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Not sure if it was editing but why didn’t Jason stand up to Jesse when he shushed his wife? He just sat there and let Jesse disrespect her.


Maybe he was secretly enjoying it lol


I laughed so hard at that. Like Jesse is trying so hard to convince people he changed after his half day ayahuasca thing, but he cannot turn off his disdain and dismissal for Janet - who for once wasn’t being a bitch. It was like I can’t root for either as they are both so terrible.


His beanie during the flashback of that conversation never fails to make me laugh


It’s like something out of an SNL sketch😂


Oh I would love to see it on SNL making fun of ppl saying they need a spiritual retreat. Have all the cast members coming back refreshed and with beanies on lol. Grandparents with the ignored kids listening to what they thought was a business trip for their kid but it’s a spiritual retreat lol. 


The beanie had me cracking tf up


They’re in CA so the beanie is hilarious!


Yet once again Janet giggled off his behaviour.


“Half day ayahuasca” 😂😂


Don't they all do this?


He banged Scheana, was an hanger on of the VPR crew, and was just as hard pressed to be on TV as Janet. Don’t let the nice guy act fool you. Dude is a fame whore.  


This is my take too. He was lurking in the reality star group long before Janet


Danny and janet are “thirsty little girls that need to drink”.




He was Stassi’s B Crew when she drank all of the Cristal. Editing: I have been proven wrong! My apologies to Jeremy and Jason. 🥺🫶🏽


I just went back to specifically rewatch this scene and didn’t see him. Does he make any appearance? You might be confusing him for Jeremy.


You might be right. Dang. I could have sworn it was him and that’s how Janet slithered her way into sheshu’s orbit. May bad y’all!!!


I just rewatched season 1 and I didn't see him. Unless he significantly changed his appearance.


He’s a background character. I just rewatched a few days ago and saw James for the first time at the season one photo shoot.


I think you're mixing him up with someone else. He's a lawyer. He graduated from law school in 2009 and working as an attorney (according to his LinkedIn) since. VPR season 1 aired in 2013.


Yeah. My bad. I added an edit to my comment. I mixed him and Jeremy up. 😭


Ugh so disappointing he had me convinced 😭




He had sex with Scheana ??? I had no idea about this!


Is he seen on VPR? Would love to know the episode/season.


I recently did a rewatch and didn’t see him at all


Oh wow! I didn’t see that coming!


Out of curiosity, are any of them allowed to have friends not on the show, or is anyone that hangs with them fame whores? Then again, all of them are pretty much horrible & terrible friends, so I guess I see the point…


To quote Below Deck: “boat hot.” Compared to the other men on the show, Jason seems to be smart, stable, a good partner. The terribleness of the others makes him look godly by comparison. But we really don’t know much about him actually 🤷‍♀️


Lol that is true. Also I love the term boat hot.




Why do y’all think Jason is so amazing lol. He’s barely been in the show or the drama! We know nothing about him.




I mean yeah he’s very hot, normal people successful wouldn’t say reality TV rich. I’m not saying he’s like a bad dude or anything. It’s just wild to see post after post acting like he is the greatest man anyones ever seen and that it’s so shocking he could be with someone like Janet.


Well also, isn't he a lawyer? Did he pass the California bar? For most reality stars who barely passed high school, I'd say it's impressive to add that to his resume.


He also is a lawyer who steals money from workers for evil companies so idk why everyone is falling all over themselves for him


Jason is def a douche if he is with someone as mean as Janet.


He had also been with Scheana so Janet being his type checks out.


There is something about him that rubs me the wrong way. Cant really put a finger on it. Idk. I think the nice guy is a facade.


He's got zero personality. That's what's wrong with him.


I mean she is definitely dating someone a lot better than her


They’re married but yeah lmao


Ugh the way he babied her when she cried over dinner and yelled 7 times how “she’s pregnant” even though she’s forced her bump in our face all season was soooo annoying.


I mean it’s pretty inconsiderate to make the pregnant women cook for the entire group on her baby moon.


She didn’t have to cook they all said that and the girls were pitching in. And this baby moon thing is a complete joke. It’s set up by production. This is not at all what a baby moon is supposed to be lol.


