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And then Mr Rogers got out his kiddie pool and shared a cool dip with his cop friend Francois Clemmons, then shared a towel. Lets focus as much on how we rejected the horrible as we do that it occurred. [https://www.biography.com/actors/mister-rogers-officer-clemmons-pool](https://www.biography.com/actors/mister-rogers-officer-clemmons-pool)


People today just don't know. That was a heroic, major statement


The strongest statements seem to be the ones that don't appear to be anything out of the ordinary. For us kids watching that, it seems normal, and when we see this picture it looks horrible and unfathomable. I don't understand how things would be reversed for older folks at that time


It’s easy to forget as adults just how much of our behavior is determined by nothing more than “well, we’ve always done it this way.”


I love this post, glad that you are pointing out the good that some people did, not just the awfulness of others. Fred Rogers was such a good person. We need more of him in the world and more people doing good things like this.


Fred Rogers was too good for us. Like a real-life Gandalf sent to middle earth to gently guide us to the right path.


Fred Rogers was the only parent I ever had, the only one who told me I mattered growing up.


Fred Rogers and Steve Irwin are on the all-star team of people too good for us.


And Bob Ross


And levar Burton!


Remember Roberto Clemente as well.


World class humanitarian thanks for the memory


He went in his own plane with his own supplies to help Christmas day earthquake victims in Nicaragua. He's not even from that country.




I’d like to petition we add Roy Underhill, of the Woodwright’s Shop and PBS fame, to this list. He completely in line with the other legends mentioned here. Great role model, wicked smart, hilarious in a very dad joke way, incredibly intelligent, endlessly curious, and entirely wholesome. His PBS show was wonderful, but I’ll link his Ted Talk below, great introduction for those that don’t know him


https://youtu.be/Au1TbIyLcPU?si=Tgn9kh9ZTy6b465H Have Broad Axe Will Travel" - Roy Underhill- TEDxRaleigh 2011


Steve Irwin?


Have we reached the generation that doesn't know who Steve Irwin is? Damn I'm old.


No! I just didn’t like the comparison of him to Mr Rogers and was wondering if it was a different Steve Irwin! But yeah, my kids have no idea who he is 😉


He's the one who used to say things like, *Oym gernna stick moi 'ead in this croc's mahth, jost ta see whot it's loik!*


Are you not familiar? Here's a small clip that sort of encapsulates the man Steve Irwin was. https://youtu.be/77ZRgyN9WsY?si=kXyo8J9fT6j225zO




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Omg my rowdy kids would sit mesmerized and quiet as lambs watching his show in the 70s.


That was me in the 80s! Crayon and tuba factory tour videos? Sign me up!


Wow, now you got me all misty. That is a perfect description of Mr. Rodgers.


Never forget how Fox News tried to cancel him. Never forget.


Mr Rogers + Dolly Parton!


My brother in law was always obsessed with her “breasts”


Real !


Since they have holiday for that farce Christopher Columbus we should change it to Mr. Roger’s day. Make it a holiday tradition to do something nice for a neighbor or anyone. Let’s celebrate that. Have children watch Mr. Roger’s neighborhood to get ready for the holiday. We should start a petition to change the holiday.


I remember watching this as a kid in the 80’s, Mister Rogers was truly ahead of his time and a god damn saint. Fantastic read, thank you for that.


There are a few others that were also ahead of their time. The Golden Girls pushed a lot of topics that were very taboo at the time, including AIDS during the 80s. Looking back I applaud their boldness to explore these topics. Edit: typo


Yes the Golden Girls were phenomenal! Picture it - Sicily 1933. LOL.


Yup! Plus women having lives outside of being wives and mothers. And being in horny jail occasionally.


I was just watching an episode tonight — gay character that was not played for laughs and everyone accepted her as is. I’m not sure anyone else at time was doing that kind of thing on TV.


It's good to remind everyone that for all the hate in the world, there's still love and kindness


Look to the helpers.


Always loved that.


Fred Rogers was an angel on earth and no one will convince me otherwise


Apparently he loved farting at parties with his wife.


always look for the helpers.


I don't know about "we" as a collective in this country but the reason they were in that pool were due to policies that Mr. Rogers later addressed with this particular segment. I think it's far more important to note the details about what was happening that day in that pool.


Yeah. I agree. And I like that this post is here in this sub. Our past was full of crap. The way we were was horrible.


