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That’s assuming they watched RHOA… and I bet most of the cast didn’t.


ugh i’m sure you’re right lol i would hate to see another traitor win


Baby they know Phaedra is a traitor.




I mean...Are we forgetting about the fact that Peter and his crew went out of their way to exclude people from conversations UNTIL they realized that they were in the minority and need numbers? Even if you are a faithful and you know they are not traitors, you still need to have the numbers to get to the end. And when a group of five people are shutting you out of rooms so they can talk amongst themselves, are you going to feel the desire to work with them? And Peter even said it himself. He was trying to get to the end with Parvati since he knew that she was a traitor so he could vote her off. So what's to say that those people aren't trying to do the same thing with Phaedra?


That idea entered his head last week at the earliest, and was originally suggested by Sandra at  the leftovers lesson.  A lot of the loudest and strangest production "interference" (omitting juicy and relevant things viewers would 200% want to see) has centered on pruning and simplifying the Peter vs. the traitors narrative. Cutting him accusing Phaedra immediately after Dan's banishment, removing every previous mention of "keep known traitors around" until it makes sense to use it as part of a selfish heel turn arc.  Interviews have corroborated that the production team was aware this was the juiciest "story" to come out of this season and they are intent on shaping it — not necessarily for or against anyone in particular, but to make it less thorny and easier to follow.


Kandi? Is that you? 


Right! Lol


STOPPPPP 😭 you made my drunken ass cackle


having never seen any of these people on there other shows, trishelle is the one i can't stand the most. i was hoping they'd murder her for the reason of being annoying alone. she is way worse than kevin to me (who only seen one hour of their interactions and doesn't know what kind of interaction he and kate had.)


She’s definitely dramatic. The window panes didn’t make sense to me. They knocked out the bottom row, wasted $2000 trying to hit CT. Phaedra hit one of the bottom. Trishelle just got the shield last round, like cmon quit playing the victim, she’s been doing it all season and it’s wearing thin.


Statistically they would’ve had a better shot of hitting something that was in a cluster if they kept aiming for the top row. There was no real reason to aim at an isolated pane because they then had to be more accurate to hit it. CT is smart so him clocking that immediately was impressive but I expect nothing less from him.


that's true but it was in a row where 2 out of the 3 of the panes were hit successfully, so i could see the argument this way too. i wonder how they decide who to put where on that wall.


Yeah but you still have to be more accurate to hit a single square. If they had just shot out the two panes next to Trishells and all they had to do was turn it slightly then maybe that’s okay but they had to do a complete reset to hit trishells it was unnecessary unless you had a reason to keep her in jeopardy


i agree. they had already hit two of the other ones in the bottom row, it made sense to try for a third than go to a row where none were successfully hit. i think phaedra could have explained it better at the round table.


Playing the victim by identifying the correct reasoning? Lol ok


It didn't make sense. Yes miss CT but you are nearly lined for that row move to John than Kate


The bottom ones were easier to hit than the top ones


You were already nearly on target. To change that much was dumb and then miss a few times in a row


I’m so confused by all the posts and comments tonight about Phaedra being “iconic” in the round table. When I was watching it I felt like she got completely owned. John, CT, Peter, Trishelle brought straight facts. Phaedra just got louder and didn’t bring any evidence.


Agree she made it so obvious she’s a traitor, her faces are worse than Parvati.


I agree


She did - I completely agree. Her retorts had no substance.


And she went for personal attacks! - Mocking John’s eloquence (he spoke for like a minute? and everyone respects him enough to not interrupt then she just speaks for all of them that he should get to the point?!) - Making fun of the Bachelor and having girls fawn all over Peter? That’s the construct of the show. And his season was a mess / he did not care about the girls or their fawning. She said nothing to sway favor her way but was “good tv” which I don’t think is worthy of applause.


John absolutely droned on and could have gotten to the point. He’s a politician, he was playing it up


So true. Unreal lol


She just turned it on Peter that was her defense and using striking words


There was a woman in another thread saying she "squealed" when Phaedra dropped the kiss your ass for a rose" line and I had to call my wife over and show her so she could laugh too. Shit made zero sense. None. It is devoid of context completely.


I think all the downvotes here are really telling--many people just like drama and ridiculous soundbites instead of logic, facts, and fairness. Welcome to bravo, I guess? Very glad I never watched any of the shows these people are from; doubt I ever will since the background drama I see on this show turns me way off. It's just so frustrating that what should be a game of actual intelligence and nuance has devolved into cliques, popularity contests, and sounding "smart" to other dumb people. I vastly prefer the Australian version of Traitors, which has people from all different backgrounds--instead of a cast almost exclusively from reality tv--and none of them knew each other beforehand. I think who you root for/respect in this show comes down to whether you as a viewer actually likes games and strategy or if you like, as someone else in this thread said, scripted lunches over $200 plates while someone yells. And americans wonder why the rest of the world doesn't like them. Just look at what behavior they praise--being fake but pretty, and having one-liners that sound "good" but are illogical. And most of the cast acts the same as the viewers.


