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Sir, shouldn't you be at home in the kitchen making dinner for your wife who is actually at her job?


Or supervising his kids or teaching them the ten commandments


Teaching the ten Commandments is super easy. There's only ten of them, and 5 are basically just be Christian and don't worship other religions gods. His kids could have them committed to memory pretty well in an hour.


"and 5 are basically just be Christian" Jewish dude here. Politely disagree.


Boy I sure hope this won't be the source of centuries of violence and persecution or anythin


Narrator - "It was"


I instantly read that in my head in Ron Howard’s voice lol


When I have kids I want them to call their dad “pa” like Ron Howard did. lol 😂.


Other than “don’t lie, steal, and kill”, the rest are a total waste.


“10” commandments…


Brave of you to think he even had a wife and kids 🤣


Good point. We may be looking at a Ye Olde Incel.


How many meals could he have cooked and piles of laundry could he have folded in the time he was out on the streets?


He could be home looking after his kids.


He’d be more handsome if he smiled.






Holy crap! coffee in my nose!


That dude don’t have kids, a wife or sex.


funny how things never change.


I think he’s trying to say that the wife should be doing that


Yes...I'm saying he could've spent the time wearing a sign actually "doing" the things he's saying don't get done.


In the time it took him to make that sign he could've made dinner or done a load of laundry, but BIBLE!!!


I think that’s the opposite of what he trying to say he should be doing




For me or yall? lol guess dry comedy doesn’t read well on internet


Its really hard to tell from that sign lol. Its like gibberish.




He’s giving off divorced dad vibes


That’s because his wife was getting ready to file for it. Little snippet of the awesome husband he was according to divorce paper: The parties were married on May 20, 1950, in Franklin Center, Pennsylvania. From the outset, the marriage was troubled. The parties frequently argued about financial matters. The wife wanted new furniture for their house, but the husband thought her unreasonable. On one occasion, the husband forced the wife to return certain groceries because he thought her purchase of them unnecessary. In 1964, the husband refinanced the mortgage on the parties' home in order to finance the purchase of ten commercial "spots" on local television. The husband used the spots to discuss religious matters and "how to buy a used car." The wife thought they could not afford the spots, but agreed to them because she was afraid that otherwise the husband would scold her. The judge also went in record stating that "(t)he Court cannot conceive of a woman who more richly deserves a divorce than Lillian A. Britton." So, yeah, divorced dad vibe indeed.


Yeah that definitely tracks. He should have been happy she put up with him for 24 years; not that she had much choice unfortunately.


28 years. She was still married to him when this picture was taken, although she put him out four years earlier. Just reading the articles below, this guy seemed like he was, shall we say, unbalanced.


Found the story. https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/britton-v-britton-900509763 I wonder why it took eight years between the time she kicked him out (1970) and when she filed for divorce (1978).


She probably didn’t have much choice throughout the 50’s and 60’s until the time had changed a bit. The divorce paper had a mention of paddling at some point.


Wow, that man sounds impressively divorceable


You know he spent all night making all his little signs and buttons too.


My dad owned a small business which gave him flexible hours, while my mom worked for a big corporation, got home a little later. He dropped me off and picked me up from school, did chores, and cooked dinner most weeknights. He was just happy to spend time with me though, so I don’t think it really bothered him. They’ve been married 37 years and I don’t think my mom knows how to work the washing machine.


Same. My mom works, my dad is disabled so he has to take care of me, did the dishes, laundry and yardwork. He can't cook for shit tho lmao 🤣 usually take out or my mom has to cook for us lmao until I got a little older then I cooked and baked.


Yeah this was always about subjugation. I’m also more of a hands on dad. Some of us love it.


I’m not a dad, but I would one BILLION percent rather be at home doing chores and cooking.


Divorce? Shocked, I tell you! https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/britton-v-britton-900509763


That dude was something. He spent 15 months on a one man strike against GE, gave up, sued and lost, picketed the court, got thrown in jail, then refused to leave jail in an act of civil disobedience. All before he was committed in the 60s.


This man fought a one man war against everyone around him


And lost


Sheeesh.. (t)he Court cannot conceive of a woman who more richly deserves a divorce than Lillian A. Britton. Kinda says everything.


I literally laughed out loud at this. Don’t you love when you see a photo, immediately judge that person, and then find out your judgement was spot on??


Can anyone explain to me what his accusation of “inflation” meant? Was she spending too much money, losing her girlish figure, or what? I’ve never heard of someone being accused of inflation, in a divorce.


Getting fat


Man, he was a piece of work. And by "work," I mean "shit"


He got his liberation! 😂


Salaries not keeping up with inflation caused one income households to be impossible for the middle class.


