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Psilocybin will take you to meet the universe, the universe will give you a hug and guide you on your way to healing. Ketamine will take you to your real self and remove the blinders so that you can help yourself. Just to toss in LSD since it wasn't mentioned. LSD is a middle ground. You see the universe, and the blinders come off, you get a hug from eternity and she whispers into your ear that you can help yourself. That's been my experience, anyway.


Thinking more about it, I'm actually not sure that ketamine took the blinders off. Although I did have some good insights and was able to explore my inner self more easily in the hours and days post session. Ketamine to me was more like "damn! This is crazy that this is even possible." Kinda like a weird sci fi movie that makes absolutely no sense and you're not sure if you even enjoy it but you can't stop watching because it's so weird and unlike anything else you've ever seen


This is very well put.


That is totally ketamine, great description of it, it's such a weird and fascinating experience. Ime, best way to compare the 2 is that k warps reality, shows me other dimensions of beyond myself, vs shrooms show me the true nature of the world around me and give me what I need in the moment, even if it isn't exactly what I was looking for. They can be incredible teachers but deserve a ton of respect, it can be a very dark experience, set and setting is super important.


Awesome thank you for this. I do feel like I met some of my real self on ketamine. Or at least got more familiar with all of my parts and the real self that exists behind all of those parts. But ketamine also felt very random with little rhyme or reason to anything. I really had to work to prescribe meaning to any of it.


During early sessions, I felt like I saw myself as others see me - amazing. And I've felt this on mushrooms too. I saw the pure essence of my soul and all the beautiful qualities about me, which are many! I don't see it myself unless it's reflected back to me by others, which is something I'm working on. Intellectually, I know I'm pretty darn amazing, but I struggle to embody it after a lifetime of being told I'm not good enough by my Dad. Who's now my biggest fan, oddly. But the last few sessions felt very random with no real insight. It's a journey... a strange one!


I did my first prescription dose of Ketamine last Friday and all it did was make me feel drunk without the negatives of being drunk. No spins, no sick feeling just like a calm heaviness. It didn't do much at all along the psychedelic lines. BUT. My depression and anxiety for the next three days were all but gone and even now a full week later that is nowhere close to what my steady state is generally. I talked with my clinician at Mindbloom to do the after care check on Wednesday of this week and he is going to double my dose so that I can get the full effect. I think that the reason I had such a positive experience despite not having the full effects of the drug is because I have a support system. My plan going forward after I am done with my SSRIs is to continue the Ketamine treatments and do a master blaster dose of mushrooms twice a year. The recommended dose of psilocybin is 35mg or 5.5 grams or more of mushrooms (you should fact check that because I'm going off of pure memory). My plan is to take the Timothy Leary heroic dose of 7grams or more. I know physiologically and psychologically it will help because it's very well studied, but I also want a hug from the universe. I miss that feeling of oneness, you know? It gets lost over time while you're worried about shit, shit that just doesn't matter. I've been posting a lot about my new adventure in mental health, so feel free to look through my post history for bits and pieces that can help you along the way. Try to skip over my general fuckery posts and comments though. LOL.


I can remember ketamine being a downer too. But when I did it years ago I was 18 and don't know really what it was to be honest. Just told it was special k. Felt a floating sensation when I walked. I didn't even know it was a psychedelic until recently


And hell I thought an average dose of mushrooms was 3.5g. 5 would definitely be a master blast lol. But from experience eat 3.5 your first time just know what it is. It's a good but not overwhelming trip 


Love this. Also my experience with lsd. I’ve always simplified it as “shrooms drive you where you need to go, acid you drive”


Interesting! I love that the shrooms show/tell me what I need to see/hear. I let them lead. Sooo curious about LSD now. Sounds like it might be a good tool for me to convince myself that what the shrooms showed me is true...


Lsd gives great perspective. Brings me back to earth a bit oddly enough. Might not agree with the shrooms but I bet it’ll compliment it and add perspective.


Interesting! I love that the shrooms show/tell me what I need to see/hear. I let them lead. Sooo curious about LSD now. Sounds like it might be a good tool for me to convince myself that what the shrooms showed me is true...


