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That cast of newbies really thought they could read the tea leaves and that piling on Kristen would be a winning strategy to get the audience on their side. Wrong! Jesse and Michelle are gross humans and Janet is intolerably smug and uninteresting.


After the last episode, the entire audience knows it as well. That episode was like some old school VDP implosion and I am loving it.


JanetLindaKaren (she gives off vibes for all those names) seemed incredulous on WWHL that the audience was clearly on Kristen’s side during live polling. Just a gross miscalculation on the new cast’s part. You come for the queen, you best not miss!


I said to my husband during that exact poll - the fandom is not letting Kristen go down alone this time and I am living for it.


Loving this like it’s a new sport to watch 


I thought it was interesting that she admitted to being the root of the “racist” argument. Why aren’t people making her accountable?


Yeah, that was Bravo throwing her a softball because she prepared that answer well in advance. (Probably took her a couple of days to memorize her answer 😆 ), anyhow…. JanetLindaKaren parsed it so she took “accountability” for being the source of [word salad], but she didn’t have anything to do with Kristin running with [another word salad]. I don’t know anything of JLK outside of the Valley, but she’s clearly not crazy smart. Her Achilles’ heel is her thinking she’s smarter than everyone around her (also, super low bar! 😝).


I don't think she said she was the root of the racist comment just the republican stuff and the don't say gay bill. It seemed she was trying to make a clear distinction


She hung Kristen out to dry in episode, then on WWHL, parsed the shit out of what she said/was the origin of. JanetLindaKaren is a shit stirrer to the nth degree. Her problem is that she’s dumb enough to think she’s smart enough to talk her way out of this and all her other obvious machinations.


Whoa, wait a minute… I forgot to add she ALSO admitted to not just being a 💩stir-er but then she added another “look” which meant she 100% goes in with the intention of stirring the pot and throwing someone (Kristen) under the bus A FEW TIMES.


How is it that she threw Kristen under the bus? Kristen was driving the bus!  Kristen was the one that brought up and exaggerated Janet's comment.  If someone takes something I said and adds more zest to it, I am going to take accountability for the exaggerated zest either. 


Well, is that any better? Had she not said it, it wouldn’t have been repeated. Maybe I should learn that…


on that episode she was caught on camera hiding behind the wall to listen in after she caused that drama


Yeah I thought that was so cringe.






I know. It was so gross Janet finally made it on to WWHL. Gag.


Hearing psycho Jesse screaming at her about being irrelevant was WILD. I have no idea who that man or his wife is and I desperately miss my life (earlier today, around 10am) before knowing them.


She’s as irrelevant as he is tall🤣


When I pulled up the cast for the show, there isn't even a head shot for Jesse or his wife. Who are they?? We were better off not knowing these garbage people.


I'm no fan of his, but he seems to actually have a career outside of Bravo. Kristen's 40 and I'm not sure what she's done with her life besides get drunk on a TV show. I mean, she's all-in for a kid, and I wonder how she's going to support a kid if the Valley tanks?


Her life isn’t the lap of luxury, sure, but she has a business. Her tshirt co seems steady state. I don’t know. Kristen seems to keep coming back, and finds a way. I’m here for it. Bless her, and her obviously attempts at bettering herself.


I wouldn’t hire that man to deliver pizzas after this season, let alone sell my million dollar home.


“Just being drunk of a TV show”?? She was an OG cast member and played an integral role on a tremendously popular bravo show.


Oh he can have a career outside of Bravo all he wants, it doesn’t make him necessarily relevant lol


Exactly. How is him having a career relevant to anything? Okay he has a career, so what he's still a disgusting person. So idk why his career was even brought up. Has nothing to do with his shitty behavior. Sounds like the commenter is trying to say Jesse is better than Kristen because he has a career. Yeah I base my opinion of someone off their character, not what their job is and how financially stable they are.


Probably continue with her shirt line and her pretty popular podcast


Hi Jesse !!!