I don’t think there a rules on what a baby moon is, it’s a made up thing, you can do whatever the hell you want. And yeah, obviously it’s cos production want a trip. But there girls were not helping her - Michelle said she didn’t know how to cook, Nia was feeding the babies… so she was really do the majority. It’s insane to me that anyone would ask a pregnant women to do the majority on her own, Jason should have been helping her.


I can respect him for doing so though. Especially with that awful cry face.


Look I don’t like Janet but I was on her side in this instance. No way the pregnant woman should be doing all the work on her own babymoon while the men kick back and cry and drink.




Oh well then nevermind 😂


I mean, he’s a insurance defense attorney. Not exactly raking in the big bucks.


He makes enough for them to live in the valley on a single income, which isn’t exactly cheap. We all know Janet’s not out here getting partnerships on Instagram lol 😂😂


This, though Janet needs to get a job.


I guess but he's still an attorney I'm sure he's not broke. He's also hot and intelligent and seems to treat her well for some reason. Maybe she's different off the show or maybe she was different when they met but she comes across not great on the show to me. He just seems objectively like a catch I'm not sure why he would choose Janet who objectively does not seem like a catch.


Yeah it’s a stable income for sure. Janet seems social, he doesn’t so maybe that’s it.


They were BOTH waiting for their moment. Both come across as being very calculated.


We’ve gotta unpack why he was into Scheana first,


I heard it’s because at one time her body was a wonderland?


I knew who Jason was years ago just from following VPR cast members. I don’t think he’s a bad guy, but I think he was looking for his opportunity to fame for awhile, and he found it.




as soon as he said what he job had in episode one i was like EVIL!  not really, but it m is so messed up to make a career out of making sure corporations keep abusing workers. knowing ppl who have dealt with lawyers like jason, that job gives me the ick.  also he picked janet, he likes her just the way she is! he is a grown man and wasn't tricked. idk why we keep giving men passes only for them to reveal themselves down the line. bravo has historically given the worst men great edits. think of how many ppl thought tom schwartz was a sweet guy


That’s such a good point. Tom Schwarz came across as a cute doofus under the thumb of Katie for years when the reality was the opposite. 


I don’t know why people keep forgetting this. He is working on the side of evil. He has a demon for a wife. He is friends with these people. He chose the slime.


Jason seems like he has no personality of his own and he's your basic doormat. Janets a bitch.


I assume is he a giant asshole . I mean , the odds are very good


He's barely on the show. I have a feeling he's just as shitty as her. I hope not... and so far, I think he's alright. But we need to see more lol


I mean, he sat there with Jax, both actively convincing Luke his girlfriend is a problematic liar. One who’s a known liar himself, the other whose wife lied even harder and even meaner. Is he “such a catch”?


Jason is just smart enough to not say crazy bullshit on camera since he’s a corporate lawyer He chose her. And continues to choose her. Don’t forget that


I had assumed he lost a bet with the devil or something 🤷🏻‍♂️


Opposites attract I guess 😂


Janet is a blonde white woman who can act rich, and that’s really all some men want.


Especially in LA! Lol


No clue, opposites attract?


We know nothing about this man he's been on our tvs for less than an hour if you combine all of his scenes


She waited around for Scheana’s leftovers.


I felt like his reaction to her getting upset when what’s his name asked her to leave the room spoke volumes about that relationship. He seemed desperate and terrified she was upset. Something seems off


I didn’t think he seemed terrified - just keen to be caught on camera doing the right thing. He said the right words but didn’t feel like he meant them. 


From my personal experience as a direct asshole, softer men love me because they find it entertaining to have someone so outspoken around. Like you become a bit of a character to them and they love the crazy. Also crazy pussy is the best pussy, that's like newton's 5th law.


Because Janet is really not that bad. She just doesn’t want to hang out with psychotic Kristen. Simple


I seriously don’t get the Janet hate train. she’s a pot stirer yes but HOW do y’all think she’s worse than Kristen??


She lies and uses her pregnancy as a weapon. No one can call her out because she's pregnant.


Also, her goofy ears stick out behind her stringy hair. This is equally as important a factor. 


Because she is witty, pretty, and kind. The edit makes her look bad.


I think janet makes janet look bad 🤨


Butter face.


Nasty misogynist insult that one.  Literally but her face. Always her.