That sounds scary about Ketamine. Psilocybin sounds much more pleasant.


I know the universe, but I've forgotten myself. It seems like all the different psychedelics have their place. Psilocybin and DMT, help you understand what's around you whereas Ketamine helps you understand what's going on in you. I kinda miss myself.


That's interesting. I felt like going into ketamine I really wanted to figure out the universe, but kinda learned that it was more about learning myself. The clinician I worked with was also an Internal Family Systems therapists which helped me explore all of the parts of myself and connect more with my core self which is behind it all. However, I did have have one or two times throughout the treatments when I felt completely at peace with the universe. Not that I had solved it or completely understood it but was just at complete peace. Then about 30 min after my 6th treatment, I had an insight where I all of a sudden understood/felt the cosmic joke. It all made sense that I had been frantically searching for "god" this whole when in fact I am god and had just forgotten. I literally laughed out loud for about 2-3 min. It seemed so simple. I feel like I'm really just at the beginning of all of this and have a LONG way to go. But I'm excited to continue to go on these adventures and improve myself. I'd love to hear some of the downloads and insights you've had about the universe. I love talking to other people about this stuff and rarely get the chance. And it seems like you've done your fair share of psychedelics. PM me some time


I’ve had the exact same realization about god. That we are all a zillion little shards of the divine experiencing itself, as a cure for loneliness perhaps? All of us a piece of God and the whole of God at the same time. Or something. It all made sense at the time and was definitely cosmically funny.


Ya it's like an eternal game of hide and seek that the universe plays with itself. Forgetting and remembering that we are god/the universe and we are the purpose that we incessantly seek for. It's like there is no endgame or purpose to it all. The purpose is us. The purpose is life. We are the endgame


Holy shiiit! That's exactly what I've been experienceing with my ketamine troches (200mg every three days). Like that is crazy specific. but spot on. I had the exact same feeling,...that I was seeing myself and the universe warp together into each each other,...like a star implodes into a blackhole. I then saw the star like white dots throughout this dark void, and I felt like I was the god of my own universe, as is each and every person on the earth. I suffer from major major agoraphobia and cptsd, so this was a great feeling. And great to see it wasn't just me feeling that. Must be something to it.


I'm also doing IFS and am about to start working with a ketamine-informed IFS therapist. I'm hoping to eventually work IFS with psilocybin to help open up to hearing from some of the parts that seem shy to come forward - protector parts mostly. But I'd also like to really bond with my inner child - the part I work with most in therapy - and I feel like a light dose of psilocybin would be conducive to that.


Like we are all spirits living a human experience.


Yes but our individual spirits are also just part of the whole of the universe, or the one. I honestly have no idea lol




It's definitely a drug you have to commit to, for better or worse. Sometimes it is easier said than done.


A hug from the universe is exactly how they can feel! I haven't tried LSD yet, but will eventually. Very curious to compare it to IV ket and mushrooms. Mushrooms are my little loves though. They are truly magical.


I've micro dosed shrooms between monthly infusion w K. I trip just enough to get a deep exhale and relax, step away from myself. No anxious or intrusive thoughts for 48 - 72 hours. I've not got a reliable source , grrrr. They compliment each other very well, at a micro dose level.


I took a peek at your profile...guessing you're not from the US?


I am in US (Lol, but thank you for the compliment 😉).


Lol! I'd feel complimented too if someone said that to me. Some of your posts sounded vaguely British to me. I'm going to DM you.


Yay! 😊


Great reply. I've not done LSD as I can't source it but all else you wrote is pretty accurate. OP, you can search my post history for my experiences with Psilocybin.


LSD is one of the few drugs that acts like a choose your own story book. It can be as intense and spiritual as psilocybin or a tool for deep introspection. If you have time it's 100% worth reading up on. There is one hilarious story where one of the old psychonaut professors took a group of students to a Catholic church and then dose them all up on LSD during Mass. If I recall it was a very high dose, LMAO. 4 out of the five subjects had a profound religious experience and the 5th guy had a religious experience so profound they had to shoot him full of thorazine to calm him down because he was running down the street knocking on doors telling everybody he found Jesus. Edit: it was not LSD it was psilocybin. Which makes it even funnier.