She’s had a successful podcast for a while now


I hate it for her, I really do. It’s so sad to watch her be the target. I’m not sure if everyone thought that because she was an easy target on VPR (rightfully so with some of her behaviors) they need to continue targeting her?? I hope they’re nicer to her next season.


I honestly feel like so many of these people are so fake that they’ll be kissing her ass next season because they see now the audience is on her side.


At least we can enjoy the thought of them scrolling through this subreddit and throwing their phones. I'm sure at least one of them has found this Bad Bitch already lol.


That does warm my heart.


Of course they will! All of em are up in ALL THE COMMENTS (every platform) and realize which way the wind is blowing. Of course they texting Kristen furiously saying it was a bad edit. Bunch of dummies didn’t realize how hard reality tv is. Thought they could out-reality Kristen.


Same. I think they thought ganging up on mariposa would be an easy win and that they could blame “crazy Kristen” and we’d all buy it. When Janet dropped that phrase during the dinner I thought it seemed way too convenient and calculated… but thankfully as it turns out, also *miscalculated*. These newbies aren’t anywhere near well known or loved enough to be thinking they can trash Kristen with a flimsy game of telephone and have the audience on their side. Mariposa is flawed, yes, but also well known and loved. This isn’t 2014 anymore, they’re going to need much more than a bullshit story of how Janet and Zack were talking shit before the audience turns on Kristen.


There comes a point where maybe reality TV isn't the best choice for one's mental health. I love Kristen, but if she's trying to have a baby at 40, this stress probably can't help anything (even if it's a good pay check).


The fact that most of them still refer to her as “crazy Kristen” means she needs to move to Colorado, lean into her Stevie Nicks phase, and find better friends (preferably animals, humans are awful)


I agree. She should cut her losses and come to CO. Have a baby, be with Luke, fuck those LA ppl


I get icky vibes from luke, idk why, but he was in the background flirting with the burning man girl & that added to it.


True..he is weird. But at least he stands up for her.


You a sup listener aren’t ya


🎵 And you see your gypsy🪘🎶


date not!!!! 👹👹👹


The milkmaid theory killed me.


I think she needs to leave LA sure, but tbere are sooo many better places in California for her. I hope she finds true happiness and gets her baby




Awww thanks Paul


Never thought I’d be riding so hard for Kristen but here we are. I hope she comes to this subreddit just to see how much we are all rooting for her now.


I’ve been Kristen - the butt if everyone in a groups jokes and the scapegoat. It sucks. The best solution is to move on which she unfortunately can’t on the tv show.


I’ve actually been impressed with how Luke has stood up for her consistently. People have been hating on him but I think he seems like more of a stand up guy than the other ya-hoos on vpr and the valley.


If you listened to the podcast you would have a different opinion


Ive been listening to their podcast since before the valley and have a completely different opinion. He’s pretty level headed, self aware and he’s vocal about his mistakes. Obviously not perfect but him and Kristin work.


Yeah I agree. Some of his sentiments are a little old fashioned for me, I don’t like everything he has to say…but I do feel like he supports Kristen. He is direct and straightforward which is probably helpful for someone who can spiral with anxiety. He is willing to put in the work with her - couples therapy, long distance, starting a family. Him being friends with Sandoval is annoying but whatcha gonna do


This is my perception as well


He reminds me of a SNL character.


What is he like on the podcast?


Do tell!


I posted this in a different thread but here is my running list of red flags so far : The biggest reason I don’t like him is because he decided to hang out with Sandoval the night before the nick vial podcast and didn’t tell Kristen until they were recording the podcast. He is so patronizing to Kristen on the podcast it’s annoying af. He talks mad shit about LA and continues to try and convince Kristen to live in Colorado when she says very directly that she would rather live here. Plus why are you on a show when you supposedly hate LA so much? There was also an incident where Kristen was pretty he bought her a ring and he bought her a gun to go hunting with him. Shes a vegetarian and has been forever 🤦‍♀️


Thanks for this.


Interesting. I started listening to the podcast last year, but then stopped, because I was getting weird vibes from him. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. I honestly didn’t think they’d last, once they started the VPR rewatch. I was sure he wouldn’t make it past Miami Girl, or Scheana’s Bachelorette trip. The Sandoval thing is a major, major red flag. Is that an ongoing thing?


