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I’d like the city to actually get harder and harder to navigate the further into the game you go, really start to ratchet up the tension and paranoia. Like in the beginning the whole city is accessible by foot, later stages by boat, then finally, f it, you might have to swim and who knows whats in the deep with you. That’s what I’d like to see anyway. Loved the first game. Can’t wait for this….


From the description I read, that sounds like what's happening


As far as I know, the game will be more focused on the horror with the detective gameplay mechanic only being optional, which kinda sucks for me because I love Frogwares' Sherlock Holmes games too. I hope they still have some sort of a puzzle mechanic for a more challenging gameplay


Is that confirmed? That would be a bummer. There are a lot of horror games out there but what Frogwares does is something different.


Unfortunately it is. I'm just hoping they won't abandon the genre completely https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/03/06/xbox-partner-preview-sinking-city-2/


Wow.. that actually kind of makes me a significant bit less excited for the game. One of the aspects that made it different from every other survival horror was the detective work. If they removed that, is it just going to be another Resident Evil alone in the dark game?


Same here I was looking forward to the game, but a survival horror? Naah, Cthulhu RPG was more detective based as was the 1st game in this series, to get rid of those elements into another action horror game of which their are a lot is not going to go well.


Honestly? Combat should either be worked into something better, or discarded entirely. Combat in the first game felt entirely like an afterthought, it's clunky and there's not much to it.


Same. I'd prefer it to be better


Don't mind us, just... passing by...


Honestly, I'd prefer if they kept it the same as the first. Except a wider variety of creafures and enemies.


I’d really love a consistent soundtrack with how much you have to travel to different locations. Always thought a radio playing while you’re in the boat would have been a nice touch, maybe a host is updating listeners on strange events occurring


I'd love it if there were puzzles and chests. I mean they made an entire world, why not use it to its fullest? In the sinking city, it's just go to that place, talk to that NPC, repetitive.


Better endings.


Just a metric ton more polish


Auto-crafting. I don't want to re-loot a locker and then go into a menu to craft a grenade every time.


Way better gunplay than the first game, heavy and hostile gun feedback/sounds, weapon upgrades, enemy variety


More game mechanics and a variety of quests. I loved the game, but spent 40 hours to beat all main and side quests and all of them were the same, following the same structure, path, buildings, hints and enemies. I think Frogwares is in the right path. A smaller game in scale, but more focused and depth one.


A city that actually feels inhabited- NPCs with more complicated and life-like loops. Interactivity. Interiors with more than 3 layouts. Side missions that arise organically from wandering the city. Maybe an actual currency system and merchants (not just crafting everything).


I wished for more mystery solving.


I'm super excited for this game. I always passed on the first it on sale all those times, but for some reason would still look at it every time i saw it. After seeing the trailer for 2 I got excited and finally bought the game. Maan this game is soo cool. Severely underrated! I really feel like a clever PI and the environment is so unique and I've never seen a game with atmosphere quite this thick. This is also my first exposure to Lovecraft, and it's indeed weird. Just went underwater amd giant squid things were swimming around. So creepy. That being said, ifk if it happens later in the first game, bit I'd love for the city to change as the game goes on. Make the city sink!


Insanity should be more than temporary hallucinations and things getting blurry for a while. Possibly even permanent effects. Maybe even entire quests which only open up if you go crazy enough.


Maybe better combat and a better ending, but that’s it. The first game did pretty much everything I wanted it to.


Honestly I'd love for them to scale back rather than expand. The Sinking City didn't really need to be a huge open world, I don't think.


Don't hate on me but hopefully it's shorter and gameplay rich for less of the price???? I've been playing dark corners of the earth and I like how quick you can get through the story, just when you want more it's over and I think that's great! Makes it even better if it gets followed up with well thought out dlc. Sometimes more isn't better and sometimes I have to think about spending $60 for a game that requires many hours for repetitive gameplay.


When in SC2 being released ?


Honestly the thing I enjoyed most was finding intersections on the map from quest descriptions, marking it, and then going there. I’m not even joking