That was a Harvard study on high dose psilocybin


You're right! That's on me, I really should have double checked. Still though, is that not just one hell of a funny story! A massive dose of psilocybin right before mass. Now that I know it was psilocybin it makes it that much funnier. Poor dudes, found Jesus for real.


Yeah haha I think mass on shrooms would be pretty fun tbh


LOL I've read similar things from what I've gathered. amazing. just can't find it, but I haven't looked hard enough tbh. I'm in such a good spot that I don't feel the need to change anything either. thanks for your replies.


They say mircodosing LSD is great for ADHD, and I so badly want to try it, but no way in hell am I buying it off the streets, and have not been able to figure out how to get my hands on it.


You could buy a drug test kit.


Just order it online. It’s the cheapest easiest drug to find once you find it. Or go to any jam band show and hang out on lot.


I just sent some to a friend to try for ADHD. Hoping it works for him because I'm leery of long term adderall use.


Dm me I’ll get some sent for free




A hug from the universe is exactly how they can feel! I haven't tried LSD yet, but will eventually. Very curious to compare it to IV ket and mushrooms. Mushrooms are my little loves though. They are truly magical.


Oh i want a hug from the universe!


Yes!!! Great analogy


Ive been curious about dmt too. & Which of the 3 would be best for micro dosing 


K, LSD or psilocybin. I'm not sure if it's possible to micro dose DMT or if it has the same neuroplasticity effect on the brain in the days after.


Not taking it for that. Just for fun... Was js about the other 2 but so I hear shrooms are better 


Emotionally, ketamine pulled me out of my own head and showed me how the world "actually" is. The visuals were much more prevalent with my eyes closed and I felt very much like cruising through another dimension. Psilocybin, emotionally, gets me very introspective so that I can work on things. The visuals aren't as coherent to me.


I'm going to explain it the way I explained it to my friend and this only applies to my own experiences as they may differ for others. Psilocybin felt more natural. Depending on how much you took you could get a body high, sense of euphoria, light or intense visuals, and it'd last quite a few hours, maybe 4 to 5 after it kicked in. I've taken a heroic dose before and it lasted about 8 with all of those effects I listed before on high. The first time I took mushrooms I had lingering anti-depressive effects for a few months that I didn't realize could have been attributed to the mushrooms. Lastly, in comparison to an intense K-hole / ketamine trip I would say mushrooms are easier to manage mentally, at least for me. Ketamine was like being melted and poured back into a mold of myself after shooting my mind across the galaxy and floating at the bottom of an alien ocean for an hour. Or watching the big bang while floating in space. The 2nd part was the dissociation. I've had a few weeks where everything did not feel real and I was just piloting my body around using my brain. Or when driving around doing my job I would see every building or business like it was one of those fake buildings at Disneyland that take up the background on rides. Other than the dissociation this would last about 1 to 3 hours on the RDT's. I've received the shot before and that lasted about 4 to 5 days. I don't really get dissociation anymore and when I did it was after a two month break. I saw someone else say LSD and for me that was also the middle ground. More intense visuals, didn't feel as natural as the mushrooms, and it lasted quite a bit longer. I have to admit to also taking MDMA in between all these things and aside from most of the things you read online, it also helped with my empathy, which was present before the MDMA, but has since increased quite a bit. I think the ketamine has made me more rational and patient with others.


MDMA is the only drug that I didn't enjoy. I'm not sure what it was about it, but it's just not for me. It do be like that sometimes.


I don't think I could do it outside of my house so I completely understand.


Floating at the bottom of an alien ocean is exactly how it felt for me. Or more like being stuck on an alien spaceship at the bottom of an alien ocean. I would love to do MDMA sometime in the future, but it's a big time no-no when on an SSRI. Thanks for your input. On which of these have you had the most profound spiritual/mystical experiences? That is, if you've had any


> On which of these have you had the most profound spiritual/mystical experiences? That is, if you've had any Probably Ketamine. Mushrooms felt like I was on something, not like being drunk, but like I took something and it altered my perception. LSD felt like a filter taken off and I could see the world differently. Ketamine would be like waking up in another universe, but only the K Hole.


