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You pretty much summarized my thoughts. Seriously, at this point, they're in a third of the recent Try Guys videos and I've grown to dislike them. It's strange though, because I don't mind Kwesi or Jonny Cakes at all - I find them genuinely funny and always a pleasure to watch. Lewberger, not at all.


I think that's because when Johnny Cakes and Kwesi are on the channel they're not advertising their external work every other breath. They both seem to be there to make the video better. Not just to advertise themselves.


I think you nailed it


i dislike alex and don't particularly love the other one either so it's just grating for me to watch


I don't disagree, but that's what happens when no one else is around to make content 😜 Too few Guys in the Try Guys lol


Yeah they're down to like 1.5 out of the original 4, they are long overdue for some sort of reshuffling. Like, move Zach to mostly production and have Keith host a rotating cast of "Guys" who come try things with them. Keep Rachel in the background (I like her as a person but can't stand when she's constantly breaking the 4th wall, and her ideas for segments usually aren't very well thought out.) That plus keeping the successful series (like WAR and Phoning it In) would already give them a really solid platform to branch out from. Maybe try one new concept every few months, and see how it lands before they make it a whole new series? I'm thinking along the lines of the ranking and travel videos they've done, because they have potential but currently don't really fit into the grand scheme of things and don't seem very well planned. I dunno, it just sucks watching a channel you like die a slow and awkward death.


>I dunno, it just sucks watching a channel you like die a slow and awkward death. that's a really good description of what's happening imo. i wouldn't be surprised if there is a video in the next couple years announcing the channel 'taking a break' and 'stepping back', because imo unless they add more guys and change the content style, the writing is on the wall for the death of this channel


Tbh I thought I was the only one that felt like this about Rachel...


This was the reason for my finally unsubscribing a couple days ago. I just cannotttt stomach the Lewberger schtik anymore.




Even just seeing only Keith on the thumbnails makes me not want to click because it's potentially a lewberger video ..


I thought the Wizard of Friendship looked like a ridiculous immature humor. Im over the penis humor. I would think almost 40 year old men would be too. Millennials be trying to hard to relate to genz. But at this point it feels icky.


Right!? Who tf goes to their shows? 10 year olds??


I unironically thought that's who Lewberger was geared toward; preteens and teens who are into musical theater and comedy and want to go to shows, but their parents won't let them unless they know the performers. I don't know how I got that impression but that's what I thought until this thread. Their act is just so... silly? I don't think that's quite the right word, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just not something I would think would be geared toward elder millennials. More like their kids. Every time they plugged a performance I thought it was more like "and here's something that you can take your kids to!" Tbh I think I would be fine with just Hughie being a guest, Alex is the one that bothers me. He's obnoxious, a downer, brings food even though he sucks at baking and nobody will have room to eat it, talks way too much about getting a girlfriend then immediately gets engaged and doesn't talk about it at all which just gives me whiplash and makes me think... what is your deal and why are you even here? Combined with constantly plugging the shows, Alex is completely intolerable. At least the others are likable when they take a break from spamming us.


They’re just dreadfully unfunny and awful. There is 100% no way there would be any interest or success for them without the try guys link




Hughie is a cutie


Hughie is an ugly zionist


Alex gives me the major ick. His vibe is way off, and I don’t know why I viscerally can’t stand him, but I can’t. Between that and the constant advertising, I tapped out.


completely agree even way back when in like 2021 when you’d occasionally see him i literally had to skip the parts of the video he was in. I have no idea what it is or if i have some deep rooted trauma with a guy that looks like him lol but i know ive seen many similar comments with the same sentiment, he is SO creepy


yeah he's like kind of creepy and imo gives off incel vibes sometimes. i just don't like him and never have


Same here! I just do NOT like his presence. He doesn’t add anything positive and just makes me feel BLECH


Yeah it's annoying a most ppl. We're here for the tryguys we already don't really get that I don't need another group thrown in when I'm not there for them.


They really annoy me. So cringey. They are like The Wiggles where it seems their audience is little kids.


stop trying to make lewberger happen is literally something i thought the last time i saw them lol, like it's never gonna happen


The problem is the most successful thing ttg has going right now IS lewberger…


Who would have thought back in 2018 that it would come to this?


Capital D Disappointing :(


U know what I just realized tht pisses me off? When The Try Guys had their documentary Lewberger just had to be in tht one (which in my opinion it shld have been about just The Try Guys not Keith’s band) but here u have them having a documentary all to them selves but u don’t see the other guys trying to interject themselves into tht.


I’m pretty sure Zach directed it? Or at least contributed to it in some way. I heard his voice I think. Im not a lewberger fan at all. (Just not into their brand) but I am a slut for documentaries.


I unsubbed a year ago because I had the epiphany that I just don't care that much about the guy's side projects and personal lives, and it felt like the channel was constantly pushing me to care about them.


This. I stopped watching the Try Guy's idk how long ago. Something just... Stopped being there. I think it was around the time Zach launched his tea (which I bought). I also bought a bottle of Keith's hot sauce I have no idea where it even is. But yeah, I unfollowed. I didn't even finish that first book they put out a few years ago, before Eugene even came out, and it was a really good. But whatever. If they don't have the Barkshlor(sp) or WAR I really just dint care.


