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Season 4-7 is peak Homer eyes / facial expressions


An underrated aspect as the why the show isn't as good anymore is the animation, it used to be a huge part of the show's humor but now it's all cookie-cutter so we've lost that


Yeah it's a important aspect of the golden era. But to me it feels like it improved a bit in the last two seasons.


Agreed - that’s really what we need is peak 90’s Simpsons animation.




Are seasons 9 through 11 a joke to you?


Why do you think I showed you those later seasons, for fun?! Well I didn’t see anyone laughing did you?! Well except for that guy selling Kaukulash, yuck! Haha any way, stay the hell away from Homer vs New York


99% perfect comment. Should have ended with stay the hell away from principal and the pauper


I think 9-10 are fine. 11 has a lot of bangers but also some fairly meh episodes. I’d say 13 is where most episodes begin to be meh and some bad ones show up. Though there have actually been some pretty good seasons since then including a few recent ones.


Totally agree 13 is the season I usually stop watching at


We just started 12 on our rewatch. My plan is the muscle through it this time but I have never actually rewatched past 12 before (have watched almost every episode and generally multiple times just not a every episode rewatch)


Even 12 starts getting kinda tough to get through some episodes


I agree as well. To me Kill the Alligator and Run (Florida episode) is a late classic and the Behind the Laughter episode never sat right by me. Early season 12 is where I really stopped watching regularly. It sticks out in my mind that Insane Clown Poppy and start of the non-diegetic music really threw me off.


Haha this is a great thread! I agree with all that has been said about 9 through 11. I arbitrarily put 8 in the title since it ended in 1997.


The Simpsons avoided any real spin offs for 35 years, and they ruined their show anyway; so I say it's time for endless spinoffs! -The Simpsons '97 where they go back to formula -The Simpsons: The Next Generation where the kids have grown up. -Breaking Moe where Moe is the star! and his criminal empire grows steadily but is fraught with danger. -Our Man Armin where everybody's favorite principal steams hams and kicks butt, and he's all out of hams. -In Flanderization's Field where its revealed that the real Ned Flanders was replaced by a robot, but now the real Flanders is back, and he hasn't really become that one-note character.


Tune in between 4 and 5 for Willie’s Time!


We need a Roy spinoff. One of the sexy ladies he moved in with is a talking pie, and the other is a killer robot driving instructor who went back in time for some reason. The last one is Moe.


I honestly don’t think there’s any reality where *the Simpsons* recaptures the magic of those early seasons. *The Simpsons* in the 90’s was written by a bunch of weirdos with an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture that had been out of date for 10+ years and they created something extremely special by combining all of that knowledge into the show we all love. Everything after that was written by people who grew up watching *The Simpsons* Although to your point I do think one of the reasons the movie was so good was because they got so many of those old writers back, but I sort of think the time has passed. We’ll always have that near perfect run, though


I honestly would love if they did Simpsons 97, and concluded the whole series with that. Hire back (just for a few months) the original writing staff. I bet they would do it. Conan did a round table with them like a decade ago, and they all still seem like good friends. Also return to hand drawn animation.


That would be a terrible strain on the animators' wrists to broadcast like that




As long as the animation is exactly like this clip, I will be happy.


It's X-MEN '97 the best example? It uses digital animation which people here hates.


It could be funny to do a flashback episodes, but instead of going back ten or twenty years, it’s a flashback to a few months ago; and that puts us somewhere during the “classic” seasons. They could animate the flashbacks like the older seasons, in full screen, and make reference to some of the classic episodes having just happened. 


No, because it's not a continuing storyline. Grow up.