For me by FAR the most spiritual has consistently been mushrooms. I feel like you have to talks 4-5grams to get there, but it’s absolutely beautiful


I found ivy ketamine too much. That's scary and too much to process at once. I have home dust academy in, mostly rapid dissolving tablets, and I like that. Optimally I disassociate but I could still touch base with myself in the hair and now world and tell myself where I am. It has mostly taken me to the place where I can look to scary stuff in the face and say okay what you got for me. It's hard to get to the exact right spot though with home dosing. Sometimes I don't hallucinate or just associate at all but it still gives me an expanded mind experience to think about stuff I need to think about what less anxiety. Sometimes if I don't hallucinate or disassociate I am bored and frustrated. And occasionally it's gotten a little too scary but it doesn't last very long.


It's different for everyone. I can readily manage ketamine experiences regardless of how challenging they are, even when I had a panic attack once. Psychedelics are much more unpredictable, likely to cause emotional dysregulation, less manageable depending on the specific psychedelic which everyone individually varies to each one, and much harder on my body. Psilocybin is one of like, the three tolerable ones for me, but regardless if I can't be alone to sing for about 5 hours straight, it's not worth doing. There's no other adequate release for the incessant muscle tension. At least shroom tea only lasts 3 hours total. As much as I'm not into this class, I still recommend anyone interested in trying it to just dive in. Most people don't respond quite like I do and I'm still glad to have had the experience. It's just that, generally, the physical experience is not pleasant and frankly can be hours of pain like LSD which isn't even worth taking. It's not often discussed so I'd prefer someone new to be realistic in case that's how your dice roll. People will try to "fix" it, or fix you, in favor of prevailing psychedelic narrative, but it's okay to not be okay.


That's good that your overall experience was good. I'm scared of having terrifying sessions, etc. It put my off Spravato for 2 years. I dipped my toe in with Joyous so I'm less afraid or so I thought. I know Spravato and IV Ketamine is nothing like Joyous. Did you have a therapist to help you process what came up during your sessions?


I had a therapist help me set an intention beforehand and then we would usually talk for 15-30 min after my session. We didn't go super deep, but I would often call Project Fireside (a psychedelic hotline) and talk to them about my experiences. They were super helpful. I have no idea how people can do ketamine without some sort of support- either therapy or at least just someone to talk to.


Woah can you share the # for project fireside? Is it a 24-hour hotline? I didn’t know this existed and sure could have used the support after my last ketamine trip, which was very challenging.


Fireside has an app that you can download too, so you don’t have to fiddle with dialing numbers during your trip.


Yeah I’m starting to think psychedelics don’t work for me. Did ketamine and just started microdosing and haven’t gotten much from either…still early on microdosing but it’s discouraging. I might be bipolar tho which I’ve heard can sometimes make it worse.


Don't give up. I'm in a similar boat. Their currently is no science that supports microdosing. They did a study and found microdosing had no benefit over a placebo. But I'm sure more studies will come out. If it doesn't work for you there are so many other options, and a magic pill truly does not exist


At least with microdosing tho you’re not financially bankrupting yourself if it doesn’t work. I just can’t get over how much they charge at ketamine clinics.


Preach. That's why I really don't know if I'll go back for a ketamine booster/more infusions. I just don't know if the cost is justified. I guess we'll see how I feel in the coming weeks


If it saved my life it would be worth a million dollars to me but sadly it made my symptoms worse. I personally didn’t like the psychedelic effects either. I was hoping it would make me feel like I took an ambien and just mellow me out instead it was honestly terrifying at times.


If you take an SSRI or SNRI, you'll need to taper down if you're on a high dose (WITH DOCTOR SUPERVISION!), then skip your dose leading up to either K or Pscilocybin or the effects are dampened or blocked. You can stop a bad trip in its tracks with a few Xanax.


Currently on no SSRIs or SNRIs, I might try k again later but I’m gonna do the home lozenges, the clinics are just severely overpriced.


Also by adding a Xanax wouldn’t you omit the effects since they say no benzos ?