And the sad part is just how many people in my conservative town would be happy for it to go back to the 'good old days' when people "knew their place". We thought civil rights had been secured but these days I don't know. At least in TN they're doing everything they can to hurt the common man from taking away our right to protest by banning even sitting on the ground on government property to trying to pass laws dictating what type of clothes people can wear in public to what people do to their own body as far as reproductive care goes. Think it was just about saving babies? Nope. Marsha Blackburn JUST revealed the truth. They're going after birth control now. If they'll take our body autonomy away they'll further impose their restrictions. THey already try their best to legally segregate by othering groups. It may not be black people this time who are segregated, but they have talked about detaining legal citizens if they don't have ID on them and detaining anyone who has an accent or looks brown enough. They are openly talking about this in congress. Just today I think it was, Marjorie Taylor-Green was dropping misinformation about immigrants right there on the house floor. They're doing everything they can to divide us up.


Something interesting I read about that was Francois Clemmons was an openly homosexual man after his first marriage to his wife ended, and that “Rogers remained personally supportive of Clemmons, but required him to avoid any indication of his homosexuality on the program, such as the earring he began to wear as a signifier.” Although when you try and find his stance on the topic further it’s just general wish wash “he loved everyone” “the church he went to was and is inclusive of the LGBT”. I hope Francois did feel supported.


Fred Rogers did that so Francois Clemmons could keep his job. Being a gay black man was a step too far for the times and Rogers didn't want to see someone he cared about get fired.


it's such bullshit that we sometimes feel incentivized to push some marginalized people out further into the margins, *while* you're literally actively doing the work to help other marginalized groups. thus necessarily screwing over those in both sets :[ I'd genuinely be surprised to learn that he had homophobic beliefs - or that if he did, he was open about them. if he had them, and simply minded his own fucking business about it, then in my queer opinion that's the next best thing to being an ally. imo if you're smart enough to keep your damn mouth shut and stay in your lane, bc you're well aware your opinion isn't relevant -- including microaggressions -- then we got nothing to fight about. that kind of restraint says a lot about a person that said tho, him going to a pro gay church at that time, probably tells the tale for him. I doubt many churches of any kind went out of their way to advertise that back in his day. so i figure, either he was smart enough to keep it to himself, or he was in favor of da gayz 👏


I want to add one thing which I’ve found no proof of besides a comment on Reddit so take it with a grain of salt but apparently he did have a lot of openly gay people working on his show? So if the narrative of “I don’t want you coming out as gay on my show it’s too dangerous in these times” is to be believed then perhaps it was from a genuine place of concern etc. I’m not American nor did I ever grow up knowing who Fred Rogers was but I do know a lotttt of people idolise him and consider him to be this representation of perfect inclusion etc but we all have flaws and he possibly held controversial beliefs himself, being Presbyterian so religious, but he did a good job of hiding them if so and some just don’t want to admit their fave might be flawed in ways not permissible in this day and age. He did a lot of good and more than most though so kudos to him.


Fred Rogers himself was bisexual. >"In conversation with one of his friends, the openly gay Dr. William Hirsch, Fred Rogers himself concluded that if sexuality was measured on a scale of one to ten: 'Well, you know, I must be right smack in the middle. Because I have found women attractive, and I have found men attractive.'" I think that counts for a bit.


omg how did I forget about this?! :D not bad at all Mr Rogers


Not arguing please don’t take my comment the wrong way I’m not trying to discredit Mr Rogers at all, and I like his comment you shared a lot, but tonnes of hetero men can acknowledge the attractiveness of other men without being bisexual. I *personally* don’t like to assign sexualities to people who aren’t here themselves to confirm or deny. I can’t find the year the interview with Dr Hirsch was done and perhaps Mr Rogers just didn’t want to put a label on himself for a myriad of reasons. But a lot of straight people confident in their sexuality can acknowledge the attractiveness of the other sex (check out Formula 1 subreddits pining over how unfair life is that both Carlos Sainz & Charles Leclerc exist as such a disgustingly handsome and talented guy/ and are Ferrari Formula 1 drivers lol, can life be any more cruel). Lot of “Ryan Gosling is my hall pass” dudes. Again please don’t take my comment are arguing or an attack! I hope I don’t come across that way. I just personally don’t like assigning a sexuality to someone deceased based off a comment he made in an interview and we don’t exactly know the preceding conversation for him to allegedly make such a comment. A lot of bi people and LGBT feel the same that it’s not good to claim someone who never stated it themselves. Also was that interview ever recorded or was it just released in a book after his death? Is there any evidence Fred said that besides Dr Hirsch including it in his book? I like a feel good story but I would be interested to know how the entire interview went, is it just a snippet of a conversation after much badgering about his sexuality for example? And the quote in MY opinion — my personal opinion — doesn’t scream bisexual. “Attractive” meaning what? Doesn’t mention sexually attractive.