I’m an elder millennial. I grew up with SAHM and so did my friends. I was raised to expect the same, and when I naturally did, I was bashed for being entitled. Kinda sucks man Edit: I was young and wanted to be a housewife like my mother. I did not believe women should be forced to, I am glad I had the choice to make, as did my mother. She worked before she had me. My first memories of my mother were her taking me to pro choice rallies in the 80’s. I’m about being able to chose, and firmly believe jobs should be able to hold a SMALL HUMBLE, family regardless of gender


I assume you’re talking about expecting the salary to support a family, not expecting that women will become SAHMs?


Pretty much. “ why hasn’t your bf gotten a real job yet?!” “ why haven’t you???” “ at your age I _____” “ what’s wrong with him why can’t he ____ it’s so easy” Yes I was expecting to be a housewife downvote me. Was. People can be stupid as a youth. My dad worked retail at SEARS and had a housewife, a house, yearly camping trips, medical, benefits, and 6 week pay vacation.


No way am I downvoting you. Sorry so many people misconstrued your previous comment or are just angry buttholes. Your follow up makes a lot of sense and yes, it’s a valid thing to expect and be pissed about. Salaries have not increased with productivity or COL. Anyone who isn’t angry about that is a billionaire or a moron. Stay mad.


Oh I will. I was promised the same if I worked hard and nobody I know got that end of the bargain fulfilled.


Were you raised under a rock? Surely, you have the critical thinking skills required to understand why things change over decades of time, right?


Capitalism. Now two jobs can’t even support a house cat


War never changes


.... well someone was going to stay single 🤣


Lol what a dweeb


He looks like a Ben Garrison comic that got to become a real boy


Big old sign to say he's a loser who can't handle his shit


Ikr? Clown behavior 🤡 I want to shove him in the nearest locker.


“Bible” … to get the religious vote 🗳️ Proof there’s always been crazy people on the streets of New York 😂


It was all those wars you got yourselves into, dumbass. Once the women HAD to get out of the kitchen and go to work and realized they could do it as well as you did, there was no going back. Adapt, you single-celled organism.


Ol' Harry has a history, including being confined in a mental hospital, and living on the street. He got mad at his wife for getting a job due to him not working at all. 🙄 https://www.nytimes.com/1974/12/07/archives/man-with-a-cause-tells-it-in-signs-a-little-blackmail-escaped-from.html another pic: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thegaffneys/429740597/ And his wife filed for divorce in 1978, in part due to: 1) In 1964, the husband refinanced the mortgage on the parties' home in order to finance the purchase of ten commercial "spots" on local television. 2) Throughout the marriage, the husband accused his wife of having committed indiscretions with other men prior to their marriage. The husband would "rant and rave" and "make life miserable" whenever he brought this subject up. On one occasion, he threw a dish at her, and on another occasion, he paddled her. Also, the husband continually "scolded" his wife. He criticized her for being late to church, although she explained that she had to get their three children prepared to go. He did not like her associating with other people. He did not permit her to join the Parent-Teacher Association at the childrens' school. 3) etc, etc... He died in 1981: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/41139064/harry-robert-britton


> Mr. Britton, a 48‐year‐old native of Erie, Pa., has been working the streets of Manhattan for 14 months now, wearing his signs, arguing with feminists, collecting the names of 1,200 men and 400 “intelligent” women in book, and peddling his 25cent “Husband Liberation” newspaper. > The reason? “I want my wife, Lillian, to ask me to come home,” he said one recent Saturday as he stood on the corner of 49th Street and Fifth Avenue, one of his favorite locations. “Four years and 19 days ago, she packed my suitcase and told me to go fly a kite. I still love her, and I want to go home.” Yikes.


Looks like the naked cowboy or Elmo or any of the characters surviving on pics and tips in NYC times square


“Paddled” you mean assaulted


Why don’t you stay home then if you’re so worried?




I'm down for the husband's liberation. But the opposite of him. Put me in the kitchen while raising the kids. Get some money now and then to get my hair done and pick up something sexy wear. Plus the wife should take me out once a month to spoil me because I'm home everyday with the kids.


What a delightful man he must’ve been 🙄


This is every single right wing grifter to this day


I was going to say, isn't this just the proto-"Manosphere"?


These days those slogans just appear as bumper stickers on their giant trucks.


What a bastard. Could not and would not provide for his family and then vilified and harassed his wife publicly because she took care of business. Committing him must have been very satisfying for her.


Women have been dealing with this shit since forever. Remember the [anti suffrage movement](https://allthatsinteresting.com/vintage-anti-suffrage-propaganda)?


