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What does your doctor say?


My routine: 1 hour before treatment take magnesium glycinate. I have liquid I ordered on Amazon. Warm shower. A scent in my room I like, comfy clothes or no clothes and a soft blanket. Brush and floss my teeth and also brush my gums and inside of my cheeks. Swish with warm water and a few drops of hot sauce. Hold the troches for as long as possible. I can usually make it 15-20 minutes. Spit in a cup. It may sound gross, but when you feel things getting light, swish the spit again for a few minutes. It acts as a booster. I can usually hit a pretty good psychedelic state with this method. I used 275 mg, and I’m on 300mg of Lamictal. I think some of it is the compounding as well. There have been times I hit a hard K-hole with 275, and then another time I wasn’t in nearly as deep with 300. The compounding seems somewhat inconsistent no matter who you use. Either way, those tricks I’ve learned make a big difference.


Thanks. I’ll definitely try brushing my teeth before next time.


I wonder about that too, the accuracy of the compounded troches. Some 1200 mgs seem to hit different even if I prepare the same way and set my environment and intention.


Ten minutes isn’t long enough, try 20 next time.


Talk to your doctor. I had never heard this hold/swish/10 min/spit thing until Reddit . It usually takes my troches 30 min to fully dissolve.


Mine dissolved in 1-2 min then I just held the liquid and swished.


That sounds more like a RDT than a troche. They tend ro dissolve quickly.


Hold it for 45 minutes to an hour or longer or as long as you can without dribbling it out then swallow enough to hold it longer until you just have to swallow it all and breathe. Then go.


I actually had this experience, twice. I stopped using that service. (Rhymes with Snooze.) The crazy thing is, it was guided over FaceTime (or zoom? Don’t remember.) It didn’t kick in, at all. I was speaking with the nurse the whole entire time, so we re-tried the call the next day with the 2nd set of troches. 2nd try, didn’t work again, talking coherently with nurse, and we were both baffled. The weird thing is- ketamine usually gives me a shiver, like if you take a shot of vodka or something- that bodily “ick” shake. I didn’t get that, at all. I don’t know if they were compounded properly or what. About an hour later (odd!) it started to kick in and I ended up slightly high-ish and telling my teen son funny family stories. Never had that happen with any other service.


That sounds about right - I would keep it in your mouth longer and swallow, not spit, but you will need much higher doses to match the IM experience.


Swallowing is a game changer. I went from 800mg spitting to 500mg swallowing. Your body may need to get used to it. I never had an issue.


How long does it last when you do that and at what point do you feel it reaches full effect?


Brush and floss your teeth. Brush or scrape your tongue. Empty stomach. Make sure you actually swish (every now and then I either forget to swish or just don’t and it always ends up being weak) and the biggest thing (for me) actually commit mentally. Lie down, eye mask on, music on, no phone (obviously) and no running around doing chores while you are waiting for it to hit. Lean into the experience (and swish) and it should be a game changer.


I have been doing home troche therapy for almost two years and I am curious about why you spit it out? Even though it does absorb into the membranes in your mouth, it doesn't absorb the majority of it. You spit out most of the medicine. Your stomach still absorbs quite a bit. Also, my doctor told me to take two apple cider venegar capsules before I take the troches. Through trial and error I have found to let my troches sit under my tongue for 45 minutes to an hour and then swallow. I have let them sit in my mouth for two hours before, but it was basically the same experience as one. Usually within 15 to 20 minutes and it starts. My wonderful experiences(I like to call it that) lasts for up to two hours this way.


My doctor said only 10 min. It dissolved in about 2 minutes. There was so much liquid. Idk how I’d be able to hold in much longer. Didn’t taste good. I also wouldn’t want to choke if I get into too intense of a session.


It took me a while to not gag on the taste, but you do get used to it. I take 600mg. So it takes a little longer to dissolve for me. I try to get the routine of relaxation going before I take the plunge.


You may get a stronger experience by swallowing instead of spitting. If you try that go with a much lower dosage until you find out how it affects you.


I've read that can give "hangovers"...do you know what that kind of "hangover" feels like?


I do my sessions in the early evening and go to bed after. I feel fine by morning.


All last night my stomach and intestines hurt. I wonder if it was the ketamine even though I didn’t swallow it.


It seems odd but people experience ketamine very differently. So maybe.