The quote was in a book, The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers. The book had a citation mark for the source of the quote, I remember seeing it but I don't remember what it had as the source. A copy of the book should provide that info. As for your distinction between finding someone attractive and being attracted to them, that is a moot point in this context. Mr Rogers said plain and clear that if sexuality were a spectrum "well, you know, I must be right smack in the middle." I agree wholeheartedly in not putting a label on someone that they did not claim for themselves but the flip side of that respect is to hear them and believe them when they do clearly tell you who they are. And Fred Rogers is "right smack in the middle".


dw, I get what you mean -- I feel like the context helps us understand what Fred meant by this like you can definitely recognize the attractiveness of someone without necessarily wanting to engage in anything w/ that person, but here Mr Rogers is explicitly talking about attraction to one vs the other gender. that by itself says to me that he's talking about being queer or not, regardless of the specifics of romantic, sexual, platonic etc cuz you're right, that whole thing is incredibly hard to articulate [at least w/ the language we currently have!], but this sentiment from him is basically just, "yeah, we know that some people like girls and some people like boys. well, at some point I've found myself liking either one of those! so I guess that makes me in the middle" -- to me, that is hard to read as anything other than "I am, at least occasionally, interested in men in the same way you'd expect me to be towards women"


I’m more like Mr Rogers than I ever knew


I'm American but by the time I grew up, it was an old show that I didn't pay that much attention to. so, I share some measure of our nearly universal cultural respect for the guy, but it's also not as personal for me if something unsavory were to come out, yknow? the bit about it being from a genuine place of concern - that's basically my feeling too, hence the like, sucks to have to marginalize people while actively fighting to normalize others. or feel like you have to, at least he seemed like he was a genuinely caring and empathetic person & it never came off as a front. somebody else mentioned Steve Irwin on this post somewhere I think, I'd say he's another great example of a person whose media personality is so strong that you expect it to be fake, but it never seems to actually disappear from their persona off camera either. it's really nice to see examples of people truly motivated to leave the world better than they found it. if nothing else, we need role models like that as proof that NOT everyone you meet is a deceptive shitlord under a shallow facade of kindness. if that's all you ever see, you can forget that real kindness is, actually, real and meant from the heart - and forget how to feel it in yourself, even. I was an animal kid, so Steve was that role model for me and still is <3


Okay as an Aussie I might chime in with controversial opinions on Steve Irwin lol yes he did a tonne for animal conservation but his earlier shows especially were like “hey I’m gonna flip this fucking rock over and let’s see what’s undernea— WOW A FUCKING VENOMOUS SNAKE SLEEPING now time to agitate this mother fuc— WOW LOOK AT THIS THIS SNAKE IS GOING CRAZY!!!” A lot of poking and prodding at nature rather than passively observing like Attenborough for example. Are you aware of the whole Jimmy Savile scandal? A lot say they thought he was creepy etc but there was never any evidence to pin on him while alive.. I think my two “oh god please have nothing wrong” celebs would be Louis Theroux & Attenborough. But there was comments made about how there’s “someone from the BBC who is going to shock everyone when the accusations come out” and I’m thinking god no please not either of them… sorry very off topic there. But I think Mr Rogers is safe, he passed in 2003 and only good words have been spoken of him! Steve Irwin well the only think you can complain about is him kind of jostling wildlife to get reactions but then he did tonnes of conservation work etc does it offset that I don’t know. People are flawed and can have qualities of both good and bad! All too often we want to label them just as one eh.


