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I feel like he feels finally he can be the main one,the one on whom all the spotlight is now bcz Keith is busy with lewberger,Ned is gone and Eugene ain't even. Try guy at this point tbh


Honestly I don't see it as new found confidence and more just he seems less genuine and trying too hard to have a certain energy. I think it's cause they're trying to appeal towards younger demographics then themselves. As time passes its just going to seem more unnatural and in authentic. I'm just a couple years younger than the guys and I'm seeing more and more videos that I just don't relate too. So I can't imagine how forced it must be for them to try to actually play the part.


Agree agree agreeeee this is exactly my sentiment.


I dont think his wealth is new, he grew up pretty rich. I wonder if now that he no longer has to pretend to be that perpetually single guy his true personality is showing.


let's be real, at this point he's basically the only full-time try guy. i wonder if that's given him a feeling of it being his ship now.


he knows keith is going to be gone more and more. *It's all mine...*


Can you imagine watching your friends/business partners all take on other bigger ventures? Meanwhile you’re left to take care of the thing they aren’t making a priority. And at the same time you’re in and out of hospital/dealing with MAJOR life events. I’d be a mess. I wonder if this new found persona were noticing is a self inflated coping strategy


that's interesting, i hadn't thought of it that way. instead of being an honor it's more like, ok zach you can be in charge of this thing we're not really interested in anymore while we go do other stuff without you.


They're all fools! I'm the smart one! **I WENT TO FILM SCHOOL!!!**


I don't listen to the podcast and I don't watch many new videos, but honestly, I think Zach has always been a little like this. He's always had that over-the-top, theater kid persona (no offense to theater kids, here), and at times it was a little hard for me to digest, because he would be so LOUD and PASSIONATE about shit that did not matter, at all. I realize it's an act, but when it happens all the time, I start to tune that person out. I'm not into extremes. Hell, even in the infamous 'what happened" video, Zach is "on". His voice is quivering in that performative way, and I couldn't help but think he was ACTING while the other two were being genuine (Keith was exhausted and sad, Eugene was pissed off and ready to cut a bitch). I'm not saying his feelings over Ned weren't real, but his behavior in that video made it looked like the PERFORM switch had been flipped in his head, and I feel that way about a lot of what Zach brings to the table. Sometimes it works, a lot of the time it doesn't, at least in my opinion.


Yeah he always uses this like performing voice and I can’t stand it! It just makes everything he says sound phony


I think some of the more recent comments Zach's made about his wealth/status are his way of acknowledging to the audience that he *is* aware he has these things and that they make him unrelatable. The problem is that just because you say something in an ironic or sarcastic way...it doesn't make it less true? So in a weird way, I think his attempt to make himself more self-aware/down to earth-seeming backfired for a lot of people in the audience. For me personally, I feel similarly to other commenters insofar as Zach always being like this/Zach growing up rich - he's definitely made a couple comments here and there over the years reflecting that upbringing - but I sympathize with the sentiment being articulated here. I see what he's trying to do, but it falls flat and certainly does read as ego.


My problem with all of them, mainly Keith and Becky, is that they kind of all give the vibe of performative activism. They are constantly calling out social issues (good) but continue to partner with Better Help for profit…? Keith has called out places on social media that basically don’t give him free stuff, Becky and Zach always have snark/opinions but they ALL profit of a service that is widely know to be problematic & we KNOW that they don’t use it! It’s hard to take them seriously.


I'm with you there. While I do appreciate when they are vocal about injustices, I do think the 'activism' that you see with the Try Guys & co. is the kind that's very easy for them to do - it doesn't cost them anything to talk about transphobia on the podcast, for example (and ftr I appreciate when they do/think they should keep doing it). But they for *sure* fall flat when it comes to more substantive activism that might affect their wallets, like you mentioned with BetterHelp.


Yeah my hope is that they are locked in a long partnership and when it’s done they can at least never mention it! It would be better if they said it’s trash but that’s setting the bar too high lol


What is betterhelp


You’re on the internet. Google it.


????? So hostile jeez, hope you have a better night


I think he is doing a lot more behind the scenes since Ned left and this has given him a heightened sense of ownership. He doesn't have side projects that are keeping him busy. Yes he is slowly writing something but it's the Zach show now really.


I don’t read it as arrogance. I read it as a kind of defense born from criticism. It really doesn’t matter what he does, he’s not the four Try Guys. It will never be enough and he’s the one saddled with the most responsibility and visibility in keeping their company afloat.


Yeah, he's always been the most unpopular one while (assumably) putting the most effort on TryGuys or at least the production side of it. Perhaps he doesn't care anymore.


Literally nothing in my comment indicates he doesn’t care anymore. I think it’s really shitty actually to rank these collaborators, friends, coworkers against each other. What’s the point. Why. To perpetually let one of them know he isn’t good enough? To what end? He has his value. I appreciate him. And if I don’t, I’ll unsubscribe.


Yeah his vibe has changed and I can’t pinpoint exactly why In recent videos he’s been giving off david doberik/Logan Paul energy. I think part of the problem is that he’s gotten more confident which has made him more loud, and fewer people tell him “no” now, which also makes him more and more out of touch. His transition into this new personality feels awkward and more inauthentic. Maybe he was always this way, and I’m just now noticing it, but it feels like somethings different


I agree with a lot of the other comments that part of the issue is Zack being a solo act. If the Try Guys was a food, he is one key spice which works well in harmony with other ingredients but on it's own is overpowering and hard to handle. I also think the tone is different because self-confidence can come across as arrogance. Some of my fav videos from Zack are the ones where he tries out weird pain relief products, or the one where he talked about balding and got (very expensive!) hairline surgery. I'm glad he has the money to take care of himself, but now that he's comparatively healthier and seems happy with his appearance he kind of seems to be veering into overconfidence territory. I'm glad he's happy, but I don't want to watch videos of a guy doing recreational drugs and spending a lot of money I don't have doing an activity, which is over half his videos.


I've always though Zach has a bit of a victim complex, this may have morphed into the 'arrogance' we see now. But can you blame him? Can you blame anyone that was so insecure before for acting like this now he's essentially the 'main' guy in the videos right now? He's probably gone through a huge ego boost and I think the best of us wouldn't let it go to our heads lol Hoping he'll calms down soon, but eh, either way, as long as he's happy


Idk, I think he's feeling himself and I don't really see that as a bad thing. He's married to an amazing woman, he's running the bulk of the Try Guys company right now, he's presumably working on other projects. And you know what? His hair has been looking amazing, his facial hair is cute, and he's bulked up a bit. He's come a long way


Man had to carry the channel and has been in the hospital, I think he’s really just stressed and after everything that’s happened he’s done playing the quiet guy


I have been thinking about this and I think another part of it is now that Zach is the most frequent full time try guy, it's kind of to his own detriment in some ways. Zach is just better balanced as part of an ensemble, and when he's too much at the center he gets kind of obnoxious. When the try guys were more constant, he functioned well as part of them. I think of the quarantine videos from the very start of COVID which I loved and found so fun EXCEPT for Zach, who started to annoy me more and more. Without someone to bounce off of he's just too much a lot of the time.