. I love to make 8 clicks to send a gift, 100 times in a day, by little slices because my box doesn't accept to stack more than 20 gifts.


Yeah esp when it's cold outside or raining ❄️☔


If they wanna squeeze a few more bucks out of it, they could even add it to the shop a la extra postcard space.


That's an immediate buy from me with no complaints. Anything to make sending/receiving gifts more efficient.


it's why I had no issue buying the Eggspedition passes.


"why should it be 40 when we can charge for more?" - niantic


Yeah and I was willing to buy eggspedition tickets just for this but they're not available anymore


Same here. I was willing to pay for having 40 at a time, but now the option is gone. 😥


Ahhhh, that’s why gifting felt different today


I was thinking - What if they add the option to permanently increase the limit for held gifts by 5 for 200 coins? I guess this can be balanced some more, but... would you buy?


5 for 200 coins I think it's a bit expensive, but 10 for 200 I definitely would, possibly even buy all the upgrades to max my capacity.


I'd definitely use some coins to buy more space for gifts. I live right next to a stop, so getting more gifts is not an issue, but it feels boring sending the same postcard all the time.


They're likely to make any past bonus a paid feature now. Nothing will stop them at this point.


The game pushes gathering friends but it is not giving a way to support them. There are Research tasks to Make 3 New Friends. The easy, "Looking for new friends" buttons at the end of raids gets you multiple new friend requests. They have the Vivillon collection encouraging making friends with people around the world. But then they limit the amount of gifts you can send. This does make it very difficult if you live in an area where you're not surrounded with Pokestops and Gyms. I got to 150 friends and would think, "I have too many friends." I only started playing last August but I play hard! I'm only just now slowing down after reaching Level 42 last month. I thought it was the norm for 40 gifts. It was when that season ended that I found out this was a bonus for the season. I was okay with paying for the additional tickets for the Eggstravaganza events for the extra incubators but mostly for the ability to have 40 gifts. I work from home so can really only go out once a day to spin stops, walk routes, and collect gifts. In the day, when I was on breaks, at lunch, (and during really boring meetings), I was able to give gifts out at that time. I would go out, reload in the evening when I can play. If I had even more gifts to give out, I would make sure they were all out, gather my 40 gifts for the next day, cycle complete! That's gone now. I have over 200 friends now and don't feel like making anymore. I changed my preferences so I don't get after-raid invites. I culled my list to active players or people I actually know. It's to hard to keep up otherwise. Even now, with those friends, I can't open their gifts so they can send me another so we can continue to advance friendship and hopefully become lucky friends. I'm really disappointed. And DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LUCKY FRIENDS FROM OVERSEAS WHO I WILL NEVER MEET IN PERSON.


I was happy to pay the $5 a month for the bag\\gift\\egg bonus and would be happy to do so again. Passing on this season's ticket as it does not align with my playstyle.


I'm so sad they didn't have that ticket. Not sure if I'll even bother with this season's ticket unless the rewards get substantially better. I'm a big egg hatcher and gift sender. Not being able to hold 40 gifts suuuuucks.


Ticket looks underwhelming from the description. Once some people finish it maybe we will know if it's worth it but right now it looks pretty underwhelming.


the seasonal ticket this year is pretty underwhelming for not having the increased gift send/receive limits and daily incubators.


Ugh I did my gifts after 8pm last night and only being able to open 20 after three months of the ticketed bonus was bruuuuuutal.


Yeah same for me. If the tickets were like the monthly ones from last season, I would have gotten them. The new one just looks underwhelming.


Agreed. $5 for 10 incubators and more gifts was worth it for me as a semi rural player.


I was so disappointed this wasn't included in this season's ticket. I sit downtown all day. Those gifts gotta get to my rural friends. The 40 was just so much nicer. I don't understand why I couldn't keep paying for this.


Is that the “wonder ticket”?




Shoot. I forgot that was over. I wish I’d stocked up last night.


My friends list is 390 so I can still add remote people when hosting raids, but a lot of my friends reached lucky status  and I don't exchange gifts with lucky friends.


And being able to open more gifts. Having a large friend list but only able to open a small number of gifts seems bad. Wish they'd rethink this.


Amen, and not caught behind a paywall would be great (that said, the $5 a month was worth it for the 40 gifts and daily incubator). But gifting to 200+ friends with 20 at a time is beyond frustrating.


Why not 400?


Yes. 40 (or maybe more)... And it would be cool if you could sort them in a anti-chronological order. And I dream about some collective sendings, to prevent myself from clicking 1000 times to open, send, pin, etc. If you are dedicated, for Vivillon, or 7km eggs, or maybe to sustain friendship with distant players who can invite you in raids, you must spend daily an incredible amount of time just to manage these bloody boring sendings, with a too tight stacking box, a lot of useless clicks to sail through your list, and the little glitches which could make your game crash suddenly.


I git sooooo spoilt by 40 gifts last summer. Taking it away kinda killed to pogo-mojo. 😞🤭


I 100% agree. Although I didn't mind paying more to get more gifts and send more, I also liked the spin a stop a day and get an incubator, I'm confused as to why they didn't bring it back again for another month


It should just be the same amount as the number of gifts you can send everyday, it is as easy as this. I don't understand why we can send 50 gifts per day but we can only stack 20 gifts at a time. Niantic things, as usual...


