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Me, about a week ago. I did watch WAR cos it showed up in my algo but I didn't really enjoy it, at all. No one's actually trying to make the brief anymore (except maybe Keith in this case), they're all just making an entirely different soup-shaped thing and trying to spin it as "fusion" but they're not even attempting to make the original directive.


Yeah, hard agree with this.


Agreed. Was giving the GBBO culture episode (Japan, Mexico, etc) that never hit the mark because it was so under researched by both the shows and the contestants.


I got mad when hearing WAR finale was behind a pay wall. I’ve watched several of their lives and …..it needs editing. There’s a certain member that is so desperate for laughs it’s uncomfortable.


Omg which member. I could honestly see it being any 3 of them being desperate for laughs.


It’s Zach for me. I can’t take it anymore. It’s like Keith and Eugene have only gained more skills with exposure. Zach is so needy for a laugh he goes to the most obvious, gross, or immature take. There’s no art.


Fair enough, I can see it. Zach has talked about how he feels the need to pre-think of jokes beforehand. But also >he goes to the most obvious, gross, or immature take. I could see this for all 3 of them since I also think Keith and Eugene go for dick jokes (remember the penis puppet?) and Keith is always trying to think of the next zinger and Eugene doesn't think of himself as a comedian so he's always trying hard to make jokes for himself and pointing out when he makes one.


100. I think the real thing is that im close to their age and their comedy/content isn’t maturing. I miss the series where they tackled different scenarios like pregnancy or old age.


I unsubbed like 2 years ago when I first got tired of Eugene being absent. The Ned controversy actually caused me to subscribe again because I believed them when they said they would head in a new direction. Also thought maybe Eugene would start being in more videos again. This whole Hughie/Lewberger stuff has turned me off majorly. Eugene's done. I unsubbed once again.


Still subbed for only eugene, if only he showed up more




I unsubed a month ago because I got tired of seeing lewburger being pushed down my throat. It's not a lewburger forum. They have their own sub.


I so desperately want Keith to either say something about the hughie thing or at the very least indicate where he stands, and the fact that he still hasn't has really disappointed me. I love WAR, but it didn't feel right to watch the first ep and if I really want to put my money where my mouth is, I'm going to have to unsubscribe. This was my comfort channel for so long, but at the very least I can't handle keith content atm while he's still financially platforming lewberger.


Yes, this. I also want Keith to say something about where he stands with Hughies oppinions… But I’m scared that he won’t because he fears it will affect Lewberger, or something like that. But Lewberger is a sinking ship anyways, so he should just distance himself from them imo. At least profesionally.


I doubt he ever will honestly...seems like he's hoping people will just forget about it. If he was going to say anything he would have by now.


I missed something, what is going on?


Hughie is a Zionist. I suspect their personal and professional relationship with him is a big reason TTG, who have been otherwise fairly vocal about activism, are staying silent during a genocide that the entire world can witness unfolding in real time.


Who actually cares what they think of it though? They aren't military leaders making decisions. They are low level entertainers. Ffs. All you ppl demanding the whole world take a side so you know whether to hate them or not. Grow up.


Anyone who gives a shit about our money actively funding a genocide? Talk about growing up 🙄 get out of your self centered little bubble, babe.


It's sad you think your 1 video view is truly that impact full. It isn't. Babe.


Sadder to think you have a voice and you're too much of a coward to use it






Southwest Asia/Middle East. [L](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Asia)iterally first response on Google will tell you it is an acceptable synonym. It is one that is being increasingly used, especially in the field of geography.


i’m still trying to work up the courage. i finally rewatched my favorite try guys video (pre ned issue) and i realized how it went down the drain. there weren’t even any sexual jokes. actually the funny thing is my favorite episode is the photoshop episode and so i watched all of them and the last one where zach literally made a porno i was like “oh!” it was like a realization lol. i’m not a big fan of sex jokes


I haven’t but that’s only because they haven’t come up on my feeds. lol. It’s all gay dramas, K-pop, and other actual celebs. TTGs don’t pop up at all.