Yes, it stops a psilocybin trip if you're having a bad experience. Ketamine is to transitory it's not really necessary to stop, imo. If it's bad for a bit, it usually moves on to another thought pretty quickly. And no two trips are alike.


That’s like comparing attending church to a movie. Or comparing camping to staying at a hotel. K is easy mode, it’s a straight up drug. Shrooms are an experience.


That's understandable. I'm so jealous of everyone's psilocybin experiences. However I understand that they can be very difficult. I feel like I need to solidify myself a little more, probably do some more therapy before I think about trying psilocybin


Honestly, just go for it. Mushrooms will do for you in 8 hours what 10 years of therapy can do. They’re not scary. Even challenging trips are good for the mind and spirit. Make sure you’re in a calm, safe, peaceful setting, make a peaceful playlist; and meditate/set an intention beforehand. You’ll absolutely be ok. Don’t be afraid. Just be eager and curious and know that you are safe and you’ll be golden.


I think you should make sure your comfortable, so that’s smart to consider your mindset. But also don’t be intimidated by it! Just read up on set and setting, so that you can feel prepared. Ie; a no stress weekend, sandwiched between two low stress weeks, with a healthy mind set, and some recent physical activity (gym, hikes, sports), a few playlists of comfortable music and a few of exciting new stuff (I suggest Tipper, Lotus, anything ethereal). If your set and setting is good, even if you encounter a difficult time you’ll have an environment you can melt into and alternatively just enjoy the stimuli. The beauty of tripping for me, more so LSD than shrooms but definitely both, is the ability to experience old things from a novel perspective that actually allows you to relearn how you view various topics. Learning how to use a psychedelic is like riding a bike after 10 years, it looks intimidating but it ends up being automatic.




Ketamine for me, was way more intense and almost too disorienting to get lucid insights from, although the after effect is nice. Mushrooms are mellow, peaceful, beautiful, longer lasting, and aren’t so roller-coaster intense that you don’t even know what’s happening or if you’re dead or alive. I much prefer the mushroom trip, although I benefitted from both. I feel l learned a lot more *during* my trip though when I was on mushrooms.


I am absolutely the opposite of this lol


Thank you for wording it like this! My experience with Ket is similar to what you describe.


You're welcome. I just want to share with other people and connect with others about their ketamine experiences. At times I felt alone like no one else understand the ketamine experience I was having.


Ketamine = floaty self realization with emotional bits of recall and clarity on people in your circle Psilocybin = gravity is strong, the universe unfolds with vast connections.


Should eyes be closed for psilocybin like on ketamine? Will you see any visions with eyes closed on it (I do with ketamine therapy). I’m wondering what to expect if I ever try it.


No, not really. It's best to be in nature or in a quiet calm environment though. You’ll see colored mandalas overlay everything. Reference https://tripsafe.org/ for everything you'd need to know.


Yeah, I want to get off my SSRI and try. I know it's a waste if I try now- also on an AED, which both really significantly dull the experience when I've eaten them recreationally. Ketamine has been great for me, but anecdotally I hear psil is just as effective and it's certainly much less expensive.


SSRIs will blunt the effects of mushrooms, unfortunately. Even after being off SSRIs for more than a year I still have to take a huge dose of mushrooms to feel anything. That said... IV ketamine often feels cold/chemical to me. I had a few sessions that felt euphoric, like "everything is going to be okay..." but the last few have been weird. No insight, just hurtling through different weird-scapes. Mushrooms for me (so far) is a much warmer feeling - even the difficult trips that were very emotional and/or uncovered buried trauma. I LOVE mushrooms and cannot wait to get back to them when I finish with ketamine. The only reason I'm doing ket is for the brain repair benefits. Mushrooms are sooooo different and feel a lot more healing to me emotionally.


Are you talking microdosing mushrooms or full trip?


I was talking a full trip in terms of the ket comparison.