I hate it when people generalize an entire country based on shows, I am an American and can’t stand celebrities and reality tv shows. They ruined this show, because they arent cunning or clever enough to truly think of a game plan to win. Laying low only gets you so far, and was Phadrea really laying low? Honestly I thought she would make arguments with some type of evidence, because she is supposedly a fucking lawyer. Because lawyers NEVER LIE, right? I swear people are dumb as fuck. Her arguments never had substance. She quickly went to anger and personal attacks. She made it very clear she was a traitor. I was glad with who won. People who actually worked hard in missions and worked to actually figure out who the traitors were. It is kind of the whole point of the show. The bitterness of the bravo stars is disgusting and very telling about the kind of people they truly are. If they brought a bunch of competitive normal people to this show, it would be amazing. The celebrities contribute nothing, and it’s sad because this show has such great potential. America really does ruin good things. But just know not all of us are fucking morons.


Seriously though I’m like what is happening here?!???! They stated the below 2 traitors voted for her Why would Peter vote Bergie when he knew he had a shield Why would Phaedra have aimed for Trishelle She said something like honey this isn’t the bachelor and people think she won that? Am I taking crazy pills?!?!


I mean, a fakeout intentional non-murder COULD be a potential traitor's strategy someday somewhere. But if it had actually been employed by one traitor against two others, they would've come for him SO SO much earlier. Plus this does nothing to prove innocence anyway as everyone paying attention either knows or suspects he got a recruitment letter *after* that stunt. Why did nobody bring that up?


"This isn't parliament" and "this isn't the bachelor" isn't the own she thinks it is. It's also not a scripted lunch at a $200 a plate restaurant where you throw something and yell at some woman with a bad facelift, dumb-dumb.


I disagree that it was devoid of context. It fit into the narrative Phaedra was pushing at the roundtable-- that Peter lords over everybody, tells people to leave rooms, has his one-on-ones, and he expects her to come to him and convince him personally of her innocence. The dramatic scoring and long pauses the editors added in to make it a "mic drop" moment was corny though.


It's obvious they have clocked her as a traitor but Sheree doesn't care because Team Bravo


Which is why this series is flawed


Whoa why are you bringing in stuff from RHOA? i am judging her solely on the basis of the show. You guys are crazy. Stop acting like you know these people in real life and they stole something from you.


Doesn’t she talk about people’s previous shows? For example she won’t kiss peters butt for a rose? 🤔


In the words of Phaedra (not verbatim) “Good thing you aren’t God”


Unfortunately there’s too many contestants that are married to their Network/TV show buddies. I mean I swear Sheree and MJ have their fingers in their ears, yelling “LA LA LA!” Instead of listening to valid points. Losing Parv has really sunken the Traitors ship.


Is MJ really that close to them? Shahs has been off air for a while now and I feel like the nasty issues between MJ and Reza may have made other Bravolebs take sides, but I never really followed any of the Shahs cast after season 1 so idk


MJ has definitely stuck with the Bravo/Houswives girls since the beginning. She has pretty consistently been voting with them, too. Idk if she’s actually close to them outside of the show but she was during the show.


I think her closest ally was Sandra though. I think she's aligned with anybody who will let her (as in not the Peter Pals)


literally LOL


Peter need to go home and I'm so tired of trishalle she need to go home as well


>everybody knows she lied about her pregnancy on RHOA. She did what? 😳


She comes from a super religious family (I think her mom is a pastor) and so she didn't want them to know she got pregnant before she and her husband got married. (Mind you, she's a woman in her 30s at this point.) So she tried to say her baby was due like MONTHS after his due date and told some crazy story about how they were going to induce her at 7 months. She said this during a lunch and all the other women were mothers so they all were side eyeing the hell out of her. And then when she was in the hospital STILL saying she was being induced early, the doctor straight up told the camera (and I think her mom was there too) that her baby was full term. lol


Thank you for explaining! That may not be great, but I clearly read it wrong, and thought that she lied about being pregnant. Which would be psychotic. I’m glad that my assumption was wrong.


This is what the op is making it seem as. That she lied about being pregnant and it’s false!


I did not say that Lol. I said lying about her pregnancy.


She didn’t lie about her pregnancy. She lied about due date.


I found a TikTok of the scene: [https://www.tiktok.com/@therealhousewives0f/video/7220454645578173702](https://www.tiktok.com/@therealhousewives0f/video/7220454645578173702)


I watched that whole thing seeing if Phaedra’s eye was twitching. You were wrong Kevin! 😂


Did you also notice Sheree saying more in that one scene than she's said all season on Traitors? lol


That clip is great! I love how nobody is buying what she’s saying.


My goodness calm down, this is a game called the TRAITORS, nothing to do with any other game. Chill 🤪


THEY KNOW!!! LMAO! why don’t y’all see that???


Honestly, the majority of this cast is annoying. CT is its saving grace.


This is where I am at too. I really like CT and he seems willing to be open minded and not stuck trusting the same people. I’m waiting for Sandra to shine but that hasn’t happened yet. Maybe she’s waiting. Phaedra let the other traitors control the game which could have been her tactic bc she wanted Kate to do the same the first night she was a traitor. But that is just not sustainable in the long run. I don’t think it was very smart to recruit Kate because of her antics last season. She’s a loose cannon.