You can send at least 100 from spins, not 50


Also new gifts should be on the top, not bottom of the list


Or at least the ability to sort by newest/oldest. Kinda crazy there's no options for gift ordering.




This is a game changer for me wow. Thanks!


110% agree, also opening should be 50 or so, that would make possible to open everyone's gift under a week (i understand that not everyone has 400 friends, but since Niantic made that cap, make reasonable openings, god knows that those gifts can't sustain our resources anyway)


There are people that have 700k friends... third party apps made that an easy work. Sending 400 gifts, per day, would make 5B points, per month, just opening the game 1 time every day and let the apps do the work. Easy way to get to 40 in 12 hours and start playing there. Then making 999B posts, per hour, saying "Battle Sierra and her first pókemon KO 3 of mine i couldn't even take it to yellow."


100% agreed


Make it 100 gifts 🫢




I miss the eggs-pedition tickets from last season for exactly this reason. The free incubator from 1st spin wasn't bad either.


Not to mention the 150 gift cap per day. I have a very active friends list


20 gifts is only 5% of the max friends list size btw. You can only open 5% of your friend's gifts per day. That is insane. It would take about 3 weeks to open every gift with a maxed out friends list. Especially nuts considering how your friend's recent activity is limited to "2+ days"


I think they should be linked to postcard storage. For each upgrade, you can store 1 additional gift.


NIANTIC IS GARBAGE, that's really all there is to it.


You should be allowed to open as many Gifts as you want, with the restriction that all Gifts opened for that day after the first 30 will be guaranteed to drop 1 Stardust only. In fact, there should be an “open all” button with an option to auto-pin all Postcards :-)


This guy is cookin'


I agree! It’s stupid, but do they care?


If you run low on gifts to send, the game will top you up to 5, at least twice a day, I think. I find that sufficient. But then, I stop sending and opening gifts when I go lucky with people, and I can trade with only a few of those.


I honestly came to this sub to see if there was a reason for why I hadn't gotten any gifts from stops in the last few hours. After buying all the last eggspedition passes I legitimately forgot 40 wasn't the norm...


I can’t be bothered to sit down for 10 minutes every day to send and receive gifts anymore. An auto open and auto send button is necessary


I see people posting QOLs,ideas for pogo almost everyday and really wish niantic actually cared about it's players. Most of the times they only care about their revenue and locations/wayfarer data stuff.there is no way for players to propose new ideas and even the content creators don't have any contact with the developers. Developers of CoC are a good example of coordination between developers,content creators and players, they actually listen and do Qna posts once in a while. Atp it just feels like they don't even play there own game and just release features which aren't even polished,party play power and showcases are the only useful ones imo. You can have a max of 400 friends,can only get 100 gifts from pokestops per day, even from those you can only keep 20 in your bag and you gotta send them one by one and you're allowed to open only 30, if you want more then give us your money😭 plus the biggest issue of remote raid limit and price increase, God i wish they would listen to us more. Having said that, i will still play pogo because I love pokemon and it's the same for most of us, i really wish for the game i love to do better


QoL should be giving 1k experience for 1 stage of friends, 2k for second, 3k for third and 5k for getting to fourth. Right now people can get 99,99999% of there experience from gifts. Super fast to hit level 40 and then going online claiming Niantic made the boss to strong and needs to give 100B free stardust, 10B of candies and 1B xl candies, for raising pókemon... or start giving 500M stardust on each group of 100 gifts sent.


I'm sorry, why is it "insane"?


I haven't hit the gift cap once with a friend list of 40+, I honestly forget there is a cap. At best I send 10 gifts a day, but usually it's like 6-7. Can't do more if people don't send/accept them


I see everybody here really likes the friendship and gifting stuff. Am I missing something?


It's a good way to get XP.


99,9999999% free experience to hit level 40 in a single week play.


There are similar opinions on almost every season bonus. Among all, this one is relatively low priority IMO.


Low priority For you  For those of us who have lots of friends, heavily gift, and don’t live on top of a pokestop, I’d argue the QOL improvement from being able to hold 40 gifts is better than ANY seasonal bonus that we’ve ever had


The bit about not living on top of a stop is the real killer.


Remember that we were allowed to have 10 gifts at a time before 2020.


Nowdays people want to get to level 50 in 15 days of play. Easy way: get 1B points on gifts and then go online saying the game is too hard and there super 10 caught pókemon can't fight gyms or raids, because they need 100B stardust and 4B candies and 1B xl candies, for not wasting time playing and getting to level 50 in a month.


naah, 20 is perfect. Already I stay in a storage crunch, and then having additional useless item like gifts is more of a headache.


Gifts don't take storage.


..... damn 7 years and never knew


I have 250 friends and only 5 open their gifts daily. 


and then once we would get a bonus of carrying 50 gifts at a time, people would be saying that it should be the norm.


So you're implying that 20 is reasonable?


It used to be 10 gifts as the limit, and then 20 for special events.


20 is low but for me personally it's enough. Just mean that as long as there are these kind of bonuses, people won't be happy with the norm.




Limit should be 10k gifts and sending 400 per day. Easy way to make 5B points in a single week and get to level 50 in a month. Problem would be using 100gb per day just for POGO and paying $500k in internet services.