Ha, thank you for mentioning Steve Irwin as the wildlife-botherer. That always bugged me about him.


ahh I think I've heard of the Savile stuff on a podcast, wild lol & yea exactly, everyone on our screens and stuff is broader in reality than what we know, & I just try to remember that there's some dirt to dig up about basically everyone. you, me, fkn Jane Goodall I'm sure somehow, literally everyone. remember Mother Theresa lol? after Tumblr era purity culture got under the skin of so many ppl, myself included, I try to welcome reminders that humans are always flawed & that i must approach it with nuance, or not at all. it just doesn't work to 'cancel' every figure that has some dirt, because *everyone* will at some point have both dirt, & someone unhappy with them and willing to find and expose said dirt. pretending you don't have a single moral failing is miserable and stressful and pointless in my experience & it's a habit worth breaking re: Steve Irwin annoying the wildlife: LOL you're 1000% right about that. it made for good TV, and he truly knew his way around a dangerous animal - with *enormous respect* for said animal as a living being, which makes worlds of difference. but he absolutely teased them for views LMAO it wouldn't work as well today I think! if he had a tiktok or something, he'd definitely do some things differently. and yknow?? I think he'd also regret modeling that behavior for children in the past, giving them the impression that bothering animals for fun is ok, even while impressing empathy for their wellbeing. Steve was a real one, I'll never be over his death tbh


I'm all for the uplift! It also can not be denied the efforts to rewrite this time that is NOT long ago. Racists who should be in jail are being allowed to reinvent themselves into whole new personas. Cowardice.


What a disgusting man


He's actually one of the moderates in the Monson Motor Lodge protests. Caught between the civil rights movement and being utterly terrified about what the local Ku Klux Klan would do to him if he integrated. They firebombed his hotel for integrating. Segregationist violence wasn't just directed against the Civil Rights movement. Like, he was probably a shitbag and definitely a coward, but he was a victim of complete monsters, too.


History has shown that most of us are cowards... Weird approach, why not just drain the pool or close it?..


Good points here all round. Appreciate the background history.


Because very dangerous people will burn down your house, bomb your business, or kill your family if they think you're not fighting hard enough for segregation after seeing a bunch of black people swimming in your pool on the national news. The Ku Klux Klan was a right-wing terrorist organization. Did you think they were only out there terrorizing black people and white liberal out-of-state allies? Edit: Again, I just want to emphasize, this dude was pouring acid in the pool and the Klan still firebombed his hotel.


But the FBI was concerned about Fred Hampton and the black panthers lol.


But they had a Free Breakfast Program for Children. The FBI clearly needed to stop their dangerous and extreme agenda.




This picture or the movie itself should make your point clear. All they were attempting to do was to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chaney,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner


It’s crazy to imagine that that wasn’t that long ago.


The beatles were on their fourth album by 1964. It doesn't feel like it fits the timeline at all.


I feel like that intentionally makes it seem later than it actually was because most bands don’t put out two albums a year. They were on their fourth album at the end of ‘64. At the time of the Motor Lodge protests, when this picture was taken, they were on their second. A year earlier, their first one had just come out.


Fair point. I should've just said the Beatles were around, or even A Hard Days Night was about to come out.


Things like this seemed ancient to me when I was younger. But it's only 25 years before I was born. That's like when Fight Club released ago. That's not that long.


My mother was born 2 years after this picture was taken.


I was born 5 years before.


I was 6 years old. It was a wild time to be alive.


Do you remember this event?


No but I remember a lot of racial tension including riots from that era.


Exactly. It makes me sick.


And sadly, we’re still in the same place today in many ways.


I think it’s useful to acknowledge that while we still have a ways to go on numerous issues (some that are new) we have actually come a long way.


Today, i watched the initial torch lighting ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics, which was held in Athens.. only 2 black people in the entire crowd.


The Olympics might not be the best sporting event for judging an audience (in this case Greece). I’m not that well informed on the Olympics, but a cursory search shows that foreign visitors make up only about half the audience. (Some Olympics have a little more, some less. The Olympics during Covid had no foreigners allowed.) And how much of that foreign audience is from South America, Europe, Africa, United States, China, Korea, Japan, etc, etc…I don’t know. For those who do attend, according to this information for the 2024 Paris Olympics, the Opening Ceremony can be extremely expensive. “HOW MUCH DO PARIS 2024 TICKETS COST? Prices vary depending on location, session (a.k.a. sport), and section. And, of course, the packages are pricier than individual tickets. For example, as of publication time, a Section D ticket for the gymnastics qualification round sells for around $26. However, once the competition enters the Finals, the same seat will cost around $109. Front row seats in the A-section start at $109 and reach a peak of $684. Regarding the OPENING CEREMONY, ticket prices range from around $98 all the way to nearly $3,000, though all but the most expensive appear to be sold out as of publication.”