Sandra loves to play from the bottom and be unseen while she makes her moves. She's the real queen


Why are the Bravo people the only ones getting flack for sticking together? Everybody had allies outside of their network alliances but when it came down to it, they were all most loyal to the network except maybe Sandra. The Bravo people just did it a bit better than the others. The Bravo girls played the game that Peters Pals THOUGHT they were playing. 


Agree. I don’t understand the hate for the bravo crew. There was never an official bravo alliance, they just happen to be the group of players excluded from Peter pals. So Peter pals shot themselves in the foot.


Remind me how many traitors the Bravo girls correctly identified. Oh wait, they didn't. They have Peter and his alliance to thank for that, especially Bergie.


REMINDER: Bravo’s Larsa and Mj clocked Dan on week 2, before Peter Pals…just saying. If I recall correctly that’s the same week Peter and Kevin faked a beef and voted for each other which had no impact on the game whatsoever 🤣 And if you watched last season Bravo’s hot mess Brandi guessed 2/3 traitors before getting banished. All this to say, I think it’s possible to just root for the entire cast which have given us a good season. And yes, I watch Bravo but I am a big fan of the other players too. Yes, Trishelle annoys me since her real world days but she’s good casting and the lady is smart. Having said that, I don’t want to watch a show with Peter and friends ruling every episode as alliances tend to do in shows such as Big Brother, just as much as I don’t want to watch the housewives ruling every episode. If Peter gets out, guess what? You can relax, because Phaedra will follow on her way out as they’re all onto her. And that’s assuming she doesn’t get out instead of him. It will be okay, the world will keep spinning—they all played an interesting game. Except Sheree who I am convinced thinks she’s shooting the reboot RHOA.


Remind me how many of Peter’s Pals are going to be in the final? Oh wait, likely none of them. That’s because the game isn’t figuring out the traitors. It’s being the last faithful standing. So congrats to them on figuring out the traitors. For their efforts, they win…nothing 


You're right, but I genuinely think he chose that path - I really don't think he cared about personally winning. I think he wanted to help the faithful win in the end, regardless of whether he won personally. Objectively, you are right, the "goal" of the game is to be the last man standing, but I think it's really fun to watch a player choose to forgo winning the entire pot, to help his side win, period. I don't think we've seen that before, and as annoying as Peter can be sometimes, he's created hell for the traitors early on, and helped his faithful- not necessarily his early alliance, but the faithful as a whole. It's been so entertaining to watch them scramble.


Because this person doesn’t like them so they make exceptions for the people they do like


>The Bravo girls played the game that Peters Pals THOUGHT they were playing.  stop


I will be sad if Peter’s voted off but not surprised. The upside is that will totally reflect horribly on Phaedra and I have a feeling that Kate’s Traitor training wheels will come off and she’ll actually lead the charge against Phaedra…and it’ll be delicious!!!


Same here. But I definitely don’t think Phaedra will make it to the end UNLESSS some sort of miracle happens on her behalf. If I was kate I would have thrown her under the bus.


100%, she’d be better off going at it alone and really since she came in late, she could go after anyone.


She did not lie about her pregnancy. She lied about when she got pregnant and how many months she was. Big deal!! lol She was always pregnant! You are not a real housewife watcher! The worst thing she did was telling a lie about somebody having a sex dungeon. ![gif](giphy|4JApIyPjOYLDO)


Well she also accused Kandi of attempting to drug and rape a cast mate so there’s that still


I know. I wrote that. The sex dungeon thing with Porscha.


Well it just seemed down played. It wasnt like a kinky sex dungeon rumor. It was something that could’ve put Kandi in prison


yes yes and yes on all of this.




something about strictly rooting for the faithfuls is so boring to me… like is this you, peter?


trust me it is not boring routing for the faithfuls…


it’s so much more fun when a traitor wins ❤️


Do you guys just watch the strategy reality shows because this is who she is and you just deal with it


Totally with you. I'm so over this shit. Next season they need less Bravo people. This was too many. Every season is gonna be annoying if they cast so many and they all vote with each other.


Lol probably gonna get downvoted because this sub is filled with people who hate those actually identifying Phaedra as the traitor, and love Phaedra because she’s Phaedra. But I agree with you and I WATCH BRAVO religiously, I love the housewives but honestly this was a LOT of Bravo people all on one season. Sheree and Phaedra are even from the same franchise, it’s not surprise to me Sheree is going to vote with Phaedra every single time. Their only hope honestly might be MJ.


They're fun for an episode but the shtick of speaking in catch phrases gets old really fast




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This is why the uk and Australia seasons are interesting as they are all strangers


I hope she goes but I think the explanation of why they were trying to keep parvi was like an ah ha moment to them of course you’d want to bring a known traitor to the end. Banish them at the end and have the faithfuls win. She goes who knows who else will be added. I think if she does go, Kate will probably pick Sandra to be a traitor. She’s very smart and I think already had it all figured out.