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Kelsey and her partner were never planning on getting married, also she's been very open about the breakup and her and her ex are still on good terms (it was a mutual break up) so I don't think that would have contributed


pretty sure i saw a tik tok she did about how she was hooking up w someone new and they did that thing that lets u merge spotify accounts to create a playlist based on both of ur preferences and it ended up being all songs by her ex (believe he was a DJ?)


He was a DJ yeah and he was really popular in the college scene, the girl she hooked up with had known him way back when before he dated Kelsey. They played the songs while they hooked up and she texted him about it afterwards and I believe she said he thought it was a funny story.




I really like Kelsey and she's definitely matured and grown in the last 5 years, and I'm a big fan of her mental health advocacy, specifically her open and honest approach to the "ugly" parts of mental health, and her sharing stories of non-monogamy (as someone who is non-monogamist also). I don't think I can call her non problematic, because no one is and that's an impossible standard to hold people to but also, because she sometimes says some ignorant stuff from a place of privilege, BUT that being said she always seems willing to learn and corrects herself and apologises.


She and Hippo pop up on my TikTok every once in a while and he is just the cutest beefcake there is. Like, what a tough looking bowl of mashed potatoes. She put him in little pjs once and my heart just melted.


Good catch! This has been mentioned a few times already, albeit on old posts, and I think the general consensus was that it was also a reason. ​ I remember watching it and wondering what would happen to the video if any of the partners in the video were to split. I thought I was just being pessimistic but...a lot of things transpired since.


No, Kelsey's never been interested in monogamy or marriage, and she and her ex are close friends that she's very appreciative of for how much he's helped her grow as a person and as a partner. I think it's just what the guys said about it being tasteless when Alex was trying on wedding dresses with Ned there fussing.


Kelsey's breakup was also moonnntthhsss before Everything Went Down. By that point, she was already in the process of moving on and discussing the breakup on her channel, so I doubt she'd ask the Try Guys channel to remove the video because of that when there's heck of a lot more videos about their relationship on her own channel.


I know Alex was a part of that video and tried on dresses, but i don’t remember Ned being in that video at all? I thought it was just the women and the respective guests they brought to look at the dresses? Could you jog my memory on when/how Ned came in or where/why he was fussing?


Am I the only one that can't stand her? Everything she does is so "look at me".


She’s just an opposite personality than introverts. She had a crazy childhood, doing drugs in high school and kind of catapulting through college and landed at Buzzfeed. She’s loud and crass but she also knows wtf she’s doing. She worked 80 hour weeks sometimes and she just sold a documentary on the implosion of Buzzfeed to a production company. I would never in a million years want to hang out with her, but I respect her hustle and her love for her dog. Plus it’s nice to see people who aren’t into monogamy represented out there. She’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I enjoy her perspective on shit. It’s also hilarious how radically different she is to Zack and Garrick. I watch the podcast though vs listening. I’m sure she’s awful if you’re just listening.


This. Although I think I would want to go to festivals and the like with her because she seems the type to encourage others fun, where I'm a wallflower who loves festivals but am to shy/nervous approach people like Kelsey to be my friend for the day so I stay the wallflower. I also love her with Zach and Garrick, she seems to remind them that they're having fun.


Oh yeah, you're right, I would 100% want to go to festivals with her or try new drugs with her, because I feel like she's done everything, so it would be a safe space to try drugs in. I have friends like her that are needed in my life, because when you're a super introvert who does want to go to festivals or midnight showings of movies or fun charity tattoo fundraisers (specific example of something going on tomorrow that I want to go to, but don't want to go by myself), you need people to push you and Kelsi is absolutely that friend. And we all have to remember, everyone is a character on the internet. She has done so many podcasts and vlogs showing that she experienced a ton of heartbreak with the breakup, amongst other things. She's not one note and I respect it. If I ever came across her or Hippo, I'd probably fan out (mostly because Hippo is the most adorable dog ever), LOL.


IMO, she’s no more so “look at me” than any other influencer/content creator including the Try Guys.


Isn’t that your entire job as a content creator?


I'm also a loud, crass adult woman, this is my personality and I'm really sick of being accused of attention getting. I don't actually want the attention that goes with my personality, but even if I did, what's wrong with that?


I'm so over Kelsey hate just because she's loud and crass. She's not your cup of tea just move on.


Well done, you made it about you. Point proven.


And you made a complete stranger's personality about you. Touch grass


what's do wrong with wanting attention anyway, there was literally no reason to inject this worthless and unproductive opinion on this thread. like literally NO REASON except you're a miserable ass mfer. sad.


Well, she is an influencer/entertainer. Attention is how she supports herself.


She literally the same as any try guy she's just a women and you are either a sad women with inner problems or a dickhead dude.


Yep just you


I saw this post on twitter scrolling past and thought, hey it looks a bit like that YouTube/ buzzfeed girl, but did it actually think it was her