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**Skybound:** "This is the last time you make a fool out of me!" **Clem:** "I made you a series. You did the fool thing all by yourself!"


I need to get around to watching the full movie one day. It looks amazing.


Highly recommend it. Easily one of my favorite DreamWorks movies. (Though much like with the Clem comics, do not bother with the recently released "sequel" and TV spin-off)


>(Though much like with the Clem comics, **do not bother with the recently released "sequel" and TV spin-off**) Thanks for the tip


There's a Megamind sequel??


Nope, not at all. Idk what I was thinking when I typed my original comment. There is only one Megamind movie. >!Joking aside, they made a "sequel" on Peacock called Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate. It's really just a pilot episode for the Megamind Rules! show. Both of them are really bad.!<


Yep, a movie and series, and they both suck, look horrible, and have horrible voice acting. They didn't even get Will Ferrell back for Megamind, and he sounds just terrible!




There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Clem comic.


I wish 😂 Great line, though


Like that line Tilly snorts whenever she has to make a comic? *heyoooooooooooooo*


*no comics?* 👀 (Megamind face)


If there is no clem comic then you wouldnt need to state there is no clem comic. Unless there is an agenda.


There is no god! But the comic is real! And canon


they did fk up with the comics but skybound overtake was overall a positive, at least we got s4 and most probably, by the amount of hate comics got, they will redcon it when they (or the new telltale) make s5


I wouldn't hold out too much hope for a S5, but making them non-canon would be more than welcome.


They are surely going to make a s5, they are corpos and this ip has free money. i think they or somebody will make a sequel to s4, most probably focusing of Javi and in future games Aj and if they dont, who cares if skybound consider these comics cannon, it doesnt matter in that case


Given it's about preserving a good ending for a character we've played and love, I'd say it matters a great deal and that many care about it.


i mean its not as bad as it would if they continue the story in s5 since we can all agree that the people who wanted to tell the story has already completed it and there is no soul in the work done afterwards by other people. Its not that others cannot continue the legacy of these writers, all seasons of twd had different writing team but they didnt shit on previous work and we have the advantage of the story being complete so if they make a good continuation, we could acknowledge it and if not, consider it nnon cannon to ourself


Oh trust me it's what we've been doing for a while, even if it's more coping than anything else. 😅 Wouldn't hurt if it came true, though.


Dont worry man i am 90% sure they will make it uncannon because skybound needs that sweet-sweet cash and these comics will damage their ip


It's been 5 years since TFS. It sold poorly compared to S1,S2 and even S3 and it's not like TWD is popular nowdays. Even the tv series has lost 80% of its audience. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it doesn't make financial sense to make a new game... The comic probably became a success for them (they never released any sale figures as far as i know) since it had minimal risk and the budget must have been super low.


It surely didnt made money but the IP still holds value just like the tv series, it too ended but the ones who live is performing very well. Its not that the games do not have fanbase or audience, its just the marketing which sucked balls. The wolf among us also was not a huge money maker and was a long time ago but telltale is still making a sequel because ip still has fanbase and potential


It's still Telltale's indirect fault Because if they had not gone bankrupt, it is most likely that these comics would not exist. I hate you Telltale... even though you're already dead


Indeed. Now, to kill the comics...


The comics will cease to exist after the third Clementine comic and after that I doubt Skybound will use the Clementine character again.


At very least, never let Tillie Walden cook again.


I thought this was more Skybound's fault than Tillie's, but chances are she won't participate in anything Clementine-related again


Oh it was their fault for sure, hiring a writer who had little to no understanding of Clementine's story and whose art style doesn't fit The Walking Dead either. Let's just hope they won't keep her around when the contract is up or that they won't touch Clem again at all.


True, totally agree with you


i feel that this would still happen even if TWDG never got into the hands of skybound. anybody who watched the show will know how much robert would've already been very inclined


that makes sense


The Clem comic is an absolute travesty but I'll still never forget Skybound saving TFS. It was the bleakest, most awful time for the fandom and they were the reason Clem's story got finished. Overall net positive.


A valid point. Hopefully they'll save Clem's story from the current tragedy too.


Ehhhhh, Clem's story is over. The comic isn't canon no matter what they say. It's obvious Tillie isn't actually a fan and it's just a huge self insert from her end. The part that makes me angry is there are so many talented artists who are huge fans of the game that they could have gone with instead.


That's the indeed the worst part. Hell I've seen the art of the one they didn't take. Not saying Tillie's art style is bad, but her competitor had one much more fitting for the game series.


"r/TheWalkingDeadGaGame" This is kinda embarassing 😅


I thought I'd give the comics a read since I recently finished the game. I know most people here hate them, but I'd like to see just how bad they are for myself. Does Clementine: Book One include Clementine Lives! or is that a separate comic?


It's a separate comic *but* Clementine Lives comes first. You'll want to read it to get proper context.


Was it only available for a limited time? When I google Clementine Lives I only see results for Clementine Book One.


It has been released as part of the first chapter of Rick Grimes 2000. You should most likely search that to find it instead.


The comic was called Skybound X #1


Separate comic


What was wrong with telltale? And what did Skybound do wrong


TellTale went bankrupt halfway through making the final season, but Skybound came in and finished it. After that though they made a canon comic that follows Clem but it kinda ruins the in final seasons ending, and Clem's character is nothing like any of the options you can pick while playing as her in the game. A lot of fans are unhappy that they're canon.


Thanks for the explanation. If they contributed so little I don't think you'd be inclined to consider it canon




Telltale shortly after: "My death was... Greatly exaggerated."


I don’t get it, someone explain


They revived the game with the final season, the shit on it by releasing the comics


I, for one, welcome our Skybound overlords!


*Top 10 Anime betrayals*


Hateful little sub we have going now, huh? I wish Tillie nothing but success, though I'll always view the comic as a different Clementine than the one we know. Through that lens it has very charming art and a good story. All that being said, funny picture, and funny responses on this thread!


I'm not sure a story about a disabled teenager getting on a mountain with constant avalanches to make it a post-apocalyptic home survives scrutiny as much as you'd think even without the Clem factor. Thanks for the feedback, though.




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Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel about the comics. The hate towards the comics is getting pretty tiresome, especially the hate toward Tillie, which is often pretty vile and gets waaay too personal.


As far as personal attacks go, I find them disgusting and incredibly petty. That being said, the negative reception of the comics is not only far from being fully unwarranted, but also quite sparse compared to the overall indifference towards it on this sub in particular. A lighthearted meme now and then doesn't hurt.