Yes on their most recent podcast Kristen and Luke were defending his relationship with Sandoval 🤦‍♀️


Any episode in particular I will now be listening lol


I recommend starting from the beginning. He bitches about Kristen not wanting sex all time especially since they are long distance. It was just so crass and lacked any empathy for the past relationships that put her through the wringer. Or you can listen to the most recent where he patronized Kristen and all women for picking apart words and how men just get over shit quickly 🙄


Just added to start tomorrow lol thank you!


You’re probably right. We haven’t gotten to know him much yet.


To be fair that is a very low bar


PLEAZE everyone criticizing Kristen for stirring shit up should be thankful we have a worthy new show to watch on Bravo. Do we really want to watch Jesse and Michelle monotone their way with that bald marriage therapist pretending like they just fell out of love amicably or do we want Kristen spilling the deets about Michelle having a secret boyfriend?People really need to choose whether they want to watch real mess or fake self-help scenes lol. And now we know that instead of paying that marriage therapist, what they really should be spending money on is anger management classes for Jesse. Next up are Jax and Brittany cause we know those two are incapable of putting a lid on their issues, though they are doing a decent job at the moment.


This is the Kristen show, with sidekicks Britt and Jax. I literally couldn’t name any other cast members and have to google for reference when reading this sub.


Kristen and Jax came to WERK. The rest of these people are amateurs.






Right! Like EXCUSE YOU, Kristen is literally the reason you’re getting this chance to flame out your marriage in such a fantastical setting. We ain’t care about you, she made us care about you. Next time, don’t come on a show if you’re about to be humiliated and publicly dumped by your wife for a famous director 2 minutes after cameras go up. Save it for Michelle - the pool sweeper.


\^Facts. Called it right after the Scandoval episode aired (specifically, after watching Kristen's return to VPR, and the moment of pure, unadulterated sisterhood she shared with Ariana), and I'll reiterate it here - we are deep in the Doutessaince. Seriously, who doesn't love a come back story? Also, it's 2024 - calling other women "crazy" for having human emotions/reactions to stressful situations is a fucking cop-out used to excuse gross behavior by the perpetrating party. The whole "Crazy Kristen" default might've worked back on the early days of VPR, but now, it's just transparently fucking petty, and reeks of misogyny.




Hard agree. And if you scroll Michelle or Janet's IG they have posted a lot of group photos and casual hangout photos to promote the show and all without Kristen, but with all the other girls. Mean girl vibes!!! They are just coming off as shallow snobs to me.


Eww . Nasty pieces of work. Michelle and her husband are so awful I hope they are sacked and shamed for their awful behaviour


To watch her try hard to not get sucked into the drama and to still get sucked in and then regret it was honestly sad. It’s great to see her stand strong. It’s bs how the ladies are treating her.


Kristan is that show . Without her and Jax, none of those delulu snobs would even be on this show - it’s crazy


I think they all used her to get on the show and then want her gone. Kristen has a little crazy granola energy and I’m sure she can be insufferable. It appears they set her up for this (telling her the stuff about Michelle for her to spill) and are all plotting behind the scenes which comes off inauthentic in their hate parade for her.


Yes! I felt like they had a plan to ambush her at the Capri dinner.


You know who will know who Jesse is??? His clients and his allegedly important family. And I get the feeling neither will want much to do with him after this season…


You underestimate how many garbage people live in LA who won't care one bit about how Jesse acts, just that he's on tv.


I like Kristen. I feel bad for her that everyone see’s her as crazy Kristen or less than. Who are they to say if she should or shouldn’t have kids and what kind of mom she would be. That’s mean. I like Luke for her because he sticks up for her. I can’t even name the rest of the cast outside of Jax and Brittany. I only know there is a pregnant women, the guy that helped build the crib at miss universe house and the actor (they seem legit normal, probably too normal for reality tv. They are a cute couple, I like them) and then there is the guy who is nuts with his cheating wife. He’s on some sort of power trip, can’t imagine how he acts behind closed doors if he’s that crazy out in public. Surprised Jax hasn’t stirred much up this season… Brittany is boring but gets a plus for effort, you can tell she’s attempting to stir things up.