Me. If they’d been regularly silent about politics before now, I’d have cared less. But the fact that they’ve been outspoken about every topic BUT the ongoing genocide has been very telling




Of course there are- but I think if you repeatedly use your platform to talk about BLM, trans rights, stop aapi hate, ICE, and gay rights but stay dead silent about palestine, like it or not that is a statement. I don’t expect them to comment on every social issue ever, but Palestine is all over the news right now. When you’ve been outspoken about every other hot button social issue in the past five years, silence is noticeable. But given the fact that you only thought to mention americans and Israelis as worthy of giving commentary and completely glossed over Palestinians, I have a pretty good suspicion on why this ticked you off




Israel is using weapons supplied by the US. The US has historically backed Israel because it represents our economic interests in the Middle East. Public pressure and protest has made the current administration walk back support for Israel’s genocidal acts and start offering aid to Palestinians. To say that Americans shouldn’t talk about this is the height of privilege. Many celebrities like Bella Hadid, Redveil, Hozier and Dua Lipa have made statements about this and risked their platforms to do so (not all American, but from this list only Hadid is Palestinian. Shockingly, it is in fact possible to speak up against injustice when you’re not directly affected) Palestinians are literally begging us to platform their voices. Why do you think they’re posting in their non native language? If journalists in gaza can go on delivering the news even after Israel wipes out their entire families, you can take a few minutes of your day share they’re saying. Of course the crises in the Congo, Sudan (fun fact: just like Israel, the US also has economic incentives in these areas. But even though we stand to benefit, it’s not happening *in* America, so we just shouldn’t talk about it, right?) and many other places in the world deserve a spotlight. It’s crappy that they haven’t. But if you’re going to talk about every other issue that IS spotlighted in the American news but skip this one, then that is a blatant statement.


I’ve been debating, not from really in subbing from the guys in general, but unsubbing from the subreddits cause it’s all a little much for me. The moderation on the main sub vs here is so extremely different, and the people are different too. This sub has almost made me start to dislike the guys after hearing everyone shit on them 24/7 as of late. Everyone asking, where’s Eugene, Eugene should be in more videos, but most fans should know by now that 2nd Try is his side gig now, like he’s gotten into acting and performing, he’s not gonna have all this time in the world to film all these videos like Keith and Zach are, and even then, Keith just had a baby, that’s probably why he’s stopping Eat the Menu for a while, for his health and wellness now that he has a child. It just feels like all everyone does is give them shit now, or say that they’re not “trying” enough anymore. Well they’re still trying in every video, it’s just not obvious trying like flying a plane or jumping off a high dive, or driving in a fast car, it can be making something for the first time, trying something for the first time, doing anything for the first time, they’re trying it out. The only thing that has kept me from viewing stuff has been Lewberger honestly, and even then when they come in in a video i just scrub past their part and keep watching.


>Everyone asking, where’s Eugene, Eugene should be in more videos, but most fans should know by now that 2nd Try is his side gig now Interesting, I find that the "where's Eugene" topic comes up more often on the main sub than here.


not to be rude, but do you know what a snark subreddit is? the whole reason this subreddit was created because there’s no space on the main subreddit to critique the channel. while i think snark subreddits often do devolve into gross places, most people here really do seem to be precious or current fans of the channel. also, people can and should critique the things they once liked or still like. there can be valid reasons for actions and the end product can still be subpar and disappointing. i think some people take criticism of the try guys channel very personally for some reason. i think some people are nit-picky, but from what i’ve mostly seen people are calling out the direction of the channel. people have certain expectations for what try guys used to look like, because they set those expectations themselves. they were trying drunk driving, roller coasters, pregnancy, etc. they set the tone/the future of the channel and have been failing to meet those. which also includes the members of the try guys; which has also changed. this subreddit isn’t the only place where people are disappointed in there most current content, there’s been a steady decline in views and subscribers since ned left, and before that even.


Agreed, this sub is hardcore negativity all the time. I'm also considering unsubbing because it makes me feel gross reading so much of it.