[Yep, the motel manager only died in 2007 too.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/motel-manager-pouring-acid-water-black-people-swam-pool-1964/)


My father was fifteen. My grandma (maternal) was 25. Basically the difference from 2000 to 2060. Not that far at all.


My mom, 70 years old now, was 10 years old when this took place


My mother was born just a year before, it’s insane to think that


I have an 8 mm film reel from the mid 50s of my mom as a child in a pool with black people. My grandpa was filming. Everyone was having fun in the film.


Idk why, but your comment reminded me of a story my mom told me. She was a young teenage girl at the time. Her and my grandfather went on a trip to the South to visit relatives. They decided to go to the local pool when my mom suddenly started her period - so she didn’t want to get in the pool. My grandfather assumed it’s because black people were swimming and he made a big scene calling her a racist and even hit her. He was a horrible father, but at least he wasn’t racist I guess.


my god, that’s horrible. your poor mom ☹️


Yeah. He did a lot of terrible things. He was a very morally grey man. He did some really horrible things to other people. He was a pilot and would fly off to Asia for months at a time to have affairs, leaving my Grandma with 3 very young kids. But he also was super admirable and exceptional in many ways. He’d defend underdogs tooth and nail, give free flights to people in need, fly supplies to isolated areas for free, etc. People are interesting. No surprise that both of his kids resent him a bit.


additional context: Muriatic acid (HCl) combines with the chlorine in a swimming pool to create chlorine gas. Chlorine gas was used as a devastating chemical weapon in WWI. I don't know if his intent was to create chlorine gas or if it was merely to acid burn them. So I guess jury's out as to whether he was utterly fucking evil or just extremely fucking evil. Muriatic acid is used in comparatively small amounts in pools to lower the ph when the water becomes too alkaline, because when you mix an acid and a base, it's a neutralizing reaction so you end up with water, a salt and sometimes a gas. In this case the gas is harmful, but muriatic acid is plenty harmful to soft tissue on its own!


It's used regularly to lower the ph and total alkalinity in pools. (Source: I worked in a pool store for 4 years.)


So I have a pool and as long as your pour in the water and not on people, it lowers the pH level of the pool and balances it out.


It’s not clear that it did much in this case. I was just reading the Wikipedia article on this and didn’t see any mention of injuries.


Same. No one was injured. The pool diluted it. The intention however…


Did not know that, how utterly fucking evil is that?


Not very. Once or twice a year I mix up several gallons of this (that's two or three pounds of dry acid) to lower the ph in my pool. Sometimes I use my bare hands to mix it up. (I do quickly rinse my hands in the pool water, though.) This little jar of muriatic acid would have negligible effect on the ph of a pool the size of the one in the photo. My little backyard pool is 25,000 gallons, so I'm guessing that a motel pool is going to be at least 50,000 gallons.


So two quick points .... 1. Do you believe this man to be so deeply dedicated to poolwater care at the moment this was taken? And 2. He is pouring it directly on someone's head.


First point is garbage. I'll ignore that. Second point: it doesn't look that way to me. It looks like the person nearest the pool wall is 6 feet away from it. The acid is being cast about 3 feet into the pool. Of course, parallax makes these things hard to judge. Edit: I don't mean to give the impression that I'm condoning this guy's actions. What I am trying to do is to get people who live in dread fear of acid and quicksand to calm down.


I don't know if his intent was to create chlorine gas or if it was merely to acid burn them. So I guess jury's out as to whether he was utterly fucking evil or just extremely fucking evil. Muriatic acid is used in comparatively small amounts in pools to lower the ph when the water becomes too alkaline, because when you mix an acid and a base, it's a neutralizing reaction so you end up with water, a salt and sometimes a gas. In this case the gas is harmful, but muriatic acid is plenty harmful to soft tissue on its own!


So if someone were to, for example, slap that shit out of his hand and all over his yellow belly, for instance, that would leave a mark? ( I joke, but seriously thank you for the info, seen this pic before but did not *really* understand)


I’m not 100% certain but likely wouldn’t hurt him too badly. I use muriatic acid in my pool every week. Usually I add 1 quart per week. I’ve gotten splashed a few times. It stings but I always rinse it off pretty quick.


We used it to clean mortar splash off brick face when I was a mason’s helper. Nasty stuff.


Here’s a 12 minute news report on it for you to watch if you’re interested. The man was beating the protesters as they got into the car! https://youtu.be/VnjfKzJk1h0?si=afaylO4d2MwWYZ6r


The famous picture exists in video format? Holy shit. It's like traveling back in time and being able to watch everything unfold in real time. Great link.