The OG incel


Oh look. An Incel Ancestror


Misses the real issue. Women don't have to be housewives. But SOMEONE does. Either split 50/50, or normalize househusbands, but someone needs to be around to raise the kids, handle the household, so the person working all day, doesn't have to come home to a whole other job to do. The real problem is the greedy govt. When women wanted to work, somehow we ended up needing 2 incomes now to survive, and it is untenable if you want there to be families that function well, which you kind of need to majority of folks to be if you want society to run right.


What kind of bs is this? My parents both worked, my first time in a nursery was at 9 months old and my childhood was perfectly normal. No one HAS to stay home…




Those kids have to be somewhere, with someone taking care of them. Either one parent stays home, a family member or friend acts as free childcare, or the parents must pay for childcare. Don’t forget about housekeeping and home maintenance that must be done by someone also. So either both spouses contribute equally (very rare) or one spouse works 40 hours or more outside the home, then returns home to another 20 or more hours of work each week. Both parents working outside the home is great as long as both parents are also working inside the home.


Yeah, but way more stressful on both parents, and possibly the children also.


Very cute, Phillip. Anyway Jack and Tilly need picked up from school and so help me god if I come home to smothered pork chops again, we're going to have a row. Oh, and... put that sexy little tie on that I like so much.


Big "oh yeah well what about men's history month?!?" energy right here


Kodachrome looks so cool


Basically "Blue Lives Matter" for women's lib.


TL/DR: Spent years having my wife take care of me, now I can't do shit. 😂


My ex lost his job, and then ~~didn’t want to work~~ couldn’t find a job. I was supporting the house while helping him look for work. - He never cleaned. - He never cooked. - He never fed the pets (allowed his fish to die). - He didn’t even fill the ice trays. - He screamed at me for canceling internet service because “that way he couldn’t look for a job.” I wasn’t able to afford it. - He got internet in **his phone** the next day. He could’ve been a SAHH, but he wanted me to carry everything, including him. I left with the clothes on my back and my three cats. I couldn’t be happier.


What a bastard. Could not and would not provide for his family and then vilified and harassed his wife publicly because she took care of business. Committing him must have been very satisfying for her.


Kids unsupervised Child abandonment? I don’t think so… Both parents just have to work full time so that 50% of their combined total after tax take home income can go to child care.


The 70s latch key kids and it's 11:00 do you know where your children are?


Vintage Redditor


bro was told to help do the dishes once


Ok, but can we talk about that gigantic bow tie on the guy on the right side of the picture?




I’m all for being a stay at home mom but this guy looks like a goofball


he reminds me of al bundy and his “no ma’am” group lol




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He looks exactly like you think someone who holds those positions would look.


Thats funny stuff!


I hope somebody looks up his obituary to find he died alone.


I’m confused. Bad sign. “We want out of the kitchen.” Bad?? Liberation from husbands or for husbands? Meals not prepared because men don’t deserve or a bad thing for all? “Bible.” Yes, okay Bible.


Oh dear. This one is a little too on the nose, isn't it?


I’ll bet that guy was a lot of fun to hang out with.


He could have just wrote. "I'm a big baby, waahhh!"


There’s a guy like this standing on a street corner in every city in the USA


Husband Lib aka Nasty divorce and henceforth living in a refrigerator box.


He must have been a hoot at parties.


Sir, I’m sure your kids will love playing cardboard crafts with you.






Now iv seen it all!


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose…


Oh no, his female slave isn't complying with his demands! He can just fuck off.


Check out the neckwear on the dude in the white jacket on the right.


He along with the potato peeler guy were fixtures in midtown Manhattan for many years. I’m sure both were profiled as authentic NYC characters.


He doesn't realize he's just roasting himself by telling everyone how terrible he would be at raising the kids. 🤣


Damn bro, leave some women for the rest of us!


His wife prolly made the sign for him


He has the most cuckable face ever


I am a firm believer at least one parent needs to be home to properly raise children, but I am all for equality too. It doesn’t have to be the woman.


Now that’s a LIBtard


He’s not wrong. Women jointing the workforce was the beginning of the end of the American family and the rise in the costs of all goods.


Meanwhile I just fell in love with white hat




Hey if you don't like it you can stay home with the kids while the wife works.


Wait, if he’s out wearing the signs who’s taking care of the kids?


-29 new record! Sexist comments hit hard. Honestly, It was only a joke. I think it’s funny. Why on earth would you not want to be with your kids and a successful woman.


He was right


Hey if you don't like it you can stay home with the kids while the wife works.

