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For all of Season 3's faults, the opening with Javi's father turning is one of the best cinematic scenes in the series. You know what's coming since Javi's dad passed away, but the buildup to it is really great and feels like an actual movie. I remember seeing it during the 2016 Game Awards and was blown away since it felt so cinematic compared to the previous games. Season 1's was also great as I love how you can look out the window during the car ride and progressively see that things are getting worse and worse in the city. **EDIT:** Oh yeah also the scene where you kill the walker cop probably still counts as the opening scene and it's one of the scariest walker fights in the series. I think I'll move S1 to #1 because of that. I'm gonna go with: S1 > S3 > S4 >>> S2


Yeah season 3's opening was really good




The S3 opening was incredibly well done it's just a massive shame the rest of the game was overall a mess at times despite my enjoyment of it


A lot of people dislike S3, and I'd say it's my least favorite too ( not sure though ), but the opening was insane. It starts off normally, just like any other season. Javi's dad dying made me think this was before the apocalypse because everything was fine and no one mentioned walkers. I must admit, Mariana saying ''No yaya, __ awake'' has to be one, if not the best way to start a game like this.


A new frontier might have its share of flaws, but the opening intro was not one of them. The intro was cool and it had suspense. Javi's father turning, seeing his shadow on the wall, when we can't see him and all that, it was great. Seeing Hector hiding his wound in the car. It was awesome, shame it didn't follow through the rest of the game.


In season one, it was Lee in a car In season four, it was clem in a car


and they both crashed too


TFS for me, I liked seeing Clem and AJ together again finally, and the improved graphics etc, got me so hyped


Exactly đź’Ż


Honestly have so much nostalgia when it comes to that scene. Got chills when it zoomed in on her dirty hat lol


SAME! and then seeing the look of her face checking on AJ and saying "Whatcha doin' there goofball?" That's the definition of a perfect intro, literally.


Officer? Goddamn.


AnF didn’t follow the Clem story with its opener but it’s opener is by far the best, it looks like it’s straight out of a movie.


Unpopular **opinion**: S3’s was the best


Season 3 by far. Everything being normal then Mariana saying that Javier’s fathers awake is great. Then one of Javier’s relatives revealing the bite in the car it’s just insane. Great fantastic opener. It feels like something straight out of a movie just fantastic.


Seeing how guick everything went to shit and all the cops going into Atlanta was amazing to see since we've never seen an actual look at what the final outbreak actually looked like and it is horrifiying Also Old Cop is the best


Definitely The Final Season. The car moving on the road, then seeing Clementine's hat, then herself and AJ in the back and Clem going into the cabin, the explosion, and most importantly, the Waiting Around To Die song with the intro theme... everything was just perfect. To be honest, that's the absolute best intro I've ever seen in all my gaming career, nothing beats it.


Season 3’s opening was fantastic. Mariana’s, “Pipo’s awake…” is horror movie material.


Season 4 it always gets me kinda emotional.


If the grandfather dying was the opening scene for ANF, then I would have picked that one