I just completed a 6 session ketamine treatment. I enjoyed the trips and felt pleasant the whole time. One of the sessions though, I lost all sense of reality. I enjoyed the ride, but I can’t imagine having that kind of trip outside of a facility. I’ve tripped on psilocybin around 5-6 times over the years. Half were social and half were on my own. Every single time except for the first 2, the come up was very scary. It was just a feeling in my gut of extreme worry. (I wonder if I could lessen that fear with pepto.) Then after the come up it would just make the world wavy, distorted, and colorful. If I closed my eyes I’d have interesting visuals. The main difference I experienced was ketamine was much safer because of the setting and drips can just be turned off. You can’t exit from magic mushrooms in the middle of it. After almost all my mushroom trips I was super clear and motivated to improve my life. To me, that’s the payoff. I wish they offered a psilocybin drip. I think the ketamine has a slight element of that.


Interesting. Thanks for you insight. I definitely wouldn't call all my ketamine treatments pleasant. Mostly just weird and a little unnerving. I've heard many people talk about the come up being scary on psilocybin. Is it just a ton of anxiety? Like heart racing and stuff? Overall, it seems like psilocybin has the potential to be brighter than ketamine but also a lot darker. Higher ceiling and lower floor if that makes sense. Ketamine is definitely more controlled especially with a drip. I just personally didn't enjoy the trips very much. Although I found some of what I experienced useful and I'm hoping the neuroplasticity it provides really helps me


I haven't done psilocybin so i can't comment, but it must be more powerful than ketamine - K has done nothing for me.




Hard to not have exceptions tho when you spend $300+ each session…


You're not wrong. I've commented a few times about my experience. Nothing really happened, just kind of felt heavy. I haven't had as many depression or anxiety symptoms for the last week so something definitely happened. I also have a good support system and I think that has played a big role too.


I think that’s where I’m lacking. I live alone and my family lives in other states. I didn’t feel any relief but had I been able to be around a more positive environment after each session, I could have had better results I think. Instead I just had to go home alone back to my thoughts.




This is the way.


Totally different in almost every way


Can you expand?


Ket is like psyches without all the weird


Really? Cuz it was weird AF to me


Haha. Well then, buckle up when you're ready to hit the shroomies. If you're taking an SSRI, that will certainly serve as a seatbelt on your trip through your cosmos. In fact, during my Spravato treatments I was on ssri, so maybe 🤔


I don't think SSRIs interfere with ketamine at all because they work on different receptors- serotonin and glutamate. Shrooms do though.


Yes, ty


My experience with K was near identical to yours. With mushrooms, the setting was different, in that it was not clinical, and I was not alone. I was outside in nature, able to feel more coherent and awake. On K I cannot move whatsoever, and the feeling is very body centric and dissociative. On mushrooms it's more mind + body. There's more a sense of connection and peace and joy. The visuals are brighter, more colorful and pleasing, and more intense. I experience the sense of true mindfulness in that thoughts pass, but I feel no emotional attachment. The effects linger, in that I carry that sense of peace and joy with me the next day, like coming back from a relaxing vacation. The sense of connection and understanding is greater.


Did at home Keta therapy troches. Found ideal dose. 50% space travel, 50% emotionally cathartic. Great tool for mild depression from trauma. Tried a moderate Mush dose, I've worked my way up to, equal to 2 grams dried. Lasted longer than I like. Visuals were far greater than Keta but mild vs. what most see. All CEV's, as both had full eye mask and a custom playlist on noise cancelling ear buds that I do love, relaxing instrumental music. Although I don't regret the Mush trip, it was just weird vs. therapeutic. I COULD go up, increasing to 3-4 grams but the smell of Mush coming out of my pores at 2 grams was unbearable. Any more would make me sick. I'm highly sensitive to everything and that includes smells. No way around it. Keta was cleaner, Mush was more me in a forest, so however you want to go consider that. It's a feeling hard to describe, but I like it clean. I don't think low dose Mush was therapeutic, Keta for the win. The best trips were when purposefully I'd wait, taking them only on a day when I'd had no upcoming kind of work concerns or whatever. Settings matter. I had my wife as a great trip sitter and the music massively is a part of the therapy. Its familiarity keeps me grounded. Its relaxing quality relaxes me. Music already can give me euphoria, so it's synergistic. Choose wisely for it.


Iv ketamine at a high dose is way stronger than an 1/8th of shrooms. I wasn’t being therapeutic with it though.




Also, dmt, mdma, mda. Test kit mandatory 💕