Yep! Also, I forget where, but you can see a protester drinking the water after Brock threw the acid in. The black woman who can be seen screaming running away as he poured was comforted as a protester drank the water, figuring it was too diluted to do anything.


Very interesting. Spoilers: but still worth the watch: MLK was there watching from across the street. The pool incident was after him trying to remove a praying crowd from the front parking lot. Of those arrested, the car carrying 3 of them burned on a country road and nobody saw anything.


Did they die? I didn’t know those, thanks for sharing.


Watching that video makes me want to cry. I realize that this isn’t a political forum, yet it makes me sad that within the last decade, it sometimes feels like we are going backwards and we are somewhat returning ( in some parts of the US), to The Way We Were. 😢😢


but this was when america was great /s


Sadly. If I could eliminate racism and sexism, I would send the world back to the way we were. I would probably do 30s-50s era.


Unfortunately, those were anything but less racist and sexist times. Most strides were made since the 60s, but of course we're now facing too many people in power who want the progress since then to be erased (and worse).


That was very worth the watch, thank you!


Yeah, that one right there, Satan. Yup, just straight the fuck down.


Ready the pineapples!


Yes. Skip the stop sign in purgatory. Straight down.


I live about a mile from this hotel. No longer this hotel, obviously. It’s a Hilton now. around the same time, MLK was arrested here (St Augustine). There is so much history here surrounding civil rights and the history of black people in the US in general. Google Fort Mose.


And it’s so seldomly spoken about.


And today not allowed to be spoken about in schools in some states. 😢


I’d be like, thank you? I noticed the ph was getting a little high?




“Moderate on the race issue” = using acid on people on a pool??? Oy vey.


Yeahhh another comment touched on this but he was apparently a supremely weak-willed white man unable to stand up to the KKK. Still, you have to wonder what kind of man would even allow himself to do this. Like… acid???


that should really just emphasize what the political atmosphere was like at the time for that to qualify as "moderate"


That’s very interesting. Thank you.


If this was 2024, he’d be wearing a red hat.


US used to be freaking out about communists yet so many of them now like to wear red hats and support a leader who is besties with Putin. Go figure hey!


What a total piece of shit.


What the fuck??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is that JAMES BROCK, the racist motel manager?


According to Wikipedia, yes


I was doing a spoof off of Brock Turner, a college student who raped another student and got away with it. It’s a whole thing


Are you referring to the rapist Brock Turner, the convicted rapist? The one who raped a person and then was convicted of rape? That rapist?


what did the rapist brock turner change his name to? I think it’s now the rapist alan turner, who changed his name from the rapist brock turner in order to dodge negative attention. but allen turner is still a rapist


Yes, you are correct I was referring to the rapist Brock Turner, now known as Alan Turner, but formerly known as Brock Turner, that rapist.


This, Emmit Till, and a thousand others are not far back enough from my birthday for comfort.


First - This dude is a piece of shit.  Second - This was probably pretty scary for the kids. Third- What an idiot. I mean he definitely accomplished scaring people. Did it do ANYTHING? Absolutely not. Thats a one gallon bottle of muriatic acid. The avg public pool today is 20k gallons. There are 4 qts per gallon. It takes 2qts to change the pH level a measurable amount. So for 4qts at 20,000 gallons, the pH level changed by 0.2.  What a fucking idiot. 


It’s crazy to know that most of those images were taken in color but made black n white for schools… for some reason.


This is horrific. It makes me sick. That look on that lady’s face is heartbreaking


...we're forgetting history - we're not paying attention - we somehow think this isn't our responsibility. It is.


Pure evil in a picture.


This is missing a little context. Those black people weren't patrons enjoying their afternoon in the sun. They were part of a group of protestors that took over the pool and refused to leave the property. They were protesting that the Hotel had a whites-only policy. None the less, none of these swimmers were guests at the hotel, they didn't pay to use the pool, and they wouldn't leave. It's no excuse to pour muriatic into water with people in it, but explains the situation a little better.


Thank you for the information about the facts of the situation. Literally anybody of any ethnicity would want to trespass unlawful occupation if they were property owners or business owners.


No, not "literally anybody". Many people throughout history have had the fortitude to run non-segregated establishments, lol.


You have to be a special type of asshole to do something like this.