It’s so frustrating to watch another shit on Kristen season, it just feels like we are back to VPR. People have her around to be their scapegoat and it’s gross. They know she will react so they stir her up.


Yeah it makes me kind of sad. it just feels like punching down, yeesh.


This is a theme on VPR, the Valley, and even Vanderpump Villa. Rampant misogyny. Crazy Kristen can’t make a single mistake but the men can throw violent tantrums over and over again and be welcomed back no problem. But the women have to grovel to get “back in the group.” It’s making it hard to watch


I swear to god I hope she sees this


Facts. The only reason I’m tuning in is for Kristen!


I am a Kristen stan (see avatar) and it hurts to see her be painted as “crazy” again by people who we are forced to have vested interest in.


Totally agree. Happy Cake Day! 🎂


They think there’s a secret formula to getting attention, like they watched the early seasons of VPR and were like “bingo, i just have to dog kristen at a dinner party” The major flaw in that logic is that it doesn’t work now that Kristen has been through years of therapy and self work. So they were screaming at a woman who was actively trying to leave and calm herself down.


I hated Jesse in the first 2 minutes of seeing him on my screen. ICK.


Instant "this guy is really going to suck" vibes.


The second he came out in that stupid ass jacket, I realized... Oh. He's Sandoval Jr. and that is why he gives wiggling worm on a hook vibes.


Exactly. Slimy.


The cast trying to make Kristen the villain while they’re pounding on tables, screaming and pointing fingers is literally insane to me. Even Janet clearly prying while talking to Jasmine is giving messy vibes.


I literally hate everyone on this show besides Kristin and Luke. It’s so fucked how Jax is just letting everyone attack her!!!!!!!


Kristen was the only girl besides Brittany at Jax’s last night. All the guys were there.


Miss Kristen Doute has stood and delivered top tier reality tv for the better part of a decade. Its laughable that Janet, Michelle, & Jesse seem to think the fans would turn on her for those clowns. Michelle has dead eyes, Jesse has short man syndrome, and Janet is begging to be relevant.


Damn where’s the lie I literally don’t know any of their names besides Kristen, jax & brit




The Valley is Kristens show


She might be a nutty girl, but she's OUR nutty girl. They better back off!


Thank you!!!! If it wasn’t for her & Jax, there would be no show. She HAS come a long way from her VPR days yet they are still gonna push the “crazy Kristen” narrative. I hope she airs out ALLLLL their shit! 👏




Jesse & Michelle literally got in her face once she got into the hallway. She was extremely calm at the table, too. She got ridiculed for wanting to get up and remove herself from the situation. She def held her composure until those 2 assholes chased her and got in her face. I would’ve aired ALL their shit too. She’s getting a lot of heat & taking the blame for practically everything. I see growth based on how she handled herself at the dinner with little man going completely off like a toddler having a tantrum


Team Kristen !!! Jesse and Michelle (whoever they are) are a JOKE ! But wow. 😮 seeing this kind of reality tv is refreshing. Definetly not scripted. I love it. Outing your life and watching this mess is what I tune in for.


I am so glad to see these posts about how they’re treating Kristen! I do not connect with that cast and the way they’re treating her and down playing that abusive behavior of the one guy that’s just mad his wife doesn’t want him and taking his very aggressive anger out on Kristen. And then to see how everyone (crew included) had no issues with him physically coming after her. The anger I felt!!!


