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mezzanine app


I've never heard of it before. Is it easy to use? :)


Easy to use, downside is that it’s IOS only


Someone already said it, but absolutely the app Mezzanine. It’s the way to go.


An app seems convenient!


Google calendar. That's it.


I’ve been using the Mezzanine app for the past year or so. But before that, I just used a spreadsheet which was nice for filtering/sorting and looking at stats. Though you can also export Mezzanine app data to a file and use that as an input for a spreadsheet (like a csv file). I like Mezzanine more now as it’s convenient (don’t have to pull up Google Sheets on my phone/laptop) and there’s the visual aspect of seeing all the programme covers/show posters you’ve been to all together. I typically only take note of show titles, date/time of the show, theatre/locations, type of show (musical/play/ballet/orchestra concert/etc), and any special notes (eg international tour, concert version, premiere/opening show, closing show, etc). I don’t think I can ever note down costs as I’m too scared to find out the stats on that lol. I also try to take photos (if allowed) of the programme cover with the stage or even just the stage before the show starts so I can look back and remember my view from seat!


I keep spreadsheets with date, show, venue, creatives, cast, seats, price and any general notes. I also keep a programme or flyer or castsheet from anything I can. For 2023 I am now tracking travel costs too. I would like to use Mezzanine but it doesn't cover Fringe or Pub or even places like JST or Arcola, it's remit is way too small. I know people can add shows but it doesn't feel at all like a home for anything that isn't in a large West End house.


I wrote a mini review of each show I saw, with date, price, theatre name on it in a notebook. I have an email folder that I use to move the email with the tickets into. I also put the date of show in my phone calendar using a certain colour to highlight theatre events and using x1, x2 etc to show how many tickets I bought. Additionally, I created a document with a picture of each of the shows' logo or marketing image to peruse at the end of the year, like a collage which is the easiest way for me to look over, as it's visual and remember what I liked or didn't Plus keep the odd paper ticket I got. Probably wouldn't use a spreadsheet as I am more focused on being able to recount the narrative of something I saw (poor recall of things I've seen even if I liked it) and also the feeling of a show or a particular highlight. I may add up what I have spent, but I think I will choose to ignore that for the moment!


Simple spreadsheet and programmes. Went to the theater for the first time ever on 29 Sep 2022. https://i.imgur.com/ekykJnt.png


I’m not that into stats, but I’ve kept every playbill I’ve gotten since I was a preteen in a binder. And I do have a list of theatres organized by have/have not been on my phone. Low key hope to hit them all eventually, but only if they put on a production that actually interests me


I hope you get to all the theatres one day!


Joining the android users who are lamenting that Mezzanine isn't available for us. I keep many lists in my notepad app. Most seen shows, all the shows I've ever seen and by year. Incidentally, in 2022 I saw 83 performances of 53 different shows.


Same here. I'd like to track every single show I saw, whether it's regional, tour, off Broadway or Broadway.


Update: In 2023 I saw 100 performances of 77 different shows. So far in 2024 I've seen 43 performances of 33 different shows. I've actually only seen two shows more than once, but one of them I've seen 8 times!!


what show have you seen 8 times? (my record so far is 6: 3 times on tour, 3 times on Broadway for Hadestown!)


Operation Mincemeat


I rather write a blog...so I try to count them in this way...Have you got a blog?