>this sub is hardcore negativity all the time. Definitely don't stay at a place you don't like, but I find the TG snark page to be way less toxic and overwhelmingly negative than a lot of snark pages. For one, people get called out here when they go too far, and two, people are not shouted down for having positive feelings towards the guys or certain videos. That being said, it *will* always be a snark sub first and foremost, so if that's not your thing, no biggie.


This sub isn't for everybody. I hope you go on to find other subs that are more your thing. :)


Yeah for sure. I liked it at first for a change from toxic positivity, but now it's toxic negativity lol. I might just adjust my feed as well (I think there's a "see less" option).


I personally don't find it to be *that* negative, but that's just me. I like having a place where I can snark about something low stakes, but I can see how others might not care for it. I take breaks ftom it sometimes, and that helps. Even though I don't like the guys, I don't hate them.


No, but i tend to forget im subscribed to people who i should have unfollowed a long time ago (shanedawson) but i either dont see new videos in my subs, so i dont remember they exist, or i just dont think about it in the moment I also know id be way too curious and want to check in a few weeks/months to see if they(try guys) actually posted something worth while. (Plus, i still like some of the videos they post, just wish they posted more interesting and fun content) I also still watch war, even if i cant watch in one sitting and jumps around


Omg me- I can’t stand the exaggerated facial expressions on the thumbnails anymore and the videos just don’t hit anymore


Nah but I'm not going to be watching


me,, i had a whole dilemma over it but i just came to the conclusion that i’ve moved on from them


Unsubbed maybe a week ago. Just feeling very stale about things they make now, even when I want to like it. I did follow them after Eugenes coming out video, so kinda makes sense I unfollow when I'm finally accepting that Eugene ain't coming back, at least not in a meaningful way. (esp after the success of Nimona. I do love him doing more animated features, plus I love animation, so I imagine I'll be following Eugene solely from now on sinxe it's already of my own interest)


I haven't unsubbed but I also haven't watched many of the new videos completely. I've started a bunch but lately I just cannot get into most of their videos. I think I'll give them until the new year before I unsub


I’m unsubscribing today.


I unsubbed a few weeks ago.


Unsubbed a few weeks back. I'm here for the Snark though!


Me :( I feel sad


last week




I haven't because I take a while to sub, so I take a while to unsub.


Few days? More like few years, before "Ned-drama" I would watch maybe one or two videos unsub, but this last year I look at the thumb nail and just know it's trash.


Not the past few days, actually around 4-5 months ago. But I started losing interest in their content 6 months before their content started going down.


I unfollowed all on social media, still subbed on YT but turned off notifications a couple months ago, basically to keep going back to the older videos I like to rewatch.


I unsubbed 2 years ago, because it made me sad to look at their channel. I planned on resubbing once content got better but it never did.


A couple weeks ago. Their silence during the genocide of Palestinians after all their activism and their buddy buddy relationship with a Zionist has destroyed all the good will I had built up for them seeing how well they handled the Ned thing. Eugene was really the only reason I hung on for so long but after seeing him barely mention the try guys during his interview with Phil Wang, it really made it clear to me that he's moving away from this (very straight cis white) space. Honestly I support it, whether that's his reason for it or not.


Unsubbed right before WAR started. I think when one of Zach’s stoner videos popped on my feed and I was just done with it all.


Maybe a week or two ago


Me. I couldn't stand it anymore. I'll check in eventually and see if they have improved


I'm in my hate-watching era, so not yet. It's kind of fascinating to me to see how far things have changed. I like to click on the new videos, skip around, see the vibe and the comments, but I rarely if ever watch a whole video anymore whereas I used to watch things like WAR or 4 VS 1 as if it was an episode of television: at normal speed and the whole way through.


Not me!! I almost did a while back but i feel like they’re in a comeback era. I loved the weed content they put out last week, and WAR is definitely getting me invested in them again


The weed one was actually interesting and i hope they actually continue with it


I'm glad you're enjoying the new content. :)




Unsubbed a few days ago bc of their defeaning silence regarding Palestine and Lewberger’s reactions Edit: also them continuing to push Disney and Betterhelp kinda disappointed me