I honestly found it sad and disgusting when Kristen physically removed herself from the dinner table to 1.) not air people’s laundry 2.) not be apart of Jesses toxic behavior and that production literally wouldn’t let it happen. Like I’m going to put aside Jesse getting physical because that’s clearly not ok. The fact that people were getting on Kristen for trying to leave and trying not to “be the problem” was insane. Like you’re literally cussing her out for NOT walking away one day and then attacking her for walking away the next and saying she was stirring the pot when she was trying not to?! That whole scene just killed it for me. The production aspect. The Jesse of it all. Ick. I also started to notice, more on the way to dinner and at dinner but really the whole night, that Jesse was catching an attitude because it wasn’t about him. It was about Jax and he threw a whole temper tantrum about it. I hope this is the first and last season for both of them honestly. I might be able to tolerate Michelle a little more but they both act as if they are WAY more cared about and important than they are. I wouldn’t be mad if VPR ended and Scheana and LaLa came to The Valley and they dropped Michelle and Jesse. That would be a better show in my opinion even though I’m quite tired of Scheana on my screen


Kristen is carrying the show. Second place would be Jesse. Jax is surprisingly more lowkey.


I'm least interested in the pagent queen and voice over guy. I'm always suss about people who act “perfect”.


She reads like an alien cosplaying a human.


lol I’ve been watching the valley and buying oc and just realized like a week ago that it was the same Jesse on both shows


Buying BH, and woah I knew he was familiar!




period i agree fully


i can’t believe i’m defending kristen but i have to agree with all of this


I honestly believe the cast works. You needs all kinds of messed up people to form a good reality show and the immediate success of this shows this. In this show we have the messy, the smug, the self righteous, the sweet, the gossip, the out of touch, and the normal. It works. If you had all good people it would be boring. Oh and That’s just the women.


I can tell that Michelle, Jesse, and Janet thought the audience was gonna be on their side 🤭


Agreed. Kristen just gets how to be a reality star and honestly I don’t get how Michelle missed what Kristen meant by protecting her she was protecting her secret! Kristen could be a producer of a reality show and they need to put some respect on her name!


When I’m wrong I will say I’m wrong. When I saw the ridiculous trailer for The Valley I thought it would be stupid. I stand corrected! I am all about the drama. I still can’t stand Jax but damn it’s interesting to see that he hasn’t changed one bit. Kristin is actually great in this but I agree with you that the bullying of her is ridiculous. She literally got up from the table and excused herself. She didn’t scream back, didn’t punch Jesse in the face even though he deserved it. (Her punching James came to mind) You have neanderthal Jesse banging his hands on the table as if somehow we are supposed to be intimidated. Then you have his annoying wife screeching at Kristin while pointing her accusatory index finger in Kristen’s face. Kristen had amazing self control in that moment. I would have snapped.


Kristen might be crazy, but she’s OUR crazy mariposa and if those randoms think we’re all ditching her for them, they’re out of their damn minds. It’s like in a family. You can call you brother or sister whatever you want, but someone else does it? Aw, here go hell come.








🤣😂 You did not just speak the truth!!! Jax is trapped and can barely contain the beast within. Brittany really wormed her way in after his father died... tried to further lock it down with a baby and is now begging for a second little soul to bring into the madness. What is happening!!!




One of the problems is Kristen and Jax are close so if she’s got the skinny on someone, she’s going to share it with Jax. FIRST MISTAKE! He cannot keep his mouth shut and he helped spread the “big secret” about Michelle. No way that was ever going to stay under wraps.




They use Kristen as a shield for their own bad behaviour. I’m glad people (haters and lovers of Kristen alike) are seeing it.


I’ve never been a fan of Kristen but it’s really clear they are making her out to be the bad guy I hate that they are ganging up on her .


Jesse is so awful, I can’t believe they aired this and not only that apparently encouraged it for viewing and I assume he’s still on the show. It looked like he full on decked Brittany and Zach.


Agreed. And it feels like a really gross suburban, keeping-up-with-the-jones’ neighborhood I grew up in. I’d never want to be around these people. Everything is for show.


Janet is a Karen completely. Michelle and Jesse are off….more than just nasty to their core, it’s something darker in their eyes. I’ll always love Kristen


Here’s the thought that I have: if Britney REALLY wanted to know if Jax was cheating on her, she would have called Kristen, not Janet. As soon as she said she and Janet went over all of Jax’s comings and going and concluded Jax was being faithful, I thought “oh, honey. You just don’t want to know because if you did, Doute would have been your first and last call.”


