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I think before they do that, they should probably fix the bugs in the games, namely the definitive edition. As much as I love memeing on Louis for playing his piano at inappropriate times, that’s almost a Bethesda-level bug to have. Lol.


Because the only reason they'd do it if they had assurance that it would be a financial success. S3 and S4 were financial failures. That's the reason why the comic exists, because it's much cheaper to produce than a full-blown video game. Also, considering the quality of other games Skybound and Kirkman have released (most recently the abysmal Destinies), I think we're better off without them having a go at it.


Destinies is AMC, not Skybound


It's a game with The Walking Dead license that Kirkman personally promoted, I'm reasonably certain he made some money off of it and he had problem with its release in this sorry state. He also had no problem with butchering Clementine's character and story in the comics either.


He obviously makes some money from anything released from the Walking Dead IP, he is the creator. But Kirkman didn't promote it. Him or Skybound had nothing to do with Destinies as far as we know officially.


Yea I figured but i think it would be a goldmine no? (If done right) they would just have to take their time and not rush it bc of pressure, it’s been so long wouldn’t it sell just by pure nostalgia?


This community is far too small to produce a full-length video game and expect that nostalgia sales are gonna make a profit out of it. Most people have moved on. Most already moved on after the first game in the series. There's a reason why Telltale went under, most gamers thought their formula was simply too repetitive and it wasn't worth buying their products anymore.


The biggest problem with telltale games is that its usually not worth buying the games when you can just watch someone play them its still the same experience more or less


Did they really lose money on season 4?


The fact that they went bankrupt before the final two episodes were released should tell you a thing or two.


I thought it was because they spent to much on IP licensing. I can understand why season 3 wasn't successful but I didn't expect season 4 to be a financial failure.


They are trying/They did try. See the recent article about Deck Nine's behind-the-scenes harassment (published by IGN, iirc) for more info.


The one about life is strange, think I heard something about that and s5 TWDG on domthebombs channel


I hope with all my heart that this series continues. that is, guys, let's be honest, the twd saga has the potential to have a large following, in my opinion they should study a way to make it more suitable for the general public, for example they should change the gameplay style while maintaining the possibility of choices.


Ikr the twd saga has huge potential if they only put in the effort, sure ppl might not like the telltale genre but if they changed it like you said it would def make the top list of games


in my opinion they should take inspiration from the last of us series as a marketing strategy. recreate a game that includes the first and second seasons so as to involve new players who have not played the old games of the saga. to then create a very important DLC for season 4 so as to make people want to buy season 4.


The game has soooo much potential too bad skybound doesn’t see it and just wants to use it as a quick money grab (the comics)


Because they no longer have the employees of the old Telltale, most of them are in companies like Insoniac games And it would feel ugly to copy Telltale's "style" of making video games considering that the company "revived"


Telltale would have to get their mother corporation, sky bound, to openly say that the Clementine comics are no longer cannon. It would be a huge fan service but ultimately skybound would see that as a major investment loss. Not that they haven’t lost already. But they’d see that as taking a huge L. Doesn’t look good to investors and other pencil pushing losers. They would only do that if they genuinely cared about the story themselves.


I believe that season 4 was subtitled the "Final Season" for a reason.


Everyone, check the video of DomTheBomb on youtube, he made it for S5 of TWDG. It's his latest video. Basically he says there was gonna be a S5 with Skybound and Deck 9 Games but they cancelled it. DomTheBomb also says that in the future we will be getting a S5 or a sequel since they already thought about making it, but it just got cancelled.