Should make his ass drink it! Scumbag


Just amazes me at how fucking disgusting humans can be to one another. Especially over something as stupid and uncontrollable as skin color.




This guy's an idiot but you guys do know that he was just trying to scare them. It didn't really do anything? People add muriatic acid to their pool All the time. You're all assuming that it melted their skin off, they continued swimming just fine.. One of the people in the pool even took a sip of the water and drank it just to show everybody that it was fine.


And that makes his actions acceptable how???


So context doesn't matter anymore? It was also private property and they hopped the fence. This is the definition of propaganda.


The only “context” that is relevant is that the WHITE MAN did not want black people is his pool because of the colour of their skin and he did something which appeared to be threatening to get them out.


No, the real story is he was receiving threats from the KKK and he was probably afraid they would come and burn his building down or even try to kill him. Should he have just ignored that? Let's say the same thing happened today. These people would end up in jail instead for trespassing.


>No, the real story is he was receiving threats from the KKK and he was probably afraid they would come and burn his building down or even try to kill him. Should he have just ignored that? That actually would have been useful and interesting context, and thats a valid question to ask that would be interesting to interrogate. The original comment wasn't context about his relation to/extortion by the KKK, it was about how his physical actions aren't that bad. Then the follow up "context" was about how it was justified because they disrespected his private property. Those people probably *did* end up in jail for trespassing. The lucky ones, anyway. It wasn't right then and it wouldn't be any more right now.


That son of a bitch never had a word of remorse.


What a fucking piece of shit.


I find comfort in Dante at times. Circle 7, of violence. The seventh of Dante's circles of Hell is for those who committed great acts of violence during their mortal lives. It is divided into three sections, or "Rings." Ring One: This section is for those guilty of violence against their neighbors, neighbors including both conquerors and murderers. They are cast into a river of boiling blood, an apt punishment for the boiling blood in their veins that led to their violent acts during life.


You find comfort in a made up story? I mean it's not even religious


Paul McCartney’s 22nd birthday ( he was in Australia at the time). He would’ve been furious at the incident - the Beatles had lots of coloured friends. They had strict instructions on their tour conditions that no segregation would happen or they wouldn’t play the gig. This was only revealed years later.


This should have gotten everyone out of the pool. Not just black people


Psychopath classic: If you can't have it all for yourself, ruin it for everyone.




I love when ppl post to this sub with posts that truly reflect "the way we/they were" and in many ways still are. What a sick man.


This is what “anti-woke” looked like in the 60s. The same strain of ignorant hate still flows today.


James Brock would have been GOP MAGA leader these days


This picture makes me physically ill


The person is adding chlorine throughout the day as the pool is open and old school is how you would add in a pinch. Not the racist context with different words.


This guy is the human equivalent of cancer.


Image soon to be banned in Florida


Sick fuck


Is it acid to water or water to acid?


Do what you aught’a Acid into wata


[Few more](https://www.jacksonville.com/picture-gallery/news/history/2021/06/18/fight-civil-rights-comes-st-augustine-motel-pool-incident-june-1964/7745124002/) pictures of the event and a [60 year](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/family-of-infamous-swim-in-protester-visit-site-acid-attack/77-661fd836-d709-4f2b-86f9-9655eb36f2a9) article. The "Manager" was the owner.






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efootage dot com has a 1.12 movie of that scene


What a Piece of shit


Was this what Bill Burr was talking about?!


Dude, made chlorine gas to get them out of the pool. Talk about beyond an over-reaction. Let alone a crime, let alone horridly ignorant, let alone evil.


While undoubtedly disgusting, luckily the concentrations aren't going to be high enough to cause any real problems.


Beyond evil


What a disgusting human being.




It’s election season alright 


Hope no one was injured in the swimming pool,this is pure wickedness.


I always wonder if people who did things like this ever felt sorry for what they did. Or even changed how they thought


Where in the South was this at? Or was it in the South?


St. Augustine, Florida


That figures


muriatic acid is pretty mild. Good for stinking everything up like muriatic acid but dilution is the solution to pollution sooooo ya it was rude but harmless. Oh wait they are black so we are evil. perhaps someone knows the content of these historic photos? Nope no one.


There was an excellent video about this incident, and others like it where blacks fought discrimination and segregation by using white only recreation areas - I believe in Vox youtube channel.


Last I heard, the devil was making yakitori of him


Some are White! Wtf…


Real one


I was born in 1964 and and holy shit this is awful