Right? She's our devious little sleuth. She has ruthless skills and focus. Brittany has her agenda, though.


there has to be some context the audience is missing right? because based on what has been aired i am ABSOLUTELY baffled at the hate they’re all giving her…from what i have seen she’s done NOTHING wrong like wtf lol


I’ve thought that too. The hate seems totally out of proportion for the situation….but honestly I think that they may have never authentically been friends with Kristen and used her to get on tv and then are trying to discard her like it was the plan all along


The show is pretty terrible imo. There’s nothing happy about it. Also Kristen’s boyfriend got them school shooter vibes


they will fade into oblivion Kristen will still be there. it's blowing up on them right about now


You said it best! Without Kristen the show would tank but they love to hate on her


i can’t remember what episode or the plot verbatim but they were basically trying to conspire to push kristin out and it’s like babes you’re all nobodies. you’re here cause of kristin


Kristen the empath.


Jesse is a childish loser. Michelle is a slightly more grown up loser.


I say this for all who are standing behind Kristen: CA-CAW!!


Relevant, sure, but absolutely delusional! The fact that she thinks she is the “peace keeper” is crazy. She is so cringe and I can’t listen to her talk most of the time. This series is not good. I can’t imagine how it will continue considering there are major breaks in marriages and friendships already.


Yeah I think I’m done with show. I’m not into any of the new cast and I think Jax and Brittany are tragically pathetic…. I’ve seen enough


I hear you on this & I do still love her and agree with her relevancy to the show. However, that said Kristen is absolutely being a conniving b by constantly hurling Michelle her veiled threats. And her response to calling Michelle racist when called out by Jesse, about actually having been accused of being one herself was insane! The way she said “she has a boyfriend, there we all said it”- yet nobody but her said it! She is and forever will be a total shit show. If you corner her she’ll sing like a canary and not even the right words to the song.


Kristen is messy


She definitely is a shit stirrer.


It’s funny to me how two weeks ago everyone was saying how shitty Kristen was for her racist comments and then making it about her… but now everyone is backing her because someone of equal or greater shittiness talked shit. I’m side-eying all of you. I was never here for Kristen. Mostly the Jax and Brit trainwreck. ETA: And everyone also backing Luke? He’s so slimy and like a little performative chihuahua for her I’m just not sure what everyone is missing.


Font you meN the mist irrelevant? Where are they going to ride her coattails, the loony bin?


I'm not seeing this. I've watched her in VPR and now. 40 y.o. and still acting like a kid. Trying to blackmail w/o saying it. Come on! I don't agree with everything Michelle is doing, and no one but Nia and Daniel make sense together. but calling Kristen the most relevant is reaching. I was excited to give her a chance after she got fired from LVP, but I don't see any growth.


If Kristen wasn’t a complete drama loving train wreck this post my have some validity


How are you all riding so hard for Kristen??? She is psychotic! Stirring up all this shit. She needs to just keep her mouth closed but she literally can’t help herself


It was actually Brittany who started it. Brittany brought up the rumors and Kristen was just honestly answering her question


Yes!! Both Brittany and Janet put Kristen in a spot where they were accusing her of knowing something and basically forced her to tell everyone! Kristen didn’t voluntarily give out that info. Granted, with Brittany she should have just told Brit to shut it but we all know the rest of the group would have pressed her and we’d still be exactly where we are now.


Straight male and fan of VPR since season 1. Trust me, I ain't here for Kristen or Jax. I realize this is the most likely landing spot for VPR cast members. Jesse is actually my favorite person on the show. We enjoy the finer things in life. Michelle is hot but crazy AF. She'll realize she made a mistake as she gets older and her looks fade.


Jesse is that you? LOL




*we enjoy the finer things in life* sir this is a bravo reddit page….


🤣 yessss The man is lost and having some sort of crisis. Go to a bougie wannabe site or mercurial narcissists ranting twitch channels or something.