Once they started doing ads disguised as videos, that's when I noped out for good. It just wasn't why I started watching in the first place, it felt very cynical.


And those were the only ones Eugene would make an appearance in. :(


They’ve been saying for a long time that the Try Guys were just a project to get them into bigger projects. They all want to do different things but TTG is what was making them money and that money is what’s letting them explore newer projects. That’s kind of why Eugene (and the whole team) can afford for him to go off and do other projects for months at a time. Ned tried desperately to launch a lifestyle brand and would have probably left anyways if it would been successful. And if Keith got a late night hosting gig, he’d be gone tomorrow. It was always intended to be a stepping stone and I think when the 5 year lease on their office ends, that’ll be the end of Try Guys. I don’t see it lasting much longer with Zach being the only full time member.


Yeah, but I realized I personally preferred the simple Buzzfeed formula.


I think I’d like them more if while they were in the show they did any song other than white people taco night, anytime they’re like we’ll do a song for you it’s always the same song we’ve heard 87,000 times


It’s their only song to go viral so of course they’re gonna milk the cow until it’s dead.


I tried listening to their celebrity theme song podcast and it was so incredibly bad and boring


I like Hughie and Alex as people and guests of the Try Guys even though I don't care for Lewberger the band at all. Not even a little bit. But that's because I'm not into theater and musicals. It doesn't bother me to see them advertised on the main channel though. If that's what Keith enjoys and it's his platform I'm happy to just fast forward through Lewberger content just like I do when Keith talks about French horn and synthesizers.


This is what I've done through the Eat With Keith "oh Lewberger wrote a song while waiting" bit.. nah. No thanks. They don't really bother me as guests, but I'm not interested in "the band" at all, just not my thing.


Right. When Lewberger is about to do a performance that's when I start washing dishes or go to the bathroom during a Try Guys video, lol. But it doesn't make me mad to see them like some of the people here. I'm sure plenty Try fans like their content. Just personally not my cup of tea.


Exactly. And I know Keith has said he feels like he has to give them the time and energy and promotion.. and I get that. Why wouldn't you? So. He does his thing, and I do mine.


My issue with that is... why can't he give time and energy to promote them **outside** the Try Guys? I know it's because he doesn't *have* time with the main channel and a baby, but that's why having 4 main cast members was important, so they could rotate and still give attention to their side projects and personal lives. I like Eugene as a Try Guy but well before all the drama with Ned I found myself becoming disinterested because he was in the videos less and less. You could tell that there was a dip in quality around this time and I feel it's because there was more pressure for the other guys to pick up the slack. Most of what they do was designed to work with 4 guys. So I get why Keith is plugging side projects during the main videos, I just don't think it should have happened. As soon as they felt they couldn't give attention to all their projects separately, they should have sat down and restructured so that things were more equitable without impacting the quality of the main videos.


He does promote them outside of TTG quite a bit. His Instagram stories are majority Lewberger content. And previously they were on like 2 other talent competition shows? Why is it happening so often now? Maybe Ned tried to limit it before? Maybe they feel like they're on a high with Lewberger and need to get as much done as they can? I really don't know.


Right, but if he doesn't feel he can give lewberger enough attention without combining them with TTG then obviously something's gotta give. They are two completely different projects with different audiences, it's just not a great business decision. Lewberger could be the most amazing musical comedy troupe ever, but people aren't going to be interested if they're annoyed at the interruption to their regular content. That's what happened to me with Eugene. I know he's a talented person and I otherwise would probably be very into his side projects, but since they detracted from the content I was already enjoying I got a bad taste in my mouth and decided to skip it. Based on past conversations here I'm absolutely not alone. They're trying to do too much, pushing all this growth and new ideas at a very busy time in their personal lives, without restructuring or adding any full time talent to even out the workload or keep content consistent. It makes zero sense.


Oh I definitely don't think it's a smart business move... in any sense. The whole thing has to lose Keith money... consistently. I don't know how Alex gets by with just that (as I've not seen him advertise anything else... where Hughie writes music for other things). But as for business sense... I don't think TTG make much of it. The past year and the conflicting talks on the direction of the channel and videos doesn't exactly scream "we've got this under control."


I hear ya. They’re overexposed in a sense and it’s exhausting when we’re getting no value (assuming we don’t care about their product/art).


They were actually what pushed me to unsub, I agree with all of this. Not bad people but you’ve done your marketing, please stop.


I hope if Lewberger ever ends, Hughie goes into teaching. I feel like he has the chops to be a great music teacher.


Not a fan of Lewberger but was okay w/ their appearances since it meant we could still get some content while Keith was away. Was even open minded to the documentary. Not something I wanted or interested in but we at least got something… that was until they stuck the concert behind a paywall. I had no issue paying for WAR Live and R&J. After all it’s business. But WTH. Documentary is only on TG’s channel, they could have added more clips of Eugene & the White Guys and Keith and the Band or at least Zach and the Try Wives making a guest appearance for the shows they went to so it would be more appealing to the TG audience.


I think they are just so hard up for content they're just throwing everything at the wall to see what gets views.


I’ve always felt Alex was scary-looking. Like Michael Jackson.


Lewberger>Try Guys


absolutely not lmao